
Mysterious mystery of the world



4 Years
11-30-2013, 02:00 PM

and I could speak the language of many

It may have been Arian's first Winter, but with herself growing so fast, she didn't mind the cold really. As she trudged through the snow with small bundles of herbs in them. She had been learning everything she could, tail flicking behind her as the soft fluffy bundle of fur hopped along making tunnels in the snow. She dropped the herbs in a small storage place she made before bounding off near one of the gates of the barn to look curiously at a Rabbit that was eating some grass. Arian hadn't been taught how to hunt yet, but occasionally others would share food with her. Her blue eyes locked on the creature as she pulled her rump up wiggling her paws in front of her.

She stopped though before doing anything, who was she kidding. She wouldn't hunt until someone showed her how. Otherwise she would fail every time, it was a lot different for her other siblings who were growing fast and she was glad about that. She shook her head a large smile on her face as she rolled in the snow, her reddish fur growing in, along with the white eyepatch around her left eye staying where it should be.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


12-01-2013, 09:53 PM

Liquid ice had kissed the world around them. Blanketing everything in ivory crystal. The crisp air tingled against her senses. She closed her eyes and drew in a deep breath. She could feel the chill churning around in her lungs and warming up as she expelled her breath. Sandy color ears twitched as she walked across the barren grounds. Her claws pushed forward as she clutched at the ground in her wake. It was a subconscious habit. Her body was constantly at the ready for any possible assault that could be thrown in her direction. She was curious about her family in Seracia. She wondered how her aunt was fairing and her cousins. So she had decided to visit the lands and see for herself.

Her tail flicked behind her; level with her body, as the aroma of rabbit caught her attention. Her body grew silent as she carefully placed each paw before the other. She lowered herself to the ground and began to slowly make her way towards the rabbit. Her ears pulled back and close against her skull and she pushed off her back legs. Her paws were spread open and claws curled almost like a felines as she pounced on the rabbit. Her jaws aiming perfect to grab and hold and her head flipped backwards quickly to snap the poor creatures neck.

She dropped the rabbit by her paws and licked her mouth clean. She only felt a small amount of blood trickle from the puncture wounds she had created in the rabbit?s body. She was dedicated to keeping herself as neat and tidy as she could. Her gray/blue eyes focused on the child that was close to her age but slightly smaller then herself. Syren was made to be a giant and this pup wasn?t quite built for the power that was facing Syren in her near future.

?Well, I was unaware that someone else was stalking this rabbit. I apologize if I stole your lunch.? She said softly, her voice was neutral in her apology. Yet she couldn?t help but carry herself with authority. She felt she was superior to anyone other then her father. Even her sisters were below her in her mindset. She just managed to convey her opinions in a flattering manner rather then shoving her superiority down their throats.



4 Years
12-10-2013, 06:04 PM

and I could speak the language of many

Arian was a bit amazed, if not surprised as the rabbit was swooped up in another youths jaws. Her head raised, left ear flicking with mysterious curiosity. As a soft smile rose on her face and a light giggle to the same youth. Flicking her tail back and forth as she approached dipping her head. "No, I was only mimicking really. You are a fine hunter as it looks, even if I had been trying to hunt it you caught it first with better skills." Arian made a slight nod to herself. Syren's coat color matched that of a timber nearly like her own, but Arian's was a bit lighter with a white eye patch on her left eye. Though to see a creature catch prey made her happy.

"I haven't seen you in Seracia? Are you visiting with your parents?" Arian asked in a civil manner tilting her head. There was no way to get this girl to feel down seeing as she didn't see herself above any others. She was happy to help with either their self esteem or healing skills. Since that was all she had been learning about as of late, not having much time to learn how to hunt or fight.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


12-10-2013, 06:38 PM

The sound of the youths giggle all but made her knees buckle. She thought it was simply adorable. However, the outer appearance was still as still as any solider. The only thing that gave away her amusement was a slight twitch of her lip. She would never allow anyone to know the softness of her heart. She would forever hide the slight innocence that she still held onto. Her ears twitched to the youth?s words. Had no one taught her how to hunt yet? She had practiced and practiced sneaking up on the wolves in her pack. She wanted her steps to be silent. Wanted no one to ever know she was around unless she wanted them to know.

?Has no one taught you how?? she questioned, the disbelief was evident in her voice. Where were her parents? Then again, she had wandered away from the protection of her own kingdom to come here after all. Her father was busy dealing with new wolves and pack duties to constantly pay attention to where she and her siblings were. ?My father taught me how to be silent. He taught me how to hold my breath and keep moving slowly so the prey cannot hear me coming. If you?re slow and patient you can sneak up on the prey and catch them off guard before they even know what hit them.? She said mater of fact. Her voice was neutral in her discussion but she couldn?t help the slight quiver of excitement she felt that her father had taught her. He was everything to her and any time, no matter how mundane it might be, was cherished.

She tilted her head to the left with the question as to why she was in Seracia. Where were her parents? She almost scoffed at the idea of ?Parents?. She barley remembered her mother. On occasion she would catch her aroma around the borders of Amenti and she had no idea how she felt about her but she knew her father raised her. He was her heaven, not her mother, and he deserved her devotion. ?I came alone. I am aware that I have family in Seracia. I have an aunt and some cousins. So I am to see them. Father is very busy running the pack so I was sure he wouldn?t notice my absence.? She said simply, as it if it were no big deal. So she was young. That didn?t make her weak and unable to do things on her own. She was proving daily that she was becoming more and more independent. ?What about you? Why are you here, alone, tracking food? Would you like some?? she asked, nudging the rabbit towards her. It was enough for the two of them to share as a snack. Not a whole meal but it was better then nothing.



4 Years
12-13-2013, 05:04 PM (This post was last modified: 12-13-2013, 05:04 PM by Arian.)

and I could speak the language of many

'Has no one taught you how?' The other youth would reply, causing Arian to simply shake her head with a bit of disappointment. She had been too busy with pacifica her mentor learning about herbs, and her mother and father had been busy since they were the king and Queen. Well had been the king and queen until they gave up the throne to a darker woman by the name of Loccian. In which Arian was slightly afraid of the lass, but she was getting better about being around darker gray wolves. 'My father taught me how to be silent. He taught me how to hold my breath and keep moving slowly so the prey cannot hear me coming. If you?re slow and patient you can sneak up on the prey and catch them off guard before they even know what hit them.' A smile rose back on her face as she huffed a little bit glad to hear about a parent teaching their kid something. Arian herself was rather smart for her age, and she could see Syren was of high rank and she enjoyed it. "I guess I've been too busy, and people would bring me my food since I helped my mother give birth. I've been training to be a healer, since I'm too afraid of dark wolves to fight and I don't want to hurt people I couldn't even if I did want to. Guess I'm just weak in that way." Arian chuckled. Despite being so optimistic, she to herself was not the same in that matter. Always afraid of having others die on her, after watching her mother starve to death, her father slaughtered by another wolf and her siblings the same fate as her mom. It wasn't something she wanted to see again. So she'd learn how to heal everything better.

'I came alone. I am aware that I have family in Seracia. I have an aunt and some cousins. So I am to see them. Father is very busy running the pack so I was sure he wouldn?t notice my absence.' Arian's tail flicked back and forth as she listened to Syren. So her father was a king, or an alpha as well? He was probably still one though. Arian wasn't sure why her mother and father gave up the throne, but she trusted them and wanted to support them and her siblings as much as possible. After all she had just gotten used to calling them mother and father. 'What about you? Why are you here, alone, tracking food? Would you like some?' Arian was careful to stay quiet when Syren spoke. "I was out collecting herbs, I saw the rabbit and thought about stalking it, but then decided not to and you came along, with an amazing catch I might add." She said in a chipper attitude. Wagging her tail as her eyes went wide as she was offered food. "Are you sure?" She asked. "My mom and dad are Epiphron and Maverick, former king and queen of Seracia. So perhaps I am part of your family." Arian giggled. Waiting for permission to eat the prey, her stomach growling.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.


12-14-2013, 07:46 PM

The blood was dripping from her soft lips. She tore into the rabbit as if its skin was as soft as butter. She pulled the skin back to expose the luscious muscle and tender tissue. Her paws held the body in place as she pulled the skin from rump to head up to give better access to the good for them to shear. It wasn?t much but it was enough for them to enjoy. She pushed her fangs gently against the rabbit back, pulling at the meat as she listened to the youth out her self down. Her fur bristled with the words and she swallowed her meat to speak.

?Weakness is a must from us all you know. It?s what defines us. I enjoy the thrill of battle. The joy of spilling blood and putting those that are below me in their place but just be cause I enjoy such things does not mean I am strong at everything. Your knowledge of herbs is a wonderful skill. Say if I injured myself to the point of severity you could come and fix what was injured. I could not do that on my own. I wouldn?t know the first thing about healing my own wounds. So don?t put yourself down for things you are not able to perform or have no desire for. That?s where others come to help. We are all pieces in a puzzle when it comes to pack life. We all fit where we all belong. And our strength and weakness make us stronger as a unit rather then individuals.? She said with a smile. It was faint. A flicker of her good nature and then gone in an instant. She rarely showed the softer side. Seriousness was demanded of her and she was found of her military discipline.

?I could teach you how to fight. Even just a little knowledge of defense can help you survive. You could maybe teach me about some herbs. Just enough that I could help others enough until we got them to a real healer.? She offered as she took another small mouth full of the rabbit. Her ears perked forward once more as the youth spoke of her parents. Her tail swayed back and forth very slowly in response. She swallowed her mouthful again and licked her lips before speaking once more, ?Epiphron is my aunt. So that makes you my family.? That makes you mine. She thought, and the words of Vyv echoed in her head. Perhaps she felt the same possessiveness when it came to family that her sister did. Maybe not in the same degree but the thoughts were there nonetheless. ?I have come to visit her and my cousin. Perhaps we can convince her to allow you to come with me? maybe to visit your other family and have the opportunity to learn other skills.? She suggested, her tail wagging gently behind her. Was it fate that brought them together? How ironic was it that the first wolf she met on her journey to Seracia was one of her cousins.



4 Years
12-17-2013, 03:47 PM

and I could speak the language of many

'Weakness is a must from us all you know. It?s what defines us. I enjoy the thrill of battle. The joy of spilling blood and putting those that are below me in their place but just be cause I enjoy such things does not mean I am strong at everything. Your knowledge of herbs is a wonderful skill. Say if I injured myself to the point of severity you could come and fix what was injured. I could not do that on my own. I wouldn?t know the first thing about healing my own wounds. So don?t put yourself down for things you are not able to perform or have no desire for. That?s where others come to help. We are all pieces in a puzzle when it comes to pack life. We all fit where we all belong. And our strength and weakness make us stronger as a unit rather then individuals.' Arian's head was in full frontal contact with that of her cousin. Such wise words she hadn't heard from any other wolf besides her brother, it bought a soft, softer then most of her gleeful smiles, to her features. Lowering her head slightly, looking off to the side, well of course but sometimes she wished she could get rid of her flaws easily or hide it well like so many others could before her. The youth raised her head, "Yeah, but at least there are the few who can at least make themselves seem like they are flawless. Like you Syren, you really are an amazing girl." She said with a more gleeful smile. As she dug into the rabbit, giving thanks to the god above them silently to herself as she ate. 'I could teach you how to fight. Even just a little knowledge of defense can help you survive. You could maybe teach me about some herbs. Just enough that I could help others enough until we got them to a real healer.' Arian raised her blood stained muzzle again widening her eyes, teach her how to fight? Such an idea never occurred to her since she thought she was going to be taught by her mentor until she was an adult. And that she'd be able to teach Syren about herbs, just enough until they got a proper healer. That made a goofy smile appear on her face with happiness tail wagging back and forth. "I could!" She exclaimed, eating a little bit more.

'Epiphron is my aunt. So that makes you my family.' Family. Something that had been broken from her at a young age, but Arian didn't want to spoil the girls attitude and tell her that she was adopted. Seeing as her coat color, was similar to that of Epiphrons, or a lighter shade of Mavericks, aside from the white patch across her left eye. And that of her eyes being a deep blue color. So the red wolf kept it a secret, regardless of what others would think of her, she was Pip and Mavericks child now. Even if she chose to keep her fathers last name. 'I have come to visit her and my cousin. Perhaps we can convince her to allow you to come with me? maybe to visit your other family and have the opportunity to learn other skills.' Arian had finished her share, which wasn't even half of it since she only ate until she would suffice seeing as others usually needed it more than she did. Raising her smaller body she nodded to the cousin. "Of course, Epiphron probably wouldn't have a problem with it. After your done eating we can go find her if you want." Arian stated sitting down before using the nearby snow to clean off her muzzle from the blood.

[Image: zL7Ypap.png]

Cypress being Arian's mate, can jump into her threads private or not. Arian is fluent in Japanese and English but also knows mild Irish. Avalon is also allowed to crash Arian's threads.