
How did that taste?


12-06-2013, 04:54 AM

Chill was staring intently at a bush of berries, she was debating on tasting them, or bringing them back to her lair and shoving them down the throat of Aranya. But that probably wouldn't go over too well, instead she circled around the bush, her tail high as she delicately scent marked the area around them. This would be her territory for a while, until she figured out how these berries work.

The female expanded the perimeter, circling for at least a good mile all around, taking her time to either scent mark by urine or rubbing against trees. No one would be able to mistake that this was in fact her territory for the time being, and if they did. She would make sure they paid in a pound worth of flesh. You just couldn't invade a ladies home! Heathens.




9 Years
12-06-2013, 05:17 AM

It was time for exploration! Rin had been getting quite restless inside the pack with absolutely nothing to do. So he took it upon himself to go out and explore nearby. His other brothers did it, why not him? Besides, nobody would miss him. Except for maybe his two closer siblings Kyung and Irune. Asides from that, everyone else was always busy. And so with a gusto he had charged out of the land unseen, heading off to find his own adventure!

His path would soon lead him to an area that he had never been too. Then again, he had never been anywhere outside of the main pack land. So this was new to him as well as a treat! It would soon become apparent that the world outside his home was huge...and very intriguing! He came upon spires of ice jutting towards the sky, the smooth grounds of the land flat and swept free by the wind. He rushed forward, unawares of anyone around as he ran straight up to an ice tower. "Whoooaaaa that's cooool!" he exclaimed. A scent soon reached his nose, strange and unknown. Turning his head, he saw another wolf prancing around a bush. With a wagging tail and mind full of curiosity, he pulled himself from the ice tower and bounded over. "Hey watcha doin'? What's that?" He called out as he neared.



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12-06-2013, 05:25 AM

Something loud, something scampering, something invading her territory. The white female turned her head and a look of clear distaste was drawn upon her face as she flicked her tail behind herself and lurched toward him. Each paw placed down deliberately as she raised her tail and drew her ears back against her head. Lips peeled back slowly as a growl rumbled her vocal cords and venomously fell from her mouth as she neared him. "Didn't you smell the markers?"

Her irritation was rising like an unnatural tide. She hover about him, drawing her body upward so that she appeared larger than what she was. "Well guess I can't change the fact you pasted them, I need your help." She said, she went from wanting to kill him in one swift moment, to wanting to use him, break him, take him, make him into her little play thing. Her test subject.

So she looked down at him, a unnerving smile flicked upon her face as she turned away from him and flicked in tail in a follow me manner. "You're going to taste these. Understand?" She said as she turned back to him, narrowing her eyes as she stared him down, daring him to challenge her in this. This berries would be delicious she was certain, their lovely green hue, their juices drifting over the side.

So she stared, and stared, waiting for him to try to move, to either feast or flee. A chase though would be fun to.




9 Years
12-06-2013, 06:37 AM

As soon as he had arrived the woman he had high tailed it to turned on him. Skidding in the snow upon approaching, he would slide onto his rump as snow sprayed around him. He glanced up at the white woman, her tone of voice menacing, allowing fear to enter the young boy for the first time since the Fox incident. His ears fell back apologetically, unknowingly he had gotten himself into trouble. "I-I'm sorry I didn't know!" he began to stammer, unsure of what would happen now. He of course had never smelled any other scent markers asides those from Glaciem, so he was sure he would have to start learning other scents. To explore above and beyond the borders of where he lived.

Before he knew it and within moments, she had gone from looking like she wanted to eat him to asking his help. Confused, he tilted his head as he looked at what she was talking about. Slowly his tail wagged at the sight of the berries. Good, he was hungry! He stood, following her to the spot where the berries grew and without hesitation he obeyed. Of course it wasn't because he was scared. His fright had melted away when the distraction of berries came along, and he was sure she had only been upset because he interrupted her meal perhaps? But now it appeared that she was going to share with him!

He stopped beside the bush, turning to her and listening as she told him he would be eating them. Her narrowed eyes gave him a sense of something strange, as if expecting him to do something. But what else would he do? Of course he'd eat these things, he was hungry and couldn't remember when he had last eaten. Nodding vigorously, tongue hanging out and his tail wagging he responded. "Okay! Are you gonna eat some too? What kind of berries are they? Are they good?" a flurry of questions streamed from curiosity's mouth as he decided to step up to the bush regardless. Eagerly, he reached with seeking teeth at a small cluster of the green berries, some of them blue which would indicate a couple ripe ones and the rest unready. But he wouldn't know that. And without hesitation he would take one. The first few chomps were good, and then within seconds a horrible bitterness began to cascade onto his tongue. Grimacing, he spat them out as he flinched away from the bush. Sputtering the icky juice. "Blech! What was that!? It tasted horrible!"

Little did he know, he had taken his first bite of Black Nightshade.



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12-06-2013, 06:50 AM

She watched him lay his ears back and she accepted the apology and stepped back, allowing him to past toward the bush without getting scraped by teeth or tugged by his scruff. The female lowered her body down to the ground as she watched him, her tongue slithering around her mouth and then pushed against her teeth as she held her breath until he took the first bite. Chill leapt to her paws, tail wagging behind her as waited for him to fall over and die, choke and gag, vomit, anything to show that these berries where lethal.

But to no luck he spat them out and stared at her and asked her questions. The female shrugged her shoulders as she chuckled before stretching. "I have no idea." Her head leaned to the side as she walked toward him. Sticking her head forward as she sniffed, she would watch him yes, he would have to stick with her for a few days, she would study him, examine his urine and stool, make sure everything was normal or abnormal.

Chill would have to trick him first though. "Why don't you come along with me darlin'" Eyelids lowered over her gaze as she stared at him, her tail flicked lazily behind her as she padded up to him and smiling. She would have to chain her emotions together in order to trick this pup. "You know, tell me your name and where you're from." She fluttered the order as she moved toward the berries and grabbed a few branches of them within her mouth. She would take these back to Kus, and hopefully drag this pup along with her.




9 Years
12-08-2013, 01:26 AM

The bitter taste of the berries would remain on his tongue, and the young boy would repeatedly swipe it between his front teeth to try and get as much of the taste off as possible but without much success. Ears were flattened to his head as he swallowed back the gathering saliva that pooled on his tongue. The slight bitterness falling back with it. He shuddered slightly at the aftertaste, though he would try to wash it out later with the first body of water he could find. And he hoped it would be soon, those berries sure didn't taste very good.

He backed up a step or two as the white woman approached closer, her eyes intensely gazing at him as if she were hatching some kind of strange idea in her mind. He blinked at her, ears turning with uncertainty. What would she say? Was she mad at him for spitting out the berries? Was he supposed to eat them? Thoughts ran in his head as he tried to come up with an explanation. The berries tasted bad, what else was he was supposed to do?

To his surprise, she had spoken to him but it wasn't what he had expected. She had asked him to go with her, and slowly his tail would wag a little. Would he get to see where she lived? That would be interesting! Nodding, his eyes grew bright and he forgot all about the nasty tasting berries. "Do I get to see where you live? Is your den nice? Is it big?" questions began to fly from his mouth, the ever curious pup wanting to know what excitement awaited his visit to her home. Or so he thought anyway.

She would move closer, his tail flying back and forth behind him, eyes alight with enthusiasm and curiosity. He was oblivious to her attempt at trickery, and would unknowingly play into it. "My name is Rin..Rin..cavor..non. can just call me Rin!" he exclaimed. Even he had trouble pronouncing his whole name often, it was long. At least to him it was, so he always just stuck with Rin. "I'm from a pack called Glaciem, it's somewhere around her but I don't remember where. My dad is the alpha but he's always busy doing stuff and never pays attention to any of us, so I went exploring and then I met you!" his tail wagged, mouth in a wide grin as he was happy to proclaim Chill as a friend. To him anyway, and he hoped that in some way she could be.



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12-08-2013, 01:59 AM

Berries rested around them, her eyes slide to each berry that was spat upon the ground and nodded. He would do perfectly for her, she would brainwash him, take him, use him, experiment on him. He would be her own personal bodyguard as well. She lowered her head, tongue sweeping forward to attempt to slide along his cheek, as sigh graced her lips as she shook her head thoughtfully.

"My den? I live in that giant building on the hill." She swung her upward and to the left to point at the massive building that was standing there. Her eyes softened as she listened to the trail of questions that continued to follow, one right after the other, the pup was curious even she did make him eat some bitter berry.

How brave the pup was, was the going to be the only thing that in the following weeks and months to come was going to allow Chill to let him live versus trying to kill him with some of her concoctions. Her eyes regarded him coldly now as he continued to speak, telling her about him. So he was a pack pup, she knew that if his pack found out she took him that would cause quiet a bit of problems for her.

But when he added he was the son of the alpha this brought a smile to her face. This was actually perfect, she wanted to change him into something his father would not recognize. She wanted to corrupt him so badly that there would be nothing left except what Chill wanted to be there. His wagging tail and bright eyes only confirmed what she thought, he would be amazing for her. "You know, since your father doesn't pay any attention to you how about you stay with me and help me out? In return I'll teach you a bit what I know."

She tossed the offer toward the pup, as turned her nose back toward the church on the hill as she looked back toward him. It was his choice to make, but she was more than willing to grab him and drag him off should she need to.




9 Years
12-08-2013, 02:40 AM

The boy's tail wagged harder, the sweep of the woman's tongue on his cheek confirmation to him that she liked him. Or so he hoped. He followed the gaze of the peculiar stranger towards a point farther away, his translucent green eyes resting at that location. His voice came out in aw, a small "O" forming as he became speechless about what he saw. Would she really take him there? He had never been over that way, and wanted to be an adventurer. He could go there, and have fun, and play with her, and see and do and learn things! Oh it would be so exciting! Something he could tell his brother and sister; Kyung and Irune about!

So many exciting thoughts ran through his head. The young pup only seeing her as kind and benign. Of course he wouldn't know her intentions, he was young, he lacked judgment. But then again, he was also young and his mind and heart malleable to the ways of others he spent time with. He had mostly spent time with Kyung and his mom, and if not them then with Irune. The one time he had come across his other half siblings Vereux and Genesis, he had formed a strong dislike for them. They were arrogant, rude, cocky, and thought themselves better then anyone because they were the Alpha's kids. He always thought it as folly. After all, all the pups in Glaciem were borne from the Alpha. They weren't special anymore then the rest of them were in the least.

So the thought of going with this woman to see her home made the young boy ecstatic. He nearly jumped out of his skin with excitement, tail wagging furiously as he hopped around her like an excited rabbit. Snow flying in all directions as he ran to and fro, yipping excitedly. "Will you really teach me stuff? That would be awesome!" He exclaimed with pure enthusiasm. This was a good and exciting day for him, nothing would take that away. He had a new friend, he would get to go see where she lived, and she would teach him things! And then it hit him...he didn't know her name, how rude of him! Stopping mid twirl, he turned to face her, looking up at the she-wolf. "Heeey...What's your name? You gotta name right?"



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12-08-2013, 03:00 AM

Her claws moved in the snow as she allowed her legs to stretch out in front of her, carrying her form to the edges before she circled herself around the pup, her tail swinging as she cleaned his paw prints from the snow, so for whoever might have been tracking him would lose the trail around the edges of the trees. She turned herself back toward the pup and nodded her head toward him, his excitement could almost transfer to the female as she lowered herself down into the snow so that she was on eye level with him.

"If I take you with me, you must never tell anywhere where I lead you, my name, or anything you learn from me. On this day, you must abandon your father and his ways to save the world." Her voice took on a soothing tone, her eyes staring toward him as she flicked her tongue across her teeth her breath making small smoke streams in the air. "The ideals of parents usually pass on to their pups, but I can help you, I can save you if you left me."

Could she tell her name to this pup, the name of a girl that no one knew but in the future would etch her ways into the world? "My name is Chill Rin, and I will teach you everything your parents wouldn't want you to know about this world." Chill rose, muscles flexing through her tiny body as she lowered her haunches to the ground, waiting to see what he would say, what he would do. Would he be willing to disown his father in order to make his way into a glorious future?




9 Years
12-09-2013, 06:23 AM

His eyes were wide with want. Sensing the power he could attain if he went along with this woman. She was willing to teach him so much, all of the potential knowledge could be used to his benefit. Nothing would stop him. He was Rincavornon, stripped of the Armada name that tainted him so.

He nodded vigorously, enthusiasm clear as he turned somewhat solemn. Of course he wouldn't compromise this information. And he would swear to it. "I promise I won't tell anyone! Nobody cared about me before, except for my mom and my brother and sister." And then he would quickly turn excited. Saving the world?! Rin had always wanted to be a hero! He stared at her, intent upon her words. He listened carefully to each word, each syllable. Watching with wondering eyes. A nod coming from him to acknowledge the acceptance. "I do accept! So you can teach me things!? Chill is a nice name, it fits you because your fur is white and pretty!" he responded with even more enthusiasm. He would remove the name that bound him to his bloodline. Regretting nothing, he would make another response. "I will abandon the name that ties me to the one who never cared. They don't deserve my skills anyway, I want to learn from you and be with you."



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