
I can see the stars calling towards me



11-24-2013, 08:37 PM

The snow had made the barren hills a bit of a white wasteland. But the woman enjoyed that. She had been feeling down the weather lately, having her fox companion jumping out in front of her making tunnels in the snow. Her ribs had healed nicely, and with the war over, it wasn't common for her to try and wander off. She felt safe, at least she believed she was. Kurai was being happy as always, flailing his tail about as Rivaxorus relaxed standing around. She followed the fox for a tiny bit before finding a place to rest.
The woman yawned, it was obvious about now that she was finding herself bored. She loved Seracia, couldn't get her wrong. After speaking with Vahva the woman felt even more comfortable as it stood. Though she didn't know of her demise that was approaching her. Who could ever tell of their fate? Ages and ages of Riv knowing to all her experience, she had been raped, had two children. And yet here she was, not knowing what would happen next.



11-24-2013, 11:20 PM

The war had ceased and Glaciem had come out victorious. Even though Jet had come out on top, felling many and tasting the blood of his adversaries, he still craved the metallic tang of iron upon his tongue. It was with those intentions he strayed from the Northern lands to the opposite side of the continent, to search for his prey farther away from his home. He had yet to speak to Isardis on anything. Perhaps the brute wanted to go as far about talking about promotion, however, he first wanted to satiate the thirst that tore at his tongue and throat.

With a ceaseless growl deep within the pits of his chest, he caressed the lands in his presence as the dark aura stalked now well within the Southern lands. He had trained for many years for the day he would wipe out the rest of his remaining pack. To wipe out those who were weak, and above wipe out his dear brother Drake. And Today? Fate would play on his side...

A scent was carried his way, female and obviously alone. Not only did his bloodlust urge him to find something, but another organ of his also craved attention. It had been sometime since he had the satisfaction of a woman, not since long before the war. Perhaps today he could have a bit of fun...Prowling forward, he would spot a woman much closer then he had initially expected, a dangerous smirk playing onto the dark male's face. "Well well well...what is one such as yourself doin' out here all alone, little joey?" He chided from behind, Australian lyrics dripping with dangerous calm as aquamarine eyes searched her pleasing form.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



11-25-2013, 12:15 AM

There was Glaciems scent littering this boy. Raising a growl in her throat as he approached. She didn't give a crap who he was, after all the pain Glaciem had caused it was triggering her malice intents. Her incisors showed as her red eyes glinted at the man. Without warning her mind went blank and charged the man. Her jaws suddenly ripping at his chest. Her jaws entered deeply into his skin, tearing fur and flesh in a fine line down. It was slightly attractive, but seeing as she had lost it. She didn't know what was going to happen next. And her fox companion had fled to seek Epiphron as soon as the scent of blood hit the air.

-Got permission to pp, now it's all Jet xD this is as much riv muse as I had left sorry no more riv posts-



11-25-2013, 03:34 AM
ooc/// Rated M starting in the 2nd paragraph, just a warning.

Jet had not expected such a sudden violent reaction from the woman. He had flinched out of reaction when she rushed forward, teeth connecting with his chest and the tearing away of flesh sent him into a rage fueled by pain. Daggers bared in a menacing gruesome smile, features contorted into a mask that none saw without dying. A pained cry came from his lips as blood drenched his chest and trickled down his legs. Oh now he was pissed. "You fucking bitch! You'll pay for that!!!" he bellowed as he lunged forward. His fury went unmatched, perhaps more so then the blind rage she had used to strike him with. Though now he would have his thirst for blood, and some fun. Jaws snapped open as he slammed his shoulder into her, simultaneously his teeth crashing down onto the back of her skull where he sunk them in as deep as he could, throwing her down with his weight. He pressed her muzzle into the dirt, and although she struggled against him he was stronger in his blind fury. He twisted her head away from him, carving a shallow path in the dirt with her muzzle as he did so, and then he began to move his body behind her, releasing his hold for no more then a second to latch his teeth deep into the back of her neck. He would make her suffer and pay for her violence towards him...

A dangerous laugh emanated from slightly parted jaws as narrowed eyes stared at the back of her head. He had forced her into a position with her lower half on the ground, and her back half slightly up. He moved, his right foreleg grasping under her abdomen to keep her propped up while the other leg was used to keep the weight up. Standing behind her, his body half over hers in this positioning, legs taut with his intentions, his voice rumbled dangerously quiet enough for her to hear his voice. "I'm going to make you wish you were dead during this...but don't fret little'll soon meet your maker...after I've finished with you." he sneered, his grip on her tightening around her abdomen, her front legs held helpless between her chest and the ground. His teeth twisting her skin painfully, his nostrils quivering with what was about to come. When one was against him, he would show no mercy to them...and she was on that list now. His parts quivered with excitement, the feeling of her hind end against his own crevices was proving too much to wait for. He had caught her tail against her body and between his foreleg, holding it out of the way so she could not resist him. With quickening motions, he pressed his form against hers. A grunt releasing from his throat when he felt the penetration. A low growl rumbled his chest, and he smirked when he heard her gasping into the dirt. He knew she was not enjoying it, for who wanted to be made a fool of this way? He would have his way with her, and then he would kill her. Each thrust brought on a grunt from him, his form pressing more rapidly and deeper into her own. Oh how he had missed this! Moments ticked by, and he knew that being on this land for a long while he knew that he would be caught if he did not leave soon. So with several more fast and hard thrusting motions, he felt the climax rise and then all was released into the depths of her body.

Satisfied for now, he slowly pulled out. The liquid seeping from the depths of the wench as his valuable weapon became sheathed. With a chuckle, he let her go for no more then a moment to readjust himself. The pitiful creature bleeding before him. "Now to meet your demise, bitch..." he cooed. Without hesitation, he surged forward to clamp his teeth around her throat. Seeking to rip out her life force, his body once again atop her downed one to hold her down. It seemed she would struggle, but not for long. With a vicious snarl, he ripped his head back, bringing with it flesh and muscle as blood poured freely from her throat. Crazed eyes watched her convulse, but he wasn't done yet. Dropping what he had in his mouth, he proceeded to tear at her left foreleg. Clamping it firmly in his jaws and twisting and tearing the limp every which way as violently and as painfully as possible. At last the limb gave way, and it was torn from her body. He did this with each limb, tearing and twisting until she was a bloodied mass of unrecognizable flesh and bone. A blood pool spilled onto the ground, soaking his paws. His body heaved with heavy breaths, crazed eyes soaking in what he had just done. Dropping the limb he had in his jaws, he smirked with malice. "Foolish..." was all he would say. Staring at the victim who had attacked him, he felt pleased with his violent work. Shaking out his ruffled fur, he spat upon her massacred carcass before turning to leave.

He would head back to the North lands now...his needs satisfied for the time being. His chest wound throbbed and bled freely, though he didn't care. She had suffered a much worse fate. He cared not who she was, though the scent carried that of Seracia. Good...that will serve them right for being such pathetic weaklings...let that be a message. he thought coldly before starting into a run. The stench of blood was heavy in the air...masking most if not all of her killer.





11-26-2013, 03:40 PM

With the war going on Loccian tried her best to stay within the Kingdom, to look out for the little ones running about and the ones now growing within her. This time though she had to leave, she needed to gather a few herbs that didn't grow in her home, they grew in the barren hills not that far away. So off she went.

About an hour would pass by before a familiar scent flowed into the woman's nostrils, a member of her Kingdom... Riv. Curiosity would form as she continued on, wondering why the woman was out here alone. On she pressed, making her way into the lands. In the distance she would see a form on the ground, not thinking much of it, just a kill made and the leftovers left for something else to come and eat. She'd make her way over to a plant, inspecting the flower and leaves before picking some out and continuing on.

It wasn't till she was a bit closer that she felt something unsettling. From the corner of her eye she could see the dead body was different from what was usually roaming about, deer, rabbit, a boar... it wasn't till she turned and looked did she realize... it was miss Rivaxorus.

The herbs in her jaws would drop to the ground, her throat tightening up, heart dropping to the ground. Ears pinned back, and tail tucked in between her legs. The woman... was a bloody mess with limbs torn from her body... why... how could somebody do such a thing?!

The woman would run to the body, grey orb beginning to water as she looked to the woman's face then let her gaze trail over her body and limbs. Oh, how horrible the smell was, the foul air was filled with blood and another substance. Loccian would close her eyes tightly, turning her head to the side when she saw what it was. Somebody had violated the baroness... She would clench her jaws, a horrible snarl erupting form her jaws. "I'm so sorry miss Riv... I will make sure you have a proper burial..."

The first thing she would do was move the front of the woman, carefully using a paw to close the woman's eyes. "May... you rest in peace." She would whisper softly, running her tongue over the woman's snout. From there she would try to clean the woman up through blurred tear filled eyes, carefully gathering the limbs together and placing them where they should have been attached. She would then leave for a short amount of time before returning with a good amount of large leaves, vines, sticks and soaked moss. No one deserved to die in such a way.

After cleaning the Baroness up Loccian would walk around the area, sniffing out the place carefully for any clues as to who or what could have done such a thing. By time she stopped two or three hours had passed, and she got what she sought. Leaving the scene and heading towards the north she had followed the scent of blood but the fool had left their stench also, and what made it worse was that it beloged to Glaciem. Loccian growled at this realization, one of the Ice King's minions dared to come down here and kill one of her own then flee. She would remember this particular scent, store it in her memory for the day she ran into him... he would pay.

With a sharp breath the Ambassador would leave the trail and go back to Riv, carefully dragging her body onto the sticks she made into a sort of carrier. The woman was far larger than Loccian, so simply carrying her on her back wouldn't be easy, this would help a lot. Next she would put the limbs together in the same manner but would wrap leaves then vines around them and place them in the carrier with the body.

"Let's get you home..." With everything ready she would make her way back to Seracia, even if this was still hard to carry the Baroness, Loccian would still try, and would definitely get the woman back even if it took all night with no sleep.


Awesome table by Lu <3



6 Years
11-26-2013, 04:51 PM

Iorwerth had ventured out of the lands earlier that day and somewhere along the way had found himself becoming distracted by the presence of his cousin. The two had needed to part though, Iorwerth had to return to his pack and Howl, well the male didn't really care too much where his cousin was required. The man didn't smell of a pack, so there was certainly not the same commitments, though he wouldn't have been surprised to learn the Destruction siblings had gathered together. Their close bond had perhaps been the very thing to put foolish family ideas into the minds of Cirala and Satu.

He was crossing the hills again now, unaware of the dangers that had lurked through these lands shortly before. He had been unable to scent, see or hear his pack mate, perhaps had he not seen his cousin he may have been able to help the poor woman though sadly it was not to be. Now however, crossing so close to the crime scene the strong stench of blood had begun to reach his nose and certainly managed to catch his attention. Veering a little off course now he dared to venture closer, there was also a clear Seracian scent, and this had certainly helped to pique his interest.

It wasn't too long before he caught sight of a wolf he recognised, they had met briefly during the incident with the tiger, though it had hardly been the place for proper conversation. A greeting would have left his mouth first, however he soon noted that she was attempting to drag something with her. A feat that really didn't look easy given the size of the carrier and the dainty form of Loccian. A blunt 'what are you doing?' almost spilled from his lips, though he soon noticed that the smell of the blood was also coming from the carrier, and a closer glance showed a form wrapped within the vines, though who the wolf was Iorwerth didn't know, never having had the chance to meet Rivaxorus.

"Where are you taking them?" He didn't know the deceased wolf, nor did he really know Loccian though he would certainly lend a hand. It seemed like a far more obvious question at the moment than bothering with anything else, he would help and get more answers if needed as they continued, rather than quiz the poor woman as she struggled to move Rivaxorus.


11-27-2013, 05:20 PM

Hajime had felt uneasy, so uneasy as Kurai had notified him that his mother was being attacked. The boy had only recently been reunited with his mother despite them being in different packs. So when he saw her body, his heart nearly stopped. His base color matched the woman's as well as his black tail and muddy paws and one ear while the right was black and he had a black mask on his face. His red eyes teared up as he bolted across the snow. Pulling himself over to the wolf who had given him life into the world and taken care of him for so long. And even didn't hate him for killing his brother. He stopped a few feet, snot and tears falling from his snout as he tried to choke out words. Kurai had already fled, terrified now that his master was dead. "Mother....w-who did this to you." The boy said as he enclosed the space between them. If they prevented him from seeing his mother they'd have to deal with a fairly distraught wolf.
He smelt such a thing as he choked back a growl. Howling in emotional pain as he flopped down on the snow and covered his face with his paws. "It's not fair, those damn bastards took my alpha's eye sight and hope of future litters then my mothers life. It isn't fair!" He wept. Black tail flicking back and forth furiously as he raised his head sniffing. Looking at the two others wolves with his sad eyes. Pain etching itself out in his heart. Looking for some sort of comfort from his mothers pack mates. His mother had been through so much only to be taken down by such a bitch ass Glaciem member let alone be defiled. He was sad, he was enraged that he couldn't do anything. And now his mother was dead.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-02-2013, 06:15 PM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2013, 06:15 PM by Epiphron.)

Rivaxorus' companion would come to her, urging her to follow. Rapidly the pregnant woman would trail behind him, worry beginning to well inside her chest. Quickly her legs would carry her toward the scene of the crime, the scent of blood beginning to fill the air as she approached. In the distance, she caught sight of Loccian, well past the borders of the Kingdom.

She would venture into unclaimed territory, eyes wide with surprise at the sight before her. Rivaxorus was dead -- unquestionably so. A sigh would escape her lips, and she would pad closer to Loccian, glancing briefly at Iowerth and the stranger, who seemed quite distressed. "What happened here?" she would inquire between clenched jaws, hoping for the best but always expecting the worst.