
[P]erhaps now we are free



4 Years
10-17-2014, 02:04 PM
She holds her head high during their travels, despite the pain each step seems to take. It hadn't been long since they left what had been a life in ruin, so the wounds have yet to fully heal. But she presses on, carnation eyes wide to take in the world around her, to find them a safe place to bed down for the night and let her wounds heal. "Addy," Her voice calls so gently through the dying day, turning her eyes just slightly behind her, knowing that her brother would be right at her side. "How are you holding up?" It is a whisper she speaks in, a near silent question in hopes no one aside from her brother would hear. There's no knowing who would be listening within the shadows. With a gentle smile she turned her head back, not waiting entirely for his answer as she moves to walk again.

Vines cascade from the heavens above them, clinging like webs to the greenery that blot out what little light they may have to travel by. And yet, she continues to walk, her paws never pausing despite the pain, despite the near blindness she walks in the dim until her eyes adjust to the coming darkness. She is the guide, the wind in the sails, and it is her job...her destiny to lead her brother to safety. The whiteness of the trees almost bounce the dimming light away, leaving ghosts of life looming around them. It only takes another moment of journey before she sees the rocks, sees the near glowing spring, and her breathe catches in her throat. "Brother, look." She whisperes, treading tenderly towards the waters, a gentle smile on her face. Wide eyes peer into the waters, searching for the magic but finding only darting glowing creatures. "Fish." She laughed, shaking her head. For but a moment she thought she had witnessed magic, but instead she had only found fish.

"Burn Baby Burn"


10-17-2014, 02:34 PM

come with me now

He can see the tenderness with which she walks, the slight flinch in each step that speaks volumes to the ravaged body she carries. Still he doesn't move to support her. She has enough strength in her own bones. He'd probably just trip her with his own limping. When she looks back, Adair is there; he's always there. He flashes her a comforting grin, but his teeth are gritting too hard to properly answer her. When her eyes move from him, he relaxes back into the half-dragging limp, lips turned down in focus. The darkness closes in around them, inescapable and yet somehow comforting. Even in the dim light Ellasyn's pale grey form is still visible, and he follows without hesitation. A breath cool, refreshing air washes across his exposed tongue, and it's then he sees the spring, too. It glitters in what afternoon light finds its way through the thick growth around them, and for a moment he's fooled, too.

Gingerly he follows Ellasyn to the water's edge, vibrant red eyes flickering across the surface of the spring in a moment's excitement. The glittering slivers that dart just beneath the still surface look more like captured spirits than they do fish. With a sly look to his sister, Adair hoists himself onto the rock ledge surrounding the spring, and quickly slips into the cool water. A sigh of relief parts his jaws as it washes over him, caressing every sore muscle and bruised bone. Lifting a paw, he slaps the water to send a spray at Ella's face.



4 Years
10-17-2014, 02:49 PM (This post was last modified: 10-17-2014, 02:49 PM by Ellasyn.)
She sighs gently in the refreshing moist air, eyes closed as she almost feels the ache seep from her bones just from the atmosphere around them. The dim light with the glowing fish of the spring lulls her to a comfort she hadn't felt in so long. Her pain pulls from her in a deep sigh, ears slowly falling back and her defensive wall lowering just enough to relax. There was a safeness here, perhaps it was the thick growth or the stones of the shrine, but she felt safe. "Addy.." She begins when she hears the soft splash of him entering the water, almost ready to warn him that the fish may not be safe, but her words stop abruptly when water splashes over her. She stiffens suddenly, subconsciously, jaws clenched as pain surges through her wounds before she turns glaring eyes towards her brother, a small smile pulling at her lips. "Of course." She laughs before stepping towards the spring to pull her aching from into the refreshing waters.

"You didn't answer me." She whispered as her maw lowers to lap up the refreshing water, sighing with happiness it cools its way down her throat, her eyes closing once again. "How are your wounds? Must we find a healer? If they are bad enough, we should seek assistance..perhaps trade our aid for some herbs." She offered, opening sharp carnation eyes to examine the scar ladden body of her brother, searching for the fresh ones. Hers had stopped bleeding several territories ago, but they still ached, the walking had pulled at the healing process and she was sure she had reopened them at least half a dozen times. But, reguardless, it was her brother that had to be kept in tip top shape. So long as her eyes could see, her ears could hear and her mind could think, it mattered little the shape her own form was in, so long as Adair was well.

"Burn Baby Burn"


10-23-2014, 04:08 PM

come with me now

The waters would be good for her, he knows. Cool, refreshing, they'll take the bite from their aching muscles and soothe the cuts hidden under their fur. He sighs warmly as she slips into the spring with him, a gentle smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. For a moment, just one moment, he can relax. The scents of other wolves are distant, and the forest around them is stilling as the moon begins her watch.

"I'm fine," he assures her after a moment. "They're sore, but nothing worth needing a healer." The pain is familiar in an almost comforting way. If he isn't aching from fresh wounds, he's anxious. Relaxation always means a calm before the storm. He turns his gaze to her, settling down into the spring so that the water laps up over his back. "Are you okay?" He means physically, of course. Emotionally he knows they're both beyond exhausted, and that simply can't be helped.



4 Years
10-24-2014, 08:06 PM
She sighs as if all the weight she has carried up to this day is lifted for just a brief second, carnation colored eyes slowly slip away behind heavy eyelids. Relaxation was a luxury they could never enjoy without a fight. Her ears were the only big of her that didn't seem to melt into the pool of water, still flicking to and fro to pick of her brother's words and any sounds of the world around them. Breaks couldn't be taken, she couldn't afford to relax so fully. She hummed just lightly when she heard him, tilting her head just slightly. "You better not be lying to me, Addy." She said with a smirk, one eye opening just enough to glance at her brother. "Infection is easier to prevent than to fight." It was a reminder, but she hoped her brother wouldn't keep such things from her.

With a gentle sigh she pulled herself to her paws and shook the water droplets from her fur. "So, what do you make of this place?" Carnation eyes slid away from him, glancing around them at the darkness. Due to their condition she had avoided strangers during their jounrney, and so had missed the rumors and the tales of this place. They were going in blind, something that Ellasyn liked to do about as much as losing a tail. "Perhaps I should see if I could find a native to this land, find out what I can so we aren't quite so...blind." She said, glancing towards the way they came, stepping out of the waters to sit at the edge once more. "Knowing you, you'd scare them off before we get any information." It was teasing, but partially truthful. Not that it mattered to her, it was her brother and she loved him dearly, even if no one else could see the shining beneath the snarl. "Yes, I think that's swell. You stay here and heal, perhaps find us a meal or two, and I'll go out and find us some information."

"Burn Baby Burn"


10-28-2014, 04:08 PM

come with me now

With her eyes closed, his scan the area, ever watchful, ever wary for any sign of danger. She's listening, he knows. When was the last time they'd truly relaxed? Had there ever been such a moment in their short lives? A heavy sigh drags its way between his parted lips, floating under the gentle berating of his sister. With a grin, he tilts his head mischievously at her.

"Now have I ever lied to you>" About this? Maybe. But there remain no secrets between them. Secrets only serve to divide and cause suspicion. And Adair is plenty content to focus all of his suspicion on the outside world. When she stands he follows her gaze, though allows himself more time submerged in the chilled spring. "I'm not sure," he admits. It's not natural for him to feel immediately at ease anywhere, and this place is no different. But there's a certain protectiveness here. It's secluded enough, with ample water, and admittedly creepy trees. At Ella's suggestion, his brow furrows. "If they're scared of me, they won't bother us." But he knows she's a more social creature than he, more friendly despite their hardships. He stands, concern drawing deep lines in his face. "You know I don't like when you go off alone. Especially hurt." His grievances come across more like a whining pup than an authoritative brother. "We can both find food if you stay here."



4 Years
10-28-2014, 04:31 PM
She turned back to him then, a smirk upon her lips at his teasing. That mischevious smile, it was what she worked so hard for to get them out, away from the war-torn life they had lead. As warriors they could have strived there, but they would have lost themselves, and there's no way Ella was about to let that happen. With a gentle sigh she smirked back at him. "Would you like it in a list, or perhaps in groups." She teased back, laughing so softly as she relaxed on her haunches, dipping a paw into the water.

"I dislike being blind, Addy, it's not good. Reconnaissance, we have to know what we're dealing with. What packs, if any, are good for us. I wont have out lives be the same as they were." She said softly, staring at her paw as it made ripples in the shining water. They were protected here, it would make a good bed for a few nights, but they couldn't remain blind forever. And the longer Ella stayed in the dark about this new place, the more anxious she got. They had the strength to battle and fight and protect themselves, but they wouldn't strive stuck in the shadows of these trees. When he protested, as she knew he would, she smiled lightly. "I am injured, not disabled, Addy. And besides, it isn't bad enough to harm my chances in a fight." She said softly, laying upon the rock and resting her head on her paws. "Perhaps it is better. If I feign to be more injured than I am, I have surprise on my side. Or, perhaps, I'll meet a good wolf who will be empathetic and will be a river of knowledge about this place." She was settled on this idea, it would help her calm down. "I will be back before nightfall, and I will make a total of three trips out, and I will not go far. If I don't find what I seek in three trips, we shall go out together, or make our home here." She said softly, smiling brightly to her brother, feeling a happiness she hadn't felt in a while, an excitement. The unknown was terrifying to her, but the chance to fill in the blank spaces were exciting. The more she knew, the more liberated she felt from the darkness. Oh yes, she was excited. "And you will catch me a meal, because I could use some food, and so could you."

"Burn Baby Burn"


11-03-2014, 01:40 PM

come with me now

She argues and he purses his lips in frustration. It was often that their conversations went this way. Ella is the thinker, after all, and his protests were only out of a desire to see her safe. But staying cooped up at this spring won't guarantee their safety, he knows. With a huff he lurches from the spring and shakes the water from his coat.

"Good wolves," is all he can mumble at first. But his body language relaxes, an obvious sign of his agreement. She's offered a compromise, and he knows either way that he can't stop her. "Before nightfall," he repeats sternly. "And don't take any risks. Trust your gut. If you meet a wolf that you don't have a good feeling about, don't push it." She can protect herself. With a flick of his tail he reaches down to press his nose to the top of her head before darting into the trees. She's right about one thing: they were due a good meal.