
War Pigs



11-19-2013, 01:56 PM

He was visibly nervous. Terrified even as he stood at the mouth of the cave. He barked nervously at first, the sound radiating off the polished walls of the cave before a short howl managed to escape his black lips. His knees began to knock together as the call went out for someone to see him into the pack lines. For someone to accept him. For someone to help him. He stood in the whistling wind, frozen in place, tail tucked out of fear. He'd heard stories of the pack leader, a horrifying marred giant of a wolf who sought the strong above all else.He wasn't strong. He knew that. He could barely keep up with most wolves at his girth, but he had to try, he couldn't survive without a pack. He couldn't live without someone to help him. Even if he was turned away from this pack for being a sniveling weakling, he had to at least try to find a home.



11-19-2013, 02:03 PM

Vyvienne did not like sharing her home with strangers. She?d tolerated it for a while in Valhalla, yes, for that land had never truly been hers. It had been weak, and she could never own something that was so weak, unless it was the shaky boy she?d claimed a while ago. The child was displeased to find herself living amongst filth, and today she was displeased to find more filth at her borders. Lips pulled back to reveal ivory incisors, her form powerful as she stalked forth, heading towards the man with intent. Acidic gaze settled upon him, and although the girl was merely six months of age, she still held a rather intimidating aura about her.
"Leave,? she demanded harshly, her vocal tones malevolent and powerful. His presence was not wanted here, and if he left before her father came to attempt to pull him in, he would ultimately be better off. Vyvienne had no desire of him being here, no desire for the others to be here, and if they did not obey she would crush them.



11-19-2013, 02:22 PM

A pup. They sent a pup. All this time he'd spent shaking and whining, and they sent a pup. He glanced around her to see if the hell beast of an alpha followed but saw only darkness. He almost laughed, a smile even grazed his features as the cub approached, but soon faded as a snarl graced the youngling's features. "Leave" She demanded. The shiver returned as two toned eyes stared into the radioactive orbs that were her eyes. "I-I've come to see the alpha." He blubbered. the fat along his cheeks quaking as he spoke. "I don't mean you any harm, please, I just want to see the alpha."



11-19-2013, 02:30 PM
He didn?t seem particularly brave, and that only heightened Vyvienne?s display, hackles raising to hopefully make the giant girl seem even larger. Lips pealed back further, displaying her teeth for an instant when the man refused to give way. If he would not listen to her, she had no issue with making him listen. It only further served to irritate her when he insisted on seeing the alpha, her father, hers. "No,? she snapped viciously. "He is mine and I do not want you to be on my land. I do not wish to share a home with you,? she snarled viciously. The girl had yet to fight anyone, but she had no qualms with causing an altercation if it made the other bow before her. "Leave or I will hurt you,? she hissed, and her posture and ragged breathing made it apparent that the girl, although not but a child, was not joking in the slightest sense of the word.



11-19-2013, 02:30 PM

The caved had long become her home, the cool stone frightening familiar. The began to stink of the pack that resided within its walls. But the stench of fear overpowered it, bringing her to entrance of the caves. Her sister blocked the path but before her stood a wolf. Leave. The last time herself had chosen to rid the pack of someone she had received a light scolding. Limbs propelled her forward, russet audits sliding forward, taking in the words of the man. "I'm sure father would want to see him first." She turned her blue and silver to her sister, lips curled back just slightly against her fangs, waiting for her larger sisters protest. Her gaze turned to the trembling man, finding him pitiful. Afraid of mere pups. He would find home here to be rather unpleasant for the weak, surely he knew that? "Do you not know of the power that lives here?" Her tones dripped dangerously, her gaze pinning the man before. He should feel lucky, saved from the wrath of her sister.



11-19-2013, 09:49 PM

He drew back at the threat. Not for fear of himself, but rather for fear of what he might do if the pup did attack him. Crushing a puppy certainly didn't make for a good first impression. He opened his mouth to speak but before the words left his mouth a second pup drew closer and seemed to oppose the darker puppy. She asked if he knew what power he was about to bear witness to. "I've heard stories, but that's why I want to join. I want to be stronger." He said firmly, his feet planted in place. "That's why I need to see the alpha."



11-21-2013, 07:40 PM

He wasn?t going to listen. Did he not realize that it would be her personal mission to make his life hell if he dared to join? Vyvienne was a child, yes, but she was half grown. Her six months had seen her to twenty one inches tall, and although that was no adult size, it meant she was edging closer to it. It made her confident, to see inches slowly fading between herself and others, and perhaps too confident. She was about a foot shorter than the man in front of her, but to her that was no distance at all. For a moment she prepared herself for battle. Muscles tensed, instinct making her hackles raise, jaws parting and lips peeling back to reveal her teeth, eyes narrowing and ears pinned, her body lowering. All of this had been observed at her father?s fighting lessons, and now she was applying it herself.
Her sister?s voice spoke of defiance, however, and Vyvienne would not tolerate that. Acidic gaze settled upon the smaller girl, tail lashing dangerously behind her. The flash of ivory was all that the chocolate-painted girl needed. She felt rage engulf her, blind and controlling, and she resolved to put Sevan back into her place. Don?t you fucking dare give me attitude she thought. She hoped to be on Sevan?s left, seeking to pounce and hopefully slam her right shoulder behind the girl?s left shoulder, hoping to plow her larger form into the other girl. Right paw had lifted before this leap, and sought to pin her right foot on top of Sevan?s left. Vyvienne was hoping to be in a ?v? form with her younger sister, hopefully reaching her right paw under the girl when she pounced. The purpose of this? To attempt to cause stress on the other?s shoulder by trying to pin her leg and shove her body in the opposite direction.
At the same time her jaws ambitiously sought to snap for Sevan?s left ear, not certain if it was in her reach or not, but inexperience making her desire the area. Vyvienne desired to rip the appendage in half, to give her litter mate just a reminder of who she was dealing with here. Perhaps this wasn?t fair at all; the amazon?s temper was not at her sister, but at the filth that was invading her territory, at her father who allowed such filth to have a rank over her own head. And yet, a demonstration of her capabilities on somebody that she actually loved seemed like the best way to get the message across. I will run you all out, one way or another. If she could do this to those she loved, then they could only imagine what she would do to those she hated.



11-21-2013, 08:05 PM

Not a single noise left her sister. Immediately the larger girl turned, lunging her massive frame forward. Russet lips curled back against ivories, her ears falling back against her skull. Her sisters shoulder collided with her own, sending a sharp pain down the limb. A vicious snarl ripped from her jaws, rage narrowing her eyes and forcing her hackles to stand at attention. She was tired of the way her sisters constantly picked on. And this was the last straw. Her fury broke through, dead set on burning everything in its path. Her sisters foot came crashing down on the girls left paw, a shove causing discomfort in the russet girls shoulder. Immediately the red girl would retaliate, throwing control out the window. Jaws would unhinge, turning in an attempt to grab the right (Sevs POV as if they were facing head on) side of her sisters face. Simultaneously, her hips to swing out and away from her sister, bringing them into a head on stance. Her sisters daggers pierced her flesh, missing their intended target, grabbing only the tight skin of her crown and drawing blood.

With her left paw still pinned beneath her sisters and pressure on her shoulder building from her movement, the girl would attempt to rear up, bring herself up only a few inches off the ground. She hoped to free her paw of her sisters grasp, but in turn it would jerk her own shoulder even more, she could only hope that her sister would kept most of her weight off the appendage. In turn, if her jaws struck their target, her rising would cause her to rip at the flesh on her sisters or any other place they landed. This was not a mere battle of sibling rivalry, this was a battle for dominance, to show just who was in charge when it came to the sisters.


ATTACKS: Attempts to grab the right side of Vyv's face, rears up only a few inches, sorta a bouncing/jumping movement in an attempt to free her paw before Vyv's weight can be dropped on it

DEFENSES: Ears pinned, eyes narrowed, hackles raised

INJURIES: bruised shoulder and possibly toes depending on the force, scratches to the top of her skull



11-21-2013, 08:29 PM

What in all seven hells was going on? Suddenly the two pups were on top of each other, grappling at flesh, he drew back from the fight, tail tucked and ears folded. He really ought to do something. Really should have stopped the violence before the great and horrific alpha saw the two. "Uhm..Stop...Please." He muttered. "Stop...". They couldn't seem to hear him, and if anything he would only make things worse. He was getting frustrated, getting upset, rage bubbled through his veins. A sharp snarl ripped from his throat suddenly, demanding attention. He raised his tail and pointed his ears forward "What the damn hell is wrong with you two?!" He yelled. "All I wanted was to see the alpha and you turn it into a blood bath!" He chided. "How's a pack supposed to fight off enemies if they're too busy ripping out each other's throats?!" He scolded.




2 Years
11-22-2013, 01:29 PM (This post was last modified: 11-22-2013, 01:32 PM by Meinx.)

The strange tinge of dominance lifted into the air, and that was exactly what meinx was waiting for, to see which sibling came out on top. The small paws would carress the floor as the dark pearl would shift shadow to shadow, slithering in to gaze upon all the commotion. It was set plain in sight, for some stranger to gaze upon, that was welcoming, no? Striding towards the scene Meinx was large for her age, and often was mistaken for one years of age. The man was taller, but whose to say he was stronger?. A yawn would escape past her oynx lips- kissing the air before exiting else where. As the blue gaze was pinned onto twotone Meinx would make her move onwards.

Her teeth would bare as the brute thought it wise to interfere, they may be young but they dont lack strength. " You may see the alpha, but id say its wise to keep out of the fight. This will show who is more dominant therefore will recieve better things in the future. There not ripping out eachothers throats, and enemys would be fools to even tread here." The bluntness of her voice would be left quite revealing, never the less meinx had good intentions.

After assessing the man over the large cranium would twist her gaze upon the fight, watching there strengths and determining who she thinks would win. If the man beside her thought to interefere once more, Meinx would not hesitate to challenge. If she lost, then she'll pick herself up and work on what she did wrong, and will challenge once again. Her mind was fixed on determination. " if syrinx chose to take you in, you better learn quickly to defend whats yours."

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.


11-23-2013, 11:11 AM
All faded from her except the heat of battle; she paid no mind to the intruder, instead focusing upon her sister. She needed to make her submit, to force her into her place whether the other girl liked it or not. Vyvienne was the strongest; her father believed so, and the chocolate-drizzled giantess-to-be also believed so. Her instinctual and observed defenses remained; muscles tense, hackles raised, jaws parted and lips peeled back, eyes narrowed, ears pinned, body lowered closer to the ground for a better center of balance.
Shoulder and paw would meet success, and as Sevan moved, Vyvienne did as well. The giant sidestepped to her own right, hopefully keeping them from a head on confrontation. Jaws also bit down, albeit not where intended. Nonetheless, her immediate reaction was to attempt to shift weight onto her own right paw, hopefully crushing Sevan?s left paw beneath it. At the same time, upon noting the girl?s attempt to rear up, she attempted to barrel her weight against her sister?s side, seeking to come parallel with her and knock her over. Alas, Vyvienne was not the quickest, and Sevan?s jaws pierced moderate punctures along her left cheek (you said it was right from Sevan?s POV, so I assumed it was Vyv?s left, since if they were facing each other Sev?s right would be Vyv?s left), blood oozing. Alas, she minded little.
At the same time she attempted to barrel into the girl?s side her jaws were making a triangle motion; snapping forwards in an attempt to grasp her sister?s scruff and then moving back regardless of success. She hoped to grab flesh and then hoped to crane her sister?s neck awkwardly by yanking it back, so that she might be helpless and defenseless, and might realize she needed to submit. Vyvienne did not play games; she would put all of her siblings into their places if needed, when needed. They needed to know they were hers so she could protect and love them properly.




11-25-2013, 12:49 AM

Battle consumed her thoughts, blocking out the voice of the intruder, her sole focus her sister. Her defenses remained strong: eyes narrowed, ears flat against her skull, hackles raised, her legs spread out equally and bent slightly, her tail even with her spine. She sisters weight came crashing down on her paw, pulling a high pitched snarl from her jaws as she felt pain shoot up her left. Rage boiled her blood, turning her vision red. She had rose, her sisters form collided with her own, the chocolate girl clearing wanting to knock the russet girl down. Her balance wavered, hind legs bent more, attempting to compensate her weight, her sister pinning her own paw down kept her from completely toppling over, along with her grip on her sisters face. Blood dripped onto her tongue. Immediately she would give a jerk of her head, wanting her sister to remember this should the russet girl fall.

Her sister moved with fluid motion, chocolate jaws aiming to grab her own scruff, the larger girls body colliding with her own. The moment her sisters body collided with her own, jaws would release her sisters face, her crown dropping in an attempt to grab her sisters left foreleg, just at the elbow. Fangs would pierce her flesh, pressure would build as her sister would pull at her scruff, if her jaws connected with Vyv's leg then the russet girl would hold on, jaws would clench. Growls vibrated her her throat, blood dripped down her neck as she sister tore at her flesh, she could only hope to achieve a good enough drip on the chocolate girls leg to hold on.


ATTACKS: She would release Vyv's face in favor for an attempt grip on her left forelimb, just at the elbow, should it land she would hold on, wanting to avoid her neck being pulled at an awkward angle

DEFENSES: eyes narrowed, ears flat against her skull, hackles raised, her legs spread out equally and bent slightly, her tail even with her spine.

INJURIES: middles toes broken, scratches to her skull, bite would to her scruff, severity depending on Vyv's next move.



11-25-2013, 01:55 PM

And now ANOTHER pup had arrived. Was this a pack of nothing but pups he wondered? It didn't matter. The two continued to squabble although he wasn't exactly sure why. A pack with nothing but pups to greet him? How dangerous could they be? He snorted and looked away from the fight, his attention drawn by the newest addition. "If you could bring him to me, I'd appreciate it. The alpha I mean." He mumbled. Syrinx. Finally a name to put to the fearful stories he had heard. Although if they were anything like the rest of his pack it must have been all talk and no substance. He would do well here. The pup cautioned him to defend what was his. He entered with nothing and anything that was given to him would be precious to him. Precious enough to fight for, be it rank or mate. He collected himself, an air of pride falling around his chubby waist as he waited for the alpha, the fight was now a distant thought to him. Nothing but a feeble attempt to scare him off made by a spoiled child.



11-26-2013, 11:04 AM

Strangers had become something to detest it would seem for one sister. Those that bore no scent of loyalty to Amenti were to be chased off or killed, at least, so her sister seemed to feel. The hatred for those that did not belong was building at an alarming rate. Disdain dripped from her lips as she spoke to those who desire a home in the threshold of Amenti. She would admit herself that she held a certain idea of how those that ruled beneath them were meant to carry themselves. Their loyalty was to be unquestionable and should war spark out like it had with Valhalla and Glaciem then their wolves would need to be ready to defend what belonged to them. Incompetence was not a trait she would tolerate in anyone, including her siblings.

The sound of violence wasn?t something that surprised her. She allowed an exasperated sigh to escape her lips. Father had so much ?hope? for their dear Vyvienne and here she was making a fool of herself again. Her tail flicked behind her as she made her way towards Meinx. Her gaze watching the fight carefully, analyzing each sibling?s moves as they struggled for dominance. If her sister should fail in putting Vyvienne in her place then she would take it upon herself to try again. This wasn?t what Amenti needed and if Vyvienne wanted to be Heir someday she would need to be able to accept new wolves into the pack. Not run them out before they had a chance to prove their worth.

Her ears flicked at the words of Menix. Battle was apart of pack culture. In order to put others in their place it was required to show a little force. If they tolerated any sort of weakness then others would assume they could become compliant. Her gaze watched the new comer with her sister and her hair rose on end. Her eyes narrowed into slits as she stalked towards them. Her ears pulled upright and her head held high. Perhaps Vyvienne hadn?t been so wrong to desire the male to leave. Her teeth pulled back in a wicked smile, as she looked the male over.

?You desire to see our father. We are his children, the monsters in the darkness, and you question why my sisters quarrel? We do things here for a reason. Questioning those reasons can lead you to finding your way hurt or exiled. Now, if you desire to see our father, desire to seek acceptance, you shouldn?t be so quick to judge our methods.? She said firmly, her anger was firm in her gaze. Her tail snapped behind her as she pushed against her sister?s coat in a show of possession. This male was nothing. He didn?t belong to Amenti yet, and so he had no one to protect him. She wondered how her father would view this little scene. Would he be proud that they had allowed the two sisters to fight it out? That she had chided the new wolf for his obvious dismissal of their fathers reputation. He hadn?t achieved such rumors over just hear say.



11-29-2013, 11:53 AM

He rolled his eyes at the display of the latest addition. One over zealous pup he could haddle, two wasn't much of a problem either. But now there were four. Four spoiled pups that had no idea just how weak they were compared even to a fat oaf like him. He was done with this pack of stupid children. He had better things to do than pupsit. And he could tell just from his children that Syrinx, as strong as he wanted everyone to believe he was, would probably just turn out to be a tired old wolf with too much time to lick his testicles. He huffed and turned around, annoyed and well aware that he could do better.

_Exit Twotone unless stopped_

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Extra small
11-29-2013, 12:54 PM

OOC: [ ]

And he reigned down on them. sinew rippled beneath tight flesh and an incredulous smirk was risen over his lips. "Don't be so quick to go," a lowly hiss from the serpent king as his eyes expelled their interest at what his daughters were doing. They were hungry, no? Starved for interaction he understood their angst and their curiousness--oh but Vyvienne was the most vivid of them all; his sweet colorful princess. He would eventually need to eradicate her fire, for he knew a flame could not be tamed. His definition of, eradicate, however did not fall under a premise of death. Quite the opposite actually. Syrinx would need to find something that she could do. That would retain her anger. Tongue bled across inky lips and his rear found the ground. "You do not enjoy a good fight? My daughters offer the best-" the words of someone bent on war would evidently give incredible reasoning (it was questionable as well) but Syrinx would quickly recover--his gaze would lay on the vagabond that was on his borders, "If you have no thrist for the fight then why are you herE? Your attendance is arbitrary and I'm not going to attempt the care of another child," He had little time to deal with the type: Pansies.




11-29-2013, 01:25 PM

he looked at the king midstep and almost fell off the side of the mountain. Half his jaw was completely gone! He wheeled around, facing the injured lord and for a moment was lost for words. It wasn't too long after his question that he found his voice again.

"I like a good fight just fine. But a squable is merely a fight for someone who can only fight without fear of death.. And so far that's all I've seen here." He said boldly, two toned eyes focused on the king who lost the north. He was no father if all he wanted was a brood to fight his battles for him. No king if all he cared for was bloodshed. This simply was not the pack for him

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11-30-2013, 01:51 AM

Her gaze shifted towards the male as he dismissed her and turned to go. Her ears twitched as she shrugged off the departure of the feeble minded and turned her attention back on her siblings. Her head snapped around as she heard the glorious sound of her father?s voice. All interested in what her sisters were attempting to achieve was dispelled as she turned to watch the vagrant with her father. He was indeed unworthy. He had proven so by displaying such displeasure for the siblings policing each other. Pups. He thought of them as youths with no knowledge of the world but they knew things. Dark things. And she desired to prove that he was worthless and she was righteous.

She removed herself gently from her sister?s coat. Brushing against her in a silent suggestion that she follow in her wake. Her ears twitched as her father spoke to the wolf. Deeming him childlike in his behavior. It amused her only slightly but her inner smile had not surfaced on her outer features. No, she remained silent and eager to hear what the sentence was for this male. He spoke of death. Yet the manner of what he spoke had eluded her. All she desired was to place that fear deep within him. She wanted to break him. Snap the bones in his body and feed his soul to her sister. Her thoughts on Vyvienne?s reason for her desire for him to leave still lingered in her mind and she would consider her sisters opinion on strangers a little more closely.

She looked at her father; the desire in her gaze was evident. She wanted to prove they were not weak. Wanted to show the strength and fight inside her and all of them. She wanted to break this wolf and if she didn?t have the chance to do it now, then she would do it later and far more slowly. He had the audacity to question her father?s authority and he should be punished for such actions. The conviction was clear in her gaze as she looked at her father. He is mine. I will hurt him for you if you let me. I will kill him if its what you desire or I will torture him until he leaves this world on his own. It was all in her gaze but not a single word was spoken. She wouldn?t dare speak above him. He was her heaven and his voice was law but she could suggest things in silence. It was all a matter how he would react.



Extra small
11-30-2013, 12:00 PM

Eyes remained glued onto the figure of the vagabond. His words had stopped him--but the things he said did not propose a particularly fond meaning in the man's stomach. Sinew quivered and he rose back to his feet, "Do you think getting fresh with me is a good idea?" nails clicked against the stone of the caves below his paws and he approached Twotone; stopping only when he was but a mere few feet from him. "You don't realize that every time they fight it is for the death. They are all simply to good and understand their heart to bring it on another. I do not craft warriors alone-I am a proverbial god of war--I craft a unit. A bond," His nose wrinkled and his eyes were narrowed in on the boy, "This is the first empire I've pieced together. You can either suck it up and ride with us; or you can burn in the fires we'll be sure to set," Loyalty to me is forever. Make your choice boy! the words were clearly written across his face and his paws lightly gripped at the soil. this was something Syrinx was certain the other could not forget.



11-30-2013, 05:27 PM

He shrank under the horrifying figure's gaze. A small whimper sneaking past his lips as the bone king glared at him. He spoke and it occured to Twotone then that he had no choice in the matter of leaving or staying he was outnumbered, outsized and out of luck. The next words to leave his jaws felt bitter on his tongue,
"I'll join you." as he spoke his voice cracked. Disgusted in himself for agreeing to join a pack as pitiful as his. Not by his choice but against his will like a slave. He felt sick to his stomach.

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