
Wary Eyes and Darkened Hearts


12-02-2013, 03:19 PM

Still she was recovering, her ribs showing blatantly through her rusty brown pelt. The fae had discovered a nice den to stay in for now, a hollow amidst the roots of a scraggly, half dead tree. She curled up within it's warm embrace, tucking her ivory masked face underneath her fluffy russet tail. She wondered what she was going to do soon, she was getting stronger, healthier, and soon she would be able to make the trip up north to confront her father about his actions. Orchid toned pools slowly fell closed as she tried to rest, regain her strength. That didn't work very well though, the petite woman was disturbed by her growling stomach, clawing inside of her in search of food. Shifting her weight about, she crawled into the dying sunlight as twilight held the land, night slowly taking control. Padding out into the territory belonging to her brother, she looked around for signs of food. Nothing but shadows, and they weren't very filling. Lifting her ebony sensor to the air, she inhaled deeply. A carcass was nearby. A little old, but still edible as far as the damsel could tell. Picking up her tea cupped paws, she trotted towards the dead animal in the distance, her mouth watering as she got closer. Finally she found it, a small fawn, death having stole it through starvation and the cold that was setting in. Dropping her delicate cranium, she sunk her teeth into the flesh of the tiny animal and snapped up as much as her regal maw could handle at a time.


12-02-2013, 04:45 PM
OOC- we'll set this before the pack meeting

It was one of the few times she left her brothers side. She had been near him ever since the attack, never venturing far. But she found herself hungry, her stomach protesting at its emptiness. Long limbs would carry the woman gracefully across her home. Nostrils quivered, taking in the scent of food. Sharp eyes searched, looking for something to eat. Despite her watchful eye over her brother, the woman had not let herself grow weak, she remain fit as ever, though her eyes had a tired look to them.

A familiar scent would stop her in her tracks. Lips curled back silently, pressing against daggers. Her steps began silent, kiss the snow covered earth. Her tail curled over her hips. Trespasser. She would stalk forward, her eyes glued to her sisters back. She approached from behind, her chin tucking over her throat.
"Trespassing is a crime." Gentle words would slip off her tongue sweetly as she closed the gap between them. It appeared as though her dear little sister was enjoying a meal during her visit. She stood inches from the smaller girl, towering over her without really trying. The young Queen had told the girl to stay away, but yet she had not listened. Eyes glittered with dangerous curiosity, watching her sister carefully.

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12-02-2013, 05:19 PM

She heard familiar vocals over the sound of her teeth on bone and rending flesh. Turning, her alabaster features spoke of naught but sheer boredom. The fae stared straight into her sister's glowing green optics, her own orchid gaze unafraid and unflinching. "Oh shut up. I'm pretty sure that if I wasn't allowed here, Taur would have told me by now. So, if you want, you can apologize, or you can go chase your tail." She remarked flippantly before resuming her meal. After a few more bites were stripped from the carcass, she turned once more to face her sister, her attitude making her seem bigger than she really was. "What are you still doing here? Are you going to apologize, or am I just wasting my time?" She asked again, sarcasm dripping from her sweet alto vocals with a hint of venomous malice. She continued to stand before her sister, one brow raised expectantly, waiting for a response that qualified as one of the two options she had given her big sister.


12-02-2013, 11:51 PM

Her sister would turn, snarky words flinging from pale jaws. Slow laughter would bubble in the Queens throat, her gaze slowly freezing over as her sister returned to her food. Hackles would rise, audits falling back against her skull, eyes narrowing with barely controlled anger. Her foolish sister would turn once more, and for the last time. The larger girl struck, her chin falling protectively over her throat. Words barely left her sisters lips when her muscles coiled, propelling her forward, closing the inches that stood between them. Jaws would unhinge, lips curled back tightly against her fangs, her thick plume would fall level with her spine.

Being significantly larger, the russet Queen would aim her jaws for the right side of her sisters face (Sib's POV). The larger girl had approached from the little girls right, and her turn had put the fool right in the path of her sisters jaws. She wanted to grab ahold of the tender flesh at the side of her sisters face. If she succeed then her would throw her weight forward, pushing with her hind legs, aiming to knock the lighter girl either off balance or to the ground.

If her jaws failed to land at their intended target, then she would take any piece for flesh she could, simply looking for a hold over her little sister. Her weight would still come forward with the intention to barrel into the smaller girl. Her sister needed to know her place. She had made her decision and now it was time to live with the consequences. Taurig may have accepted with her hope arms, but her sister brought a threat with her. The threat of another attack. She would not risk her brothers life because of her sisters foolish decision. Beneath her rage she had noted her sisters skinny appearance, the way her bones jutted from her pelt. She was weakened, having foolishly starved herself. There would be no escape until she submitted, understanding the severity of her actions.


ATTACKS: Aims to grab a hold of Eulari's face, the right side from Sib's POV. If she is successful then she would throw her weight forward, using her hind legs for strength and barrel her chest into her sister, wanting to either knock her down completely or just off balance. If this attack fails, then her jaws will aim for the closest piece of flesh and hold on, she will still throw her weight forward and into her sister.

DEFENSES: hackles raised, ears back against her skull, eyes narrowed, tail level with her spin, chin tucked against her throat.


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12-03-2013, 06:00 PM

The dame's sister suddenly snapped, going for a full frontal attack. Jaws would latch on to the girl's cheek, tearing into flesh as she was knocked down as well. A snarl bubbled up from her chest and into the open, words soon spat out like poison. "What the fuck are you doing?!" She barked, tearing her cheek from her sisters grasp, which resulted in gashes from where her sisters teeth had fallen, and her jaws continued to scrape through her tissues as she removed the vital, delicate part of her body from her siblings mouth.. She yelped a bit at the pain of having her flesh rended so horribly. Blood began pouring from the wounds, staining her pretty, cherubic face with crimson streaks that began dripping onto the ground. Standing once more, she glared at her sister one last time, ears flat, and stalked off. "You can have the fucking carcass if you really want it that badly, geesh." She muttered, padding away with her cranium lowered between her shoulders and her tail hanging behind her; not submissive, but not dominant either. The ivory masked dame didn't have time for her sister's bullshit right now, and so she would just save herself the time, and the injuries, and just leave.

.:Exit Eulari unless stopped:.

OOC: Sorry, but fights literally take away every bit of muse in my body....



12-03-2013, 10:08 PM

Blood teased her tongue, her sisters cries echoing in her skull. The girl would rip herself away, doing more damage to her face. Salmon tongue would caress her creamy lips, brushing away the traces of blood. Her sister would fleeing, spitting some nonsense about the carcass. Bitter laughter would follow her sister. Did she honestly think this was about the carcass? No. Not at all. Her sister was a traitor. A traitor being foolishly harbored within the borders of her home. She would watch her sister petite form flee, disappearing into the forest. It was then that she would turn, exiting the scene. One day her sister would learn.


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