
old is your soul.


12-07-2013, 11:11 PM

Standing above the exceptional amount of snow, the frau eyed the scenery with all do respect. The cavern was crooked and tainted as only the mere dim light discovered the dark mouth of a cave. Only the slightest, yet daintiest of paws lingered upon the stepping stone of the carved rock. Light illuminating the hidden corners, banishing the demons that laid upon the dark trenches. A vibrant hue resembling a hue of a lilac flower, glinted barely in the light, even so while admiring the carved images that coated the walls uniquely with it's own aspect of creativity. Elpaxia, sauntered across the bright ball room, taking in eagerly every tile of picture. There seemed to be more than images here, but a story for youngsters also. A story to put children to sleep, at the full moon before the dawn. The circles and horns of war against mammoths and prey were drawn, but fading not so drastically. Perhaps, these hadn't faded for a reason, but then again, she was just making a even bigger deal out of something so little. But.. interesting. Yes, it was interesting. The frau moved herself slowly across the walls, straining herself down at a bright corner. Elegantly curling her vibrant plume across her legs she again studied the stories that were carved upon the walls. But it surely wasn't fun at all if there was no one to share or discover the story with.
so many questions, but I'm talking to myself

Virgil I


4 Years
12-08-2013, 03:22 PM
Amenti was home for now once lu posts Syrinx to Virgil's thread >:U, at least until Virgil felt strong enough to challenge for a pack. For now, however, she was comfortable here. The caves provided decent shelter and shade, and by living with this pack, the Olympian could hope to forge a strong alliance. Perhaps she would ask her oracles about a betrothal, or at the very least a blood promise. The pack seemed strong, and it would be worth, at least in Virgil's eyes, allying themselves wtih.

Today she would note an intruder, ears pulling forth and hackles rising into a dominant position. The golden girl approached the stranger, noting her, barking at her softly. "You realize that you are intruding?" she said stiffly, formally, but not unpleasant. She would see what this woman had to say to her before she dared to become violent. It would not do, after all, to chase away a potential member.


12-08-2013, 03:52 PM

The light dragged across her fur with the exception of having warmth for once. The frau scanned the area, pinning her auditees against her crown in the sensation that there was certainly someone sauntering near the cave entrance. It had seemed that the outline of a wolf that was close to size of herself, though she bit her tongue to hold back a snappy reply right back at her response of being here. "Apologies.. the snow is rather rough and must've whipped away some of the marking, for I didn't know that this was claimed.." She spoke, glancing warily at the female, she let a arsenal knife slide out of her lips, yet just one, for she wasn't about to get bossed around by a pup. As with her skill in hunting, the navigation gift that was given to her, she did not smell any boarder around the 'territory'. Though she was rather drowsy at the moment. "I go by Elpraxia, and I've just came to this land not so long ago, a couple days ago, I have smelt many scents and at times, I can't tell which are packs and which aren't. I'm still getting used to being on my own, I've been walking rather long and I'm rather.. drowsy. Perhaps, you could tell me what territory I trespassed on, and which I may have some loyalty and acquaintanceship in this pack if I'm interested." She nodded with respect before arriving on her own appendages, standing a respectful distance away.
so many questions, but I'm talking to myself



Extra small
12-08-2013, 11:35 PM (This post was last modified: 12-08-2013, 11:36 PM by Syrinx.)

He was not the first one to arrive, but this simple fact did not deter the king from what were his obvious goal; ridding his domain of the sneaking heathen. A rough growl resonated in the depths of his chest and his shoulders seemed to roll with each stride taken by him. Head was lowered over his breast and like a leviathan he curled around the rocks and the caves-winding and twisting until he made his way alongside Virgil. He aims to press his shoulder against her hip and that is the end of his affection. The isabelline woman has caught his attention, but in ways that are not entirely certain. He enjoys their rivalry more than he enjoys anything else about her. She, to him, is what he expects Eos is to everyone else--thus her ability to so easily enamour him.

"Amenti. And it's mine. I would expect you have a better reason to pass my borders than a damned bit of cold," Snow was the reason she said she had surpassed the borders set up by him? he was aware of the fact he had an odd peice of land...a small almost plateau that was risen from the snow into a massive cave system, but it was hard to miss the scents that were so seemingly engraved into the very stone upon which they stood. Eyes were scrutinizing and distrusting and he only wrinkled his nose and continued to pointedly glare, "Interest is not something I'll provide to you, Elpraxia. I don't intend on luring you in," He was far more in depth with himself.
Table by Lu
[Image: 2ikflu9.jpg]

Virgil I


4 Years
12-09-2013, 03:03 PM

Fiery gaze observed the pale-coated woman, wondering if she had even realized that she was intruding. It mattered little to the matriarch; accidental or not, an intruder was an intruder just as a murderer was a murderer. ?Ignorance is no excuse,? she offered simply, not harshly, flickering her tail. Virgil knew not what to do; if it were her pack she would give the woman two options join or leave and yet she lacked such authority. However, the indecision did not last her long, for soon she felt a bump against her hip, head pivoting for a moment to focus upon her russet-smothered king. The choice was in his hands now, and should he call upon her, she would answer.

For now she sat, comfortable, eyes reaffirming their position upon their unwanted company. ?I can escort you out of the territory, to avoid confusion,? she said, sharply, leaving no room for arguing should the woman decide to. These caves belonged to Amenti, and Virgil would not stand for letting this woman sneak around the territory as she pleased. It may not have been her own pack, but it was a matter of her own life. Nonetheless, she would wait for now, prepared to execute orders. Virgil didn?t enjoy being a security guard, but for now she was a subordinate, and as such it was necessary.

Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]