



12-05-2013, 07:46 AM

Much had changed since the last time Isardis had spoken to his pack as a whole. Family had arrived, and loved ones had left; or rather been lost. And perhaps that was what fueled the ivory behemoth to waltz with seamless intent towards the heart of his snow-strewn lands, he had much to explain to his people, and several propositions to put forth. A search party would be sent to The East, in an effort to hound any signs of Argent's life, or death. They needed to know their Queen was gone, at least for now, and yet other brilliance's had come from such tragic events; Sendoa now stood upon the throne as their superior, their empress. Her robes of blue as splendid as the oceans that stranded them, as magnificent as the power of thrashing waves. Satis had returned, and Impra was surely not long off. And so, he stood atop the pedestal of a fallen, snow-laced trunk; elegant skull craning to emit the call of his leadership, to yield his kingdom to his confines.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]


12-05-2013, 07:52 AM

When the call of the albino king rose in the air, she pushed herself to her paws, leaving the confines of her den where she had been sorting herbs. What could he want? What was going on? The last meeting she had attended had been the meeting warning them of the siege. Was there to be another war? Pushing herself out of the small den she had inhabited, she moved quickly towards the king, finding herself to be the first one to arrive. A nod, she would give to the pallid brute, as she settled herself a bit away from him, unsure of where she stood in the kings eyes, and unwilling to engage him on the matter of her loyalty. This wasn't the time or place, she sat back on her haunches, curling her tail around her and waited for the rest of the pack to arrive.




8 Years
12-05-2013, 07:57 AM

The call summoned her from the den of which the wraith had been residing within after having hunted down a few animals she had quite made the furred bed for her self; it felt with the cold that plagued these lands. Quick to be on the scene her gaze switched to her brother and that of one other she had met the season before yet hadn't spoken to them sense in fact having been fairly busy her self as of late but that didn't stop her from arriving. Pivoting to the right the dame took a seat as she wrapped that tail around her the frigid air was far from her friend at this point; the biting air made the wolfess shiver due to the cold as a whole but she'd bear it for the time being seeing this seemed to be directed at every one within the pack. Wondering in fact just what her brother had to speak of.


12-05-2013, 07:58 AM

When the call of his father rang through the land he pushed himself to his paws, wiggling from the set that was their families den. His father was calling the pack? Ears trained forward, and the young pup gave an excited bark before moving forward at a lumbering trot, that lacked the grace that would come with age. This would be his first pack meeting ever, and he wasn't sure if he wasn't supposed to attend, but he figured that his father would tell him to leave if he didn't belong. The blue-grey pup moved towards the sound at a quick pace, and when he broke into the area where his father waited, his eyes fell on a russet woman that he was unfamiliar with, and a blue colored woman he had met before when his brother had been in trouble. Jaws would part as he approached his father, and came to sit close to him, "Dad." He greeted lightly, his small tail wagging gently, hoping that his dad wouldn't turn him away from the meeting. He desperately wanted to know what was going on.



12-05-2013, 09:02 AM

Cloaked in the truest of sapphires, adorned with two emeralds set upon her eyes, the queen would emerge from her chambers - beckoned by his call. It was not yet clear that she was pregnant, though she effervescently hoped that she was. Only time would tell, and in a week or more they would have their answer. As he had called them forth, they would come, arriving in ones, twos, threes. She watched them for a moment as they arrived before her, the tails of Eris, Genesis, Abelinda making their way. A smile creased her lips despite the dark turn this meeting was likely to take. With a breathless sigh she would slide up beside him, taking her rightful place as Queen of Glaciem - a rank she'd thought herself never able to achieve. Perhaps Argent's plan hadn't ended up quite as badly as Sendoa had expected. Haunches would rock toward the earth, as a simultaneous flick of her tail sent it curling neatly about her hip bones. Ears would incline to an interested position as she nodded to each in attendance - eyes lingering longest on Abelinda.



12-05-2013, 01:46 PM

Ears would flick toward her alpha's call as she was awoken from a very deep sleep. Winters chill was already snapping at her shivering body. It took a lot of determination to pull herself up from her laying position, dirt flying in all directions as she shook her pelt free of any impurities. She wanted to look her best when around the king because she wanted his everlasting attention. She would push herself through the snow, mind wandering about how much colder this winter would get before it eased up. She was used to sunny plains in Valhalla, not white wastelands. Could she handle it? Of course she could. She always knew how to cope. As she approached the crowd her eyes fell upon no other but the ice king, cerulean gaze rolling over his ivory bodice as she resisted the temptation to lick her lips. She could only wonder what the real reason for them being here may be. She would take her seat at the front of the crowd, tail wrapping around her aching paws as she awaited to be addressed or talked to as a whole.



6 Years
12-05-2013, 03:11 PM

Vereux fluttered his eyes open in a drowsy manner when he realized Genesis was no longer slumbering beside him. Though the call was still ringing in the air, making the pup rise himself. With a yawn, he trotted out, and followed his brother. After speaking to his father that day with chrysanthe coming for her men. He felt far more relaxed, accepting of the world. If anything he felt smarter, and cooly, he wasn't afraid to be himself with sources of restrictiveness of course. His tail wagged when he saw his father, quickly seating beside Genesis pressing his pelt against his brothers.
"Father" Vereux greeted, happily as it would seem. Though he contained his wagging tail by curling it around his back paws. His emerald eyes falling on members of the pack he had never met before. So there was really more to glaciem then the ones he had met? That was a lot of wolves for a small pup like him.



12-05-2013, 03:19 PM

Oddity was quick to answer the call of his king. As he moved his legs, he couldn't help but to move quicker when he noticed that Abelinda was there. The man had long since abandoned the stupidity of the emotionless reign he had gone through. Even though he still couldn't feel remorse or sadness for his actions, his love for the woman was still within the grasps of his mind. The half blind male stood only a few feet away from her, considering she was of the blood, she would be closer to the king anyway. His good eye locking on the Albino king, and the woman next to him. What had happened to the other? The one who was the mother of those two pups, Argent wasn't it. Oddity thought he had met her once, but wasn't sure, he had definitely seen her in the war though. As he sat in his selected seat he looked at Isar. ?It is good to see you King.? He greeted dipping his head. As he then turned to Abelinda. ?Abelinda, I'm happy to see you as well.? The girl had been busy it seemed and he didn't have time to spend with her.
Oddity was still struggling to get her attention, however futile he was going to stay true to his feelings. He loved her, and it was those words he mouthed to her as well just then before turning back to his king awaiting for the meeting to be addressed. He was clearly showing much more maturity then he had shown when first arriving in Glaciem. Littered with scars, however, confident as he sat back straight, head slightly bowing to his king. Life was good, he felt it to be so.




5 Years
12-05-2013, 04:10 PM (This post was last modified: 12-05-2013, 04:14 PM by Irune.)
Irune Ezra Armada

Like any other day, Irune had done out to play, letting mother work and to stay out of her way. Though the pup was dying to know what her mother was doing. She was respectful enough to stay out of the way. She practiced her pouncing, stalking and fighting against snow animals and snow enemies that were no more than mere drifts. But all that play and self training was tiring. A good snow bath and grooming before a nap was the best way to go. She couldn't afford to be dirty and unkept! What would everyone think if they saw a dirty, fur clumped pup sleeping? Surely nothing cute!

Buried under the snow she laid curled up dozing away the afternoon. She loved sleeping in the snow, though it could be freezing when alone. But that happened not to often. If she wasn't cuddling with Ky and Rin in their snow den, or with her mother in her den, Irune was somewhere buried under the snow. But never far from Eris. Lips twitched with small growls and whimpers as se dreamed. She dreamed of Ky, Rin, and herself leading a pack together, fighting enemies and hunting beside each other. She was just about to leap at a deer when a howl woke her. With a groan she bursted from her hideout, russet ears perked up. Who was that? In the distance she was her mother heading towards the call. With a grunted she scrambled to follow. But at a very much slower pace. Bounding up and down through thick snow was tough.But it'll make me..stronger!She huffed to herself.

By the time she got there, others had arrived. She only saw one other she knew, Genesis. She frowned at him, one cause he was here and two cause he was on her log! She ran over to Eris, ears laid back with displeasure.Momma!!!! Momma they're on my log! It's mine, tell them! She complained loudly, shooting Genesis, his brother, Isardis and Sendona a nasty look. She didn't know the others and didn't care much either. It was her log, with her scent all over it. They should have at least asked her if they could sit on it! Tail raised high, almost curling over her back, ears still laid flat to her dark blue gray head. Tiny white teeth showed as she grumbled. She wished Ky and Rin were here to back her up. But not matter the number of others she faced, she wasn't scared!


12-05-2013, 04:28 PM

Luckily enough Lova had not received a single scar from the war, that was the only thing she didn't generally enjoy was the marks. Her fluffy fur protecting her enough the Russian made her way to her Kings call. The dame had done her part in the war, taking down two wolves before she had been defeated. That was well enough for her, seeing as the victory was in order. The tuxedo fae made her way across the snow. Giving a soft smile to the pups next to Isar, as well as a nod over to Abelinda. Seeing as the two were still very much friends. Though Oddity seemed to have been slightly flirting with the woman. As her cyan eyes moved over the pup complaining to her mother. Lova sat, curling her black tail around her back paws. "Isar", Lova greeted her king and bowed her head slightly. Waiting for the pack meeting to start. To tell everyone what was going on, and it had been some time since they all gathered. Many probably didn't even know who each other were.



12-05-2013, 04:52 PM

He had convinced her to pledge allegiance to his reign and kingdom with only his competence, and thus the phantom would abide to his summon without hesitance, robust appendages carrying her swiftly to the heart of Glaciem. Confidence oozed from pallid pores and yet her skull would find comfort aligned with her spinal column in a subtle display of inferiority as she approached the gathering, pupils attempting to captivate the king?s own before her muzzle would tip in greeting. Not having been acquainted with the masses due to her status as a newcomer, the wraith would not try to engage with any of the other members present, choosing instead to situate herself a few feet away from the center of the amphitheater in favor of personal space. Pivoting to face the King and his Queen with a sense of intrigue, the banshee remained silent, eager for the meeting to commence.


12-05-2013, 06:35 PM

The call from her father caught her russet auds, and she began padding in the direction in which the summoning had been heard. Soon she came upon her father and a group of wolves who smelled of Glaciem. She dipped her tiara in greeting to the wolves she did not recognize, taking a seat near her father, but did not get up on the log, since she knew better than to simply assume she could sit there. Sweet alto lyrics would pour from her regal maw like a river of honey. ?Hello father.? She murmured, smiling kindly as she turned orchid pigmented pools upon him. She took in the woman who sat beside him, curious as to who that could be. She would most likely find out who she was soon enough, so no need to speak up at the moment. Wrapping her rusty brown plume around her tea cupped paws, she waited calmly for the meeting to start.


12-06-2013, 11:26 AM

The youth was off investigating the scent trail of a small herd of elk, not that he could actually do much alone, and he hadn't ever really hunted. The howl of his king, a summons, rang through the vast territory and his head lifted, taking in an excited huff. What was going on? Turning from his trail, he loped off towards the sound, the youth coming to see the king where he rested on a fallen log, a bark of greeting left him, as he looked around the clearing, noting wolves he didn't recognize. Coming to a halt, he stopped and sat down near the others, waiting for the king to speak.



12-06-2013, 08:27 PM

It had been several days since she had spoken to another wolf of Glaciem. The moment they came home from the siege, she began avoiding most of them. She didn't want them to see that she worried for her friends and family within Valhalla. She couldn't help but wonder if her Uncle Luke had come out of it alive...if the young boy Ravine had lived.

Now her king called to her and the rest of the wolves of Glaciem. She knew nothing of the details of the siege, she didn't care to know for fear she had lost a friend, or worse a family member. She stood and shook her dual colored pelt free of the snow. Obediently she moved toward the call.

Her legs took her across the land as quickly as they could. Others had moved faster though, as they had arrived before her. Perhaps they were merely closer to the king when he sent out his call. Never the less, she still arrived and she knew that would please her king.

When she looked to where Isardis was, the first thing she noticed was the absence of Argent. Though she was already carrying herself with confidence, the absence of the wench only upped her spirits. Dual colored eyes looked up at the man as she drew closer. A bow was given in respect when she was mere feat from him and words were spoken. "My king, it is a pleasure to see you again."




6 Years
12-07-2013, 12:53 AM (This post was last modified: 03-15-2015, 09:08 PM by Kyung.)

Irune would not have to wait that long. The boy would be nudged gently awake, his mother nosing at him briefly, smiling as he blinked up at her before moving onto his brother and then finally moving outside the den. She would wait outside there for them. Kyung rose to his paws stretching the kinks from his body, a squeaky yawn escaping him. Black orbs would narrow some as he exited the den, the sun glaring off the snow blinding him momentarily. Then his mother would lead him and Rin into the inner pack lands. He would trot behind her, wondering where she was taking them.

The scents of other wolves hit his nose and he hesitated before catching sight of the gathered wolves, and with them Irune. Tail shooting straight into the air and wagging happily he rushed towards her, greeting her with a quick lick to her cheek. "Irune Hi!" He would exclaim, before turning his black gaze upon the wolves on the log, he frowned but settled upon his haunches, pressing up against the girl. His mother would join them a moment later.

Talk like this

[Image: Soren%20siggy%20image_zpsfcetqwsp.png][Image: Hymn%20siggy%20image_zpswiinwvrf.png][Image: Luck%20siggy%20image_zpshdhryppk.png][Image: Estelle%20siggy%20image_zps7n4eqvlt.png][Image: Seli%20siggy%20image_zpscw0kd72m.png]



4 Years
12-07-2013, 01:37 AM

The howl would interrupt the small family during nap time. Narsha was not sleeping, simply laying next to her boys, watching in content at they snoozed peacefully. She would glace out beyond her den, the passage leading out from the hollowed tree trunk, bright with snow. With a sigh she would gently rise to her paws, shaking dirt from her pelt and gently nosing at her boys until they were both awake. She would then trot from the den and settle herself just beyond the entrance, waiting for her boys to exit.
She would spot them both finally and smile kindly before trotting off without a word, though she trusted that they would follow. As they approached and wolves began to pop into view Kyung would dash ahead of her, and she would chuckle as he rushed towards a pup she vaguely recognized. Settling herself beside him she would dip her head at Isar and nod a greeting to Eris before turning her gaze to try and spot her other son. Where had Rin gotten too?




12-08-2013, 07:05 PM

One by one they would arrive, each as respectable as the last; a proud smirk beaming the narrow structures of his maw as he gazed upon them with adoration. His people, his pack, his world. Drowned they were, against the perfect blankets of pale ice, each soul so audacious and vibrant to his eager mind; their physical appeal noteless when he would so bask beneath the attractive presence of their loyalty to him. His skull would dip to Eris upon her arrival, however vague it had been, the woman had been walking on thin ice lately, and yet Isardis couldn?t wholly bring himself to degrade her. She was an asset. ?Abelinda,? he would address her fondly upon her arrival, only to have his attentions shifted to Genesis, nodding in approval to his son?s greeting.

Ah, Sendoa; she would come up by his side, so intoxicatingly elegant, perfect. And Isardis would find himself to lean, left shoulder aiming to press against her right, neck craned as he would bring his crown to butt against her cheek, adoringly. Next would have been the previous Valhallan, a blossoming jewel amoungst his ranks, ?Huntress,? lips tweaked as he greeted her, pondering whether or not she was yet tired of her title. Vereux, a son who had developed somewhat of a soft spot within The Albino?s being, would come to sit by his litter brother, Isardis offering him a glancing suggestion of greeting. ?Oddity, keeping out of trouble are we?? he chuckled weakly as the ebony man arrived, shortly followed by the babe of Eris, his fiery and apparently very jealous daughter. He had had limited time to spend with the girl in her youth, and yet he had certainly been there; lips bubbled in amusement as she would fret, ?Why not join us then, little firecracker?? he would direct casually to the lamb.

Lova was to be next, and Isardis would offer her a glance of proud acknowledgement, skull cocking lightly in response to her frail greeting. Ah, Artemis. The pale wonder would meander her way to the vicinity of the meeting, catching his attentions for longer than should have been necessary, ?She made it,? casual lyrics were directed towards her as she found her place, gaze lingering atop her impressive form. Never would he forget her success on the battlefield that day. Eulari would find her way to his call next, her splendour undeniable as Isardis would regard his daughter with an eye of approval, eager to allow her place beside him as he would nod subtly in her wake. Seth was next, a boy he hadn?t known all too well; however his arrival upon the borders had been an eventful one. Pepper would arrive also, ?As to you, my silver.? His connections to her were limited, and he made a mental note to cross paths with her personally after the meeting.

Narsha would come with her ebony blood in tow; ah, the boy was somewhat of an oddity wasn?t he? As dark as the night that had previously encased them, his eyes were a velveteen depth of inky gloom. He was peculiar, and yet Isardis hadn?t been willing to think little of him, at least not just yet. ?My russet beauty,? he would greet Narsha somewhat fondly, proud of her loyalty to him during her stay. And so the meeting would commence, gaze shifting between them all as he would begin, ?Your loyalty rings true, Glaciems; may you all be as proud as I in our strengths and ability to outlast within our ties. I stand before you today, not with Argent, but with Sendoa; your new queen, and a queen far more than worthy of her titles. I bare the unfortunate news of losses, and yet also of victories; may we spare a moment to recognise the death of Vixe, who passed at the jaws of a Valhallan, and perished for the safety of our empire.? He would pause a few moments, ?Some of you may have noticed Argent?s disappearance; and it is as such one we are uncertain of. Tragic events suggest a potential death, and yet we will not yield our searches until she is found, dead or alive. I will be requesting a duo move out this afternoon, to search the east for any signs of her life or death. Who wishes to volunteer their services?? he would gaze upon his people expectantly, awaiting somebody to speak up, to offer their assistance.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]


12-08-2013, 07:41 PM

She would heed to her father?s call, though by the sound of his words as he approached, rather late, as she caught the tail end of her father?s words. Strolling into the clearing, she heard his request of two a duo, to search for his lost queen and she would walk past some of her pack-mates casually, and come to stand near the front. Violet pools would seek out her father, eyes pausing on the blue form of her queen, and she made a mental note to speak with her later, wanting to meet the woman ruling alongside her father. She contemplated for a moment before she would speak, at the end of his words. ?I would not mind to accompany another in search of your lost queen, father.? The offer would be spoken in a mono-tone, light voice, with a placid expression. Yes, it would be a good chance to get to know a pack member, though she was well prepared to be denied for her lateness.

Late she had been, though her recent arrival to the territory perhaps permitted it. She had yet to extensively explore, and hadn?t realized the time it would take to travel from one end to the place where he had called. She would not apologize for being late, it wasn?t her way, and she wouldn?t dwell on it. Standing there, her eyes would cast over her pack-mates, landing on each on in particular, making mental not of their initial appearance, the initial impression that they would leave on her. The ages ranged from pups to adults, children that undoubtedly were related to her by blood, family.



12-08-2013, 10:26 PM

Lova watched her king, dozily she gave him her attention. Her black tail flicked from side to side as her ears moved forward. The grayish wolf let out a small huff at the death of the glaciem. Giving her respects in her own matter of silence. Once Isar spoke of Argent, a slight alarm fitted into her. At first the woman hadn't liked Argent, but she had grown to respect her slightly. Jealousy was not in her heart or rather she had no room for it anymore. As soon as the blood volunteered to look Lova raised her voice. "I would be happy to help look for her." She said. Looking over the other who had volunteered. Giving them a smile of kindness, considering they were pack mates why shouldn't they have been friends right?



12-10-2013, 03:34 PM

The Queen swathed in blue would glance to each in attendance, before setting her sights upon their King. He would speak of her promotion and return, of Argent's absence and the search party to go out. It would be then that she would speak, after two had volunteered. ?Go toward the delta, a small river jutting off of it is where she was last seen. Her scent is likely gone, but blood will have stained the ground if there is any. Godspeed to the both of you." She would nod her head to complete her speech, bedore setting emerald sockets once more upon Isardis. She woukd tilt her head slightly and lean toward him to whisper, ?Shall we tell them of our plans for children?? She was not particularly quiet about such decisions, but given the uncertainty of her pregnancy she wasn't sure if he would be willing to announce it until it was official. She would wait then, and let him have the final say in the matter.
