


12-07-2013, 11:48 AM
It snowed so heavily that he could barely see where he was going. Ganelon wandered through it, grey eyes fixed on a point ahead. Resigned to his fate. Starve to death in the snow. All he deserved. His fur had soaked through some time ago and parts of his body that weren't missing were probably frostbitten. He was probably going to lose his other ear. Also some toes or maybe a whole foot. So much for his career.

The soldier stopped, shook his soaked fur, and kept going. Wet snow, this. Temperature wasn't high enough for it to stick and not melt from his body heat. It covered the ground well enough that there was no way to tell where he was, even if the blizzard wasn't right in his face. Better hope it slacked off before he froze to death, he supposed. Or maybe he'd make it to the trees he'd spotted in the distance, right before the storm started. Yeah. Possibility. Unlikely, though. He stumbled over his own feet, regained his balance without thinking about it, and stopped again to catch his breath. Walk along, moving slower and stubmling more often. Either the snow cleared slightly or the hill he came to was unexpectedly large, but it loomed in his vision suddenly. A huge, insurmountable obstacle. He'd have to go around it. Keep going, then. He wasn't really dead yet. Pretty close, though. Ganelon skirted the side of the hill, blinded again by snow, hummed a few notes of a song to himself, and imagined for a minute that he was carrying on a conversation with someone. Not that there was anyone in the world who would want to talk to him.

Did it anyway. Got as far as 'how are the kids?' before he tripped again and found himself staring at the entrance to a cave. Maybe the gods still wanted to keep him around after all. The scarred wolf struggled back to his feet and lurched through the entrance and into the darkness beyond. It was more or less completely black for a second until his eyes got used to it.

The first few things he noticed were some pictures on the walls, which meant nothing to him. Next were bones from a deer maybe, which was a clear sign that other wolves lived here and he'd probably just wandered right into some pack's den. Whatever. Ganelon would take his chances with a local tribe rather than the blizzard outside. He shook water out of his fur, which didn't much help the fact that he was already so stupid numb from cold that he could barely move, limped backwards to put his tail against one of the walls, and waited. Probably wouldn't take long for someone to show up. If it did he would assume he was completely safe.

Better be prepared to fight, though. The soldier lowered his head down near the floor, so a surprise would have to be aimed at his already-scarred shoulders, and concentrated on breathing in hopes that the extra oxygen would warm him up faster.

Noises in the darkness. He was ready.



Extra small
12-10-2013, 10:49 AM

ooc: Gonna be small :c Im at school.

Syrinx knew that he was not going to continue to be as lucky as he had been. Everyone at his borders had been those seeking acceptance into what he fervently considered to be his own realm. Still, he had forsaken more than he had come close to even wanting in his own world. This was Amenti--Amenti was his, and it was not to be forsake. A low growl hummed in his throat as the scent and sound of another overtook his world and begged his attention. For this alone would he come--another had thought himself worthy, and Syrinx would allow the man the ability to prove himself before he was either thrown to the dogs; or blessed by the ever enticing presence of his rapturous daughters. Truth of the matter was; he was likely safer staying out of Amenti. Vyvienne, Meinx, Syren, Cynder, and Sevan had a particularly unique way, each of them, of handling nuisances. He was proud of these sides of them, but naturally, as a father, worried about their violent tendencies. For any of them to really get any kind of hold a miracle in and of itself.

They wer enot his concern at the moment however, the rogue at his borders was. Thunderous movements put him before the large canine and he stared at him with scrutiny and wonderment. He thought he was enough? The thought of it all was curious and Syrinx didn't speak a word. The guess of his position was evident in the way he held himself. There was a sharp torque to his entire body--something that resonated power. His tail remained in something akin to an upright position and Syrinx kept his head ovre his breast yet angled upward. His show of dominance was not something unnatural for who he was, and so the entire think looked perrfectly regal in its own odd way. Still, he remained silence--no word was given by the man and his eyes barely relayed any emotion. Stoic and serpentine he waited in his seething whatever-it-was and gave this homeless man a chance to make a case for himself.

Table by Lu
[Image: 2ikflu9.jpg]


12-10-2013, 06:45 PM
Presently, another wolf came out of the darkness. Ganelon eyed him up carefully. Bigger than he was, looked pretty smug, to be honest. Brown and red fur, blue eyes, scarred but something about him didn't give Ganelon the feeling that he was much of a soldier. Not too many forced marches for this one. Pretty enough, though. He kept his back to the wall and his eyes half on the shadows behind the other male. The guy had an air about him that made Ganelon think someone else was hanging out not too far away, and the scarred wolf was tired and cold and hungry. Not in the mood to fight. Not at all.

Must be the alpha around here. Ganelon afforded him the respect that he'd expect if someone had walked into his place. So he didn't make any threats, but he wasn't really the type to suck up, either. He stood normal, head and eyes and personality as neutral as possible, and waited to see if the other wolf would talk. Or maybe he was expected to say something. Ganelon thought about it for a second.

Couldn't think of anything to say. Decided to keep quiet. Talking wasn't his strong point anyway, and it wasn't like he was going to start defending himself like some kind of terrified kid. The guy might be upset by that. A bunch of people he'd met lately didn't seem happy with the fact that he chose not to talk all the time, but there it was. He supposed he'd have to get used to it.

He shot the bigger male a curious look suddenly. If he was in charge of a pack, maybe he'd be interested in hiring a soldier on for the winter. Or the year, whichever. Ganelon needed a warm place to sleep and he assumed someone as arrogant-looking as this guy probably had some enemies. Maybe he was looking for a person to kill them. Or keep an eye on them. The scarred wolf cleared his throat in preperation to say something and settled on introducing himself.

"Ganelon Maokas," he said, in a tone of voice that he hoped made it clear that he was saying his name and not just some words. Voice inflections were difficult and he knew his accent was atrocious, but it would have to do. He paused to see if the younger (visibly younger) male had anything to say before he took another stab at conversation.



Extra small
12-11-2013, 10:42 AM

ooc: Gonna be small :c Im at school.

Perhaps this Ganelon fellow was not one to be trifled with, and that was what Syrinx wanted more than anything. He needed and craved someone that could efficiently execute. That was it. Execute--defile what stood against him; non, them. Syrinx, however, was morbidly pleased with this one and he was made quite aware of what was going on. He was...offering silence. Not a damned one had done that so far, and Syrinx immediately took to him. A fondness would grow in his chest and his head would immediately offer a nod--affirmation. Ganelon had done what no other could have managed. Given solely what Syrinx needed to him and impressed him. He ought to have thought himself something special. Hopefully, he did, for it would have made him all the better.

"Syrinx Adravendi. Welcome to Amenti," It was the first that had actually been welcomed to Amenti--and even though there was a slight pleasantry to his tone his facade had not changed and there was still a firm depth to his voice that easily and smoothly resonated. Syrinx could only feel his skin crawl and his hopes grow slightly, "You've come to join?" Syrinx would let this man have the air of secrecy that was due to him. Few would be rewarded a conversation with the red Arkhos--and immediately Syrinx pivoted on his heels--the choice was something to be made quickly, for it were a rather large ordeal to him. "If you wish to swear fealty and dedicte your life to his place--follow." Their conversation would not be over should Syrinx's road be the one the vagabond wanted to follow--but if not; they were done and Syrinx would have to return to contemplating his disappointment in the wolves Alacritis had shown him.

Table by Lu
[Image: 2ikflu9.jpg]


12-12-2013, 04:46 PM
The man paused and suddenly nodded to him. Ganelon waited. And waited. The guy was clearly sizing him up, but he did't look like he was about to go off on some tirade or other. A mark for him, then. Ganelon wasn't fond of explaining himself.

Presently the other wolf seemed to figure out what he was doing and introduced himself. He was the alpha, like Ganelon had figured. Had a last name and a welcome for him. Ganelon hadn't been welcomed to many places before. The soldier waited a bit longer and he kept talking - a question and then he turned and walked off, still chatting. What he was saying wasn't something Ganelon cared too much for, though. Sure, he was as willing to join this Amenti pack as much as he was any other. Dedicate his life to this place, though? Why? Ganelon was pretty fond of his life. Although, to be honest, it wasn't as if he had much of it left to dedicate. Still. Ganelon wasn't a knight anymore. So the white wolf raised his head slightly and ground out another few words at the other wolf's departing back. One step forward, to move his back away from the wall slightly. He wasn't on the defensive. And he had to make it clear that he was interested, so he moved his body language from 'passive' to 'mildly curious.'

"I'm a mercenary." What's in this for me? He wasn't some desperate homeless loner, either, looking for some place to call home. He'd had one of those already and he wasn't there now. He was a professional and he had professional needs. The white wolf stood and waited, flicking his remaining ear into a neutral position again. Negotiations. Fortunately his wants and needs were pretty simple. Ganelon had worked for everything from a dry bed to women to a meal, before, but if this guy wanted him on a permanent basis he'd have to offer up something pretty lucrative.

Or the other man might change his mind, and probably attack him, but Ganelon figured even if he lost he'd leave a mark on the man that this Syrinx fellow wouldn't forget quickly. Ganelon fought hard when his life was on the line. Which was always. He wasn't one to play the challenges and dominance games.