
You who I called brother



5 Years
11-23-2013, 11:11 PM

((ooc. Set a little bit after Isardis? maiming of Taurig))
The man had been ambling about aimlessly knowing that at some point he would seek out his brother. He had learnt the man was here after catching his scent, but Unai had not felt the need to follow it. All would come in good time and he was not in any rush to see his brother again. Not that the man had anything against his sibling. He was curious, he had not seen his brother for some years now and even during his short time here Unai had heard mutterings. Finally that had won out, which was how he found himself standing before the scent marker of his brother?s pack.
It seemed his brother had built himself a kingdom, and yet if rumors could be believed there was dissent in the ranks. Unai had supposed what his brother could use was another ally. He would need filling in, but he knew some of what had occurred after they had been separated. It seemed Isardis had been busy, he had already two of the silver man?s children and he was inclined to think there were more. After all the whispers spoke of a harem pack to the north, ruled by a magnificent silver specter. Tipping his head back he let forth a call, before settling upon his haunches, eyes scanning the horizon; a rather bored expression on his face.

Speech, Thoughts



11-26-2013, 05:57 PM

The scent that lingered would catch within a breath of curiosity, the pale monster pausing within his snow-stained tracks to ponder over the bringer of such strange cologne. Skull would tip backwards as he would seek its origin, pink nostrils flaring within the chill of an evening sunset. Something was strangely familiar, and yet the albino was struggling to place his finger on exactly who this male was. And so, he would waste no time to usher himself into a lope, limbs stretching out beneath him as only the mildest suggestion of a lingering pain within his strides would taint a famous elegance. Slowing, the pallid ghoul would weave his way between the towering pines at a resolute jog, interested, however undoubtedly wary.

Though the sights that would greet him would be one of no less than shock, ceasing in his gait as ruby gaze would roam the dark features of his brother. He stood for a few moments, convinced he had seen the ghosts of his past, before the man would regain his personalities and begin to saunter eerily closer, ?Well, well; I never would have thought to see you again, Unai.? The nature of his tones were neither here nor there, he had never had much of a relationship with his brother, and so he was unaware where the duo stood. Regardless, a mild suggestion of competition would begin to rattle his senses.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]



5 Years
12-02-2013, 01:44 AM

The scent of his brother was all around him, the whole of his being thrumming with the knowledge that a reunion would soon be taking place. Still he would catch the sweet sensation of his brother?s approach, this smell stronger than the others. He swept his tail around his paws, settling into the snow as he waited. He would catch movement before him but ever as he tried to lock onto it, it would slide from his view before he caught sight of it again. Standing admits the snow; distinguished only by the cherry tint of his being would be his brother.
The silver man would stand still for a moment and Unai would simply look at him, no attempt to move closer made. Then Isardis was closing the gap again. He would blink slowly, watching passively as the distant closed between the pair. Lyrics would drift across the space between them and Unai would shrug apathetically. ?You need not sound so happy about it brother.? It was a vague and dry attempt at humor, punctuated by the man rising to his paws and shaking the snow from his pelt. ?Truth be told I had not thought I would ever find myself in your company again either,? He spoke in even noncommittal tones, ?But as chance would have it I stumbled upon two of your children while passing through.? He was not one to commit to much and neither did he pretend that much of a relationship existed between the pair, he would not make any attempts to be sentimental with this man who was as much a stranger as a brother.

Speech, Thoughts