
Make it hurt baby.


12-08-2013, 04:44 PM


Private thread for Jaegar

Set during the twilight hours

Still weather, cold but not freezing.


The smaller woman had wandered her ways through the lands aimlessly, unknowing of where she was going and what she would do she just headed her way around the places. Everywhere was covered in snow, cold and frigid the lands crunched under her toes no matter where she went. Aphrodite and Persephone were tied, the two of them, but often times they went their own ways. Pers was a solitary creature in both nature and will, so she liked to be alone, plus it gave her time with her thoughts.

The brain in her skull was filled with malice, a spreading cancer that never stopped, a whip cracked often times, sending bolts of electricity, she had learned through the years to control her twitches, but alone, she let them fly. She talked to herself too, but only alone, as a pup she would do this freely, alone or with company, but she had always been scolded by her mother and cuffed on her large ears by her father, so she learned it was only acceptable alone. She had also learned that in order to not be seen, heard, her tones had to be silent whispers or hushed words.

Each paw step was as calculated as the rising sun each morning, silent feet touched the ground nearly without a sound as she neared the destination that she didn't realize she was reaching. She had been traveling for a while now and her feet and muscles were aching with such an intensity that the burn was more then enough to keep her grounded.

She came upon pool's or steaming water embedded in the ground, surrounded by snow, Persephone stopped as she stared with curiosity, she hadn't seen anything like this before, the water was hot, some less then others, and the steam rising was like the huffs of breath escaping the maw of the beautiful girl. Drawing forward she slowly approached the water, once at it's edge she stared at it, inches away, wondering how this was. Carefully she dipped her paw into the water, the warmth making her wince with slight pain as the heat shocked her and sent rivers of warmth along her aching appendages.

She sighed, after the initial shock she groaned and closed her eyes, sighing with the relief the water brought. Soon the femme found herself lying on her side, each over sized foot soaking in the water, she rested easily, the nodules atop her skull keeping tabs on each and every sound, so if she heard somebody, she would have time to react, but for now she would rest and enjoy the searing heat on her aching body.



5 Years
01-06-2014, 07:38 PM

the repugnant odor of the decaying carnage draped over the man was beginning to burn his carefully crafted nasal canals, violating his throat and churning his stomach. it wasn't at all an unwelcome feeling - he did so enjoy everything repulsive in life. but while it did not disgust him, it was quite taking a toll on his adultrous life after dark. with that conclusion, he would have to replace his new friend maeva with maeva two soon. but perhaps not until her lovely eyes fell out first. he did admire those, after all.

the soft pop of a bubble slapped his ear forward, bringing those brilliant ill-matched eyes searching for the source. a hot spring. he considered for a moment on giving maeva a bath, as she so needed one. but after much thought realized it would only cause her to smell worse. but he, on the other hand, did so direly need one. maeva's damp undercarriage was beginning to rot, which in turn caused a reaction from the devil's skin.

it wasn't until after he shed her decaying hide and slipped into the warm bubbly that he realized he wasn't in fact alone. a gorgeous young woman made of onyx pampering her toes. my, my, my! what a wonderful treat i have found. his notes danced between a flirting and a matter-of-fact tone, sliding adeptly from his curved lips.

!! jae wears a full deer carcass (excluding legs) draped over himself