
The Westerner [Practice Spar]



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-12-2013, 07:59 AM (This post was last modified: 12-12-2013, 07:59 AM by Sin.)

It was time to seek out an opponent, to test his skills against an unknown. It had been some time since he had actually tried a fair fight, usually he just killed when the other displeased him without a warning. The taste of metallic blood always soothing on his tongue. The stains on his pelt as vibrant as ever. Long has his pelt been stained by the blood of those who wrongly crossed him, so long in fact that the blood is neither dried nor fresh. It seemed to just seep into the pores of his skin and his pelt would forever show the strange markings that were put upon him since birth. Perhaps that was when he unknowingly acquired a taste for blood.

Stepping nimbly over the strewn rocks and torn earth from past battles, he would leap gracefully atop a boulder, overlooking the scene. The sky was clouded with pregnant clouds threatening to spill the snow. The ground below cold, hard. Perhaps a little too hard to get a good grip, as even his sharpened claws seemed barely able to scratch no more then half an inch of the surface. It displeased him, but sometimes things happened in the arena that could not be helped. It was only a minor setback, nothing too important.

So with eager chords his head shifted to meet the sky, a single note howling into the frigid air. The sun weakly gleaming on his pelt though continued to be continuously hidden from view by the clouds. The windswept lands would surely bring him an opponent. Fortunately for them, this day would not bring death nor severe damage. He merely needed a practice partner, a tool to help him check where his skills were. He would, for once, not be angry if he lost. Although he would still remain in the goal to win. Loss was never an option, but if it was for nothing more then to practice then he didn't care. His hollow note ended, and he waited on top of his makeshift look out point. Amber eyes scanning, always scanning. The wind tugging at his fur.



12-13-2013, 05:59 PM
The battlefield had called to him - the blood had beckoned him, the violence enchanted him. Little more than a year old, Codeine had no official business here - but it did not stop him from showing up. Fron entering, from stepping into the ring despite his age and demure stature. Slate gray eyes would flick over the field, although the battlefield had called to him there had been a voice that sung. It had cut through the air and pulled him forth, teasing him with the chance to prove his worth in battle. Killing prey was not enough - he knew it was not enough, the older he got the less that it did for him. His mother was not there to focus his mind, his sister had vanished when Amenti got a new leader - and he had left the battlefield where his mother and father lay waste to one another.

They were his family, his - he was supposed to protect them and yet he failed time and time again. His fault, his alone, the guilt was something small that ate away at him somewhere deep inside. But piled on top of that was a thirst for chaos and the immediate urge to purge himself of boredom. He wanted to make someone bleed, as well as bleed himself. That was why he followed after the chilled voice of a lupine on the battlefield, not knowing who they were or what he was getting into. Honestly though, he hoped that his opponent was large, knowledgable, and as willing to fight with little held back as he was.

He would step into the other's sights, his gaze cutting up to the other's amber eyes. The young male would stare a moment, the wind chilling his fur as it swept over the bloodstained field. "You comin' down from there anytime soon?" The ivory brute asked, his tone somewhat dark, but there was not a hint of emotion within. Once the other beast of a brute touched the ground his defenses would slip into place. Eyes narrowed, ears pinned, and his lips raised in a snarl. The smaller male's hackles would raise along his neck and spine, and he would lower his head and tuck his chin, eyes never leaving his enemy. Behind him his tail would lash, and his legs would spread as his lower legs bent slightly so that his body was angled a bit closer to the ground.

Move 0 of 3



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-14-2013, 06:12 PM
Sin Armada

His call would not take long to be answered. Within minutes, a white boy younger then he would step into his arena. The fire of battle lit in his eyes, and even though he sought this day for practice, the thoughts of victory were well underway. He was curious as to who would win this fight as sharpened claws scraped the rock face where he stood. A twisted smirk marked his features, amber eyes sizing up his opponent. He was hardly something to look upon, quite plain and small. Compared so Sin, he was a common opponent. Shorter then he and not as intricately painted, however, he would still take him on. The glare of a rattlesnake seemed to emanate from his own amber orbs, noting that the creature below him was barely out of his pup years. Or so it seemed, judging by the size and the way the novice spoke to him.

"I take you are to be my opponent then? Hardly a match, however, you might surprise me. Let's see what you've got, welp!" With those words in place, his ears fell back to pin against his head. Hackles rose along his body, shoulders rolled forward as he prepared for his move, claws scraping the earth underneath him in a readying manner. Eyes narrowed on his opponent, tail aligning with his spine as his head lowered, teeth bared in a snarling grin, the movement causing his muzzle to wrinkle in an even fiercer appearance. From the rolling motion of his shoulders, his scruff bunched upon the top of his neck, chin tilted downwards as he squared his weight evenly on spread legs. He was ready to make the move, not wanting to waste any time. He was eager to find what skills had been perfected and which needed improvement. And what better way then to fight another?

The moment he set himself, and without waiting he launched himself off his rock straight towards the other male. He wasn't that much higher from the ground then his opponent, but enough where he was like a flying projectile. His hind legs shot him off the brink of the boulder, his left shoulder aiming to slam into his opponents upper chest, an attempt that would perhaps wind him and/or knock him back. If he was successful, then Sin would continue to keep his balance on his toes, weight even and his toes would come to splayed motions and claws digging into the earth. The attempt at shoulder to chest connection would probably leave the pair bruised, but it all depended on how his opponent reacted. Sin, however, was not worried about bruises or any other sort of injury. Once his secondary motion of defense was set, he would strive forward, head remaining low and attempt to bite at the boy's left foreleg, just above where the elbow was to try and immobilize him; to keep him from moving around too much. He knew that it would leave the back of his neck and shoulders exposed, however, it would be more likely that the boy would bite into fatty folds of flesh and fur. Something Sin was willing to compromise.

Fight Stats

Round: 1/3

Defenses: First set:Ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles raised, shoulders rolled forward, tail aligned with his spine, head lowered, chin tucked, teeth bared, scruff bunched, weight evenly spread.//Second set: Sin would continue to keep his balance on his toes, weight even and his toes would come to splayed motions and claws digging into the earth.

Attacks: Attempt to slam left shoulder into the upper chest in an attempt to wind and/or knock his opponent back. He will then try to bite his opponent's left foreleg, just above the elbow in an attempt to immobilize.

Injuries: None; First Round.

Out Of Character Notes: I look forward to this spar, it has been quite a long time since I've done one, so pardon if there is anything unclear or confusing.


12-14-2013, 09:42 PM
Codeine snorted, he was no whelp and this bastard was going to see that. Lips would raise in a snarl, and the yearling would tighten his defenses. His were eyes narrowed, ears pinned, and chin tucked as he awaited the other brute's movements. Breathe in, breathe out, the adrenaline would rush but the young male would do his best to keep his wits about him. Although he was brash, too bold with his lack of experience, he was smart enough to know that he was not going to overpower this male with his strength alone. His stomach was tense, his shoulders rolled and his tail tucked behind him, and his hackles raised along his neck and spine, the fur sticking out and making the male look bigger than he actually was. His body remained lowered, and he would wait for the right time to spring, all of the power in his positioning and squared back legs awaited in coiled muscle.

As the other brute moved to throw himself forward, it was then that Codeine would react. The other's left shoulder would be thrown his way as he came at him with more force than Codeine could completely counter, and with a snarl the yearling would spring forward a step and try and launch himself upward, springing his lowered body up toward his opponent where his chest would collide painfully with the other's left shoulder. The pain flared, and the bruising to the area pounded beneath his chest - but the adrenaline rushed along with the anger in the younger lupine's blood, minimizing the effects for now. The smaller male's front legs would attempt to wrap around the other's neck, his left paw attempting to achieve a hold on the larger wolf by trying to wrap around the right side of his opponent's neck and spine up near his head, and his right would be considerably lower on the other side should his attempts succeed, more near his shoulder - in order to keep himself up against his larger enemy. His now gaping jaws would try to snap at the other's throat his head angled to his left to try and get a better grip and further his reach while hopefully keeping most of his face from being easily accessible to his opponent. Hopefully he was quick enough with his attack to use the other's weight and positioning against him - since he was coming down, Codeine hoped that his jaws would dig into the other's neck further and injure him enough to end this fight quickly.

He would be moved backward by the other's launch forward, and his tail swept back and forth behind him to try and keep himself balanced. His back legs would hold up his weight the best they could but his splayed toes would drag along the ground, and his stomach would remain tense. His muzzle was lifted into a snarl, anger and frustration flaring to life as the fight truly started. If anything was clear from the young male's first movements, it was that Codeine didn't know how to fight, how to spar with strategy and tact - only how to go in for the kill - and he was willing to test his speed to try and do it, even if his opponent was larger than he was.

defenses: eyes narrowed, ears pinned, chin tucked, stomach tense, shoulders rolled, tail tucked, hackles raised, body lowered to spring, back legs squared, toes splayed and digging into ground, jaws agape, muscles tense/coiled, muzzle wrinkled

attacks: Throwing himself up at Sin, attempting to further the bruising to the other's shoulder with his chest. attempting to bite into Sin's throat. claws being used to dig into the other's scruff and hopefully keep him further latched onto his opponent.

injuries: bruising to his chest, damage pending to leg(?) (he wouldn't be able to reach it if Codeine managed to grip his throat)
Move one of three



6 Years
Dragon Mod
12-16-2013, 06:04 PM
Sin Armada

The adrenaline pumped, coursing through his body as the fight ensued. He had succeeded in slamming himself into the other, however, the other one had made a counter move that Sin had very well predicted. The boy had launched himself forward as well, causing the pair to collide with each other only to give each other massive bruises that would very much hurt, but it was a small price for Sin to pay. His defenses remained set throughout his movements; Scruff bunched, eyes narrowed, jaws splayed, shoulders rolled forward for added neck protection, tail aligned with his spine, weight as evenly distributed as was possible, toes splayed, sharpened claws digging in for traction, the gouge marks appearing in the Earth below from his strange claws. His ears remained pinned to his head as well, and sensing the tenseness of his opponent, he too tensed his body to make his abdomen and a few muscles rigid, though not all for he needed certain parts of his body to remain fluid and relaxed.

The others paws had wrapped around his neck, and Sin watched the other attempt to go for the side of his neck, but not before he too could react. He shifted towards the smaller boy, using a tactic that he usually practiced within a fight. He wanted to keep him close, and so he rose slightly on hind paws, extending his right(I assume Sin's right foreleg is on Codeine's left, forgive me if that was not the right angle) foreleg to reach up and grip the side of the boy, snarling as he made an attempt to slice through the fur and attain a grip on the skin below. Sharpened claws flexing slightly with the motion. This move would then bring him on some leverage, bringing his shoulder upwards slightly and his entire shifting motion would create a new target for his opponent; all done in a matter of a just a couple seconds. He snarled when his adversaries teeth caught on his upper shoulder, instead of his neck as a whole, where he had attempted to grab. It was then, that Sin's shifting towards his opponent would attempt to come into play. His motions pressed towards the white males teeth, attempting to spread his jaws wider for a less effective bite. While Sin, began to create his own move.

As he brought his attempted plan into motion, he'd keep the weight on his legs as evenly spread as possible, while the right foreleg /attempted/ a grip that would keep him balanced.(if it succeeded). His own jaws sought out a mark, and what better mark then own opponents throat? Sure, Sin was bigger then the yearling, but he was tactful and always thought about every possible angle before striking. And although his opponent had gone for his neck; this put Sin at an angle for him to reach the vital part of this kid. With jaws wide open, gleaming canines dove towards his opponent, his own neck twisting at an angle to reach, his shoulder throbbing, the pain of the bite masked with adrenaline. He was sure that the kid's bite would leave unsightly marks just about an inch and a half or so deep, but it didn't bother him in the lease. Focusing on his attack now, Sin attempted to dig teeth into the males upper left side of his head, in the area behind his left ear and left side of his head. If he could attain a grip here, then he hoped to cause some pain to the kid and force him to let go. You best be careful kid, one wrong move and my teeth could potentially slip towards your face, if not rip away your ear. I'm in control here, and at this angle, I've got options. He thought to himself instead of voicing himself. Afterwards, perhaps he would give some advice.

Fight Stats

Round: 2/3

Defenses: Scruff bunched, eyes narrowed, jaws splayed, shoulders rolled forward for added neck protection, tail aligned with his spine, weight as evenly distributed as was possible, toes splayed, sharpened claws digging in for traction, ears pinned, abdomen tense and rigid as well as his shoulder area, some other muscles remaining relaxed and fluid for ease of movement, ie. legs, neck, etc. Shifts towards Codeine as he attempts to gain leverage on the side where the attempted attack is to connect, hoping to press into the jaws to make it harder to hold onto Sin. As he does this, he'd keep the weight on his legs as evenly spread as possible, while the right foreleg /attempted/ a grip that would keep him balanced.(if it succeeded).

Attacks: Aims an attempt to scratch and grip Codeine's left side(I assume the area of reach is just behind the elbow?) Sin attempted to dig teeth into the males upper left side of his head, in the area behind his left ear and left side of his head. If he could attain a grip here, then he hoped to cause some pain to the kid and force him to let go.

Injuries: inch and a half deep bite marks to his shoulder where Codeine attempted his bite.

Out Of Character Notes: I wasn't sure how to proceed with Sin's attempted bite to his leg since I'm not sure whether Codeine reacted to it? So I just left it out of my post...I am also not entirely sure if I got the angle of positioning right, as this post is being written as I am at work and rushing it. I apologize for any unclarity and such. Let me know if there are any questions, though I tried to be as clear as possible.