



5 Years
Extra large
12-07-2013, 01:51 AM

His people had gathered, from every corner of his kingdom Tortugans had come to gather around their Re and follow his lead. He really was grateful to each and every one of them that they stood beside him, despite everything that he had gone through. He was probably not the alpha that they had all envisioned to be following one day, but he was trying his best to be the leader that they needed. Their needs would always come before his; no matter what. They depended on him to lead them, to guide them, to keep them safe and he would be damned if he failed them in any aspect. It would be over his dead body that he would not come through for his people. He was just that dedicated to them, that willing to sacrifice himself for their benefit; because he truly cared.

The travel to the island hadn't been too hard on the pack. Winter had set in and there was much snow covering the majority of Alacritis, but with the number of wolves inhabiting the region, both rogue and pack, there were many well worn trails that they were able to follow to make their way to the islands. They had all helped each other, stopping at various points to replenish their energy with food and water. By mid afternoon the entirety that was Tortuga had finally made it to the edges of Alacritis, the formations of islands distant figures. One island in particular, Inu island, would become the new home to his pack. It was there that he would hope to bring peace to his people, so that they could live without fear and the need to be on guard at all times. This would be their paradise.

Ebony toes would brush against the shoreline of Alacritis, blind eyes settled in the direction he believed the islands to be. He could feel Maija brush up against him, her slowly swelling belly bumping his own abdomen, bringing a wry smile to his lips. Lead the way my treasure. He would give her a kiss across the neck, waiting for her returned affection before he would feel her walk in front of him, plume brushing against his chin. Come everyone, into the water to your new home. He would call out to the rest of the pack, trying to keep the motivated. They were nearly there. The titan would gently take his wife-to-be's tail in his jaws, careful not to clamp down hard on it as he followed her into the water, using her as his guide to cross. Powerful limbs would strike out in the frigid waters, flesh trembling at the extreme change in temperature. It was damn cold, but that wouldn't deter the titan from reaching his goal.

It felt like it had been hours, but probably only an hour had passed since they'd left the mainland when new scents began reaching his nostrils. Plants. Animals. They had reached the island. He would continue to paddle behind Maija until his toes brushed against firmer ground, jaws releasing his Queen's tail as he pulled himself onto the shower, sloshing his way out of the water until he was on dry sand, taking a moment to thoroughly shake himself before moving to stand beside Maija, awaiting the rest of the pack to come on shore.




12-07-2013, 02:07 AM

The decision had been made swift and true: Tortuga was going to move. She didn't show the emotions that were turmoil behind her icy green eyes. At first, she was excited and ready to leave as soon as the meeting had dispersed. Later came the reality that she would be leaving the land she had travelled with Dragomir and end up isolated on the island that was their future chosen spot. Anxiety and paranoia set in as she thought of how her pups would be raised there, away from the world that would be theirs to take when they became of age. Finally, relief set in, for she knew that Taurig wouldn't steer her or the pack in the wrong direction. He had made the right choices so far -- what was to say he would be wrong now?
With the trust for her husband floating alongside her endless love for him, she had left the volcano for another home. The journey to the shore was not as long as she had thought it would be, but it didn't stop her from being paranoid all the way. Once they reached the shore that showed their home on the other side, she knew that it was the right way to go. Standing beside Taurig with her slightly obvious midriff full of pups, she let him slip words to her ears only and a small smile appeared. "Count on it, my love," she cooed in a deep Romanian purr before she stepped out into the chilly water. When she got past the shock therapy of how cold it was, she slipped into it like she was a physical form of the icy liquid and proceeded to be enveloped. With her head above the water and Taurig limply biting her tail, she led the way to their new home.
An hour or so passed, but the swim was definitely refreshing. She smelled the sea salt air the whole way, but instead of being nauseous, she felt compelled to it. The drive to leave the old Tortuga territory behind was added to the fuel and she swam with longer strokes, faster paddles, and a stronger drive. Her drenched, golden paws finally found solid sand and she pushed herself up to stand on iron-clad legs. With her head held high, Maija gracefully jogged up the slope that was beneath the water's surface, finally stopping where the waves hit the shore. She shook her fur all over, getting rid of extra water that tried to stick to her flawless figure. Proudly, she strode over to Taurig's side, the husband who was just finishing his own natural drying.
A smirk appeared on her usually emotionless face, icy green eyes looking out across to the ocean. Her family, Tortuga's people, would soon be arriving. "Come along, my Re," she gently said, "We must give them room to shake off as well." Her eyes than scanned the background that stretched across the island. This would do. This would definitely do. Pride swelled in her chest and she turned her head back again to the oncoming crowd of wolves they had accepted as their own.




13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
12-07-2013, 02:23 AM

He came. He saw. He panicked. Since Sora had found out that Taurig was his father, he had returned home with many thoughts. Well, not so much as a home, but rather back to the den that he shared with his mother and siblings and some other man. Sora had been awed, and he had gone back to see his Father again. But something was different. The scents that had proclaimed that part of the land as Tortuga were stale, hours old. So that's when he had decided to follow the trails, running nonstop. His little heart raced, would it be too late? Was his dad leaving? Although Sora was young, he was very smart. He always spent time to himself, observing and studying. His young mind older then he really was. And so it was with the thoughts that plagued his mind, he would make his decision. Sora wanted to go with his dad.

He could smell the salt of the sea, sudden bursts of wind stronger then they were in the forest. The stench of volcanic ash settling behind him into nothing but a distant memory. And then he would spot them, a pack of wolves immersing themselves into the water. Putting on a an extra burst of speed, he crashed through the brush, paws stamping down on sand as it flew up behind him. His tail was stuck straight out behind him, tongue hanging from his mouth as it was left wide open to catch his breath. "Dad! Dad wait for me!" he cried out, his paws coming into contact with the cold shallow waters, soon followed by the rest of his body as he plunged himself into the surf. He sputtered when the salt water entered his mouth, not liking the taste one bit but he wouldn't let it stop him. He reached his father's side, his own legs no longer touching the bottom as he paddled a little ways to grasp onto Taurig and clamber on his back. He brought himself forward, so that his head was resting on Taur's but keeping a grip on his back. "Dad, I'm coming with you! I don't wanna be left alone here, I wanna be where you are!" he would exclaim breathlessly, his tail beating gently against Taurig's back as he gave him a hearty lick atop his head.

He would hold on for what seemed like forever, but it had only been about an hour or so. When they arrived on the island and neared the shallows, Sora had hopped off to go the rest of the way on his own. Upon reaching dry sand, he shook off his fur, puppy fluff sticking out in all directions as he waited patiently for his father. His icy blue eyes observing the golden woman and Taurig, a small smile creeping onto his face. He waited for his father to become unoccupied, as well as waited for the rest of the pack to arrive.


NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.



6 Years
12-07-2013, 02:48 AM

The man was giving his whole being for his home, driving the memories of the white woman from his mind, lest he lose himself fully in her. He would make the trip with them to their new homes. He would be behind slightly behind the Re and to the left, front paws in line with the blind man?s back ones. He would use himself as a living shield, aware that they were most vulnerable as of right now. Still any and all attackers would have to fight their way through a throng of Tortugans to get anywhere near the king and his queen. The pack might have seemed helpless with a blind man to lead it but they were strong, united behind the king who had inspired loyalty in them, not through blood, or simply demanding it, but through being devoted to his members first, a devotion that was easily returned under the circumstance.
The pair was leading their pack towards the shoreline of Alacristis, a slight bump in the horizon telling him there was an island somewhere up there. The pack would push for it, paws leaving solid ground to push at water, cold as it was in winter it felt strangely refreshing, washing away the sins and pain of their old home to accept a new reality. The swim would take some time, time he spent allowing himself the rare time to think, though he annexed any thoughts of the girl in the snowy pelt.
Finally though paws would brush against the shore and he would pull himself from the water, legs aching some. He would shake himself dry, thick coat fluffing up before turning back to help any wolf who might need assistance.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think


12-07-2013, 05:07 AM

The time had come. And Tidus was glad for it. He could put behind him the ugliness of one's egotistical pride and insecurities to follow his Alpha; and brother, to a new home and fresh beginnings. Tidus had no regrets, he came to Tortuga and gave his loyalty to Taurig. He had no second thoughts, no doubts, no questioning thoughts about his leadership. Even with the new obstacles of blindness, Taurig had only gotten stronger. And Tidus would be there to support, protect, and commit himself to his Re with undying loyalty and love for his adopted brother. He knew Taurig was the one worth following. The only alpha worth following, ever. Nobody else compared, and nobody else would ever surpass Taurig. He was the Alpha of legends, leading his loyal pack even when hell was against him. There was none better then that.

He grinned when he saw the beach ahead, the scent of saltwater and the sound of gulls above brought him home. This was where he liked to be, so to settle on an island was the best news of his life. He could leave behind the tragic tale of a bastards pride and the sorry saps that followed the pink pony's ways. Tidus would have no part in them. And if he ever saw the bastard's runaway queen, she too would face a cold shoulder and no remorse from him for giving him a temporary setback. Although he was partially blind, it was nothing time couldn't heal. He would be back to his normal self, though it wasn't for sure how long that would be.

And so with eager steps, his mismatched paws would carry him swiftly to the water, all too eager to begin the swim to their new home. He loved the water, he was an extremely good swimmer and he would do well on this new island. He would help to make it theirs, and protect their new home and his new nieces and nephews to be and to protect Taurig and Maija as well as the pack as a whole. And it would seem, he would protect Taurig's son. The little pup looking almost like an exact replica of his father, and it brought a strange happiness to his heart. Taurig had a son, he had kin, and he wanted to be with him. It didn't take long for them to arrive at their destination, paws feeling the earth underfoot and he would pull himself forward, toes bumping shells and legs becoming entangled in seaweed, but he would ignore it and climb onto shore. His tail held a strand of kelp, but he would keep it there, perhaps to give to Taurig's son as a play thing so he wouldn't get bored as they decided what to do next. "Finally made it." he would briefly exclaim, making his way towards Taurig and Maija, water streaming from his pelt as he didn't bother to shake it off. "You guys alright? Water seems kinda choppy today.." he remarked, turning then to watch the others arrive. He would make his way to the shallows, helping those that were coming ashore. The kelp strand now strung across his back.



12-07-2013, 11:53 AM

5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Oh, if you only knew What we've been up to I guarantee you'd keep it secret So give it to me now We're lost in a dream now Do it one more time The Vegas lights Where villains spend the weekend The deep end We're swimming with the sharks until we drown

Ozz couldn't help but to feel a little bit behind, the girl was nervous, about the water as a whole. Tidus was off helping the others, which she assumed was reasonable, but she was worried. She was terrified now, and felt alone aside for Kai at her side. Her tail flicked from side to side, as the demon stood next to her. Starring at the others as they began to cross before her, maybe she just needed to get this over with. "Ozz, we must cross, remember you made a promise to this pack, to Taurig." she glared over at him for a moment, before wading into the water. Using her weak muscles to tear through the waves, though it was difficult. She nearly found herself downing if it weren't for Kai watching her. Her tail flailed behind her as the water flogged girl climbed onto the shore panting for her breath.
She lowered her eyes as she looked over at Tidus and the rest of the pack. They'd be living on this large island now wouldn't they, and then she'd be even more alone then before. Locking her paws under her, she tried to raise herself, sand sticking to her wet pelt as she clenched her teeth together from the strange feeling of abandonment. At least she felt like it, she felt alone that was for sure. She didn't even have enough courage at the meeting to congratulate Taurig and Maija.

scream of synesthesia


12-07-2013, 12:00 PM

The vibrant maned woman waded into the water easily. It wasn't too extreme for her considering her muscles, and otherwise experience on all terrains. Her red eyes scanned the members she hadn't even known yet, but the girl who was having trouble caught her eye. The one who had been a bit skiddish at the meeting no doubt, as the woman waded over to her. Pressing her pelt against Ozz, and helping her onto the shore. Her eyes looking over the larger girl. "Are you alright, no need to worry dear." Vahva said softly to the woman. Raising her head to look at Tidus who was helping the others. Her blue mane wasn't sticking up as much from the water, rather it was down a bit as she shook the water free. "Come on, no need to feel nervous." She urged Ozz on. Vahva returned towards the shore, helping whoever needed it onto the sandy beach that bordered the thick forest.



12-07-2013, 12:13 PM

Hajime, emotionless had made his way across the shore away from the others. He stood a mere few feet away, near one of the tree's to relax not even bothering to shake his fur free of water. His black tail flopped down on the sand, he rested his head on the top of his paws. Considering the fact that he was extremely tired and it was obvious because of his bloodshot eyes. From the amounts of crying he had done it was nothing special. After losing his family he couldn't but help to feel a little lost.
Regardless he stood up once more pelt now covered in grains of yellow sand, as he helped wolves get onto the shore if they needed it. Though he said nothing, not wanting to bother them with his personal problems he wanted to separate from the pack. He had to do his duty, and that was all that matter correct?



12-07-2013, 12:16 PM

She had heard her brothers call. So they were really moving. Crossing the ocean in the dead of winter did not sound pleasant to the young Queen, but she would follow. Others had already arrived, plunging into the water after her brother. The russet woman wasted no time, plunging into the frigid water after the cobalt King. The freezing water shocked her, invading her warmth, sucking it right out of her. Legs worked tirelessly, keeping her afloat and moving forward. It seemed like an eternity before her paws once again touched solid ground. She would pull her soaked bodice from the waters, quickly moving herself to the shoreline. Frantically she shook the excess water from her pelt, wanting nothing for than to be warm.

She took a moment to take in the sights of her new home. Foreign smells assaulted her, making her nostrils quiver. It was like a sensory overload. She would walk up beside her brother, pressing against his side. "So this is home." She spoke softly, mostly to herself than her brother. She would turn her gaze towards him, a smile tugging at her lips. "You better not change your mind and make me swim back across." She would lightly tease her brother, playfully nipping at his shoulder. The young Queen would stand beside him, offering a small to Maija. She would wait for the rest of the pack to appear, standing beside her small family. But would search for Falk, hoping he would arrive soon, and safely.

Talk like this


12-07-2013, 01:07 PM

She felt like she was in turmoil. Her mentor and Re had been attacked, blinded and castrated. And now they were moving. It was early when she heard the call, summoning the pack to the edges of Alacritis. She had risen from her den, for the last time, with Ares at her side. The pair made their way to the source, finding pack members already gathered there. Her mentor had already left, she could barely make out his form amongst the dark waters. She pressed against Ares, leaning into his warmth. "Ready?" Her two toned age would search his before she placed a gentle kiss on his cheek.

Toes would be the first thing to touch the icy waters. Immediately she would recoil, frowning at the distant island. She would have to speak with her mentor about this. Taking a deep breath she would plunge into the dark waters, gasping at the shock. Her legs began to work, propelling her forward. She knew Ares would follow.

By the time her paws reached the opposing shore, she was frozen. Her looked like a drown rat as she pulled herself from the waters. Giving herself a brief shake, the young girl would approach her mentor, looking clearly disgruntled. "I'm f-f-freezing!" Her body trembled as she glared playfully at her Re. A shy smile would be given to his Queen, and the russet woman that stood on his other side. Trembling would press against Ares when he came up beside her, seeking warmth and to be dry once more. But now she was home.



12-07-2013, 01:20 PM

She had always kept tabs on her children, whether or not they believed her. And it did not go unnoticed when Sora left, heading presumably to Tortuga. She would follow, hanging back in the shadows unnoticed. It was a surprise when she had found the pack gone and her son frantically chasing after them. She followed, finding them one more at the ocean, some island in their sights. Eyes narrowed as she watched her son plunge into the waters. It was the middle of her winter. Her son would freeze to death. A snarl curled her lips. Surely their father was not that much of a moron.

She would plunge into the waters, not caring if the rest of the pack saw her or not. They were not her concern. Powerful legs would propel her forward, eyes locked in on her target. She had to swim for what felt like days before her paws would touch the ground again. Waterlogged bodice would leave the frigid waters behind, which only seemed colder by the winter air. She would approach the man that sire her children. Audits fell back against her skull. Coral gaze fell upon her son, narrowing a fraction.

"Sora, did you ever plan on telling me or just simply running away?"" She pinned her son with a dangerous gaze before turning it on her blind father. "And what about you?" A low snarl rumbled in her throat. She paid no attention to the women that surrounded him. "Are you oblivious to the fact that its winter? And he's still a pup?" Wets hackles began to rise as she fell silent, waiting for her sons protests and his fathers excuse.

"Cat Talk" "Cena Talk"

Ares 1


12-07-2013, 03:41 PM


12-08-2013, 04:09 PM

[Image: tumblr_mxi2k6NlwP1sh0juuo1_400.png]

Bhaire had not seen another wolf for many moons. The winter had driven them into their dens, into hiding. He longed for some sort of company, conversation, even a passing glance. He wandered the coastline, desolate and lonely and desperate. His heart ached for want of companionship, and his misery was nearly all consuming. It happened that Bhaire was so distracted by his own woe that he almost didn't notice the gathering just before him. It was the scent that hit him first, a wall made up of many different bricks. He was brought up sharply, hardly believing his eyes. Had the gods answered his prayers? It seemed so.

Bhaire gasped and took a halting step forward, then another, and before long he was loping along. "Hallo!" he called out. He slowed as he got closer, noticing that many wolves were in the water, likely swimming to one of the outlying islands. "Please, wait!" he called again, running through the foam. He did not know who these wolves were or what that might do to him, but right then he didn't really care. He felt a part of him healing with every step he took.



13 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3WinnerDouble MasterLegendaryFamous
1KVolcanoDream WeaverTrick 2019
12-10-2013, 09:04 AM

They had made it, and he was genuinely happy. He could be with his dad, spend time with him, get to know him, and most of all protect him. Sora wanted to protect his new found father from the evil of the world! Even at his young age he would do what he could. Pounce at gnaw at the enemies leg, for that would be all he'd be able to reach anyhow. At least the toes, and a wolf whose toes were hurting was a useless wolf...or so he thought. It would make them hurt to walk, but in his mind he was already a fearsome giant who would take apart the enemy who dared threaten his father.

He was about to walk over to his dad, to seek a little warmth and familial comfort within his embrace, but he stopped dead in his tracks when he saw a familiar form approach from the water. Immediately, his head lowered, tail tucked and he knew he was in trouble. Ears flattened slightly as his mother approached, her words sounded angry and he knew why. He looked up at her, pondering over what to say. He didn't mean to upset her, and of course he was going to tell her! He was just afraid that his father would disappear, and that he would have never gotten a chance to see him again.

"I'm sorry Momma, I planned on tellin' you...I was just afraid that Dad would disappear, and I wouldn't have had the chance to see 'im again...I didn't mean to upset you Momma. I'm sorry..." He cast a glance over at his Dad, a certain longing in his eyes. He didn't want to leave, but ultimately he wasn't sure whether or not he had a choice in the matter. But he would plead his case regardless, hopeful that his Mother would understand. Perhaps hopeful even, that his Mother would choose to come with him. Or at least live on the island without being part of the pack. He loved her, he loved his sisters, and he loved his dad. He didn't understand why they weren't all living together like a normal family. But he remained hopeful. "He needs me Momma...please let me stay? You 'n Senka 'n Zaria can stay too! We can all be together, and live as a family! I want to stay with Daddy and protect him, I want to be a great leader like him some day!" He returned his gaze to his mother, gaze as intense in emotion as his words. "Please...?"

Talk like this

NOTE: Valentine has a female striped skunk companion named Lefty. Unless stated otherwise assume she's present.


12-10-2013, 09:39 AM

At last, Tortuga was moving to some place more to his liking. He couldn't stand being near a volcano, though this did put him farther from his claimed island to the Eastern seaboard. Ah well, to each his own yes? He would follow his Alpha anywhow, if he wanted to go to the far side of the world then he would follow. However, it was another matter altogether if he so chose to leap into a volcano. For that Jack would stand back and bid good luck. Though he hoped Taurig would never consider that, because that would be painful although quick.

Without hesitation, Jack plunged into the frigid waters after his pack mates. Not looking back, not complaining about the cold of the water. He was used to it, a pirate had to be after all. He was used to worse conditions, and cold water certainly wouldn't kill him. Too much of it like this, however, was probable. But not him, not today. He was Captain Jack Sparrow! Not even the horrid Davy Jones could drag him to his locker!

It would seem that a long time would pass, though perhaps it had only been an hour. Lucky for them, the waters were calm this morning. Though next time someone tried to cross, they might not be so lucky. The seas were unpredictable, the creatures lurking beneath hidden from view and sense. For all they knew, there could have been a shark...or an angry Orca. The wolves in the water easy pickings for water was not their element. At last his paws would touch down on the earth below the surface, and eager to remove himself from the depths of salinity he sauntered up the shore and vigorously shook himself off, joining the gathered wolves there, one not so happy though she was not a part of their pack. He would stand and remain quiet, wondering what would unfold of this situation.


12-10-2013, 10:00 AM
He would move quietly with the group. Silent as they arrived at the beach. He had slowly begun to accept the fact that he would not be returning home, his Father's fate unknown to him. He longed to return, however, at least to say goodbye before the sickness took him. But could he return a failure? He had come looking for his mother, had found her, but she was within Tortuga's enemy pack. He had told her about his father being sick, his time slowly running out. But she had yet to give him an answer on whether she would accompany him back to say goodbye. The realization stung him, his heart feeling like it was cracking into many small pieces. How could he bear this? He was close to his father, he was all he had in the world. His mother still practically a stranger to him in all but name.

And it was with the next steps, that he hoped the water would wash away his thoughts. The frigid waves threatening to overpower, but the farther they got out the calmer the water seemed to get. He swam with silent determination, the strength of his thoughts driving him forward. Tortuga was moving to a new place, free of the turmoil and wretched prides of those who continuously sought to harm his new family. Praying...that his Father would pass without pain. He prayed that his Father would somehow know that he tried...even though he had failed.

After some time, Byakuro felt his paws touch ground. And slowly he would clamber towards dry sand, an unreadable expression in his eyes, though his body tailored something that seemed similar to weariness. But it was not weariness that he was the failure that weighed his shoulders. He remained silent, casting a quick glance to the small gathering as he went to sit alone under the nearest palm. Head down and shoulders slumped, eyes gazing at the ground at his paws. I'm sorry Father...