
So Much Bloodshed


12-04-2013, 11:37 AM

Playing with your food? No not her. Chill was merely carrying around this rabbit that was still very much alive, for her own general amusement first, and secondly for her experiment. But the rabbit was in shock, the only way you could tell it was alive was by the every now and again twitching of its ears. You had to start small first, and this rabbit would have to do.

Setting it down on the ground slowly she quickly slammed her paw over its back, just in case it got the mind to try and escape. The female looked around, picked out a different type of berry than what she saw when she was speaking with Eris, and clipped down on it with her teeth. The berry was bitter, its nectar stung her tongue, and this was one of the telling signs that this one, unlike the others where indeed poisonous.

The white wolf picked a few more, crushing them eagerly between her teeth, but raising the back of her tongue in her throat to make sure none of the liquid slid down into her throat. Bite after bite, berry after berry she chewed, finally when enough of the juices where coating her teeth, she struck, quick and fast, as she latched her teeth onto the rabbits sides and squeezed, drawing blood before she dropped it back onto the ground.

There. She watched and hunkered down into the snow, her eyes staring at the rabbit as she watched it spring to life and dart off a few feet before falling still, before convulsing in place, its tiny body thrashing upon the snow. Yet, it didn't die. So she quickly deduced that this berry did not kill, but caused great suffering. But this was not funny, not anymore, not for the evil girl, so she stepped forward and snapped her teeth around the rabbits throat, putting it out of its misery.

Her experiment done she studied the berries while muttering to herself. "Somehow I will have to make these into a paste thick enough to not harm the user, but potent enough to do their job." She noticed the berries where pinkish in color, and have a little black spot in the middle. "I will name you shaking berries. These would do nicely for a pack meaning to send a message to an enemy pack, but not intending to kill." Chill carefully logged all this information into her brain, these berries would make her famous if she could figure out the correct way to mix them.

That's when it hit her, while leaves would be nice when trying to apply something to a wound she could take dirt, water, and the liquid from these berries and mix them in together. No mud wouldn't do, so she thought again, pacing backwards and forwards as she muttered to herself trying to figure out what would thicken into paste. Then it really hit her, there was a slug in the west that left behind a thick paste like slim, this slim mixed in with the liquid even though bitter would get que to the assassin on where the paste was in relation to his or her throat. But it would still be potent enough to do its job.

Chill squealed in delight, jumping up and down as she started to laugh wildly. Now what she had to do was gather the slugs, gather more berries, and then gather herself her first wolf test subject. "Now where can I find a wolf that will let me test my concoction on them willingly...wait who said it had to be willing?!" She mused in even more excited tons.




12-04-2013, 12:01 PM

What in the fuck is this mutt doing? Ghostly blue eyes would roll over her ivory bodice as he hungrily watched her from the treetops. It was apparent that this female knew thing or two about poisons, and that enough would be a good reason to take her. She wasn't cloaked in a pack scent, which was good, because that meant she was up for grabs. Would she resist? Or would she accept her coming fate? Ebony lips would curl into a smirk as he watched her, his two front canines glistening in the sunlight as they were exposed.

Body would rise from its laying position, and without a single noise the man would jump down, landing flawlessly on all fours before the gal. Eyebrow would raise in amusement as he beamed at her, lips parting as he spoke the devils lullaby. "Yo uso para usted, reina vud?." ( I may have some use for you, voodoo queen.) He would speak in his native language, not caring if she could understand or not. "Miss voodoo queen, you had my curiosity, but now you have my attention." Venomous words would drip from the mans maw as he took a daring step closer in an attempt to close the already dwindling distance between them.


12-04-2013, 12:12 PM

Poison would do nicely, she enjoyed it, but now she didn't feel too good, the aftermath of that newest twist of events left her tongue feeling numb and hard to swivel in her mouth, so when a giant cat leapt down from the trees and landed in front of her, Chill wasn't exactly sure what to think of it. Should she fluff up and growl, she should try to flip him onto his back? She wasn't sure, this was the first time she met something like this.

That was what made her stretch her head forward and sniff at him, he smelled like trees and earth, so she looked up toward the sky, her tail swaying as she judged the trees and decided she wouldn't try climbing any time soon. Maybe later when no one was looking she would try, but not right now, not in front of this stranger.

She listened to him though, her ears twitching as she tried to gauge his words in her limited understanding of others. He was not of her kind so he shouldn't have interest in her right? Instead he took a step forward and she felt her hackles shift to the upward position, there was something here that set the icy girl on edge. Her on edge? This was a new emotion to her, what was this feeling that creeped up her spine and slid over the edges of her soul. "What is exactly you want." Her said flatly, her ears caught the snipers of danger in his voice.

Eyes slide along his body as she sized him up, trying to figure out if he was weak or strong based on his build. And any fight with this male would lead to serious injury for her unless she was quicker with her smaller size, But for now, that wasn't where this was leading, so she flashed him a smirk before she shrugged her shoulders and gathered more of the pink berries into her mouth.

She might be needing these.




12-04-2013, 07:39 PM

His gaze would never leave her as she moved slightly, her neck stretching out as she proceeded to sniff in his direction. Had she ever seen a big cat before? It didn't appear so. Lips would remained curled into a smirk as his tail moved the dirt below them. It was amusing to see the confusion and fear on her face. "You're intelligence." He would answer her question as he took another daring step toward her. He watched her continue to collect berries, and as she did so he would observe them the way she did. He would remember the color, the size, the smell, and the texture of the berry. Might as well get a free lesson in? "You obviously have valuable skills, miss voodoo. I have only seen similar works deep in the amazon." It was true, he hadn't seen another creature collect and mix natures gifts together to be used against enemies. How did she know how to do this? And what exactly could she make to benefit him?


12-04-2013, 08:16 PM

She held the berries in her mouth her eyes shifting toward the cat again as she lifted her tail up in warning as he took another step near. Why was he getting so close, she raked her brain for all the information she had before taking a step away from him. Her hackles raising as she crushed the berries between her teeth before allowing their shells to fall down to the ground.

Ears twisted back onto her head as a growl started from her throat, her tongue felt weird again, she would have to remember to gather snails after this or else she would end up killing herself with her own creation. So she turned to him again, her tail now held out straight behind her as she cocked her head at him. He now had her interest, she was the first one he saw mixing berries? Did this mean she would be famous?

"Well I can't really give away my intelligence, but I guess I can teach you a bit of what I know." Chill answered, her voice reflected the cold indifference in the land around her as she stuck her noise back in the berry bush and instead of clipping the berries to coat her teeth, she clipped the branches, swung her tongue so that they where safe in her cheeks before she turned to stare at him.

"I'm glad you think so, I have yet to find someone to test this on. Have any ideas or do you want to be my first? Her eyelids lowered as she looked at him, nostrils flared as she snorted, allowing the steam to escape into the air as she watched him. "This mix only brings on pain and convulsions, as you saw in that rabbit. If I find the perfect berries, I can make the mix deadly." Though she felt like finding the right berries might take her a while.
