


11-21-2013, 10:01 PM

So much had happened to cloud her mind and her feelings, and yet there was one single, undeniable truth. It would always be Isardis. Her love for Taurig, however foolish it might be, would always be trumped by that which she held for him. She had done everything she could to rid the cobalt man from her mind, but some part of him would always be there - it was just a part that couldn't hope to compete with the part dominated by Isardis. The angelic man, the beautiful - wonderful child she'd seen blossom before her very eyes. There was none who could possibly compare.

But none of that mattered, because he'd never love her again.

Of this, she was completely sure. He could only assume one of two things. Either she had left of her own accord and betrayed him, or she had been lost - which would be a failure in his eyes. Either way, his love would be tarnished or torn - neither of which truths could she bear. It had been a long walk, though she looked as good as new. She had taken an incredible amount of time to clean her coat of debris, of Taurig's scent, of the soil of Tortuga, of her scent. Nothing remained save for her own flesh and blue - a clean slate was she. Ears were tucked halfway back as her cranium lifted to call him forth - wondering if he'd even be able to answer. In all honesty she knew not whether he would be around. She knew not the outcome of the siege, or even if it still raged as she sang. Her speech was prepared enough that she might not stutter or falter, but not so much that it would appear rehearsed - though her brother's was a keen eye. Carefully she would wait for him outside her once-home, wondering if she'd ever be allowed inside again.




11-25-2013, 12:34 AM

Bloodied from his battle, the beast would saunter with a shielding deportment; his shoulders hunched as his left forelimb would limp out beneath him, wincing with the strain of his ligaments as they tainted his previously flawless stride. Hackles lay deflated, exhausted, coral ears hung limp with his twirling emotions as rubies would search so eagerly for the borders of his territory. His left side ran with the crimson stains of his injuries, however his lips were tainted even more so; grotesquely lavished in the life-source of his enemy, of Taurig.

For as long as that boy was breathing he was a threat to the family?s well being, however with the loss of his eyes and his manhood; Isardis could only look forward to watching him suffer. His mind was hazed with a brittle sense of confusion; he was not as fulfilled in the maiming of his son as he had hoped. In fact, something would begin to tap way at his soul in that moment, to convince him he owed his blood a death of peace, and not a lifetime of suffering. Did Taurig deserve what was dealt to him? He was so unsure, and although no sense of guilt would possess his mind, his sanity was clouded with questions of doubt.

For Argent.

But something would send his mind astray, a figure, loitering amidst his distorted gaze. Sendoa. His stomach would turn with the thrill of her sights, so shocked to find her home already. He hadn?t the strength to seek her after his successful brawl with The Tortugan Leader, and although he was utterly relieved to have her home, a sense of cautiousness was evident as he would slightly alter his path to approach. However, he would keep a distance he had never desired for the woman, and warily he would stand; features void as his chest bristled with the unknown of her theft. ?Sendoa,? he paused, right forelimb lifting to curl over into a resting position as he attempted to ease it?s strain, ?You have returned to us,? she smelled so vaguely of the queen, however it was hard to say the last time they would have crossed paths. His words reeked of a frail exhaustion, and of an emotional despair. He had so many questions to ask, and yet not the strength or desire to do so.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]


11-27-2013, 09:19 AM

She would linger where she had called, interested in Isardis' state, and the fate of Glaciem. She knew not even what the stakes were in the war that had been waged, but whatever they may be - she truly worried for the ice kingdom her brother had forged. A smile tugged at her lips as his scent staggered before him, bringing with it the overwhelming presence of Taurig - and blood. For an instant she froze, terrified at what her brother might have done to his own kin, but eventually she would tilt her head to meet his haphazard being - he was hurt. Almost instantly she would bring herself to her stomach, pressing her bosom tightly to the earth in substance. Head angled low, ears tucked against her skull. She was nothing. He would speak her name, sending a dagger through her chest. Her face remained collected, despite the myriad of emotions and struggles rolling around in her skull. It would not do to show anything but remorse - which was truly all she had left. ?Isardis,? she would bring herself to say, stumbling over even the single word. ?As quickly as I could..? she murmured. Perhaps, if he did not ask the proper questions, she would not have to tell him anything at all - though she doubted she had that much luck left in the world. She would not make a move to go toward him, but would not retreat either. Holding fast to the ground she lay upon, the once-Sentinel would wait.




11-28-2013, 07:46 PM

The true events of what had unfolded upon the battlefield the day of her disappearance would forever remain a mystery. One moment she had been attacked and lay sprawled beneath Taurig, and the next the duo were gone. Isardis had his doubts and a brittle lack of trust within the woman. However, he wouldn?t ask. Why? Because he wasn?t sure he could handle having to drive her away from too. Argent was gone, Taurig was as good as dead and had dragged The Leader?s children down with him. Who next? Why did his family seek to destroy him? Sendoa was perhaps all he had left, and yet he feared the answers she would give him. And so he would let lies plague his mind until she offered truth herself.

She would bow to his superiority, pressing her breast beneath the sensitivity of his wounded being. He was far too exhausted to provide her the attention he normally would have, and yet something would form a barrier between the adoration he felt for her also. He was relieved she was back, and yet he struggled to feel much more; at least not in his state of wounded emotional and physical mortality. He was utterly bewildered. ?Where is Argent?? if there was a question that was going to force free some sense of sentiment it would be the words which so effortlessly wove free of his lips. Sendoa would need to be wary, Isardis was aware his Queen was last in Tortuga before she vanished. And something hadn?t been right about her. Something more writhed beneath the surface, as if everyone but he knew what had become of her, and that the world was laughing in his face.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]


11-29-2013, 08:46 PM

Perhaps she still carried a small amount of Argent's perfume, whatever the case, he would keep his distance and inquire of the Queen's location. Sendoa's head would drop lower - if that were possible. In fact, it moreso recoiled back by a quick scrunching of her neck. ?Gone. Presumably dead.? That didn't seem like enough information, though every bit of it came out truthful and without hesitation. It wasn't exactly rehearsed, but it was put out there as easily as she could form the words. ?She came to get me out of Tortuga, we stopped at a river - she was bloody, I was thirsty. I swear, I only drank for a minute or two and then she was gone. There wasn't any evidence of where she'd gone.. she just.. she just vanished, Isardis. I looked for an hour or more, there was nothing. Nothing.? This part came out far choppier than she'd imagined, but the sorrow of Argent's departure rang true. She hated to see someone leave Glaciem - particularly someone her brother was so overly fond of, but it had never been her right to stop the Queen. If she wanted to go, she ought to be gone. Glaciem had no room for lukewarm followers - even Queens. She would not move, not an inch. She was not necessarily welcomed back - though it seemed that he might have mercy enough to give her some sort of home in the northern kingdom. Tongue would nervously flicker across her lips as she remained submissive - waiting for the verdict to be given. Waiting for the gavel to fall.




12-02-2013, 05:24 PM

Her words would pierce his soul with the painless sense of a faultless blade, and yet they were hardly unexpected. As she began to explain herself he would only grow more-so upon the suspiscion something wasn?t right. However, although he held a faint sense of distrust in Sendoa after her disappearance on The Battlefield, her words seemed genuine enough. ?She is presumed alive,? the sudden spitting of a short fuse would tarnish his previously void tongue, rubies narrowed upon the blue woman as he struggled to decide exactly how much faith he would place within her words. ?On the presumption your loyalties lie to me, and not to Argent, I will assume she or Taurig are trying to hide something. Exactly where did she disappear? We well send a party in the morning,? his voice was far gruffer and damaged than Sendoa would likely find familiar.

She had asked no questions of the harm that had come to Taurig yet, and Isardis wasn?t entirely sure how he felt about it. Sendoa had been close to the boy, and his scent hung weak against her skin, but was she held against her will or did she only aid in the boys maim by providing a brittle sense of esteem? ?Meanwhile, you are my Queen; and I swear to the demons of hell should I have you to rely on Sendoa, I couldn?t bare to be betrayed by one of the only being?s I feel I can trust,? but could he? Could he really trust her? It hurt him to have second thoughts, and yet why wouldn?t he? It seemed nobody was trustworthy these days, and the family?s morals were shattered. Taurig had dragged them apart, and so Isardis would continue to rip the boy limb from limb until he felt the pain and suffering he had forced upon his father. ?Tell me,? his haunches would lower to rest against the earth then, exhausted, bloodied, ?Who is the woman Taurig most confides within? His queen, or his lover, perchance?? lashes would flicker with an expectation of interest.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]


12-03-2013, 11:33 AM

It seemed she had played her part well, though she felt a gnawing in the pit of her stomach that told her nothing would ever be the same. She was hiding something from him, something incredibly and insurmountably important. Guilt would be her new accomplice, and she would use it as best she could. He would correct her, presuming Argent alive unless otherwise identified. Eyes would widen slightly, as she nodded her head just once in agreement. She wouldn't argue with him about this. He went on, presuming her loyal to him and asking where she disappeared. ?A narrow crack of a river jutting off of the northeastern side of the kamui delta. She waded into the water to clean herself and then she was gone.? Though her words were twisted as they could be, they were undeniably true. Sendoa had forced herself to avoid looking at Argent from the moment their agreement had been made, so - to the blue woman she had vanished just as she was telling Isardis.

He would then do something she could never have anticipated - he would name her his Queen. It seemed he still had qualms with fully trusting her, but he was choosing to do so nevertheless. ?Now and forevermore I am yours, Isardis.? She would never betray him again - would never give him a single reason to believe her anything but trustworthy, wholesome. He would inquire something of her, the woman Taurig confided in the most. Ah, something she could help him with. ?His queen and confidant, a woman I met whilst in Tortuga. She is golden as the sun, her name - Maija. I believe I may hold an ounce of her trust, though I can't say for sure.? She would rise then, slowly - yet steadily.

?I know my disappearance can't have come easily for you, Isardis, and I know that you are finding it difficult in your heart to fully trust me. Please, let me prove once and for all that my ties are to you alone.? She would flicker her tail in such a way to bring the scent of her recent heat to his nostrils. ?Let my body bring forth heirs for your kingdom. Let me show you in the most intimate of ways that my heart is irrevocably strung to yours.? She loved him, there was no denying it, and her pregnancy with his children would only serve to strengthen the kingdom he had forged. There was little he could do but oblige her, though she wondered if he could place that much trust in her - or if she had a long way to go in rebuilding the trust bridge that had been broken.




12-03-2013, 05:36 PM

She would identify the place in which Argent had vanished, and her apparent precision within details would encourage the pale ghoul to believe her word down to the last whisper of her breath; and as much as his mind may have begged him otherwise, he simply had to trust somebody, or there would be nobody left to divulge within. A pack meeting was in order, and very soon it would be forged. Her words of approval, her acceptance of her rank would please him, send his curled tail coiling about his haunches as he sat so colonially atop a growing carpet of snow. This kingdom had forever been Sendoa?s, but now it was hers down to her name, down to her title. He hoped, whatever doubts he held within her trust, could be mended by her self-proof. She had always been willing to please him, The King only hoped such would continue.

He didn?t know what he would do without her, or even what he would be without her. Sendoa had no less than raised him, and now they continued only to help eachother. Perhaps he would never understand the word ?love?, but in that moment it seemed to rest perfectly against his troubled emotions, ?I have a love for you that compares to no other,? and she would continue to please him; willingly offering up the identity of Taurig?s chosen woman, and he would store the name effortlessly within his mind. Taurig had taken Argent from him, it was only fair Isardis should do the same. He allowed her to stand, forgetting his fresh wounds and exhaustion as his haunches would raise also, pulling him towards the screaming cries of her womb.

He had fallen blind to her heat, however it seemed she was intent on ensuring it was well known, and the simmering thrill of the duos offspring would begin to send flurries of ecstasy through the tissue of his lungs. He would come to press his chest against her breast for a few moment, however only lightly, muscle tender from the bruising of his brawl, jaws gnawing at the velvet folds of her left ear, only to ?heal the wound? with the brushing of his salmon tongue. He would groom down to her shoulders, stepping forwards as he worked to stand with his nape pressed against the contours of her outer thigh, incisors working with adoration at the base of her cobalt tail. He would be a kinder lover that day, tamed by his injuries, and mellowed by the pull of her simmering heart.

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]


12-04-2013, 04:46 PM

His words would quite nearly stop her heart, for she knew of all men in the world - they were likely to come from anyone but Isardis. Love was foreign to him, and she knew it - respected it, and yet here he was, examining his emotions and labeling them as such. She would croon, a soft, mellow note shimmering in her trachea. She could form no words, but knew that he was aware of her feelings toward him. She was, after all, offering him the most intimate piece of herself. Granted, Sendoa was not new to the ways of lovemaking, but never had she borne children in all of her five years - there had never been anyone worthy of such agony, until now. She relished in his momentary brush of affection, the gentle pressure of his chest against hers. Familiarly his jaws would caress her ear, folding it and crinkling it to his desire. Teeth would nibble down the length of her, sending a shiver down her spine that could not be hidden if she'd dared to try. Their children would be great, fearsome - and entirely Armada. A smile creased her features as she tossed her head back to steal a view of her ivory lover, the scent of her heat and his musk tangling in the air. ?Isardis,? she would murmur into the sky, awaiting the moment when - at last - they would be physically and emotionally one.




12-04-2013, 05:16 PM

She would quake beneath his touch, her spine tingling beneath the embrace of his eager jaws. His mind swarmed with the potential of new life, and the babes would be strongest, most elegant children Glaciem- Alacritis- had ever truly seen. Even the females would scream of adequate power, or more, to their mother ; but the males? His gut shuddered at the thought of the ideal Heir. Argent?s babes still stood with the potential to obtain his throne, but when children of Sendoa?s, a true replica of the strongest Armada, loitered within the womb? so much was possible. His hips would swivel right, bringing his chest to press against the back of her pelvis, his mind driving itself to the extremities of desire as his jaws would groom down the backs of her thighs. His muscles would tremor now, legs unsteady upon the single word she spoke, and silently, he would lift himself. Forelimbs pushing forwards to rest against the contours of her shoulders, jaws seeking to so tenderly hold the folds of her scruff. And with the precision of only a man who knew what he wanted, and what he needed, his pelvis would push forwards, a low growl rumbling within his pipes as he would lean into her splendour.

--- fade?

[Image: TgW7k5D.png]


12-05-2013, 07:17 PM

Time ceased to exist, everything ceased to exist save for the ivory angel and his sapphire jewel. A sigh would slip forth from sprawled jaws as he crawled atop her, making his way. She would stand firm and receive him, taking his weight gracefully - willingly. The man slid forth, bringing her request to life.

- fade -

When it was over she would curl her neck back, craning it as far as it would go to grace some part of him with a warm kiss. ?These children will be unlike anyone has ever known.? They would be marvelous, fabulous, simply sublime. She could see them already - trained up in the way an Armada should live - should grow. When he had parted from her she would curl back to his side, leaning into his strength as her legs quivered under her. She desired his warmth, his touch, his presence - and she would have it for the moment.
