


12-08-2013, 02:19 PM

And so the ivory hued goddess had found the kingdom, ruled by the king that was of legends. Aside from the persistent and annoying amount of snow, the lands her father had acquired for his empire were vast and great. She had spent the in a state of exploration, her curiosity peaked by the territory before her, and had yet to meet another soul of the land. The lands were glorious, but what about the souls that resided within them? The royalty found herself wanting to meet others, other royals like herself and the peons beneath her. What skills did they bring to her fathers land? Why were they here? She felt it pertinent to ask those questions, and ask she would.

Slender fea moved through the trees, coming to stand in a small clearing of trees, the ivory hue that marked her broken only by the tribal markings she had been bestowed and the violet pools that she would regard the world with, she would come to a halt, under the thick pines, her head tilting back, jaws parting to release a soft call, a song calling for her pack-mates, calling for someone to amuse her royal mind. Evenly she stood, her tail hanging in a relaxed way at her hocks, these were supposedly her pack-mates and a good portion of them her family, they were of no threat to her, and she wouldn't be threatened by the likes of them. A whole new breed, that's what she was, ready to serve under her fathers cause and see that the era of royalty he produced, thrived.



12-14-2013, 05:54 PM
because i obviously haven't had enough threads with you :p

Although the vindictive phantom had not seen head or tail of her wayward sibling since the defeat of her feeble nemesis, the thought of the porcelain heathen had never strayed far from her diseased mind. She pitied his dynamic nature and cursed the sable brat that had impregnated his mind with false affection, wanting to loathe him for being so easy to persuade yet unable to due to the unbreakable relations that bound her to him. He was misfortunately misguided in every aspect of life at the mercy of Devya, and despite the fact that he had not called upon his sister for guidance and aid, the wraith had every intention of providing it for him ? whether he pleaded upon his knees against her intrusion or not, he would receive it when the time was right.

The current moment, however, did not urge for immediate action against her sibling, but rather for interaction among Isardis? minions. She had been informally introduced to the masses as a promoted Overseer during Glaciem?s gathering, but aside from that, the youthful Amazonian had failed to individually encounter either of its members. In order to exceed as a higher-tiered member within Glaciem?s hierarchy, the wraith had become aware that alliances within the pack would need to be crafted ? preferably with the select few that shared the blood of the reigning duo. Connections were imperative with ambitions as high as the phantom?s, and she had every intention of developing those relationships with prestige as her main motive and companionship as a consolation.

It would appear to the wraith that she would not have to journey far in order for others to locate her as the pristine physique of a woman captivated her attention, unknowingly settling into the patch of forest the Overseer occupied before tipping back her skull to release an angelic summon for interaction. Briefly, a smirk would flicker across the babe?s countenance as she scrutinized the goddess from her perch atop a fallen tree, mentally deciding that the woman was worth her time by her sculpted musculature that screeched of undeniable power. ?Look no further,? the adolescent rasped towards the unknown, the amusement dissipating from her visage in favor of its typical indifference. Sliding down from the rugged bark of her chosen roost, the phantom child dipped her muzzle in greeting before voicing her given moniker with an air of confidence: ?Artemis Elysius ? pleasure.?


12-20-2013, 06:44 AM
it's my sexy aura. you cannot resist *flaunts*

Sorry it's pathetic. Trying to get my feet on the ground.

The ivory apparition hadn't had to wait long, her violet orbs trained over the forest pausing on each shadow, her ears trained, attentive. When the form of another appeared, her eyes would pass over them, taking in her presence, memorizing her. The dame would introduce herself as Artemis Elysius, and a flicker akin to a polite smile would dance upon her own jaws, as she would speak. "Roman Armada. The pleasure is mine." Satisfied with the creature who had appeared to spare her the monotony. That alone gave the dame a good first impression for the goddess.

The only memory or thing she knew about the one called Artemis was that her father had recently promoted her. A question, bubbled inside her, and she opened her jaws, allowing her thoughts to verbalize. "How well do you know my father, Artemis?" She would inquire, her eyes holding nothing but honest curiosity. Oh, she had forgotten something, hadn't she. "Congratulations on your new promotion, you must make quite an impression."
