
Something to carry inside


12-12-2013, 06:00 PM

Blatant despair was not written so easily in his face, so boredom was not uncommon within him. From his jaws dripped red blood onto the snow from the rabbit he had, even if he gained no pleasure from this, it would keep him moving around. Despite being dead without a heart, he seemed to need to fill his stomach, and body full of food and liquids. It amazed him with however he had to fuel this walking corpse in every way possible. His teeth dug into the flesh uninterested as it filled his stomach. Once he was done 'feeling' full he left the rest off the rabbit out in the snow. The winter was crisp and he didn't blend in very well with his odd mesh of gray colors and markings. Orange eyes would suddenly turn on the pines to watch an injured sparrow fall to the ground. Something he would be more connected to rather than any of the living who wandered around here.
Paws dragged him forward, feeling none of the cold, but watching his own cloud of breath fall into the air. The small sparrow twitched around with a broken wing, as he spectated it, not moving it one inch as he waited for it to die. Perhaps it would raise up like he had. The heartless beggar could not fathom any of this. Fathom how he could be a king among millions because of the slightest tint of a second life he was granted without the feelings that he had once craved. However his emotions were still thwarted here and there, sexual desires remained the same as any. There were one thing than another that confused him, but he never even bothered to understand in the first place.
The sparrow soon only gave a final breath, screaming out as he took two steps back. One of his dark gray ears flicking, as he seemed like a curious pup starring at a dead bird any logical wolf would come across him and think he was insane. Though perhaps he was, but that was because of the disease that plagued his head. The constant threat of having his slightly immortal life lifted from the royal veins that no longer pumped blood with the missing cavity of his heart. Tilting his head back up as he noticed how the little dead friend of his would not be coming back. So instead, he picked it up by his jaws and set it near the rabbit it would make food for the other creatures in this forest.
The male sat down in the snow with a large thump moving the white stuff around. Softly he listened to the crunching noise that it gave off. Something he loved when he had been living of the sorts with his sister. The woman who had stabbed him in the back, tore out his heart. Leaving him in a state of un-being, of unremembered and regretting remembering everything about her. His white tipped tail curled around his back paws as he gave a soft hummmm, just to throw his thoughts off of his sister.



12-12-2013, 06:22 PM

A dark wolf entered her home, and dared make a kill of her prey. Scaling the trunk of a tree, she waited in a low branch for the wolf to walk underneath. Soon the time was right, and she landed upon the lupine with the fury of a Queen who's kingdom was being threatened. Blood and gore flew everywhere, bones crunched and snapped, and soon a steaming carcass was all there was. It was unrecognizable as anything, and all the tawny monster did was piss on it and walk away.

Oh how the beast wished that she could make that wish come true, but obviously that wouldn't happen. Not unless the cat had a deathwish the dogs that overpopulated the land would gladly carry out.

A wolf of strange markings dared to enter her clearly marked territory, and kill a hare within her markings. A growl of annoyance left her maw, but nothing more because it was, nevertheless, just a hare. Watching it boredly scuffle about with the snow, the tawny beast decided to play a little game with the lupine. Leaping through the boughs of the mighty redwoods, she soon managed to reach the branches above the wolf. "What are you doing in my forest, mutt?" She growled from high above it, glaring straight at the dog with pale golden optics that could burn out the light in your very soul. Resting perfectly balanced upon her haunches, long tail would flick in irritation as she waited for the canine's reason for invading her home.

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12-12-2013, 06:54 PM

Not that he was a big minder in the first place, it was a fact that he had never seen a cat in his life not even an average house cat so as it stood the scent to him was just another animal that could have been prey. In which he was so not interested in hunting it nearly disgusted him in doing so, but his stomach would yell at him and he needed to feed it. His paws shifted under him as he heard the purring of something. His ears moved down then up once more, orange optics finding the source. Yet the gaze of hers held no antic over the dead, she was a living he was disconnected from such things as that. The snow kept no feeling over the dead as the heartless man stood on his feet. Tail becoming outstretched, orange orbs surrounded by white spots on his fur as they scanned over the creature. What was she then? The odd gray male dropped his head, silent as he turned his head over to the kills that were in the snow a half eaten rabbit and the dead sparrow.
Then he stood back, it was best not to mess with a creature like that even if he did want to know what it was. Tail swinging back and forth as he made himself seem as none threatening as possible. He was not afraid, he never feared anything since his apathetic state stayed as it would. Feeling no need for this, he let a soft growl escape his throat, a soft rumble nearly mimicking a purr. As his body stopped moving backwards his eyes shifted towards the way out. If she wanted him to leave he would, he didn't care about any of this, as curious as he was, he never fathomed why the living cared about the dead being on their lands so much.



12-12-2013, 07:16 PM

The lupine seemed almost surprised to see her, and also confused as his orange optics fixed on her lethal form. Not a word escaped it's lips, but a growl rumbled into her rounded audits. In response she let out a scream, a blood curdling, nails on chalkboard call of loud timbre. Her body fell into a crouch, cranium lowered towards the mutt so it would get the full force of her threat. Ears pinned back, massive fangs bared, she called the wolf on it's challenge. Long dark brown tipped tail would lash back and forth a few times during her scream. No one challenged the Queen of the Redwoods. She was the tawny terror of the trees, the monster mothers told their children about at night, she would not back down to a mere lupine. Lowering her dark lips over her fangs once more, the demoness fixed her ghostly yellow optics upon the visage of the strangely marked dog.

Returning to her seated pose, the beast gazed down at the canine. Long tail hung down from the edge of the thick branch, darkened tip twitching occasionally. "You dare challenge Zafira, Queen of the Redwoods? Do you have a deathwish, mutt?" She growled irritably, staring down at the wolf. Boredom forced her to lay her powerful frame down upon the thick branch, massive front paws keeping her balanced perfectly while she lounged. The tawny monster surveyed her territory, before returning her pale gold gaze back to the canid. She waited impatiently for an answer, still curious as to why this insipid canine thought he had the power to invade her territory without permission or reason.

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12-12-2013, 07:24 PM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2013, 07:24 PM by Ubivat.)

His soft rumble was far from a challenge, so her screech made him confused. He tilted his head off to one side, like a cat, like something that didn't understand. He felt nothing of a threat, but this body would not last if he simply threw it out. Even if his nerves no longer worked, there was also the words that left her may. Death wish? "Kak nechto mertvoye , umeret' snova?" His vocals stretched over, quietly in a husk. Deathly quiet as it seemed, apathetic without feeling without fear. A paw stayed into the snow, as he patted it, he clawed it up into a pile before flopping into it. Crawling over onto his back, trying to get her to come down so that he could get a bigger look at her. Though she didn't seem to understand, he didn't expect the living to understand him anyway. So hopping up he ran straight to under where she was and raised his face up to look at her tail, so long.
"What use is it to kill a dead body?" He asked sitting there. Vocals again quiet, as the dead one made a soft huff of the air he didn't need to breath but his body did it anyway. An empty cavity where his heart would have been had been ripped out at the seems. He gave another soft coo, "I was not challenging." He wasn't. He honestly hated speaking, he wanted to know what she was, but he wanted to leave her territory at the same time. He had no desire in the place. He had finished eating, eating, such a stupid habit. Why did this body need it?



12-12-2013, 07:51 PM

The wolf spoke some language that the beast knew not the name nor the translation of. A single eyebrow would raise quizzically, but lowered just as quickly. The mutt seemed to be attempting to coax her out of her tree, but the daemon was not in the mood for puppy games. The next time he spoke, the mutt mentioned a delusion that was obviously false. The warmth that radiated from his body spoke of life, but if he truly wished to be dead, she would gladly help the dog in that venture. The wolf examined her tail, his warm breath ruffling the fur at the tip. She flicked it at his face, aiming to tap into his face. The canine professed a harmless intent in his being there, receiving a snort in reply. "Mhm... Whatever." The tawny monster muttered, rolling her pale golden optics. Powerful muscles would ripple as she leapt from her perch, landing a few feet away and whipping around to face the wolf. Seating herself in the cool snow, the beast wrapped her long tail around her massive paws and flexed the claws into the snow, stretching her muscles. "You still haven't answered my question, why are you here, mutt?" She growled, impatient and slightly annoyed by the blatant avoidance of an answer. Whiskers would twitch as she scented the air for intruders, always on alert for more invasions on her territory.

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12-12-2013, 08:07 PM

The living would never understand, and he didn't expect them to in any way possible. The royalty marking the odd colored fur of the male whipped his attention to the monster when she landed. He instantly circled her once, before sitting down when she asked him the question again. His muscles contracted, but he only felt the empty feeling of them moving around. Numb, like when your foot fell asleep except that was him nearly all the time in his life time. "My stomach was yelling at me. I have never smelt something like you before, I did not know other creatures claimed land." He splayed out onto his stomach, watching her with his beady orange eyes.
If one were not careful they could actually believe he was dead, as least his brain made him think that. He was dead, there was no heart. He raised a paw to where it should have been and taking in a deep breath feeling nothing, just the empty cavity. "I will leave if you wish living one." He stated, standing up again. Feeling restless as he ran scenario's through his head not wishing to stand against this creature.



12-13-2013, 06:26 PM

The canine circled the tawny monster once, and all the while her pale yellow gaze never left his own beady orange stare, daring him to make a move. The mutt mentioned his stomach yelling at him, which was a strange way to put it, but it also made enough sense that the beast did not call the lupine out on his speech. Then he went on to say he had never been graced by the presence of a feline, which was not surprising since cat's did not enjoy the presence of wolves, they were so very annoying. Her reply was a bored growl, essentially rewording what she had just thought. "I wonder why.." Came her heavily accented reply, Russian lyrics flooding the air with their power and presence. One did not miss it when the terror of the trees spoke, and if they did they would not soon forget what came afterwards as a punishment. The dog told her it would leave if she requested, yet something about this wolf had caught the beast's interests... What was it...?

Oh yes, the boldly marked fur that covered his muscular frame. A dark, twisted grin played at her severe features as she let her vocals find their way to the candid's audits' softly. "You are quite a magnificent animal, as far as lupine's go. Would you perhaps let me snatch a bit of your pretty little hide?" The daemon purred, the inquiry slightly strange no doubt, but Zafira was a strange beast, who wanted what she wanted no matter what other's thought.

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12-13-2013, 07:15 PM

The male kept a fair distance from the feline listening to her words like they were a record playing over and over again. As he stood up, hearing her ask about his coat, he looked himself over. It was his royalty, the strange coated colors intoxicated a very thin line of sustenance between the other lupines and himself. Even albino's could not compare, to the strangeness and complexity of the grays covering his soft fluffy fur, thick from his native land of Russia. He shook himself free of the falling snow, sticking out his tongue slightly with the thought then turned towards the feline. First he gave a slow nod, but pulled his paw out in front of him to tell her to wait.
"Do not make me bleed." He stated in his monotonic manner as usual. "I shall leave after, living creature." It was as simple as that, he couldn't feel pain, but it didn't mean it wouldn't scar his body if something deep embedded itself into him. The numbness came with the downfall of not knowing when he was in danger. So that was why he was so careful, if not for the lack of emotion he showed, despite having it. The dead one placed his paw down and waited for the creature to take what she pleased so that he could leave. It would grow back quickly, since it was winter.



12-13-2013, 08:52 PM

The wolf seemed not to object to the feline taking some of his bold pelt. A broad grin bared her enormous fangs as the tawny monster stood, slinking through the deep snow towards the wolf. Insane intent glimmered in her pale yellow optics, and thick muscles rippled with power as broad paws floated her massive frame over the frozen drifts. As she walked, thick, curving talons slid from their sheaths in preparation of the following task. As she stood before her quarry, thick puffs of fog escaped her nostrils like those of an angry bull. With a sly grin, the terror of the trees sidestepped to get a good glimpse of the wolf's flank. Such intricate, beautiful markings. Where should she slice away the fur? A chuff of thought broke her lips as large pools surveyed the choices. Should she slice away the fluffy white? Or some of the surrounding fur? Long tail swung back and forth as she pondered this, a purr of enjoyment at her current situation slipping from her lips. Finally, the Queen of the Redwoods would lift her massive paw and brace it against the lupine's flank as she sunk her teeth into the thick fur and tore away some solid grey fluff. Around her mouthful of soft down, she mumbled thanks to the wolf halfheartedly. Turning away from the canine as if it didn't exist, the beast trotted towards a familiar tree and leapt into the waiting branches. Here was her nest, where she had the pelts of her previous victims all spread out between the interlocking, forked branches. Dropping the fluff, she patted it into a crevice between some squirrel and chipmunk pelts before laying herself down. Curling up in her cozy bed, the woman dropped into the abyss of sleep.

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12-17-2013, 10:07 AM

The wolf did nothing, he did not move, he did not cringe to the creature's touch. A blank expression formed on his face as fur was torn from his body. Just the feeling of being shaken about came to him, nothing more seeing as the creature was sufficed with that. Making the dead look back at the missing patch of fur, red from it being torn from its proper place, but no blood to be seen. Satisfied with that, he watched the cat vanish, and sleep. He said he would leave, and thus was what he was going to do. Turning his paws in one direction out of the area he began that way. An interesting day, with an interesting creature if he could have added that himself. Tail flicking behind him, no worries there, his fur would grow back, but his heart would not.

-exit Ubi-
