
I've got an elastic heart


12-05-2013, 12:32 AM

The crisp winter air pinned on him like most did, but he didn't mind it. The boy had been getting used to being blind in his gray eye. The color didn't change much apart from the pupil peeling over in a fashion where it was obvious he was blind on that side. Three scars over the eye where the man had took his side with his teeth. Yet another scar to add to his littered body. Raising himself he yawned and stretched, generally happy in this morning as it was something of a changed in this man. After meeting Abelinda things had been more for the better. Restrained was easy, even after meeting his sister. In which was interesting all in itself.
The man watched the snow through the tree's. His ears swiveling left and right. What would behold to him today in Glaciem he wondered? His home, his beloved home he would never let go of. Definitely since of his love for Abelinda and his loyalty to the Armada's that was for certain.




2 Years
12-05-2013, 01:14 AM

Felicita padded through the territory of Glaciem, where the chocolate colored woman had been staying for the past couple of days. She had chosen a private den, well out of the way of any Glaciem wolves. Though Felicita was a social butterfly at heart, she had been cautioned to keep her distance; not all Glaciem wolves were welcoming of strangers into their midst, especially when said wolf was a passing traveler. Not a prisoner, no. Felicita refused to believe that she was kept here against her own will. However, she did not know for sure, as she had yet to try to leave. The woman stretched her neck out unintentionally, feeling the scabs covering the wounds on her neck crack. Luckily, they were done bleeding. Instead, the now-open wounds simply burned, the crisp air doing nothing to cool the sting. The young woman continued walking, exploring, not sure where she was going but knowing that she could easily find her way back.

Suddenly, Felicita caught a scent on the faint breeze. A scent that plagued her nightmares and caused her to wake up in the middle of the night, shaking and screaming. The panic that Fell had been fighting off for days rose in her chest, causing a tightness around her lungs that made the fae feel like she couldn't breathe. Pulse pounding in her skull, eyes wide, Felicita paused and attempted a few deep breaths to calm herself, only slightly succeeding. The woman forced herself to keep walking, and it was hardly a few more steps until he came into sight. Oddity.



12-05-2013, 01:25 AM

Felicita had come across his blind eye, causing him to turn to look at her. It surprised him, he didn't expect the girl to still be here. And she seemed afraid of him, which that was logical after what he had done. But he was no longer a sexist freak as he had been when they first met. New ways of the male had entered his head. As his gaze softened. A slight softness to his voice. ?I didn't expect you to still be here, are your wounds bothering you at all?? he asked. Turning towards her, this time his voice was far from deceiving. There was clear truthfulness in it. As he lowered his body, dipping his head, and closing his eyes for a few moments then opening them again.
?I Guess you expect me to apologize don't you?? He asked yet another question. Oddity was no stranger now. He was different, and it would be shown to his pack mates easily. Ever since the war that was. His loyalty refined, his love grown on Abelinda. As he still hoped to make the woman his. Then his children, would have armada blood in them.




2 Years
12-05-2013, 04:47 PM

Felicita continued her attempt to control her panic, her heart rate decreasing when the young woman realized that the man who had so savagely brought her to this place was making no threatening move towards her. Despite the panic receding, Felicita continued to keep her hackles raised and her ears pricked up, senses on high alert, prepared for any sign of attack.

Oddity spoke then, his tone unexpectedly calm and collected. "I.. I like this place. I haven't yet felt the desire to leave." The ebony brute then asked about her wounds, Felicita responding with a confused tilt of her head. Why would he care? He's the one who inflicted them in the first place.. "My wounds are healing." The chocolate and cream colored woman spoke with a bite of ice in her tone.

The young woman peered at Oddity with contemplation filling her emerald orbs. Was she expecting an apology? Felicita scoffed. "You owe me a lot more than an apology." Something had changed in Felicita when she had been so violently brought to Glaciem against her will. Around others, Felicita was still her usual peppy, happy-go-lucky self. But that day, Felicita had learned something. She had learned how to hate.

"You had no right, Oddity! No right. I never did anything to you. I showed you nothing but kindness, and that's how you repay me?" Anger fueling the woman, she stalked closer to Oddity, stiff-legged, her fear forgotten. "That stunt you pulled, throwing me to the ground? I'm half your size! You could have snapped my neck like that." Felicita accentuated the word with a single stomp of her paw. "You think I want an apology?" The girl repeated with sarcastic disbelief. "You must be out of your mind if you think a simple apology is going to appease me."



12-05-2013, 06:58 PM

She had every right to be angry, every right to yell at him. And yet, he still couldn't feel bad for what he had done. He liked this girl, maybe he had taught her a bit of something to be far more rational about who she approached. His ears were perked forwards towards the girl, he listened, very closely. He lowered his head closing his eyes, flicking his tail. ?Right, I should have expected better.? he said. The scarred man opening his eyes again, the blue on focusing on her. He stood tall, exposing his chest with the large scar over it.
?And now I will show nothing but kindness to you.? He relaxed his muscles as he thought for a moment. Ever so delicately tilting his head to the side. ?I cannot feel bad for what I have done, I never have been able to, its something in my dna. Even if I want to feel bad it doesn't happen.? It was a trait that dearly bothered him. ?Maim me then, is that enough? Mark my body among all of these scars which are of all failures. Just please don't ruin my chance of serving isar or having children.? The man lowered his head. ?I would wear the scar gladly, if it would appease you for my stupid actions in the past.? So calm, so serious. Where had the old Oddity gone to?




2 Years
12-07-2013, 06:13 AM

ooc;; I apologize for the massive post o_o And the powerplay in assuming that Oddity would just stand there, but with the whole permission thing, I just kinda went with it .-.

Felicita pondered this new version of Oddity that was so drastically antithetical from the Oddity she had met not that long ago. The Oddity that had brutally attacked her and taken her against her will seemed to be vanished; the improved rendition that was Oddity was now omnipresent. The young woman did not know what to make of the words that slipped so easily, so earnestly from his tongue. Was this man to be trusted? Thoughts like these would never have occurred to Felicita mere weeks ago; the wholeheartedly trusting woman would have taken the words at face value, but believe it or not, Oddity had taught Felicita a thing or two. He had taught her to question things, to question people. To not throw her faith blindly into every wolf that came along. Despite this, Felicita's rage was far from quelled.

It was quite difficult for Felicita to believe Oddity when he spoke about his DNA repelling any form of remorse, and the woman vehemently wished that she could repudiate his claim. However, there was still just enough of the former Felicita in the delicate woman that she could not so callously throw away a claim that genuinely seemed to bother the ebony brute. Therefore, she was at an impasse. Would she believe him, and forgive him? Believe him and inflict her anger upon him regardless? Disbelieve the man and extort her rage in the form of tearing claws, ripping canines? Such questionable possibilities gyrated through her troubled consciousness, lacerating her psyche. Felicita sealed her emerald irises and lowered her head, conflicted.

Finally, the young woman could take it no longer. Felicita knew that if she stood there, contemplating Oddity's proposition for much longer, she would tear herself apart. The woman abandoned all pretenses of her caring, trusting self, and acquiesced instinct to ascend the throne in place of rational thought. Felicita unfurled her lids, the verdant green of her orbs a burst of iridescent color against the pure ivory snow. The woman slowly hoisted her head to eye level, staring into Oddity's single blue iris, attempting to bore straight through to his soul, Felicita's gaze burning with the fire from the yawning depths of her heart. She knew what she had to do.

Taking those last few steps to close the gap between the two wolves, Felicita ceased movement only when she was precisely nose to nose with the larger brute. Oddity was considerably larger than the delicate woman, but he had given her permission to maim him. Would he fight back? Felicita doubted that; permission didn't quite give the impression of self-defense. The woman's hackles raised, the dark brown fur atop her withers and spine standing at stiff attention. A snarl peeled back onyx lips from pearl-colored canines, threatening notes rumbling from a place deep within her gullet. Attacking with the speed and finesse of a striking snake, Felicita reared back onto her hind legs to provide the woman with the adequate height needed for the maiming she had in mind.

Felicita reached to the right of Oddity's head, canines seizing the top half of the brute's left ear. The woman clamped down with every ounce of force available to her, ripping through delicate flesh with teeth that could effortlessly crack an elk's leg bone in two. Deliciously hot blood permeated Felicita's maw, pooling into every crack and crevice between her teeth and gums, and spilling out through the gaps in her lips. The woman yanked her head back with a sharp snap, crashing back to the earth with momentum on her side, Oddity's audit torn in half, with the largest section held between her teeth. The crimson liquid wept down Felicita's chin, her eyes wild with a crazed blood lust.

Muscles trembling with the adrenaline that pumped viciously throughout the woman's veins, Felicita took a couple shaky steps backwards so that she could stare Oddity straight in the face. Never once peeling her emerald gaze from Oddity's half blind one, Felicita spat out the rather large chunk of his ear, the mangled flesh dropping onto the snow directly between them. Splatters of crimson stained the white innocence of the ground, much like how Oddity had torn away Felicita's innocence when he butchered the back of her neck and conveyed her to an unknown pack that she had had no prior desire to be a part of.

Head held high, Felicita stared Oddity down. Yes, the elegant woman was small in stature, but she made up for her shortcomings with the pride that kept her fully-intact audits pricked to the air, feathery brush curled high over her back in a display of dominance. The woman had not truly earned her right to be the dominant wolf; after all, Oddity had given her permission to maim him. However, Felicita would take each and every opportunity presented to her to show Oddity that he had not beaten her. He had not taken away who she was. He had changed her, yes, but perhaps for the better. A cool breeze rippled through the air, sending the gossamer-like strands of Felicita's fur waving in the wind. With irises sparkling with defiance, head, ears, and tail held high, the woman was the picture of royalty, the blood that continued to drip from her mouth only amplifying the image. She was a wronged queen who had taken back what was rightfully hers. Her pride.



12-07-2013, 11:38 AM

Oddity objected to none of the girls movements, the only reaction being his pulling back of gums to let out small whimpers of pain. If it had been one emotion he would choose not to feel it was pain, but it was still there against his will. He lowered his stature as his left ear was torn down the middle, split in half and in chunks in the young girls mouth. He felt the hot blood drip down from the vessels held within his ear. As he clenched his jaw down to deal with the pain. Raising himself proudly after even if she looked upon him with her pride. In fact, it only let a small smile rise on his features, glad that the woman had found some new sense of strength within her. Now she could survive better, in the real world.
His body would stay relaxed, even with the bleeding ear over his head dripping onto the white snow, turning it red. His tongue stuck out a small bit in a silly matter, ?You pack quiet a bite.? Though this was said in all a joking manner. He wondered if she still would be pissed at him now and hold a grudge, in which he would not blame her, nor would he really care though. Oddity's tail flicked back and forth, as he hissed a bit with the pain, he stuck his head into the snow, the cooling giving relief to the pain in his ear as he happily smiled.



12-07-2013, 01:09 PM

She was slumped toward the earth, front end nearly laying upon the terrain as her body wretched time after time. But not one drop of bile seemed to be willing to leave her gullet, and so she would dry heave for a moment more before staggering to her paws and standing at her full height. The sound of ripping flesh and striking words would bring her attention to a pair only a few hundred yards away - just barely within earshot. The Queen gathered herself and sauntered toward them, her walk a bit more composed now that she was getting used to the morning sickness that conveniently happened every hour of the day. It seemed that a woman she did not know had ripped apart Oddity's ear. Though she didn't know him personally, she knew he was a faithful member of Glaciem - this woman, she wasn't so sure. A growl resonated deep in her chest as she brought her sizable form close to the woman, so near she could smell the blood upon her lips. The scent nearly made her wretch once more, but a few hard swallows would remove the sensation. ?Who are you and why are you harming a wolf of Glaciem?? Fury burned in emerald sockets as she glared straight into the woman's eyes, sensing the Glaciem scent upon her, though it wasn't thick or pungent. The pregnant Queen would continue to eye her until an answer came, she wouldn't take any funny business.




2 Years
12-10-2013, 06:10 PM

ooc;; I'm sorry for the crap post >.> I'm so miserable right now, and it's definitely affecting my roleplaying D:

Felicita was in the process of licking the oh-so-delectable blood from her chops when the young woman became aware of a presence behind her. Before turning, Felicita smiled at the words floating from Oddity's mouth. Yes, though she was small, Felicita's jaw strength was enviable. The presence behind Felicita spoke, sharp words that would cut through the still winter air, falling so harshly upon Felicita's audits. Blood lust quieting, Felicita turned to see a gray-ish blue female before her, emerald eyes blazing. The pregnant wolf was not happy, that much was clear to Felicita.

Her head held high, Felicita stared the woman down. However, Felicita was aware that this woman held rank, and thus tucked her tail slightly, attempting to appease her. It would not do to upset a high-ranking wolf of Glaciem when Isardis had been so kind as to provide her with healers and a place to stay while she recovered.

"This man, Oddity, kidnapped me and brought me here against my will, injuring me in the process." Felicita lowered her head towards the ground for a moment, displaying the gruesome lacerations and puncture wounds that marred the once-perfect skin of the back of her neck. Felicita raised her head, her own emerald irises meeting those of the woman's. "I made it clear to Oddity that a simple apology would not appease the grievous acts he committed against me." Felicita nodded towards Oddity, who now had his head buried in a snowdrift. "And so, Oddity gave me permission to maim him. It was nothing more than he deserved." Despite Felicita's harsh words, much of the hate that she had felt towards Oddity had abated. She even respected him now; he had understood that he had done wrong, and whether he could feel remorse or not, he had done what he could to make things right.



12-10-2013, 06:19 PM

The wagging of his tail continued like a puppy until Sendoa appeared. This made the man more alert, suddenly standing in front of Fel to make sure the woman wouldn't hurt her more than she was from himself. His blue eye looking over her seeing as his silver one was now blind. Lowering his head in a bow the soft look on him continued even if his ear was burning a bit. ?Lady Sendoa, she speaks the truth. Isar himself gave her permission to stay here till she was fully healed. So I offered my ear as compensation. Perhaps made her a bit stronger in the process as well.? He raised his head as he explained. Looking over to Felicita he smiled shortly, before returning his gaze to the queen.
?She is no threat to Glaciem, seeing as she already respect Isardis so much, my queen I apologize for speaking so much.? His tail flicked a bit. The man had become much more smart with words, if it were not for his behavior that changed. That and he liked Felicita, he had the urge to show her how to fight properly. After all, Abelinda had told him every wolf had some sort of kindness in them, no matter who they were.



12-11-2013, 05:51 PM

Rage began to boil in her chest, white hot and furious. Not only for the injury to Oddity that was unwarranted in her eyes, but the pure, unadulterated audacity of the woman who had done it. She tried to quiet this rage but it continued to boil and froth. The girl would speak after finally tucking her tail and showing a bit of respect, stating that Oddity had kidnapped her, that she was furious, and that he had given her permission to maim him. Head would swing like a pendulum to Oddity, who confirmed this and who also dubbed her no threat to Glaciem. Fat chance. She would turn emerald sockets upon the woman once more, staring her down for a second before calming her raging hormones and speaking. ?It seems my anger was unwarranted,? she would admit before speaking further. ?though it also seems that if you are fit enough to maim a man you can surely handle yourself in the wilds of Alacritia.? She wondered now if the woman had taken to the ice kingdom or not, but part of her would not ask if she would like to stay. Something about Felicita had rubbed the pregnant Queen the wrong way, though she couldn't pinpoint what.




2 Years
12-12-2013, 06:18 PM

Felicita pricked her audits as Oddity spoke, tilting her head in a questioning way when he began to defend her. There was, Felicita saw now, a significant difference in the Oddity now from the Oddity he had once been. As the ebony man continued speaking to this.. queen? Felicita had to hold back a groan. She had been an impertinent bitch to the Queen of Glaciem. Not a good way to win the hearts and minds of the people, Felicita.. the young woman berated herself silently. As the queen spoke with ice in her tone, Felicita cowered, her tail tucked firmly to her belly and head lowered with emerald irises averted.

"I apologize for my brashness, Your Majesty. I was unaware of the rank you held." Feeling as if she had showed sufficient submission, Felicita raised her head to make eye contact with Sendoa, though left her tail tucked to her stomach. "I have recovered for the most part, yes, and I was actually on my way to meet Isardis. He told me to seek him out when I was fully healed." The chocolate and cream colored woman twisted her head to the side to gaze at Oddity, a slight twinge of regret piercing her belly as she eyed the streams of crimson blood drying and clotting in his fur. The chunk of his ear that Felicita had spat out continued to rest in the snow, staining the ivory blanket with gruesome splatters of red.

The young woman shook her head, cringing from the spike of pain that lanced through the half-healed wounds on her neck. Felicita brushed off the pain, refocusing her attention onto Sendoa. "As for braving Alacritis.. To be completely honest, Queen, I don't really want to. I left my family's pack to forge a life for myself, and I feel like I want that life to be here. I'm going to speak to Isardis about this as well, but.. I'd like to stay in Glaciem."



12-12-2013, 06:42 PM

Oddity's ear twitched, as he looked down at Fel, then back to the queen. His tail flicked back and forth, brushing over the young girl as he stepped back some. His one good eye gave off a faint glow to the fact that he was intimidated by Sendoa though his loyalty still stood to the armada's in their every being. With his love of Abelinda of course, hoping to one day steal her as a mate was a challenge in itself. As he let out a soft sigh. ?I apologize Sendoa, I feel it was appropriate for the cause and time.? Not a threat hell yes. This girl had been so easy to detain it wasn't even funny. He shifted on his paws.
ooc: crappy post I'm sorry.



12-12-2013, 07:25 PM

It seemed the girl was unaware of her rank, something she should have recognized immediately - at least in the Queen's eyes. Sendoa would offer a sigh, reconciling to give the girl half a chance, if she was bright enough to take it. Felicita would bring herself into a submissive posture before relaxing and explaining that she was on her way to meet Isardis. ?Well then perhaps that should be your next move, Felicita.? Sendoa was rather through with this conversation. It seemed, however, that the girl had more words to express, and so the Queen would listen as a good monarch should, hearing her out - though altogether not being pleased with what it was that she heard. ?That is something you can discuss with him when you meet him. I suggest you go forth now, and please try not to harm any more of Glaciem on your way.? Sarcasm dripped off of her tongue, but hey, it was better than malice. She knew that Isardis would let Felicita stay, what reason would he have to turn a willing woman away? Still, that didn't mean Sendoa had to be fond of the idea. She would turn emerald sockets to Oddity, who apologized. ?It takes two to tango, Oddity.? She didn't totally blame him, though he had been a fool to offer his ear to the woman so willingly. ?You should see a healer.? With that final advice, she would move away from the pair of them, toward her den - almost hoping to run across Isardis before Felicita did.

Exit Sendoa, unless stopped~
