
Mine Fealty Is Yours


11-25-2013, 04:13 AM

It hadn't been long since Jet's hellish deed. His chest wound was scabbing, his hind ankle still containing a slight limp from the war but healing nicely. He hadn't yet a chance to see his Alpha, for it seemed shortly after returning home that he had gone to seek vengeance against the Tortugan king. Jet was eager to learn about what had happened, though he was sure that his King had come out on top as was expected. Jet's thoughts lingered to the war, to the satisfaction of having felled so many opponents. Harming the friends of his brother...or at least, he was sure they were his brothers friends. After all, he had been there during the claiming of Liberty. So that meant that Drake was residing with them was he not? He wasn't entirely sure, but it didn't matter. His brother was sighted with the enemy, that was enough.

Sitting quietly in the snow to await the return of his king, he waited. Perhaps he would get a chance to find out if promotion was possible. After all, Jet was a skilled fighter, though somewhat cynical and possibly verging on the brink of insanity, he as capable of controlling himself in situations...though not in his last encounter with a wolf. Then again, she had attacked him he merely reacted how anyone would. Though perhaps he had taken it too far, he didn't care. It was his nature, to cause as much pain to those who sought to hurt him. However, he knew that he could contain himself. Especially among his own...he was capable of being level headed, though just not so much when another threatened or attacked him. If Isardis chose not to believe him, then Jet would remind the Albino king. Fealty to his ice king was not a questionable one. He knew he would go to the deepest pits of hell and back for his king, and still remain so even if he were to take a pack of his own. Though he knew it was a far off dream, it was still something he would strive to achieve nonetheless.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think