
Are you ready for a perfect storm


12-12-2013, 06:38 PM

It was over. Isardis had been removed from their lives for good, he had been satisfied by the surrendering of Tortuga the promise of knowledge of his Queen's whereabouts. Most importantly, Maija had returned home safely with Taurig. The trio had gotten to the ocean waters, which was were she departed, lingering on the mainland, wanting a moment to herself.

Russet paws had lead her along the edge of the ocean until she found the bay. Even in winter, the waters were clear, looking like glass. The young Queen had become accustom to the soothing sounds of waves crashing on the beach. Paws sunk into the sand, winter chill surrounding her, whipping her vibrant pelt around.

The Queen would not stop until she found a pleasant spot to rest. And when she did, limbs folded carefully under her, plume curling close to her body. Emeralds set themselves on the ocean view, watching nothing in particular. She allowed herself to be enveloped in a bubble of peace. Her sister was safe, her bastard father satisfied, for now at least, and her family was still intact and happy. Slowly her world was beginning to fall into place. Yet the Queen found herself lonely. She couldn't explain why, but she did, something was missing in her life and she couldn't figure it out.

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3 Years
01-03-2014, 11:41 PM
ooc: this is on Inu Island i'm assuming? I couldn't tell since this was in the archives

He didn't normally leave the north. And yet now was different - spring was almost here, Silana was safe for the time being, and he would allow himself the chance to travel. His legs felt so good after living inside of the caves - and his eyes adjusted to the sunshine and seemed to drink it all in. Aeron had never been a particularly bright or appreciative creature, but as he approached the ocean he knew that he enjoyed the warm sun on his pelt. Sighing he would approach the sounds of the ocean, his head in the clouds as he finally stepped onto the sand. There was a bit of ocean between he and the island, but he remembered speaking to Hajime about these floating paradises. His eyes would watch the waves roll forward, and he wondered - what lived upon the tiny kingdom on the sea, floating there as if it was not connected to anything at all. With that in mind he would step into the water, walking forward, forward, until he was submerged right up to his neck, swimming for the other shore.

When he got there, he quickly realized that he was not alone. There were other lupine here - a family of them. Had he intruded? His head would tilt, even still Aeron did not know the importance of paying attention to the borders and scents of other wolves. Fear did not seem to exist within him, his head was devoid of the cold that gripped one's heart when afraid. And so he would emerge from the salt water of the ocean, his fur soaked, and yet he felt wet down to his core. He felt sluggish with the weight of the water attached to his pelt, but with a good shake the monochrome lupine would shake most of it out and continue onward - straight up until another lupine crossed his line of sight. A female - who seemed to be rather content... he hadn't noticed her up until he saw her with the smell of salt in his nose.

Expressionless, he would stare at her, before stepping forward, standing in front of her and yet she had enough space to back up or tell him to back up. "Who are you?" He would ask, somewhat curious about her, but if she decided not to he would not be hurt. A good place to start with other wolves though, seemed to be introductions. "I'm Aeron."


01-04-2014, 01:37 AM

OOC: it was in one of the bays/beaches but I don't remember which, the island works though:)

Emerald gaze barely noticed the bobbing of a head in the water until it took the form of a wolf dragging himself from the water. Carefully she would watch the stranger approach, shaking the water from his oddly marked pelt. He must not have known that a pack of rogues resided here, that this was now her home. For now she wouldn't chase him off, he could be looking for a home himself.

He would approach, a question rolling off his tongue. Brows would lift a fraction, a smirk tugging at her lips. Who are you? Shouldn't she be the one asking that question? This was her home after all. An introduction would follow, Aeron. "I am Sibelle." Crown would tilt to the side, her expression light and surprisingly friendly for him being a stranger.

Forelimbs would contract and extend, pushing the queen into a sitting position. She took a moment to assess the wolf before her, taking in monochrome design and his vibrantly colored eyes. He was strange looking but not in a bad way. Nostrils flared, inhaling, it was a blessing that she had gotten used to the overpowering smell of salt, making it easier to pinpoints other scents, but for the moment he smelled only of salt water. "Would you like out of the cold? It's rather irritating." She would rise, offering an invitation into the forest and way from the harsher chill of the beach. If he accepted then she would turn and lead the way, audits twitching to listen to his steps. She would only stop when she found a spot within the trees, most of the wind blocked out. If I may ask, what brings you to my home?

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3 Years
01-10-2014, 05:43 PM
Between his travels from the north, and his dip into the salt water of the ocean he smelled like most rogues. All scent of Amenti was gone at this point, but honestly, it didn't strike Aeron as something to hide. He would stand before the russet female, a shining example of neutrality - and yet he had to be curious didn't he? To introduce himself, to walk toward her, did that not mean that he was looking for something, for someone? If it did, Aeron was not aware, he acted on instinct, implulse, and so far in life he had learned to introduce himself because names were important to other wolves. For that reason alone he would remember hers. "Sibelle..." Turning it over in his own mind and saying it once to feel it on his tongue, he found that he liked it. It reminded him of something familiar.

Her expression nearly caught him off guard, Silana was much like him, empty compared to those more passionate - living for the sake of staying alive. It was the way that they knew how to live. Yet there was something that shone in her yellow green eyes that he didn't know how to react to, and because of that he was left somewhat confused, and a moment of doubt would wash over him, forcing his eyes to fall to the sand at his feet. He stayed that way as she rose to sit, and wouldn't move at first when she spoke to him. The cold was his acquaintance. "I grew up in ze cold." He would say quietly - but when she rose his gaze would follow her up. "I like ze islands. Zey are special - vat sort of land floats in ze ocean?" He had shared thoughts similar to these once before. "Your 'ome is so much different from mine." The complete opposite to the caves that he had grown used to that winter.


01-10-2014, 05:52 PM

He was peculiar to her, in many ways. But mostly because of the way his gaze dropped when she asked if he wanted to escape the cold. The time that it took him to answer. The more he spoke, the more she noticed that strange accent in which he spoke, it was unlike any she had ever heard before. He spoke softly, his gaze only lifting as she rose to stand. His thoughts spilled from his darkened lips, he must have thought about this before. Your 'ome is so much different from mine.

Audits already stood at attention, listening carefully to the strange man speak. For a moment she didn't know what to say. It was as though friendliness was unfamiliar to him, as though were he came from, emotions didn't exist. "Where do you come from?" It was then that she realized that he had never really answered any of her questions, sharing only his thoughts. For a moment, suspicion would rise in her chest, though it didn't show on her face.

She quickly laid them to rest, he didn't seem to be a threat at the moment, though it could easily change. For the moment she would take baby steps. He had caught her attention, his strange accent and shy ways. "Whats your name?" It didn't bother her that she asked all the questions, she wanted to know more about, he had enticed her.

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3 Years
01-13-2014, 07:18 PM
He would follow her diligently, yet the space between them would fluctuate slightly, as would the pacing of his steps. The male had no sense of personal space really, and so there were times that her tail would brush his shoulder or his head would come somewhat close to her closest hip. Her question wouldn't strike him as a strange one - but he would wonder momentarily, why it mattered where he came from if her home was here. Did she plan on visiting? Exploring? "I live in zee caves up north." They weren't a pack that he knew to have enemies or allies. Sometimes he wondered whether they were even really a pack, Syrinx and his daughters were a family but the rest of them... well, he hadn't seen enough of anyone to really be able to tell. "A pack called Amenti." Syrinx caught his interest, but it would seem that the man was forever preoccupied, busy with family and dealing with other wolves - perhaps that was the way of an alpha, so much to be responsible for, little time for yourself.

When she came to a stop, he would sit down beside her, watching her closely. He seemed to take each interaction into stride, because no two wolves that he had met had been the same. There had been Basalisk all those months ago, Hajime on the islands that he had come to enjoy so much, and then Syrinx was more of a presence than someone that he could call someone he knew. When she asked for his name again, he would pause, wondering whether she meant his last name. If that was the case... well, he didn't have one. "No family title, just Aeron." His voice was soft, almost questioning. Should he have a last name? He and Silana were family, perhaps it was something that he should speak with her about. As far as he could remember, Luce had no last name in which they could attach themselves to.

"Vat about you?" He would question, wondering what her family called themselves. It was like a title to the young male, and titles to him were not something that he was familiar with. "Does your family have a name zey call zemselves?" His head would tilt somewhat with his questions, his tail curling around his feet as he did so.


01-13-2014, 08:20 PM

The man would follow her, unusually close. Occasionally, she would feel her tail touch her shoulder, or his skull brush her hip. Audits would angle back, listening to his movements. She found it odd, as though he didn't know what personal space was. But she didn't mind, he wasn't being perceived as a threat. He would answer her questions in stride. Amenti. It was not a a pack that she was familiar with. He would come to sit beside her, and she could feel his eyes watching her, scrutinizing her.

Just Aeron. A smile would tug at creamy lips, and he would return the question. For a moment she thought, how did she answer that. "At one time, I went by Armada, but I don't anymore." It was a simple enough explanation. Her father had disowned her as much as she had disowned him. His dark crown would tilt to the side as he spoke, seemingly genuine curious.

"Your accent, what is it?" Her own curiosity would have her emerald gaze turning to him, her crown tilting. She found herself conversing with the man quite easily, unlike most strangers she met. Audits would stand at attention, listening carefully to the man. He had seated himself close enough that she could feel the heat radiating from him. It was odd, he seemed to have no issue with how close he sat to her. For once, she didn't mind.

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3 Years
01-17-2014, 04:39 PM
She had abandoned her family name - did that mean that she had abandoned her family? She seemed to be a part of something here, though, so he was left wondering exactly what her statement meant. "I haven't heard of them. Why 'ave you left your old name behind?" Perhaps he should pay better attention? The Armada had not touched his life, had not made themselves known to he or Sibelle - but he was unsure of them. If Miss Sibelle had thrown them away, what sort of wolves could they be? She was... kind. It was warmer than he knew how to properly respond to, but he liked it, enjoyed her questions and seemingly genuine curiosity.

When she asked about his accent, he would smile, ever softly, before parting his lips and responding. "Parlez-vous fran?ais?" He would ask, and for once, he sounded not awkward, but relaxed and sure - not in decibel, his voice was always quiet, but in tone. It would immediately vanish though, when he explained his accent properly. "Eet Ees French - my mozer spoke it fluently. My sister and I grew up knowing eet and English." His accent was thick in places, but if he continued to acquaint himself with only English speaking wolves, it would slowly fade until it was barely there in the sing-song of his voice.

The yearling would meet the woman's yellow green eyes, still somewhat shy in an inexperienced sense opposed to it being an integrated part of his personality. Yet regardless of the shyness, he felt something sharp and bright conversing with this she-wolf. It was the complete and total opposite to the gentle silence he shared in Amenti's caves alongside his sister. Aeron often wandered from place to place, but it was here on Inu Island that he would be able to say he actually found something. An interesting lupine that he hoped, unlike the others that he had run into in the past, that this would not be their only meeting. "I could teach you a bit? Perhaps a word or two you vant to know?"


01-17-2014, 06:10 PM

Why 'ave you left your old name behind? She had expected him to be curious, but she didn't think he would ask. But she would not hide her fathers treachery, the world deserved to know, to be warned around the albino monster. "The name belongs to my father, Isardis, king of Glaciem. He has caused my brother much harm, blinding him, maiming him. And all for the sake of his pride." It was the briefest explanation she could give, without telling him an entire story. Emerald pools would harden for a brief moment before softening once more.

Words entirely foreign to her would roll of the brutes tongue. Brows would furrow before he began to explain. French. It was not something that she was familiar with, but apparently he grew up speaking it. As he spoke, some his words changed, some heavily accented, others not. He had absorbed all over her attention in a short amount of time, forever imprinting himself in her memories.

As soon as the question left his lips, her tail would thump against the earth, a grin stretching across her face. "Oh you must teach me! How do you say hello?" Already vibrant eyes seemed to brighten with excitement. The woman found herself really enjoying his company, and hoped that after this, she would see him again, she hoped he wasn't just another face that she would meet once and never see again.

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3 Years
01-21-2014, 11:56 PM
Her father - he was a King. He never knew his father, had only ever known his mother's love and that was far too brief a thing. Yet if his father had ever harmed Silana, he imagined that he would be rather upset as well. Pride was an odd thing, he gathered, turning family against family. "Ees your brother alright?" There was some concern missing from his voice as her brother was not someone that he knew. Any emotion that was present, was for Sibelle alone - and yet he was left confused. To blind someone, to take so much from someone you were supposedly supposed to protect. What could he possibly have done? He found himself disliking this Glaciem King, if not for simply empathizing with Sibelle out of pure instinct. It was not something that he had found himself doing before - emotion was lost on him, especially the emotions of others... and yet he would get the most basic of gist from this russet woman.

He would watch her face as she pondered his question, but his eyes would widen as soon as she grinned at him. Such an expression was not one he was expecting - Silana was a beautiful being, strung together with subtly and silent adoration. But Sibelle's emotions were far more condensed, and he found himself smiling as her tail gave a good thump behind her. "Bonjour, ees hello." He would explain to her, saying the word somewhat slowly so that she could catch on easier. It was an easier term, one that he thought would stick. Perhaps it would be a greeting that he could share with miss Sibelle? Silana would be the only other in his life that would understand it, but hearing the word returned was something that he was already looking forward to - that he could easily learn to appreciate. "I 'ope I am not too terrible a teacher." But he would try and teach her anything that she wanted to know.


01-23-2014, 01:11 AM

The man would question about her brothers wellbeing, perhaps out of politeness, but his lack of sincere concern did not bother the woman, she hardly expected it, he was a stranger, knew nothing of herself or her brother, there was no reason for him to feel concerned. She would nod slowly as she spoke, "He was well, adapting to his new life and taking it in stride." As small would play on her lips as she spoke of her brother. She loved the titan dearly, he was the only family she had, a family that had now extended to Maija and their pups.

His dual colored eyes would widen, as though he was caught off guard by her eagerness. Soon a smile would pull at his features, making what could only be a rare appearance. Foreign words would roll of his tongue fluidly before he translated. The russet queen would take a moment to think over the word before attempting to say it herself. "B-Bon-n-jour" She would sound it out slowly, the word falling clumsily from her pale lips. She would repeat it several times to herself, murmuring the word softly. I 'ope I am not too terrible a teacher. A gentle smile would be given, "We'll learn together."

ooc: crap post, perhaps he could teach her another word?

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