
The Cold Does Not Forgive


12-08-2013, 12:33 AM

The fact that the girl was lurking here brought to mind one thing. She actually liked this place, and was growing accustomed to the cathedral's ghost for walls, its haunted chamber, and even the broken down organ that hide in the very far back of broken down castle. Crash, a boulder from the wall crashed against the earth, Chill found herself lifting her head and her brow crinkled in general dislike. This place where she found peace was falling part, she would have to leave soon and find another place to call home.

Chill moved toward the door that was hanging off hinges long ago rusted away, her head peeped out into the snow covered land, her eyes lazy as leaned the majority of her weight against it. This world was boring, at least for now, but soon she would have leave to go collect more berries and herbs soon. Poisons could not make themselves, but she supposed she could work with what she had.

Turning back away from the door she moved back to her alter that had a collection of slugs, berries, plants, and parts from a few animals on it. The she wolf started to work, rubbing slugs for the thick paste of their slime, and then crushing berries into it, one paste after another was created. She would wander off, grabbing flat stones, and took her paw and pushed a small portion of the concoctions onto each stone platter. After a while there where six platers, all filled with a wonderful toxic paste.

Soon these pastes would find their way into other wolves. But now she would just have to wait until her special talents where called upon.




12-08-2013, 01:01 AM
The north was the resting place of her enemies - but that wasn't why she had come here. Syrinx was also said to have his pack here, somewhere. And her brute of a brother hadn't given an official word as to where he was staying. She wanted to give him a heads up on where Valhalla would be, but with the vast mountain range and considerable snowfall in the wintertime, she had a bit of a challenge on her hands. The alpha would cover the northern lands as quickly as possible, but still ended up on a territory that she hadn't seen before - and staring at a strange construction that she hadn't come across in the past. Chrysanthe knew nothing of humans or their things, but she knew that something like this didn't appear naturally in nature. And yet here it stood, and although she had a mission in mind, she would allow herself the time it took to step inside and see what it had to offer.

It was hidden from the wind outside, and there was little snow that had gotten in past the entrance. The place smelled like ice, dust and rust - but she would continue forward until she realized that she wasn't alone here. Ears perked, she would step into the entrance but stay near it, not wanting to intrude on someone's claimed bit of territory. Her eyes would flick over the area, the only light was what came in through the openings in the walls that were covered with glass. "Hello?" She would call out, the stranger held the scent of a rogue, not someone that was in a pack. The air also held a somewhat pungent smell, sweet but sharp, similar to the herbs that Erani's den often smelled like but with different plants used.

Finally she would see her - near the back of the large space, and for a moment she would watch her bustling about with her work. Was she a healer? Or perhaps a shaman or witch doctor? "I don't normally intrude, but this place, and your work are intriguing..." She would take a few steps forward, walking down the aisle toward the woman.


12-08-2013, 01:32 AM

Chill's emotions where sliding up and down, happy one moment, depressed the next, and then following after that one they would share her mind. But these poisons, oh these precious poisons made her truly happy in every sense of the word, every vibrant color as she pictured the way someone would choke and die from ingesting one of her chemical creations. She recalled from one land she visited the way a volcano would spew its smoke from its opening chamber at the top. One day she would figure out how to make a poisonous gas, or maybe a sickness that would become genetic in time.

Her dreams where of homocide and genocide, her hopes where for the bleak despair of wolf kind. There was nothing wrong with that, but something interrupted her musing yet again. The female turned her head toward the intruder, ears rested back against her head in anger as her hackles raised. But the other ladies words caught her off guard and brought her to pause as relaxed and tilted her head, tail wagging behind her.

Her work? Intriguing? She caught someone's attention? Oh happy day! Her whole body shook simply because her tail was beating way to hard behind her as her paws danced on the ground. Was this what happiness felt like? The long days and weeks slaving over bushes, kidnapping pups, experimenting on them, all came down to this simple word from an unknown source.

She couldn't help it, Chill collapsed upon the ground, tears streaming happily down her face. Her home, her work...appreciated! The white wolf climbed to her paws and approached, extending her nose in greeting toward the female and then paused, hackles raising again as she smelled multiple wolves on this one. This was a pack wolf, was she here to chase her out? Did her kidnappings already catch the attention of the packs? No she paid her a compliment, it couldn't have.

Relaxing once again her head would bob. "I thank you for your kind words. First I've ever heard. I'm a poison master, and these are my children." Chill would comment, her tail pointing in the direction of the toxic chemical pastes that rested on their plates. "Since you are kind, how about I give you one free on the house?" Chill would turn and run back to her alter, dotting over her children, her precious creations as she tried to pick one out.




12-08-2013, 01:48 AM
The woman didn't seem to want to be bothered - and Chrysanthe would hold her ground a moment, staring at the woman and waiting for her reaction to her presence. She herself would not bristle, would not move until she was sure that she was not intitiating some sort of fight. Her tail remained near her legs, her eyes guarded but curious about this stranger and their work and workplace. It would seem that she chose the right words to speak, as the other woman would relax and... was that a smile? The alpha wasn't sure quite what she had gotten herself into - but it was clear this woman was a bit... complex in terms of her personality.

Normally the alpha would not make a deduction like that so quickly, but she was sobbing with what seemed to be joy. The words 'are you alright' were on the very tip of Chrysanthe's tongue, but she would hold them, as physically, this stranger seemed to be fine. She was happy(?) there was no reason to pull her down from that. The red faced woman would let her approach, although she watched her movements carefully. When the stranger bristled, she would back up a step, but as soon as the other had grown agitated it seemed that she would settle down again.

"A master of poison?" The opposite of a healer - she was not of an occupation that the alpha often came across. "I'm afraid I am ignorant to the art." She had heard of assassins and saboteur, but it was rare that they made her way to Valhalla. Perhaps having a connection to this woman would prove to be useful in the future? The woman was a peaceful one, and preferred her fights fair - but here lately she had enough enemies with enough deadly intention to consider underhanded schemes. "I wouldn't want to misuse your gift - would you mind telling me a bit about your children?" Knowledge was power - even if it was knowledge she would not use, being informed was not something that Chrysanthe would ever fight against. Besides, this woman seemed to have a passion for what she did - despite the apparent darkness that came with it. To know that a poison was deadly, one had to test it after all... but the woman would press forward for now and inquire a bit.


12-08-2013, 02:22 AM

She kept dotting over her children, sniffing this one and that one, nosing one plate aside so that another was in front of her. Her eyes slide back to the lady that stumbled upon her tiny stronghold of poisons. Her tail wagged behind her as her ears received the question about her children. It was so rare that one would ask about the specifics about how her children liked the play, while they where rough they where very effective. Usually Chill found herself testing on small animals, but of late she was able to test on other wolves.

Her experiments brought her closer and closer to the threshold of insanity, but who cared, if her work made her famous she would gladly give up her sanity for it. "Well lets see, this one causes convulsions, very easy to use, this paste is applied to your teeth and you must tear the flesh and insert it into the bloodstream, it works in around five minutes." She nosed that one too the side as she explained what that particular child did before dancing sideways toward another one.

"This one causes forgetfulness, you can erase someone's memories, the whole thing or parts depending on how much you give them." She purred eagerly before skipping around to the organ that was in the back and then lifting the lid with her nose as she grabbed a plate with a special concoction on it and then padded over to the other female. "And this is my very special one, should you ever find yourself in a death match come find me. This is special child, she has properties to paralyze, and cause a slow painful death by slowing the heart rate and erodes connections between nerves." She whispered as she sniffed at the black paste. "Take a sniff and remember this child's smell, even though rare its best you recognize this one. I've figured out if I make enough of this, one could coat oneself in this paste during a death match, cheating yes, but it will tip the battle ever so much in your favor."

Her voice was just above a whisper as she nodded, oh how sneaky a good poison master could be. "She can also kill over time if ingested either in a large portion at once, or if given over time. Her name is Frost."She nodded her head before swishing her tail behind her, she picked up the plate and set it on the altar, she continued to keenly eye her concoctions before giving a satisfied sighed before padding back over to the other female.

"How rude of me, I'm Chill, and I live here. Who are you?" She finished talking her body still wriggled all over the place.




12-16-2013, 04:46 AM
She would watch the woman, with just as much caution but now with equal parts curiosity. There was a certain madness about her that she held, but it seemed that she had not delved completely into insanity. She could still be understood, and she carried her craft highly, that much was more obvious than anything else. Stepping forward, she would watch the woman explain her poisons to her, but didn't get too close in case something could be inhaled.

Although the effects were dark, Chrysanthe was impressed by the woman's knowledge of it all. Knowing which pasts to put on your teeth, which would paralyze, which would kill, which would cause seizures. With her one good eye her gaze locked onto each poison, listening to the stranger explain them, and although she might feel a bit guilty about it later, she couldn't help but imagine using them on her enemies. So quickly she could end her fights, send a message to her enemies that she would do anything in order to protect Valhalla. Righteousness her foot, Glaciem had used loophole upon dirty tactic to get whatever edge they could on their enemies. They mauled and maimed without giving a damn - they deserved a taste of their own medicine. It was the thought that came to her as she sniffed at the last poison, as per request.

As the woman whispered to her about her last child - Frost, she would give her a bit of room to put the place back where it belonged and edge away just slightly, giving her a comfortable bit of distance again. She could only imagine the lengths that this woman had gone to in order to figure out each effect that the deadly herbs she made into pastes, caused. A dangerous mind - it was no wonder it had appeared to change her. Still, the alpha would treat her as she would any other - this woman had been nothing short of kind to her - even when she had stepped foot in her home.

"I am Chrysanthe, one of Alacritia's alphas. I live in Valhalla." She would introduce herself simply, and although she was proud of her title and home, it wasn't something that she wanted to intimidate her new acquaintance with. Not all loners were very fond of pack wolves... but Chill's apparent happiness in introducing herself and pride in her poisons gave the alpha a bit of room to relax. "If I were to pick one, I would take the last. I'm afraid I've made some enemies that might just want me dead some day." Considering Azalea's condition, and how little it took to displease the pink tyrant, it was something that could easily happen.

"How long have you studied this craft?" She may just be the best living example of a master in poison. Pushing the standard, she could imagine that Chill was doing that with ease. Did she even know? "I don't recognize the plants used when they're made into a paste like this." The only way someone would be able to tell how each was made, would be if Chill herself told them - it was really all quite brilliant. "It's all very impressive."