
Well Wisdom we learn


11-22-2013, 12:47 PM

There had been so much suffering. Sometimes her muscles ached, and it reminded her of the small hole she had to look out for months with her only little companion. The other slave, the other woman, on a daily basis who had gone through thick and thin through such a situation. It made her heart ache, just thinking about the woman, and how she had left to return to her homelands, in the hopes of making things better. Vahva wasn't sure if she was worth these wolves time, but she didn't let that show. Weakness was void ever since she gained the experience of being a leader. She had given those men a reason, a reason to live, and they no longer beat her into the ground. They were kind, listening, learning, every inch of the way. These were the things she thought about as the snow flakes fell upon the ground. These hills had no cover but they were near the range. In which she had just finished speaking to pip and was resting until moving on to Valhalla, her birth pack.
The electric blue mane on the woman moved as she gave out a sigh watching it float away from her as if it was her own soul. She didn't know why she got all these restless feelings about what the others thought of her. She was going to go off, to take the crown from a wolf she hadn't even met. And even then, he seemed so menacing, even those who were pissed off at him wouldn't approach. As she had been told, she was giving him her head on a silver platter. Vahva wanted a voice, to speak to as many wolves as she could in that time frame. So that if she did lose her life somehow, she wouldn't just be bones in the ground. Like as her mother had died, and many didn't remember her. Soft tears fell from her face when she thought about that. She just didn't want to be a ghost.




5 Years
11-25-2013, 12:14 AM

Gretel?s walking was slow, not quite so bad as it had been but she was still sensitive, her paw pads finally healing as they should. Her scars itched though and she fought the urge to stop all together to rub her right foreleg against the left. Instead she grimaced and moved on. The woman was accompanied by her brother; they were always at the other?s side now. It seemed he was not keen on losing her again and Gretel was not keen on being lost. She was as close to his side as she could be without pressing right into him, tail barley raised above her rump.
They did not travel to far from the Seracian boarder, the pack that had given them shelter in the wake of the war when a scent would reach her. Her tail dropped immediately dropped, curling in slightly and ears pulled back. She hesitated, glancing wide eyed at her brother before swallowing the lump in her throat and continuing onwards. She knew that her brother would turn around if she felt she couldn?t continue on, but she simply couldn?t live the rest of her life in fear. They would come across the woman not to long after scenting her. Gretel would not speak, could not speak, would simply stare wide eyed at her.



12-04-2013, 05:57 AM

Hansel walked alongside his sister, keeping as close to her as possible. Every so often he would glance at her, as if reassuring himself that she was still there...that she would disappear from him again. After his sister's ordeal, he never wanted to lose sight of her. It made him sick to his stomach the things that had happened to her, though he didn't know the whole of it he could take a pretty wild guess. Today he would take her out on a walk, to get some fresh air from the wolves who had lent their help to heal her. He knew it would take some time for her wounds to heal; both physically, mentally, and emotionally. They had been separated for a year, and he would not leave her side anytime soon. He wanted to remain by her, to help her heal.

And it was then during his thoughts that he halted, noting his sister's tenseness and fear that saw in her eyes. Glancing briefly at her, he followed her gaze towards a stranger, not too far away but a stranger nonetheless. Instinctively, he would press himself to his sister's side, comforting her as he placed narrowed gaze on the strange woman. "Hello stranger...what is your alliance?" Immediately he would pelt the woman with a dire question. If she was not an ally, he would protect his sister and attack. If she was not affiliated with an enemy, then he would still remain on guard though most likely keep his teeth to himself.



12-04-2013, 02:23 PM

No. She had changed her mind as soon as she stepped across the tortugan borders. Guinevere had been kind to her, had told her different. But still it didn't keep the girl from crying over the frustration of not being able to do much about the pain that her family was in. For once in her lifetime that was how it stood and she lowered her head because of it, until she heard a voice to the side of her. This made the woman suddenly lifts her white paws to wipe the tears from her face. She lifted her head, show no weakness, it only made things worse. The boy seemed serious considering all the events that had happened. Her vibrant blue mane definitely stood out in the snow that was for certain. "Tortuga, and their allies." She stated stopping her lip from quivering as she looked over at the girl by his side. Was she hurt? She blinked slightly, her red orbs looking over the girl with worry. She lowered her body, chest first. As she lowered her head, between her front paws, a very none threatening form.
As she crawled forward, she rolled tucking her tail between her legs. Pulling her paws over her chest exposing her throat. Anything to get the girl to feel a little less tense around her. "May I look at your wounds?" Vahva spoke softly, soothing, motherly. She knew this before, it was like when her best friend had been hurt so many time by those men because of their slavery. It was a devious, and ever so vexing time in her life. She wanted to heal anyone who had to deal with the same ordeal all the same.
