
We are of the dark


12-11-2013, 09:02 PM

They were right all along, the voices in her head. They spoke of a fine line between death and reality, that of which reality was the one to fall every time. Because when the sun set, reality became thwarted, if not corrupted under the night sky. The stars gave off their glow like nothing had happened, because they payed no attention to the worlds endings or beginnings for that matter. They didn't even watch, because their eyes were turned towards a higher source, away from the decay of mind and body, away from the demon who was collecting a soul from the one he had made a deal with. With any hint of femininity, the floating body at the shore was to be identified as Ozz. She had no one within Tortuga, her soul knew that, just as she floated at the waves watching the demon at her side. Kai stood there red eyes eager to eat up what was left there, teeth pulled into an odd grin.
"It's time." He hissed to her as Ozz's transparent green eyes looked over at the island. Seeing as it was the tortugans who would be finding her bodies, and she wouldn't ever come back. Her soul would be one with Kai, forever and always as the demon would return to hell as it was. His jaws clamped over her scruff of the soul and suddenly became sucked into his very being. Before the Demon vanished, anyone and everyone would be able to catch a glimpse of the black five foot tall demon melting into the ground with Ozz's drowned body soaking wet at the shore.

Kai Speech, Ozz Speech,


12-19-2013, 02:13 PM
She was still wounded. Healing from the fire that had been a close call. Her shoulder tugged a bit but she was nearly healed. She had followed him, if only to confront him of what he had done. Their home was gone. Again she had lost a pack that she had called home and for what reason? She needed answers and the rage she felt was increasing as she followed the aromas of her fellow pack mates. Her ears fell back as she paused for a moment. A glimmer of something in the water, a blur, a forgotten moment lost in time and a whine escaped her.

She moved towards the drowned body of ozz. Her ears fell back as she looked her over. She was gone and she felt her heart break. She motioned towards her head and nudged it gently with her scarred muzzle. It moved limply and fell back into the water. Her ears were pinned to her head as she sighed. ?I?m so sorry Ozz.? She said with real remorse lost in her voice. She wondered if his death was Taurig?s fault. If he hadn?t given up their home and moved everyone here would she still be alive? She grabbed Ozz?s scruff and began to tug the female backwards from her watery grave. At least if she could get her on the inland then her body could nourish the world around them.

?I?ll get answers.? She said softly, her eyes lost on her body for a moment and she sighed. ?And ill tell them your gone.? She said finally, they would need to know. If she had been alpha again she would have known when one of her people died. Did Taurig even care anymore? She was beginning to think he didn?t. She took one last look at Ozz and whispered, ?Goodbye.?

-exit newt