
My jaws may just be hungry


12-12-2013, 04:43 AM

Icy flakes of snow fell from the light colored clouds covering the sky. As the one eyed male looked at the snow across the sparse pines, standing in it up to his ankles. It could have been challenging, but he felt the ever great feeling itching over him to raise his rank within the pack. While many of the higher ranks were held by Isar's blood there was no harm in asking was there? The call was not urgent, the king had every right to ignore it as it was. As he lowered his head, a small snow flake fell on his nose shaking it off Oddity tilted his head off to a side and gave a short smirk. Glaciem had definitely changed him if that meant anything at all.
In the season, he had met Abelinda, and that was somewolf he was still willing to risk his life for. Fallen deeply and madly in love with her, for all the reasons of when he spent time with her and more. He was no longer a boy stumbling over control for his emotions, he had made mistakes he had fixed them. Seeing for the simple scar of his torn right ear at that from Fel. He was covered in scars, but he wasn't not proud to wear them. Specially the clouded over silver eye, with three teeth scars over it, from when he tried to distract Syrinx from the king during the war. Though he didn't need to raise his rank all the more to show his worth. Despite all that angered him and more. Perhaps he would challenge for a pack again, though now he had no real desire to rule as a whole.
