
Going against the flow


12-12-2013, 01:45 PM
It had been to long since Isabella had pushed herself, all she felt she did recently was hunt and talk with other wolves. Though it was nice to be around others she was still very unsure about being social, after all she was untrusting and had yet to find another she could open up around. Though she hadn't opened up in a long while anyways, she had not hidden herself away and let herself be playful. She was tired of that side of herself anyway and was trying to break away from it, even if it was her true self.

So, with all that in mind she found her way to the river, and a mighty river it was. She found the way by smell. Though this land was vast she was used to traveling each day, she traveled like this for much of her life anyway, her paws could handle it. But now it was not her paws she thought of, as the fox colored she wolf faced the river she thought of her entire body. Her eyes, bluer than the river scanned it for currents. Finding one that seemed fast but not too strong she jumped in and felt the rush of the cool but not cold water.

Ears flat on her head, tail behind her like a rudder and chin up she paddled on fighting the current to awaken each mussel within her small frame. On she swam as the minutes passed fighting the current as if it was a great foe. The minuets dragged into the tens, the twenties, the half hour mark. Isabella was growing tired, her body ached and begged for her to stop but she did not. Ten more minutes she swam pushing herself as much as she could. She was ready to keep going, but her body had other ideas as the current became too much for her and slowly started to push her back. "No!" She growled snapping her jaws together not ready to give up. It was not enough to push her under, simply enough to push her back.

Forced back, Isabella could not overcome the river and let it move her back as she found her way to shore. Dripping wet she paced back and forth in anger. "What am I!? Some weak pup!? I should be stronger, better, strong enough to face this current until I wish to stop." For once emotion had emerged from Isabella, in part because she was alone. That did not matter much now though, she was to the point where she did not care if another was around. Pacing back and forth she glanced at the water every now and then, growling as she did so. Her ears were flat against her skull and her cold eyes burned with the fire of anger.