
Sun is Setting in the West



11-29-2013, 12:06 AM
The day was slowly creeping into dawn, and yet there was still some light being shed over the territory. The alpha rose to her feet, ignoring the weariness that her body responded with - Erani would have her hide for not resting after fainting on the battlefield. Instead she had made her rounds to Seracia and Glaciem before returning home, with no more than a day of rest in between. And yet she could not properly rest, not with Glaciem's scent plaguing the territory, not with blood covering her borders and her people injured and in danger of being attacked while they were down. She would not rest until she felt they were safer, until she had seen them all for herself. It was time for a meeting - those that were in Seracia should have returned now, and those that were injured need not travel far just yet to hear her.

She was physically tired, but sleep was far from the alpha's mind. Her people were healing, piecing themselves back together after a lost siege. If only they had a true general to lead them, perhaps the loss would not have been so great - but she had done her best, and fought until she couldn't any longer. Regardless, her people were a peaceful lupine, they were not warriors, they were not soldiers no matter how hard they trained. They fought for themselves, their pride and happiness, not the permanent injury of others. Yet the pack that had marched to their borders for no reason whatsoever, had taken everything they could, tried to destroy them from the inside out - but no matter the injuries given and the prisoners taken, life would go on for Valhalla. She might have failed them once, but she would not remain in her slump and continue to do so. For this pack to rise, she would have to better herself, and despite that being a slow process, she refused to do anything but persevere.

It was soon after returning from Glaciem that she would call to the pack. Her howl was not somber, not sad, but a simple howl for Valhalla to assemble. The news she had for them was various in terms of good and bad, but it all needed to be said. At the heart of the territory, where the damage from their war was less present, she would call to the wolves of Valhalla. She wanted to see them all, despite their group not being one of victory, they were no less great in her eyes. Her members had not failed her, they had fought tooth and nail when they could have run, could have high tailed it to Seracia or Ludicael while the war was ongoing. They were courageous, even if they had not won as many battles.


11-29-2013, 01:14 AM

It was finally over. The turmoil that Drake had witnessed from afar had ceased and come to an end. He had seen his brother arrive in the fray with his bastard alpha and the other lowlifes. He couldn't believe what he was seeing, though it came as no surprise. The Northern pack was very hostile, that much he knew. Especially if his brother had joined, then it must have been a degrading and low pack. After all, his brother was a murderer. A cold blooded killer. And he was after Drake, but so far his brother had not come after him. Drake had seen what the North pack had done to this one. First taking Liberty, and then waging war for no reason other then a pink toned mans pride. Pathetic... He thought as he marched towards the Valhallan territory. He had stopped on the borders, but it seemed like it would be too early for someone to be out at this time, and as soon as he had tilted his head back to make the call, he heard one. He had heard this particular howl a a couple times before, the voice familiar from his first encounter with the pink man and the dual toned alphess. He decided then that he might as well go in on friendly turns, to become an ally and meet the Alphess.

It did not take him long to arrive. The scent of Valhalla strong in the air, an air of depression and loss heavy around him. He spotted the Alphess, and carefully he approached, making his presence known as he came in directly from her left. He had seen her fall in the field of battle along with many of her other pack mates. But he had also witnessed her fighting her heart out to protect her home and her family. That was admirable, and honestly, he thought that a leader who willing to selflessly sacrifice herself like that was a leader worth following. He stopped about 2 yards away, slowing his approach until he came to a standstill slightly to her left. "Good mornin' Noble Alphess. I'm not sure if you remember me, but I was there the day Lady Liberty was taken. My name is Drake Aquarion." He paused for a moment, observing her with care before continuing. "I witnessed the war that went on recently, and I am sorry for the losses that your pack has suffered. However, you fought hard for your pack. That is very admirable, Miss. I know few pack leaders who would selflessly put their lives on the line for their pack members. I am sure Alpha Pinkie Pie in the North are one of those leaders who wouldn't even consider putting himself before his pack mates unless it benefited him."

He offered a small smile at the end. He had taken a liking to this Alphess, he could see that she was strong. Willing to selflessly do what she could for the safety of her pack. He had witnessed it in the battle field, and he had witnessed before then during the ordeal with Liberty. Although Liberty had been taken, Drake had somehow managed to force himself to forget. He had fallen for the young girl, promised to remain by her side when she needed him. And though she had accepted, and even went as far as asked him to remain by her side, it seemed that promises were nothing more then trash to be swept under the rug. He had made himself vulnerable, and the girl he fell for tore his heart. She probably forgot about me...she seems to be having a helluva time in Glaciem anyhow...I put my hopes too high and got shot down. I shouldn't be so trustin' anymore.. Taking a deep breath he looked at Chrysanthe, remaining on his feet until he was given permission to stay or go. The hurt in his eyes apparent, as he was sure that she would remember how he, a stranger, had reacted that day when Liberty was taken.

talk, think



11-29-2013, 01:46 PM

They call had awoken her from her deep slumber, it was far from displeasing- if anything she was excited to see her aunt. Picking herself up guinevere would shift her muscles to move along to the heart of valhalla, half expecting for bad news. It was strange being back in her true home, having been away in seracia for so long. If anything it was a relief to go back to normal and resume their day to day lives. The honey orbs would catch the large queen and withought thinking she'd bound forward, racing towards her in a happy parade. " Chrysanthe your back!" The youth would squeel, before halting inches away from her face, but then the beaming smile would fade ever so slightly, observing what glaciem had done to her eye. Guinevere knew not to say anything, afterall she may have self confidant issues. In the youths mind the alphess was still beautiful.

Shifting back the adravendi would go into a sit, not sure whether to tell Chrys about the news of Azalea, especially in front of all these people who where about to arrive, how would father take the news?. Within a moment the girls face was filled with worry, even at the attempt of masking it over. It was true, her sister was pregnant. How could the king be so cruel? So twisted to do such a thing, Guin could only hope justice will be served.



10 Years
12-01-2013, 11:46 PM

The past few days weren't real, but merely dreams that passed into her waking hours. She didn't know what to make of the events that folded out in front of her tan and gray paws. One minute, Odette was travelling across Alacritis on her own, searching for the parents she wanted back and the siblings that she passionately missed. The next, she had been wrapped in Chrysanthe's embrace, the first familiar touch she had felt since her last visit to Valhalla. The accidental meeting had opened a door for the seven-month-old, one that she didn't hesitate to walk through: Valhalla stood as a beacon, a sign to end her weary travels for the search of her family...she was home.
At first, Odette didn't know what to say to the offer Chrysanthe had made. She had been by herself since she could wander on all four paws without a sense of direction. Would she be able to adapt to the pack life again? It was a question that haunted her mind the morning she awoke to her aunt's howl. Odette didn't waste any time getting to the valley where her aunt stood, wanting her pack to appear for the meeting. Bi-colored eyes of red and blue observed the other wolves approaching and she hastily jogged to plant herself next to Chrysanthe. She chose the Alpha's left, pondering if her mate would want to sit on the right. Odette didn't care if they judged her chosen spot near the Alpha -- she was too focused on being nervous and only knowing her aunt.

Talk like this


If I haven't responded to a thread within a week, please feel free to bug me about it!



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-02-2013, 07:28 PM

Erani bent over the pale form of the remaining prisoner, Impra. The female had fallen ill with a malady Erani had yet to fully pinpoint. Perhaps it was infection from a wound, though she was sure she had treated them properly. One thing she knew, and was thankful for, was that this illness wasn?t contagious. She herself felt no illness, only the weariness from treating the injured, and this wolf, as well as Eris?s impromptu visit and birthing. She was also well aware that her daughters were not resting as they should have been. This thought sent a gentle grumble rolling from her muzzle. ?Warriors??

That this wolf was a prisoner didn?t matter. She was a wolf who would die if she wasn?t treated and nursed to health again. Erani was a healer. There was no way she?d turn her back on a young, sick wolf. She had finished her rounds with the Valhallan injured, and now devoted her time to making Impra as comfortable as she could, before Chrysanthe?s voice rolled through the land. A summons for the pack. One snowy ear flicked forward, the other backward. With a last nudge to assure the albino female was settled, Erani turned and padded quietly toward the call. She paused at a stream and stepped in, submerging herself to the base of her ears, body sinking under, and gave herself a small shake. Quickly, she ducked her head under, then came up, scrambling out of the water and shaking thoroughly until she was reasonably dry, and headed on her way.

Deep blue pools swept the area as she came to a stop at the meeting, taking her place as the Theta. Her eyes found a young male, a stranger who carried the scent of a rogue, addressing Chrysanthe. Guinevere the Second was present, and a young female Erani hadn?t met before, who looked rather frightened. A quiet sigh was given as Erani sank back onto her haunches, tail curling against her rump, fur fluffed out a bit for warmth after her short bath. Attention wandered around the gathering, small as it was to begin with. But it was early into the call, and they would come soon. She felt a quiet pang in her heart that her brother wasn?t here this meeting. Would Surreal take his place?

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



7 Years
12-02-2013, 07:55 PM

Surreal was patrolling. Always patrolling. She was doing her best to fill in for her Uncle. After Falk?s visit, she felt somewhat better. He?d helped to rekindle the determination to stay strong and keep walking. Things would turn out for the better. Her Uncle would come back. And Valhalla would stay strong, and get stronger. Her tail lifted into a proud wag, before lowering again into her patrol set.

She was just finishing her patrol when she heard Chrysanthe?s call. Her course swerved easily and she took off at a long lope. As she arrived, she glanced around the group. Out of the wolves there, she only fully knew Guinevere, her mother, who she could never seem to beat to a Meeting, no matter how late? and Chrysanthe. But? ?Odette!? She greeted the young wolf with a gentle wag, approaching her to offer a nuzzle to the shoulder before she took her place as the Beta?s trainee. If her uncle were there, she would have been hip to hip with him, on the opposite side from Chrysanthe and her mate, who hadn?t arrived yet.

The space between herself and Chrysanthe remained empty, and she glanced at it, ears flicking back a bit before her eyes turned to her sister, giving a soft whine of encouragement.

[Image: a5Wob8t.png]
Surreal's family is allowed to crash any thread she is in, regardless of it being private or not.



9 Years
12-02-2013, 08:18 PM

Alsander limped along the path to Erani?s ravine, gold and green eyes glancing from left to right as his ears swiveled to take in the sounds coming from the wintry landscape. Alert for danger. His injuries were healing beautifully thanks to the treatment from Io and his Aunt. Erani had been admirable in her Craft, and Io? The image of the small albino female from Tortuga crossed his mind, and e couldn?t help the small smile that pulled at his muzzle. Which quickly vanished as he remembered the red female that had been with her. He recalled that their scents were similar. Sisters. And the red one hadn?t seemed all that friendly.

Alsander uttered a low sigh under his breath as he lowered his head to drink from the spring pool that never iced over in winter. His head lifted as Chrysanthe?s summons filtered through the territory. As quickly as he could, he turned and loped toward the call, being sure not to put weight on his leg as he went. He arrived in time to see Surreal settle in her spot, where his father would be seated if he weren't captured. His gaze turned to Chrysanthe, wondering if the trip she?d made to Glaciem had been successful. Surely she?d been going there to trade for his father?

He nodded his respect, and made his way to Erani?s side, settling onto his belly, hind end rolling onto his good haunch. Erani?s eerie, ice like temper had been barely under the surface, as in, barely reined in. Queens Rage, he?d heard his father call it, after he?d come back from the first challenge for Liberty?s freedom. Alsander didn?t want to get that terrifying, yet exhilarating glare focused on him because he wasn?t laying right.



12-02-2013, 09:34 PM

Caerul had been fervently digging out a grave for the fallen Valhallan. He was nearly done, but still had much to do. Lovatt was a rather large wolf, and so he'd need to dig a large and deep enough hole to accommodate the large warrior. He dug for over an hour, claws carving out the grave site for the one he that was a friend to many. Caerul's eyes pricked with threatening tears. What would have happened if it was his Father he had to bury? Or one of his siblings? The thoughts of the war returned, and he would curse the glaciem male under his breath. It was simply a fight over pride, and because of such foolishness many had suffered and lost their lives. He was nearly done, only having to widen out the small trench just a little more so he could place the man's body.

It was then that he heard the call of his Alphess, and reluctantly he would peel himself away from his dug out trench to respond. He climbed out, glancing at his fallen comrade before turning to run into the trees towards the pack land. IT didn't take him long to arrive, Caerul's forest green eyes surveying the few that had arrived. He was concerned that there weren't more as usual...was it possible that Valhalla had become demoralized from the war? He hoped not. Whatever the case, his loyalty to his Valhallan family; and to Chrysanthe, would remain forever loyal just as his Father was before him.

He'd enter the scene, dual toned pelt dirtied and the whites of his fur nearly blackish brown as if he himself had been born from the Earth. He was weary, his head low but the determination in his eyes forever strong. He saw his brother Alsander as well as his cousin Surreal and his Aunt Erani. Nodding wearily to Chrysanthe and his relatives. "Good morning Chrysanthe, I trust you are doing well today?" He said kindly, trying to force the weariness away as he then nuzzled Erani and Surreal in turn before sitting beside Alsander. Though Caerul was drained from the war and the nonstop patrolling of the borders, he would still somehow find the strength to keep walking, to keep protecting his pack. He was driving himself to exhaustion, but he would keep that information from his Aunt. Knowing she would fret over him and make him rest. But there was simply too much to do...after this meeting, he would return to bury Lovatt.




12-02-2013, 10:04 PM

And so it was finally over. She had returned sooner than the rest that had been within Seracia. She could not mentally and emotionally stay there any longer. She had to see Cael, had to know he was ok. He was her anchor in her life, if he had fallen she would not hesitate to take her own life to be with him. Since she had returned she had stuck close to his side, nightmares lurked at night and depression stole her spark during the daylight. But this day found her alone, stealing away to sort out her thoughts. Winter was here now, food will become more scare, herbs would not be growing, illness lurked like dark clouds over them. And yet her heart would skip a beat at the thought of spring that would come. A time where she would have the chance to habor life within her. But could she bring new life into a world as she know saw it? Or would things be better once spring came? All she knew was that she longed for her own litter, but feared it too.

A heavy sigh slipped through coal colored lips. She supposed she could ask Chrysanthe and Erani, they would be the best to help her. A howl broke to her fuzzy and stressed brain. Sky blue eyes lifted, nose pointing in the direction it came for. With a shake of her pelt she tried to rid the dark thoughts and feelings off of her. With a grunt she pushed her sleep deprived body into a loop. Good thing she was close by, she wouldn't have to rush. Even still though, others had arrived before her. She paused on the outskirts, taking everyone in. She took a deep breath before padding forwards. Head dipped to Chrysanthe as she made her way to her Aunt-in-law and brother-in-laws. At once she dropped her fa?ade of trying to hide everything she was feeling. No matter what Erani would know something was up.

Silently she joined her Aunt, brushing shoulders with her as she offered a smile to Caerul and Alsander. It was good to see them all alive and over all well. Tail wagged with mild relief before she settled down next to Erani. The woman was a wonderment, how she always remained strong and brave no matter what faced her. Imena could only hope one day she could learn to be like that. She looked up to the white healer, drew comfort in knowing she was still with the pack and safe.



12-03-2013, 06:47 AM

Midnight's ears pricked and an uncertain feeling swept through her body she had been with the pack since the war a broken leg did not aid in her plan to return home and she had spent the morning of this particular day resting in the sun outside the healers den, with a sigh she shifted lifting herself to her feet with a slight flinch moving slowly she headed for the meeting unsure once more of her reception. ?i am a stranger in a strange land,? she muttered quietly moving with infuriatingly slow steps along the path she knew would lead to the women?s voice.

She had never been openly accepted into the pack before the fight and though she had been healed treated like any other she had seen the enemy bitch Impra in the caves as well healed did not mean accepted and though the fear of attack was gone from her mind the thought that she would be unwelcome hit just as hard. She had come to fight to help she had failed to take even one of the enemy down. She had faced no judgement so far and all she could hope was that it would hold off a little longer.

The clearing was already filled with wolves and so she took a place at the back of the clearing her eyes scanned the assembled wolves before rising to the alpha and her mind did a double take, frowning she strained her neck trying to get a clearer view but there was no doubting that the pup to the alphas left shared gargoyles colours and a striking resemblance to the pup they had birthed in the summer, what had her name been odra ardette she shook her head regretting that she had not spent more time around the children, maybe she would talk to the girl before returning to the healers dens, but that could wait till later for now the time had come to listen.



12-03-2013, 05:49 PM

It had been quite sometime since Skyla had been out and about around other wolves. Ever since Imena had found her sick and lost, she had remained by the woman's side. Skyla was terrified during the war, but the calm and soothing words of the kind woman helped. She had followed to the neighboring kingdom of Seracia, helping with the injured that were there as they waited for the chance to return to Imena's home pack. And so the day came, and they had returned.

She stirred when she felt the grey woman move, and slowly Skyla unraveled her limbs from one another. She knew that the woman had been uneasy, especially about her mate. Skyla only hoped that Cael was safe and well, and that he would come back soon for Imena. She followed quietly to the place where someone had howled. The young girl had never met anyone else besides Cael and Imena and a young girl named Odette when she first came to the beaches of Alacritis a starving thing. She wondered how she was doing, it had been a long time since she had seen her. Skyla kept under the woman's legs, wide eyes scanning the scene in front of her as she looked at all the wolves gathered. She didn't recognize any of them, all except one...

"Odette!" she cried out happily, her short legs bouncing her over to her friend, unaware to the presence of her brother. It had been a long time since she had seen him, and in her excitement at seeing Odette she hadn't noticed him...but he surely would.
Talk like this



13+ Years
Extra large
12-03-2013, 07:01 PM

Obsidian pawed through the snow that covered her meal, hoof throwing it up against her hind legs, until a strip of grass was revealed. Her head lowered, and she cropped the brown stand with strong teeth. Her haunches were healing, thanks to Erani?s seemingly tireless attention to all the wounded. Thankfully, no proud flesh had cropped up on the wounds, which would have left the new scars more hideous than her shoulder injuries had been. With luck, the scars would fur up like her old injuries from the cougar had, and she wouldn?t face the rest of her life with stripes of cold where the skin would be.

The grass was the typical tasteless fare of winter, the season having truly come around, and her coat had fluffed out, leaving summer sleekness behind, becoming plushy and soft. Another winter with her pack. She felt blessed to have them, as odd as the mix was. She had done her best to protect Rayne in the battle, and had somewhat succeeded, at the cost of some blood. Rayne had escaped with only minor wounds, and Obsidian herself had left, tail defiantly slashing the air. She?d paused to take up Chrysanthe where Azalea had left her, and carried the Alpha to the Healers.

Speaking of Chrysanthe? The horse?s head lifted, fuzzy ears pricked, as her leader?s voice sang across the territory. A meeting. In two strides, the horse took off at a canter, leaving a trail of equine hoof prints behind, breath bursting free of her nostrils in vaporous clouds. Her rump stung a bit as the movement of her muscles around the knitting injuries pulled at the scabs that had formed. But she bore it like a warrior of Valhalla. In silence, and pushed to the back of her mind.

She slowed into a trot as she came to the gathering, noting Erani, Surreal, Alsander, and Caerul?s presence, as well as a few more from the pack, and a couple of strangers. She took her usual place at the back of the group, ears pricked to listen to what Chrysanthe had to say.



6 Years
12-03-2013, 07:51 PM

Azalea had gone to the healers after the battle. Not for her own sake, but to see Chrysanthe. What she found was her leader already departed, headed off on a voyage that Azalea could only fix an uneasy frown at. There had been so much blood... around her aunt's eye.

To say she was relieved to hear Chrys call the pack was an under statement. The pudgy girl kicked up her heels, mouth gaping as she ran as fast as she could across the territory. The fuss she had received from her mother, and the overwhelming grief...

Her stomach turned as she arrived at the meeting. Azalea had yet to face her father and quickly checked her his presence. Would the pack judge her for her current state? She loathed the wolves around her for the worry they put in her stomach. Her stomach where butterflies grew from the shakes and shivers.

Eyes came to rest on Chrysanthe as she moved with determination through the gathered wolves (and horse) to be near her alpha. It was habit to her and she draw clearly into her aunt's sight she seemed to realize her fault and flinched away, off to the side. Luckily she caught sight of her sibling and with a smile she joined her, sitting close. "Habit, used to sitting up there." She explained.



12-03-2013, 08:59 PM

Patrolling the borders was his main stay. He wanted to make sure they would not come back for needless fighting, and if they did then hell would rain loose on their parade. Turning away from the bloodied fields, he would heed the call of his Alphess. He had expected a meeting to be held soon, and hoped that there would be good news...swiftly his dual toned features carried him towards the heart of his pack, the deep bruises healing themselves since he extricated himself from the war. Shortly after he had spoken with Chrysanthe, debating whether he wanted to leave for his sake of training...or stay to protect the family that had so willingly taken him in. Indeed, Valhalla had become his permanent home. It was full of caring individuals who took care of each other, and he would do the same. Valhalla, he knew were not a pack of fighters...they cared for each other, preferring to put herbs and words to use, and so he figured that may have been their ill fated downfall in the war. Glaciem seemed to have been more prepared, and so Sephiroth would train himself here, a full blown warrior at heart and teach to others what he knew so they could better protect themselves, and their home.

Arriving on scene, Sephiroth came into view. His now thick wintry coat glistening in the dawn light, dual toned aquamarine eyes glinting heartily towards Chrysanthe as he respectfully dipped his head. To him, she was the strongest, bravest, and most worthy leader...for strength was not measured in muscle and brawn. It was measured in strength of heart and will, and Chrysanthe was the embodiment of such qualities. Swiftly he would take a seat near the center, eyes and ears trained on her figure as he waited for the meeting to start. No matter how bad things would get, he would be forever loyal to her.


12-03-2013, 09:19 PM

Uncertain of what to do, Seraphine had no other choice but to head back to Valhalla and answer her alpha's call. Silently she would move through the lands, mismatched eyes focused on the path before her, she wouldn't get distracted, just go in a straight line towards where the howl came from. In no time she would arrive, not bothering to greet others, just slipped in and took her place beside Sephiroth.


Awesome image by Trynx <3



6 Years
12-04-2013, 01:24 AM (This post was last modified: 06-13-2015, 08:50 PM by Alamea.)

The young girl had been rather quite as of late, the turn of the season had brought with it a change she had not been ready for and her depression was somehow both enhanced and lessened. Still she would not deny her alpha her precense, not since returning anyways. It had been a harrowing experience, they had been relatively in the dark while in Seracia and it had done little to stop her worrying. Still her meeting with Rune had helped. The grey boy was on her mind constantly now, just the thought of him made her body thrum with excitement.

She padded from her den, paws carrying her towards her alpha's call. She would arrive as other were still streaming in. Her pink gaze landing upon the scar over her queen's eye though she quickly looked away seating herself amongst the others, avoiding staring at the blind eye of her alpha.

Leon I


11 Years
12-04-2013, 08:31 PM

The call of his cousin roused him into action. He had been nearby, waiting for the time when a meeting would be called. Waiting for the time when he could announce to the pack his new relationship with Ashtoreth. And so it was with eager steps he raised himself from his position, nosing Ash's cheek and giving her a tender lick. "It's time to rise, love. A meeting has been called." he whispered. He would then lead the way from the den, moving outside swiftly to attend the gathering. He greeted Chrysanthe, nodding as well before taking a seat somewhere in front of her, saving a spot for Ash beside him.



12-04-2013, 11:49 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

Only slightly did Ashtoreth move as Leon rose, still caught beneath the veil of slumber. Truth be told, it had been some time since she had been able to rest so soundly and peacefully, her mind preoccupied with worries and fears about the future. Between the pack going to war and her own conflicting feelings regarding her den-mate at the time, she had been only keeping sane by distracting herself with her job as lead hunter, working with meeting all of those under her direction and trying to evaluate their skills before she set them out on a group hunt. And then she had been worrying about Leon after he had confessed to her and she had left with the refugees, seeking shelter in Seracia and waiting out the war. Their home was still in tatters and not everyone had returned yet, but having a moment to simply rest beside the wolf who had been on her mind for the past couple years was enough to satisfy her for the time being.

A little groan was given as her cheek was nudged and then licked, fighting against waking until she caught Leon's voice and felt it pull her like a lifeline into wakefulness, blinking her bleary gold and purple eyes open to peer upward into his face as she lifted her head and yawned. A meeting? That seemed appropriate. A lot had happened since their last, and with many of them still trying to regroup and the whole back just trying to get their paws back under them again it seemed necessary. They had a lot of catching up to do, and the sooner they started on it the better of they would be.

She stayed close on Leon's heels as he led the way to the meeting, glancing absently at the faces that she passed on their way to find a seat. It was not until her two-toned gaze alighted upon Chrysanthe that she felt herself and tense with surprise. Twice now she had seen her leader after the effects of a battle, each time scarred and battle weary. It was not a look she was accustomed to seeing her in, nor one that she hoped to see her in often. Suddenly afraid of seeing more scarred faces amongst her pack mates Ashtoreth lowered her eyes as she traveled the last few steps to where Leon sat, moving to position herself beside him and settle upon her haunches with her side brushing his to listen for what the meeting would reveal of their fates.



9 Years
12-06-2013, 08:41 PM

Ravine had come back to the pack mere days before a siege broke out. The first death being that of an older male, a past wolf of Valhalla...or so he was told. The young man had stayed behind, inexperienced in the art of war he decided he would be more help if he stayed away from the fighting and let it come to him. Thankfully it never came to him.

When the alpha sent out her call, he answered it eagerly. He was born to this pack. Valhalla would forever be home for the black and white male. There was nothing he could think of that could sway him to leave the pack forever. He hadn't seen Luke since he arrived, so he assumed the male had passed away or left. He was unsure.

The only sure thing he had come to know, was that he was still welcome and his family needed him now more than ever. On that note his father came to mind, Ravine hadn't seen him when he arrived. What he did notice was the horse. Never before had he seen such a creature, or not that he could remember anyway, and it made him nervous simply because he did not know.

Avoiding the horse, for now, he made his way toward Chrysanthe. As soon as he was sure she could see him, he bowed respectfully. "My lady, it is good to see you" were the only words he spoke



12-06-2013, 11:01 PM

Shifting sleepily within her den, Ookami wearily raised her head when the echo of a howl penetrated her dreams. She was alone. Thane nowhere to be found, and he had remained that way since the war. She had no idea where he was, and it scared her. He was the only one she really remembered, sort of...her kids also a vague fuzzy memory within the depths of her mind but she hoped that she would remember them soon. If Thane said they were a family, then it must be true. But she had yet to speak to them or spend time with them since she had returned. She would have to try to change that, but could she really do it without Thane?

Pulling herself stiffly to her paws, she stretched each leg before clearing the sleep from her eyes and shaking out her pelt. Quietly she went out into the cold dawn, the sun streaming weakly upon the Valhallan pack. She saw gathered wolves, some of them memorable whilst others were not. An effect of the memory loss she had suffered. Quietly she slipped towards the group, her once bedraggled coat now neatly kept as she had done before the accident. She no longer looked like the bedraggled and dirty pathetic creature like Thane had found, but she was back to her pristine and beautiful shiny coated and vibrant looking self.

She nodded to who she assumed was the alpha, the woman sitting at the head of the group with many others gathered around her. Since she had come back, Ookami had remained in solitude or going on private walks with Thane. The pair working together to help her remember the memory she had lost. She sat neatly near a large black body; a horse she vaguely remembered. There she waited for what was to come.