
I hear you screaming my name



2 Years
12-08-2013, 03:47 PM

The light was a fickle thing, was it not? It plays tricks on the girls mind, teasing her sensitivity. As she grows older the sun will be less of an irritating object, but for now it felt as though she where being punished. Not only does she have to fight against her weakness, But it was only recently since her father had attacked her and left the poor babe to rot. A scar splays across the whole underbelly, it was still fresh- sweet with the scent of blood and distate. The fragile structure would shift to where her delicate paws would gently take her, hoping to find shelter from it all. Her life has been short lived, and at the first glance she appears nothing more then dead weight. But thats not true. As the girl grows so will her strengths, generations after generations her family where successful. And still, to this day S'alkrie hopes to be the same.

The small paws would stop at the invisible line at the glaciem borders, there stench entoxicating her nose. She may be young, but she knew to be alert and aware of the dangers that lurk within. Lifting the tiara towards the sky the girl would let out a cry, a call for someone to come. She knew nothing of the packs history, only that she wanted to be taken in. So small, she was. Yet, even with her flaws she deems herself on top of the world. But for now that was the least of her worries, all she wanted to know is if someone would stop- and not ignore her as if she where but a mystical ghost.

image by Emily, Permission to use


12-08-2013, 04:09 PM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2013, 04:11 PM by Liberty.)

Something would push her toward the borders, and whither it was her determination or her jealousy, she would not know. Her mind would be blank as baby blue eyes set themselves on the ivory girl only a few more yards away, ebony lips curling into an amused smirk. Why did every female have to seek refuge in Glaciem? Didn't they know that winning over the ice king was not as easy as it seemed? They were foolish, because he was already claimed. "Well, well, well, look what the universe dropped off for me to play with." Lyrics would roll effortlessly as her lips curled and her cheeks lifted to flash the gal a counterfeit smile. She was treading into dangerous waters now. Eyes would scan over the pups petite frame as they rolled within their sockets after one last disgusted run over. Another albino eh? They were starting to go out of style. "You're pink too? It's a shame that trend just went out of style."




2 Years
12-08-2013, 04:24 PM

OOC: I just had so make another post before i leave for bedxD

The winds ravished at her small frame, picking away at her as if she where but a piece of meat. But that was the least of the girls worries, for now the gaze was set upon another, who seemed to be quilted in all types of greys. The silken tail would tap side to side, happy to see another in pure sight. That was until her words oozed freely from her mouth, and then it all changed. A smile would be kept neatly upon her rosy lips ' The sight of you makes me want to poke you with a stick, but whose complaining' That was all the small pup could think. Its better to think it then say it out loud, or so she though. The small tiara would tilt to the side, gormless to her accusation. " Im sorry for your displeasure ma'am, but you look no better either." A sigh would part her lips, before scrunching up the little noise. Who was she, an alpha? Peraps beta? If so there awfully rude. " May i enter, please?" Her pink hues where filled with hope, her structure bursting with excitement. This was perhaps her last chance to survive through the winter, afterall her life was like a ticking bomb.

image by Emily, Permission to use


12-08-2013, 05:01 PM

The young pup had been spending a lot of time near the borders, meandering up and down them, curiousity gnawing at him, a will to see the outside world becoming great. Young, he was too young, and needed to learn every inch of his pack lands before exploring beyond. He knew that, but still he couldn't help but yearn for a sense of freedom. Today found himself, patrolling the borders, when two scents that he didn't immediately recognize, though one smelled of Glaciem reached him. Ears trained forward, attention captured by the strangers, as he moved forward, carrying himself high, well, as high as he could for being three months old.

The blue hued pup carried him forward, pausing at the edge of a bush, to look at the wolves before entering the scene. The first, was a large grey female and the second a pup, that appeared like his father in some similarities, an albino. Curiously, he watched, his ears flicking forward at the grey females words, then flattening as he took in what she said. He couldn't decide what this grey female meant in her words, and the reply the young wolf made in response brought a chuckle from him, giving up his position in the bush. Striding forward, he watched the pair through amber eyes, his gaze would linger on the grey woman, offering her a soft smile, and a respectful, "Ma'am". Then we would turn his gaze on the other young wolf, and speak again, "My father, the queen, or his heir would be the one you'd need to ask that too, I do believe, though I could be mistaken. What's your name?" He would ask casually, meaning no disrespect towards the grey lady, but he was quite sure that she held no position to accept or deny others. Though she seemed interesting enough to speak with. Turning to the older lady, he would speak again. "I don't think I've met you, ma'am, my name's Genesis." His name he would offer with a slight wag of the tail, and a smile.



12-10-2013, 03:58 PM

Voices, there were always voices. She snorted indignantly and rose from her slumber, stomach lurching with the sudden movement. Oh, what a pain it was to bear children, and they had only just begun to grow inside of her. She heaved a sigh and moved toward the voices, hoping this time they weren't in her mind. She came across Genesis, a fine son of Isardis, but nothing compared to the ones gestating in her womb (at least in her mind). There were two other women as well, one familiar and of Glaciem, one of rogue descent. She would turn to the rogue, an albino like Isardis. ?Speak,? she would command of the woman. ?I am Queen of this land.? Proudly she would voice it, because proud she was to rule an empire with her brother. She would tecline to her haunches, her stomach distending a bit further. She was perhaps slightly rounder than usual, but not so much that it was visible to those who didn't know her in her true form. Sooner or later it would be unmistakable, though. A sigh escaped her lips, as if she were bored, as she eyed the woman in question.




2 Years
12-11-2013, 01:33 PM

Silence, would be the only answer. But the babe had little interest of thinking it over- as another came tumbling by. A pup, like she. The ivory tail would sway side to side with genuine interest, small creatures lurked here to? Great! " Hello, You look pretty." Was the simple answer to the prince, recently it was S'alkries most used comment- but never will she realise how its not particularly suited for a male. " Im S'alkrie!" Would be the final answer, with a quite chuckle rolling of her tounge.

It would be all to soon for another arrival, and it didnt take much to know that the Merle superior was the queen. The rosy eyes would gauge at the figure, her pelt looking divine, it was enough to make the girl envy. " Hello miss," The rouge would murmur before backing away, " Im looking to join the ice kingdom, Ig you'll... let me" Was this the part where she's supposed to say the things she can do? Well- there wasnt really much a pup of her age could do, or not expertly. At the moment S'alkrie wasnt sure whether she was going to be accepted of even be rejected, there faces seemed effortless of no emotion.

image by Emily, Permission to use


12-15-2013, 02:26 PM

She would glance over the pinkish child as she requested to join the ice kingdom. Ah, such youth, such innocence. It was almost pitiful, but she knew her answer before even thinking about it. ?Have you no parents or guardians, S'alkrie?? Sendoa did not want to make matters worse with Glaciem and others, and so she would question first before accepting the child into the fold. Isardis would certainly be glad for another youth to raise up in the ways of Glaciem. Eyes would turn to Genesis, curious as to how he felt about the girl - and if he'd gathered any bad vibes from her. She would then shift her attention to Liberty, before addressing them both. "Do either of you have an opinion you'd like to share?" Perhaps she was being generous, but the Queen wanted to know what they had to say.



12-15-2013, 03:25 PM

Before she could hastily reply to the albino pup another came onto the scene, one of Isardis's and Argent's blood. To her surprise he had some manners, and introduced himself, so she did the same. "Liberty Sovari. I'm the girl who caused your father to initiate a war." She would say, lips curling into a devilish smile as pride practically seethed from her pores. She had always been known to have an excessive ego. Cerulean gaze darted toward the girl again, her tail licking her hocks as she rose her head high with pride. "If you're beautiful, my dear, men will kill for you." She would add, words barley audible by the time Sedona showed up.

Head would swing toward her queen as she gave the woman a silent greeting by dipping her skull respectfully. She noted her sudden roundness, and though it was slight, Liberty knew all too well that she was pregnant. Despite her boiling rage she would refrain herself, for she knew this blue beauty would be far easier to kick from the throne than Argent would have been. The recent events had seemed to fall in her favor. Sedona would ask if she had an opinion, and she would respond neutrally, not giving a single hint of her inner jealousy. " She will make a fine addition to our kingdom." She would say, giving Sedona her honest opinion. Children were easy to mold.




2 Years
12-16-2013, 12:12 PM

S'alkrie would stand frigid outside of the ice kingdom, the cold seeming to take less and less effect each time it sweeps by. The two narrow ears that lay atop of her crown would flick each time a word was to be spoken directly to her. But alas the gaze would fixate once more towards the merle queen, not really knowing whether she had to explain her entire story. " No, they thought it best to be rid of me, miss." The murmur would contain no hints of distress or doubt, but rather bland as it falls of the tender tounge. After being alone for around a few days/weeks [which in S'alkries mind felt like months] she felt as though parents where simply objects that choose whether to feed and care for there whelps. Little did she know that they where supposed to show us the rights and wrongs, the knowledge of the world and how to survive.

But the wishful thinking didnt last long, and the oracle would ask a question. The babe would look between the two, thinking about the talk about war that the two where sharing. What was that? Her small tiara would tilt to the side, yet S'alkrie thought not to think much of it. " Has someone killed for you then?" the albino would think, yet not having enough time to voice her opinion as the queen swiftly made her precense moments ago. As Liberty would answer Sendoas question the girl would flick her tail across her hinds, half heartly appreciating the comment of the spectator. But what did the other have to say?

image by Emily, Permission to use



12-17-2013, 10:21 PM

It was with the dangerous ease he was so familiar for that Isardis would slink silently from the confines of Glaciem?s pine forests; a demon crafted by the fingers of several angels, perfection even through the battles that hid unknowingly beneath his flesh. So effortlessly he could have remained unseen until the last vital moment, camouflaged against the pristine snows of his Kingdom, silent as dainty paws would waft his body so seamlessly towards the small crowd that brewed. Perhaps if he weren?t so proud, so consuming, he wouldn?t have let free the eerily impressed chuckle that would roll his tongue; breaking his disguise as he seemed so bemused with Liberty?s words. She was still so convinced The Siege had all been for her.
However something would cause him to pause, the realisation of the babe that had drawn so much attention, stopping within his tracks as ruby gape would come to rest upon the candy structures of a lamb so divine, so perfect. Muscles shuddered beneath his skin, and for a moment he almost presumed it was a long-lost child of his own, and yet the child?s scent was so unfamiliar. Corals tilts would bring him closer, cherry nostrils eager for her infantile perfume, and yet still it would fail to reveal her secrets. ?What a sight you are, little miss; even in your age you are a splendour,? lips would tweak as he continued to take in the situation. Glancing to Sendoa, still aware of Liberty and genesis? presence, ?What of the whelps mother?? So tempted he was, to claim the small girl as his own blood, her regality great enough to please.

Santa Claws

12-18-2013, 08:07 PM

Santa Claws doubts Isardis' intentions for S'alkrie!

He has filled his stocking with 30 pieces of coal.

And has given 30 gems to S'alkrie for compensation.

Merry Christmas!


12-20-2013, 03:13 AM

Genesis's first impression of Liberty, as the woman introduced herself, was mixed. She was the one who led to the war? He felt curious about her, and another feeling burned deep within him, a feeling he was unsure of. "A pleasure, Ms. Sovari". He would formally speak to the woman until he developed a solid opinion on her, and his attention would turn to the others. His attention shifted back to the younger wolf, and then to the Queen. Taking in the conversation before him, he watched closely wondering what would happen. When Sendoa asked his and Liberty's opinion, he stared at the other youth thoughtfully, and would wait a moment before speaking. "New blood is always useful, and she seems like she'll grow to be an asset to the kingdom."

He would speak confidently, his amber eyes looking up at the queen. He was young, but he didn't doubt himself. Then his father arrived, and he felt his tail wag slightly behind him, a subtle greeting for the man. He would watch and wait, as the king addressed his queen, turning to look at the wolf their attention had all been claimed by. A soft smile formed on his jaws as he kindly looked at her, and waited for the outcome.




2 Years
12-25-2013, 09:45 AM

Silence, was the pale man in the distance. He where a king by nature, his proud structure and confidence flaring like a blazing fire; so divine. yet he could appear unnoticed in the shadows- was that how he liked it? to be as sly as a fox. It took a matter of minutes for S'alkrie to devour his appearance, and yet even with the intake- it seemed as though he where but a figment of her imagination. He would eat away at the distance from the crowd to greet and observe. A smile would flick upon her rosy lips, The wispy tail flicking excitedly at her rear. " Thankyou, your pretty to! we could be friends" She'd say no more, instead looking upon the man that looks so similiar as she, that even S'alkrie could mistake him as blood.

the ruby gaze would flick towards the pup, staring at his markings around the eyes and ears, and for only a moment she'd admire. " I no longer have a mother, my family thought it'd be better if i was gone." Trailing back to the day the placid babe didnt understand what they meant, but they said it so nicely- yet so forcefully. She was to young to understand, to really think about it. But it never really was of S'alkries concern, she found the decision in her favour. After all her father treated her as though she where just a ragged doll.

image by Emily, Permission to use


12-28-2013, 11:57 AM

Isardis would arrive, affording her the chance to defer the decision to his ultimate authority. She would say nothing, but give him a knowing and affectionate look as he sorted out where the child's mother was. Her family had been rid of her, but why? An ear quirked on the Queen's crown as she tried to determine the reasoning behind such a choice. But alas, there were too many to choose just one. Sendoa knew of her fate as soon as the girl uttered these words, for a homeless albino creature could not simply take a home anywhere else. She would be seated amongst Isardis' white robes, to live out her years in humble - but great - servitude of his kingdom - their kingdom. So many times she had forgotten she shared a stake in it.
