



5 Years
Extra large
12-11-2013, 08:32 PM

Isardis would not destroy Taurig so easy. The Re, instead of answering the challenge and risk bringing further injury to himself, had decided to walk away, ultimately allowing his wife to be claimed by his enemy. But it was all strategic. He wanted the pale ghost to think that he had won, but really the cobalt man had another trick up his sleeve. Isardis wanted to take everything from him, destroy him from the inside out and outside in. But he wouldn't manage it. But Taurig would give up something Isardis wanted; power. The parasite would always want power and what better way to acquire more power than to have another pack under your influence. Tortuga would not willingly come under the albino's rule, but if Taurig handed it over without further discussion, then it could possibly be the answer to all his problems. He had already relocated his family to an island, as far away from Glaciem as possible. Hopefully this would be the last thing to keep the pale creature away from his once and for all.

Ebony limbs would bring the cobalt titan to a halt at the edge of the Glaciem borders, his own home, Sibelle's shoulder brushing against his own, his ever present comfort. She had insisted on accompanying him from the battlefield and unable to deny her, he had allowed her to come. His men had been sent back; he didn't need protection. He wasn't here to fight Isardis. He was here to take back his wife and give the beast something he would always crave. Massive skull would tilt back, calling forth the ghost. Milky eyes would remain forward, tattered ears listening for the sound of his approach, waiting to hear Maija come to his side. It hadn't even been half a day and already the ache for her was unbearable.



12-11-2013, 08:38 PM

Her sister had been captured. She wasn't entirely sure of Taurigs plan but she trusted his judgement. Russet paws kissed the earth, her should brushing her brothers. She had refused to allow him to go alone. Never had she been to Glaciem, and she planned to keep this visit the one and only. It felt like an eternity walking to the borders. Slowly the stench of pack invaded her nostrils, bring her lips back in a distasteful curl.

Her brothers crown would lift, a powerful call would echo in her skull. Now it was a waiting game. The closeness to her fathers territory set her on edge. Her crown fell level with her her spine, hackles slowly bristling. Toes flexed, her weight shifting from left to right. She didn't like being here. But she needed her sister back. The pale bastard had taken the golden woman. And all for the sake of his ego. "Will this work?" Barely audible words left creamy lips, her gaze turning to her brother.

Talk like this



12-11-2013, 09:00 PM

Maija's situation was one she definitely did not like. The white King had challenged for her in exchange for information regarding his former Queen, of whom Taurig had known nothing about. Regardless of him not knowing, Isardis had seized her anyway as the prize for his lack of knowledge. Maija was indeed angry. After being escorted to Glaciem against her will, she made a vow of silence until she was able to leave the cold kingdom of the albino. Since she was used to being in solitude, she was doing pretty well.

It hadn't even been a day, but she was still pining for Taurig. She wanted to be by his side, wrapped in the secure cobalt blanket that symbolized safety and warmth. To have been peeled from him made her heart ache, and the pups moved inside her stomach as she thought of not being able to have him in this cold forest. As luck would have it, her sad thoughts were cut through with the familiar howl of her beloved. Maija, who had been curled in a ball with her head resting on her front paws, raised her head with perked ears. She analyzed the tones that broke through the air and her heart began to pace a bit faster. Could he really be here?
She rose to all four paws and carried herself out of the den she had chosen, isolated from the rest of the pack. Leaf green eyes searched the rolling landscapes as she padded through the trees to reach the outer border of the forest. Taurig and Sibelle's forms stood out against the snow and all she wanted to do was race towards them and leave Glaciem. However, she knew that it wasn't so easy. Instead, she walked through the snow until she was a few feet from the border lines. Relief and worry mixed together shined in her eyes when she looked at Taurig. Her vow of silence broke as she asked him, "Taurig....what are you doing here?" in soft tones. Maija looked over to Sibelle, hoping to find an answer in her emerald eyes. When there wasn't anything else she could do, Maija reclined to her golden haunches and wrapped her thick tail around her hind paws and the bundles of joy still secure in her womb. Whatever it was, she hoped it would be beneficial to her situation...

speech here



12-11-2013, 10:38 PM

Ah, so the woman?s womb was flooded with the life of Taurig, eh? Pity, and oh how satisfying it could have been to force her abortion. And yet Isardis held no desire to do so, he would use the woman and her pregnancy to his advantage, death not needed. The call had been unexpected, and yet hardly surprising; the elegant demon falling from his resting place with the illusion of minimal gravity, silver curls flicking about coral hocks as he would waltz. The briefest of barks would summon his queen to him, and his seemingly closest high ranker and daughter; Roman, and proudly, lips tainted by the folding pleasures of his mind, he would seek Taurig.

His golden babe had found her way to him already, accompanied also by the foolish girl, Sibelle. It was a shame to see the russet lamb, reboring beneath his gaze with the prospect of greatness, only to have her waste it upon a closeness with the betraying blue, the enemy. Her gaze so swollen with a hatred unamendable, it was in that moment he would give up on her existence; attempt to blank her from his mind and disown her as blood, so as she would never plague his thoughts again. A low chuckle would tickle pale lips, bubbling forth with the cunning desires of their meeting, embracing every moment he felt the power of his position, ?Come to plead for your queen, boy?? wasn?t this perfect.


12-11-2013, 10:45 PM

She would migrate to his side as he called, having already wakened early and left the den. She knew her routine now, sickness in the morning, a few times during the day, and anytime she got around particular types of food. She also knew she would be up several times tonight, getting only enough sleep to keep her motivated to live - and not an ounce more. It seemed these children would have her pulling her fur out before they were even born, though she would not complain just yet. The call that had rang out, which had apparently led to her summoning, was of Taurig. She had expected this, and so the blue queen would walk alongside Isardis toward the visitors. The air did not sing of battle, and so she would remain relaxed and cool, eyes glancing to Isardis before finally resting on Taurig. If he didn't have a death wish when he'd bowled her over in the siege, he certainly did now. At least it would be an honorable death, if he indeed wanted to get his Queen and love back. She would not speak, not yet. Nor would she allow any semblance of an emotion to flood her features. An innocent bystander, she was, though it was clear - after long last - that she had picked a side amongst the feuding Armada men. As much as she loved and cared for them both, she had said it best to Argent - it would always be Isardis. Tail would curl and wave behind her placidly as she waited for something to happen - hoping of all things it would not be bloodshed.



12-12-2013, 12:04 AM

Achromatic spitfire had lounged lazily, when the summons of her father reached her pristine ears, the bark short. Without pause she would move to his side, violet eyes glancing over the king and his cobalt queen. She would move at their side, until they came to the border. Coming to a halt, she would stand her eyes glancing over the golden woman, they had recently taken prisoner, and then the blue 'king', and an unknown russet creature she recalled at the battlefield. At her fathers words, her gaze would lock onto the cobalt man, her face expressionless as she awaited for what was to come.




5 Years
Extra large
12-12-2013, 03:21 PM

Patience was a virtue and the Re had plenty of it to spare. He would wait at the borders all day if he had to in order to get a word in with the albino parasite. But he knew Isardis wouldn't keep him waiting; not if meant that he would get another chance to tear down the cobalt titan. Milky gaze would be fixed onwards, tattered ears swiveling as Sibelle pressed against him, her voice brushing against his ears as she asked him if it would work. It has to little Red. I can't live without Maija. He would murmur quietly to her, a heart wrenching scent tickling his nostrils; Maija. He would take a step forward, blind eyes roving wildly as he desperately tried to find his wife, a quiet whine slipping from his ebony lips at the sound of her voice. Taurig....what are you doing here?

Ears would flatten themselves against his skull, aching to move towards her, but realizing that her scent was strongest crossing the border and he would not take the few steps to bring his wife to his side. He would wait with burning patience for the albino to arrive so he could bring his wife back to her home. I'm here to take you home my treasure. He would coo softly to her, the sound of approaching paw steps bringing the man back to his former posture, ears erect, facade emotionless, stony even, frame rigid. Come to plead for your queen, boy? The scent of the parasite would invade his nostrils, the instinct to curl his lips in disgust strong but he would fight it, noticing two other scents mingling with the albino's; Sendoa. He would pretend not to notice that his half aunt had arrived on the scene. Her scent was different, but her life no longer concerned him. She had obviously made her choice and there was no point for him to be sad over something that would've never happened anyway. She would belong to Isardis and that was alright with him. The other scent belonged to a foreigner, a stranger, though the stranger smelled like the parasite; another half sibling perhaps? Not that he cared; he probably had hundreds of those already. He was here for Maija and Maija only.

You must be psychic because I am here to take my wife back. And I have a proposition for you that is just too tantalizing for you to turn down. He would hope to catch the beasts' attention, to peak his curiosity and get him to take the bait. If he could get Isardis to take his proposition, then his worries would be gone.



12-12-2013, 03:43 PM
OOC- wolf, kinda pp a bit, if you don't want sib to know his plan just pm me:)

It took no time for a golden form to come racing towards them. Maija. Emerald pool would take over the woman, inspecting her for any signs of harm. Relief washed over as there were no visible signs on the woman's flesh. She met her gaze, unable to say anything about her brothers plans. Only a small smile was offered.

Three wolves would arrive all within a few minutes of eachother. Her father was amongst them. The women at his side held no interest for the woman, they were meaningless. They were here only for Maija and her freedom. She felt their gazes pass over her, and not a muscle twitched. Word spewed from her fathers lips. It was hard to keep her face void of emotion. So badly she wanted to rip into the pale bastard.

Her brother would begin to speak, attempting to catch the ghosts attention. She found it doubtful that the man wouldn't take the bait, that he wouldn't be enticed. As the russet Queen stood beside her brother, a plan formed quietly in her mind. They needed a plan b, just in case. Audits
Remained flat again her crown, hate leaking from her every pore. Little did she know that her father had now disowned her.

Patience was no required. It something she greatly lacked but her sisters life hung in the balance,creamy jaws remained clamped shut, emerald daggers spearing her father as the pair waited.

Talk like this



12-12-2013, 04:54 PM

He would watch as the russet babe almost appeared to writhe with a hatred so uncalled for, a despise that poisoned her gaze and caused venom to ozze from her gums; Isardis would chuckle, pleasure bubbling weakly from his lips as he held rubies unwaveringly to her own, swaying with a delight fuelled with poor reason, ?Do you wish to chew on me also? You know you ought to someday, darling,? I would devour your pretty. Pale lips withheld a flickering of upwards smirk, gaze swirling with cunning desires as his attentions would shift to Taurig; the boy choosing to speak barely moments after Roman and Sendoa had found their place to him, ?It had best be a good one, unless you so willingly over-sell yourself again.? Was all he had to say, a snicker of bliss evident within the folds of his words.



5 Years
Extra large
12-12-2013, 05:05 PM

He was putting all his hope into this plan. Into the fact that Isardis would play into it and take it, leaving his family alone once and for all. He would allow his shoulder to press into Sibelle's, taking from his sister the reassurance and confidence that he needed. He would take a deep breath as the parasite's words filtered through his tattered ears, mentally going over his proposition one last time before he allowed it to fall free from his dark lips. You have no need to have my wife. None of my pack, including myself, wish to have anything to do with you any longer. So I have brought you a proposition. Power is what you thrive for, what you live for, and I have come to give it to you. In exchange for allowing my wife to return home with me, I willing pass on the throne of Tortuga to you so you may give it to whomever suits your fancy. You can have the territory that my pack has recently vacated and you may put whomever you wish on the throne, I will no longer care. He would pause, allowing his words to sink in as he waited to hear the albino's reaction.




12-12-2013, 05:17 PM

Oh and wasn?t it such a proposition? Isardis? lips would only grow more pleased, cherry features contorting and twisting with an amusement compared by no other, ?Don?t be so quick to tell me who I am.? Taurig hadn?t had the pleasure of getting to know his father, and whatever assumptions he made were formed only by a closed mind. Did Isardis want his throne? No. Not in the least, and yet there was something so very pleasuring about the feeling of submission it seemed to present to The King, ?You know that is not what I wanted; your wrongs will not be equalled until my Queen is brought to me dead or alive,? and yet he knew it was unlikely. She was gone.

?I will take your trade on one condition: If you see hide and a hair of Argent, or the life that you claim spoils her womb, they are to be escorted to me directly, or warned of their where-abouts. I leave no more room for transactions; if I hear she was ever anywhere near you or your people, be it her bones or beating heart, and you have not made the efforts to warn me, I will continue to make your life a living hell; and your lover will be no more.? It was strange to look into the milken gaze of a boy he had so tried to destroy, and yet here he stood, unwilling to give in. As much as Isardis would despise him, it was almost awe-worthy. Genes, eh? And to take the throne? Isardis had just the right man.



5 Years
Extra large
12-12-2013, 05:26 PM

The parasite would be quick to reprimand him for what appeared to be hasty assumptions. But Taurig cared not whether what he thought of the Ice King was true or not. It's how he saw the pale brute and he was in his right to think and feel whatever he felt like. You know that is not what I wanted; your wrongs will not be equalled until my Queen is brought to me dead or alive. For a moment a bout of uncertainty would bloom in the Re's chest, making his frame tense with anticipation. Would Isardis refuse his proposition because Argent hadn't shown her face to him?

I will take your trade on one condition: If you see hide and a hair of Argent, or the life that you claim spoils her womb, they are to be escorted to me directly, or warned of their where-abouts. I leave no more room for transactions; if I hear she was ever anywhere near you or your people, be it her bones or beating heart, and you have not made the efforts to warn me, I will continue to make your life a living hell; and your lover will be no more. An inaudible sigh of relief would slip past his tensed jaws as the parasite's words filtered through his ears. He was taking the deal, as long as Argent had nothing to do with him any longer. That wasn't going to be a problem. Then I hereby relinquish the throne of Tortuga over to you. And if I ever catch sight of your queen, I will escort her to you myself. I have no problem cutting her out of my life. She clearly belongs to you and my children growing in her womb will be your grandchildren that you may rise as you so wish. If they seek me out I will not turn them away as my children, but I will never actively seek them out. Do as you wish with Tortuga. Maija will be coming home with me now. He would wait, listening for the sound paw steps that would indicate Maija coming to his side, wondering if there was anything else Isardis wanted to add before the titan took his leave with his family.



12-12-2013, 06:05 PM

She was addressed only once, and it was brief. His words brought nothing but a soft chuckle from pale jaws that rattled her bodice. One day? It was all in due time. Taurig wasted no time in presenting his offer. When he had first told her about it, the russet Queen was shocked. He was giving up Tortuga, handing it over to the pale bastard. She knew her brother would do anything to get his wife back so it should have been no surprise. But she wondered how Maija would take it? The russet woman forced herself not to look at her Queen, her father didn't need to know anything more than what Taurig told him.

Relief shot through her when the ghost accepted it, with only one condition. She had no idea who this woman was that the two males spoke up, no idea what she looked like or what had happened, she made a mental not to ask Taurig about it later. Relief rolled off her brother in waves. It was only then that she would meet Maija's gaze for a second time, silently beckoning her to safety. There was no reason to linger. It was far more preferable to return home instead, she didn't want to spend anymore time in the presence of evil.

Every word that her father spoke was locked away, never to be forgotten. Briefly, she wondered who would take over Tortuga, and what would become of Glaciem and its pack. What would become of the rest of the packs now that her father had control over two packs? Tensions would run high, but the young Queen knew that they would be safe on their island, isolated from the pale King, minimizing the possibility of an ambush. They would finally sleep peacefully.

Talk like this



12-13-2013, 12:42 AM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2013, 01:41 AM by Maija.)

The King and Queen - Isardis and Sendoa - arrived shortly after Taurig answered Maija's question. His reply made her eyes burn and she wanted to race towards him right then, but she knew better. The royal pair of Glaciem were approaching and she didn't want to show any signs of weakness in front of them. After all, she was naturally an isolated wolf, regardless if she was in love or not. She craved the touch of her own cobalt King, but didn't show any physical evidence of it.
She listened with perked ears and an icy stare as Taurig introduced a proposition for Isardis: Tortuga as a pack for her freedom. Maija wanted to widen her eyes in shock and protest, but there was also a chance Isardis would do the same. Luckily for her, Isardis took the deal and requested that if anything involving Argent and her pups happened around them, that she would be returned to him. The only sign Maija showed a slight dislike to the name of the female that hurt Taurig was her front paws digging their claws into the snow, but she shivered all over from the wintery breeze that struck her shortly after.
After Isardis made the agreement with Taurig, Maija didn't hesitate to race across the lines. She didn't give any attention to either Glaciem wolf; they weren't worth her time. The snow crunched beneath her heavy pads from the pregnancy weight as she reached her nose out and began to nuzzle Taurig's neck fur with a deep motion. She ran her crown across his neck and shoulder, trying to get rid of the foul scent Glaciem's territory had set on her for that short amount of time. Her body leaned into his, right side rubbing against his before she came up to his left and nestled herself safely between him and Sibelle. Her icy green eyes met the familiar emeralds and she softly licked her sister's cheek before turning her gaze to the pair across the border. Leaf green eyes met the slight bulge from Sendoa's belly and a small smile appeared across her face. Despite their different sides, Sendoa was going to experience motherhood just like the gold Romanian, and that was added to their similarity list.
Quickly as it came, her face became expressionless again and she looked up to Taurig with her stony green gaze. "Să mergem acasă" (Let's go home), she softly said, leaning into his large body with her pregnant one. She wanted to leave the ice kingdom as soon as she could. It was an experience she hoped to never have again. The babies inside of her squirmed, but she refused to look down at her expanding womb. She would wait to coo over her beloved children once they were safely back on their island. Silently, she nudged Taurig and turned to start on the journey home. She was already tired of being on the large Alacritis continent, even for a short return.
-EXIT Maija-

speech here