


12-03-2013, 01:22 PM
Large paws would carry the man along the shore of wolf paw lake, copper eyes running over the island that sat within the center. From here it didn't really look like a paw, just rocks sitting there. With a swing of his tail and a flick of his ear Kovu would move on, lumbering along, no real destination in mind. The man just was examining the area, would look for a place to make a temporary den till he found his brother once again. The place had been covered in a thin layer of snow, a breath sending a cloud of steam into the air. He wondered what would happen today, would he find Baxter or would he run into some stranger?


12-03-2013, 03:02 PM
Winter was here, and she clawed at the females fur like a leopard scaling a tree. But pay no heed, it was warm and comforting, she enjoyed the cold, blended with the snow, hunted in its silence and killed in her threshold. The winter was a creature that was just like her, they where both the same in their cold edges, frozen centers, and leaking tops. What was the world without its winter, and what was the world without Chill? Everything centered on the two, and anything that said otherwise could drown in the avalanche that was their fury.

The land though seemed to want to defy, want to refuse the winter and her embrace, this western place was warm for being in the dead of winter, and how the female long to drop the temperature. But one such as her could do no feat as great as that, she was no goddess though she wished to be addressed as one, she was only a serpent slithering through the snow. Her paws making her dance through the forest in a forward wolf trot as she explored this new land.

There was nothing interesting here, no puppies to step on, no elders to shove down a mountain, no way to figure out what the appropriate response was. This alone was going to leave her slightly confused, perhaps today she would rage at her confusion by attacking the first living thing she saw. Or perhaps this would be the day where she met someone in this landscape filled with trees and mountains.

With that thought the scent of company flirted with her nostrils, a devious smile started at the corners and slowly turned upward as her head swung in the direction of the scent. What was this, what was this, was this new prey that she smelled, or was this the scent of a worthy one? Oh how she wanted to find out, so her legs angled away from her body as she darted in the direction towards him and paused a few meters away.

Blue eyes flickered along his body as she sized him up, her white fur brushed against the trees as she rubbed against them so keenly, her back arching as she chuckled, rubbing her scent all over the area before she turned back towards him and approached. Her lips pulled back, she wasn?t sure if she was snarling or smiling, a two breath click escaped her throat. Who was this, who was this, this man that she saw, what was the proper response to him.

He was a lot bigger than her, stronger even; her tiny body surely was no match for one so large and imposing. But who said she had common sense? No one ever. Chill was now trying to figure out what to do, when you first meet someone what did you do? Did you try to dominate them and then ask who they where, or ask who they where first and then dominate? Or did you roll over and submit? Or did you just stare? Or did you try to taunt them into playing your little games? Oh she liked this one better.

She lowered her front legs into the show, her butt sticking in the air as she lifted her tail above her haunches, and flicked her ears forward in a playful but dominant showing. Come here big boy. What?s the worst that could happen! She asked him, her eyes a lit with fire as she watched his face carefully as she baited him to come closer to her. Oh this would be fun, how off setting she was at the moment, she felt like summer, even though she knew her soul was of winter.


12-03-2013, 04:03 PM

He would lumber along the shore, copper orbs running over the land around him. There wasn't much going on here, Winter had come upon the land so most creatures were either hibernating or migrating to warmer regions. Stomach would growl when the man finally came to a stop, an annoyed huff coming from him as he lifted his head to look up at the dark sky which began to drop snowflakes.

Something was in the air though, he had smelled it a couple minutes ago but did not pay much attention to it, just didn't care even if the male instinct told him to seek it out. A woman was nearby, and in heat. The thought of an annoying bitch bothering him for his piece made the man roll his eyes, they could be quite pests.

In no time the woman would show herself, running up and planting herself in his path, dropping her lower half and throwing her rear in the air, letting the scent flow over him. She would practically be asking for it, telling the brute to come near, what's the worst that could happen? Well, he could break hat twig of a body, rip the scalp from her skull. But no, he wouldn't do that, he had no orders.

From her view the man would simply stand there and watch her, no emotions on his face, not even the slightest hint as to how he felt about her suddenly appearing or what he thought of her. A statue. Kovu wasn't one to reveal his emotions, if he did then he wouldn't have the job he had. However, he wouldn't just leave her there waiting for him, the man would motion with his head to follow him, turning around to face the lake, the water barely touching his toes. He wanted to show her something.



12-03-2013, 04:13 PM
Chill kept wagging her rear end around for a bit before she paused and stared at him, he was staring at her, and she now returned the favor. Her front half slide upward as her hind end stretched as she continued to stare. Oh this would be fun too, since he reflected no emotions toward her she would just reflect his behavior instead, and when he flicked his head for her to follow she flicked her head in the same direction in the same manner, and even at the same tilt that he did.

But she picked up her paws anyways and followed him, her eyes dead and flatlining as she followed him at his shoulder, her eyes flickered around the area as she stopped with him at the lake, her toes even at the edges of the water like his was and she turned her head toward him. Well then, seems like we have a problem. Why are we here? Chill asks this, her voice lost her earlier excitement and now took on the same coldness that she was named for.

She was almost like a robot in the aspect that she could take emotions like happiness and sadness and connect them to her core when she needed them and then remove them, leaving nothing but a husk standing there. But this dark husk had plans, ambitions, and deeds she wanted to perform in such a little time frame...what she needed was an army.


12-03-2013, 04:25 PM

He would note her reaction to him not showing anything, he playfulness would vanish, and be replaced with a similar cold stare and emotionless face. Ah, so she was one for games? Too bad for her he wouldn't participate. An ear would flick, swiveling around to face the woman when she asked why they were here. Was it not obvious? It was very for him.

Kovu would sit there still, still no emotion coming to his face, eyes holding the coldness, distant. "Water." His tone was low, raspy. "Thought you were thirsty." He would add, he had been thinking she was thirsty because of how she was offering herself to him, thought maybe some water would help her fix that since he would be giving her nothing. Would she even catch on to what he meant? Shoulders would move the slightest in a small shrug.



12-03-2013, 04:39 PM
She turned her ears toward him as she watched him sit down in front of the water and she mimicked his behavior, her own haunches planting into the wintery as peeked up at him rather innocently. She even went down to flicking her ear when he did, it was very entertaining, she didn't even know what exactly to do with herself now, what would one do when they didn't get any response from someone? Did they growl? Did they attack? Did they pout and roll all over the ground? What about those she-wolves she knew growing up, walking around men with their tails in the air? Was that the correct response to this situation? Emotions. What tickled foes they where that needed some slaying done.

Chill paused as she eyed him up, trying to figure out what he meant and what's when it slapped her in the face like a tree falling against the ground. This was her heat season, did he think she wanted something like him. Oh no no no, he was not worthy of tasting the forbidden fruit, well actually for that matter no one was, except herself, and one could not reproduce with ones self, but damn when she figured out how, be sure she would multiple.

Water? She feigned innocence, like she still didn't know what she meant as she cocked her head to the side and gave him a bashful look. Oh I'm so sorry sir, I totally forgot, please forgive me. You can't be mad at me...promise? She whimpered the words, her eyes randomly tearing up as they expanded, as she got closer to reaching the climax of her subterfuge. Chill lowered her head and sniffed, tail flicking upon the ground, it was the only sign that she was entertained by this entire thing.

Eyes then fluttered back to him, as she imitated his shrug as well, before tilting her head back to the side in mock shame. I'm young, I don't know what's going on. Please teach me. Her voice sing-singed easily through the motions of being a lost little girl in this big world, and she oh so seriously needed a protector.


12-11-2013, 08:59 PM

Head would slowly turn from the water and towards the woman, gaze falling upon her, intense yet not caring. She would question the water, watching her head cock to the side and gave him a bashful look. Then she would speak up, apologizing and asking for him to forgive her, asking he promise not to be mad at her. Kovu wouldn't give in, still quite silent as he watched her like a statue. Was she a troublesome female, or just dramatic? The man wasn't too sure, and he wasn't going to try and find out either.

And just like that the scene would change, going from a whimpering child to calm and imitating his shrug, saying she was young and didn't know better, to teach her. That he could tell was a lie, this female didn't look young, no early years of life clinging to her pelt, and her gaze gave away she had experience in something. "No teacher." He'd answer simply, head turning back towards the lake, the tip of his tail giving a slight flick as a cool breeze rolled around them.
