
gonna be the very best



12-07-2013, 07:42 PM

She hated to admit it, but she was growing more and more bored with Valhalla by the day. At least Seracia had had different scenery, different wolves to observe. Here there was never anyone new (or so it seemed) and no one looked her way because of her age. Her word meant nothing and held no weight, and her intelligence had yet to be tested and therefore was of no use. Therefore, Solaine was rather discontent to sit around and mope - growing more and more frustrated by the second. The Adravendi girl stifled a yawn - only partially successfully - as she lay just outside of her den. She had no purpose here, and it was clear she was of no use - or so it seemed. So what on earth was the girl to do? Sit around until she got big enough to matter? A growl resonated in her chest. No. She knew she had to make herself matter, make them see that she was more important than they thought.

She would cry out for Gael, her melodic howl demanding his presence promptly. She was in no mood to wait around - she'd done quite enough of that. Gael was perhaps the only one who might understand, the only one who would listen without cooing at her like she was a child, or laughing off every word she said. She had faith in Gael, in her big brother. She rose up from her laying position, shaking off the dust and debris and readying herself. Ears lay back against her skull, whilst her head lowered to the level of her spine. She didn't know much about defense, but it was common sense to lower your center of gravity - the child had fallen down plenty of times to learn that. She also knew that you always had to protect your throat, and so she would tuck her chin down a few degrees. Tail stuck out behind her stiffly as she waited for him, snapping her eyes this way and that to detect his approach hopefully before he was upon her.



12-07-2013, 08:08 PM

Valhalla was enjoying relative peace. The war had finally settled down and now it was time for his family to recuperate. Which was Gael had been doing since he had gotten back and been seen by the Seracian healer Loccian. The wounds he'd obtained from the crazed amenti bitch had all but healed, the skin re knitting quite nicely, though he would have permanent scars. The scars weren't something that bothered him; they were reminders to himself and others that he would risk his own life for his pack.

A familiar voice cut through his semi-conscious mind, lids blearily blinking as he awoke, jaws parting to release yawn. Limbs would unscramble themselves, pulling his figure from beside Meili's, giving her skull a gentle lick before making his way out of the den they'd made their own for the time being, audits pivoting to and fro to better catch the sound of the call. Solaine was calling to him. It had been some time since he had seen his baby sister. He had been too busy attending to pack affairs now that he was the Heir and now that he thought it about it, he felt kind of bad that he hadn't given his sister more attention. With this mind Gael would set off, limbs pulling him easily through the terrain in the direction of his sister's call. Cerulean gaze would fall across her snow pelt, noticing how she was crouched low to the ground, her chin tucked towards her chest, appearing as if she were ready to spar with someone. Could that be the reason that she had called him?

The older Adravendi would approach the babe, allowing his own chin to tilt downwards towards his chest, ears tucking themselves against his skull. His features remained friendly as he approached his younger sibling, plume swaying gently between his hocks. Something up Sol?

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12-07-2013, 08:22 PM

Gael was probably off doing something important, because he'd reached that invisible mark in life in which he was able to contribute to society. Age was something she didn't quite fathom, because though she was the same age as her sister, down to the very hour, she felt as if she was far more adjusted to life. So then why did age matter at all? Surely there were adult wolves she was smarter than, and positions she was more qualified to serve in. Why was it that age disqualified her from living? Her ears twitched on either side of her skull as she noted his arrival, bi-colored eyes shifting to meet him as he came. He quickly noted her stance and mirrored it, though his demeanor remained friendly enough. She softened slightly, glad to see him - it had been a while.

?Yes Gael.? She would speak as eloquently as she could, for she would always be seen as a child unless she learned to act differently. ?I'm bored.? Well, that didn't quite sound adult, now did it? ?No one will let me do anything, Gael.. just because I'm not grown.? She sighed, lip curling slightly with disdain. ?I don't wan to be a child anymore.?



12-07-2013, 08:42 PM (This post was last modified: 12-07-2013, 08:43 PM by Gael.)

She immediately took notice of his mirrored posture, which in turn caused her to soften her body language. Gael took notice immediately, allowing his own body to return to normal, ears lifting upwards to stand to attention on his skull, muzzle skull returning to alignment with his spine. Haunches would beneath the Adravendi as he allowed himself to take a seat in front of his baby sister, curious cerulean gaze glued to her ivory features and bi-colored eyes, wondering just what was the matter with Solaine.

Yes Gael. I'm bored. No one will let me do anything, Gael.. just because I'm not grown. I don't wan to be a child anymore. A frown would crease the older brother's features as he listened to what his sister was saying. Well Sol, you know you can always come to me if you're bored. I'm always willing to do stuff with you. Meili would be glad to play with you too or teach how to hunt or whatever you feel like doing. If you want to learn how to important stuff, we can always talk to aunt Chrys. I know she would love to show you how to do stuff like that. And being a kid isn't so bad Sol. You don't responsibilities yet. You can just enjoy life. Being an adult isn't all that it's cracked up to be. Gael would rise, taking a few more steps to lessen the gap between himself and his sister before allowing himself to settle down again, skull tilted slightly downwards as he waited to see what her reaction would be to his words.

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12-07-2013, 10:28 PM

She would inwardly scoff at his words. ?You have a life of your own, Gael, you don't need your baby sister begging you for entertainment all the time. And I'm sure Meili would rather spend her time with you? His comment about talking to Chrysanthe wasn't a bad idea, but somehow she didn't think the Alpha would have much time for starting up a youth enrichment program in Seracia. But his word on being an adult versus begin a kid was perhaps the most entertaining. ?Says the heir of Valhalla who conveniently isn't a kid anymore,? she would retort. He neared closer and she would stiffen slightly, but relax almost immediately. This was her brother, there was no reason for alarm. Somehow, deep inside, a fire was burning to prove herself - and she had no clue how to extinguish it. ?Can you teach me how to fight better? I intend to be a part of the next war.? A dead serious tone would resonate in her words - she would not miss out on another war, not ever. Head would tilt to the side as she allowed her ears to fall forward with interest - hoping he would say yes. A serious glean would overtake her bi-colored optics as she hoped he would understand she wanted this more than anything else. It was important to learn to fight, and to be ready to defend Valhalla - and herself - if necessary.



12-07-2013, 10:47 PM

You have a life of your own, Gael, you don't need your baby sister begging you for entertainment all the time. And I'm sure Meili would rather spend her time with you. The frown already creasing his features would only deepen at her words. Since when had she become like this? He remembered a time when she was much younger and loved spending time with him and didn't mind "begging" as she so called it, for his attention. She Soleil standing beside him seemed much more independent, more...discontent with things. Perhaps he should've been paying more attention to his baby sister than pack affairs. Just because I have a "life of my own" doesn't mean that I can't make time for you Solaine. Meili would love to spend time with you because you're my sister and her family. Don't feel like you're any less important little sister because you're very important to me, or else I wouldn't be here talking to you.

Gael would sigh quietly to himself at her next words. When had she become so impatient to grow up? It really wasn't all that cracked up to be. And then she would ask what he had initially perceived from the start. Can you teach me how to fight better? I intend to be a part of the next war. Ceruleans would meet her bi-colored azure and emerald eyes, noticing the determination in her gaze. She was really serious about this. You know I can protect you Sol and so can dad and everyone else in Valhalla. I don't want you to get hurt or worse, but if you want to know how to defend yourself, then I can help you with that if you're really serious about this. His tone would become serious at the end, features becoming stoic. His baby sister was growing up and he wasn't sure he really liked it.

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