


11-11-2013, 12:12 AM
OOC- Wolf has permission to PP, this is taking after the war so its vague, and its just outside of Valhallan borders, if someone could please find her body that would be great.

The war had ended, wolves were healing, including herself, though her wounds were slow to heal, certain to leave scars. But with all the wounds, it left her supply of herbs seriously low. She had ventured from the borders of Valhalla, her sense of high alert, in search of herbs. She found most of what she needed close by, but there would be herbs that grew by water that she would need. The lake wasn't too far from her home, and the pallid woman set that as her destination. The scent of her herbs flooded her nostrils as she held them delicately in her jaws. Long limbs carried her at a brisk pace, not wanting to linger to long outside of the safety of her home.

Setting down her herbs, she would move forward with quiet grace to get a drink before going on the hunt. Pale crown lifted, her nose clearly of the herbs, only to be replaced by something far more dreadful. Ears fell back against her skull, hackles rose. It was him. The last time she had seen the silver man, she had escaped with her life, he proclaimed to not wanting to kill her. But she had smelled his faint scent during the war, but not once did she lay eyes on him.

Adrenaline sent her heart into overdrive, threatening to pound right out of her chest. The herbs were forgotten as she spun on her legs, her instinct to flee kicking in. Long legs stretched wide, covering as much ground as possible as she fled. She needed to get home, now. She needed to protection of Valhalla. She knew she fall against the man a second time. Jaws parted to suck in air, legs moved desperately, claws dug into the earth for traction, her tail tucked against her belly. Escaping. It the only thing on her mind, if flooded her thoughts. Home.

She was almost there. She could smell the borders of her pack. She could practically see it. She could taste. Safety. Life. It was all there, just waiting for her, saving her from the jaws of death. Muscles burned, but she wouldn't stop, not until she found someone in her pack, her legs continued to propel her forward, blood pounding in her ears, but she could hear another sort of pounding. One that was much more dangerous.


11-12-2013, 12:41 AM

He had seen the white bitch in the war; had smelled her. He hadn't bothered to go after her then. There was no point in taking her life in the middle of a pointless war; where would the fun be in that? He would've had to kill her quickly because someone else would've probably tried to save her. But no, that's not how he wanted to do things. She had gotten away from him twice, once by his own doing, but that was her last chance. The titan was going to finish the bitch for good this time and there would be no question about her being done for.

He had followed her after she'd left the war, tracked her as she moved through what she believed to be her safe haven, completely unaware that she spending her last moments on this earth alone. Completely and utterly alone, far out of the reach of help or the protection of her precious packmates. Those idiots wouldn't come and ruin his fun this time; not again. The monster would watch from the shadows, his spotted companion watching eagerly some beside him, as the white bitch wandered away from the borders of her territory, venturing out to look for some stuff. Slowly the beast would crawl forward, making his way closer and closer to his target, trying to be somewhat inconspicuous, though he hardly cared if she realized he was there or not; she would die regardless. And in fact, she did notice. He saw it in the way her body tensed. Fear radiated from her frame in waves and in a matter of moments she had tucked tail and begun running back to what she thought was the safety of her pack. But she was injured. Demyan wasn't. Stupid bitch.

With a snarl the behemoth would launch himself forward, limbs extending as powerful haunches propelled the murderer forward, talons striking the earth as he rocketed forward, charging towards the fleeing female. Did she not know that her efforts were in vain? She wasn't even close enough to touch the border before Demyan was ontop of her, massive frame barreling into her own, jaws snapping at her nape. Canines sliced through her flesh like nothing, her blood filling his jaws, eliciting a snarl of pleasure from the behemoth. He would drag her down until he was standing directly on top of her, nape still tightly clamped in his jaws. He wanted to look at her, to see her as he killed her, to watch the light fade from those bi-colored eyes. To show her that she was just a useless piece of flesh that was his to play with.

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11-12-2013, 12:48 PM

Pain shot across her nape as the behemoth collided with her much smaller frame. Legs fumbled, bring her hard to the earth, side hitting unforgiving force, pushing the air from her lungs, leaving her trapped beneath the monster. Crimson stained her pure pelt, his grip tight on the back of her neck. Bi colored eyes burned into his own cyan one. So this was it. She was doomed to die today. Defiance shone in pools that had iced over. She prepared herself for the agony he would inflict upon her broken body. Heart hammered against her chest, threatening to burst within the cavity. Fear still coursed through her veins. Lips curled back over ivory daggers. She'd be damned if she'd go down without a fight. Jaws unhinged, aiming for his left forelimb. She sought to grab the joint, to clamp down with unforgiving force, hoping to provide some injury that he would remember her by. She longed to get a little taste of his blood, to tear into his flesh the way he had torn into hers.

Gaze turned upward, whether or not she had a hold of his leg, lips remained curled in a silent snarl, ears pinned tightly against her skull. Her tail curled over her belly, uselessly protecting the tender flesh. If she had a hold of his leg, then woman would jerk it towards herself as she lay on her side, it would force the leg to bend at an awkward and possibly painful angle. Growls would vibrate her larynx, her breath rapid, coming in short rapid burst.

It was frightening to know that she was staring death in face, and had moved to inflict pain upon, which was likely to worsen her own gruesome death. Something told her that she would suffer, that he intended to remind her that she had escaped his jaws twice before and this time she wouldn't. She would die between his pale lips. She tried to accept her fate, to come to terms with everything that had happened in her life, but she couldn't bring herself to give up her last breath easily. She wanted him to remember her. To remember that every injury inflicted by done so by her. "Come to finish what you couldn't do before?" Taunting words would drip innocently from her pale jaws, if she still had his leg then words would be slightly muffled, but still spoken boldly.


11-13-2013, 01:41 AM

The fun had started. Nickolai moved off to the sidelines, eager golden gaze rapt on Demyan's figure, watching as his behemoth of a companion barreled straight into the helpless white bitch, knocking her over like she wasn't even there. It was quite the sight to behold, a wicked smile curling the feline's features, tail lashing behind him as he watched the killing unforld.

The bitch fell to the ground like she didn't weigh anything, simply fueling the man's hunger for her blood. She had gotten away twice before, but this was the last time. As he moved over her, she attempted to inflict some injuries onto the murderer, but it was a vain attempt. He was already two steps ahead of her. Her jaws were just about to clamp over his left foreleg, but at the same time Demyan's right forelimb rose above her skull, right paw coming down hard against her muzzle in a powerful swipe, talons raking across the ivory fur, drawing crimson liquid. Despite the crushing blow, that didn't deter the bitch from trying to throw a jab at him. She was in the jaws of death and she had the audacity to taunt him? She was clearly wishing for a cruel death.

With a snarl the beast would tighten his jaws even more on her scruff before pulling upwards, ripping a good sized chuck from the back of her nape, the flesh clinging to his jaws as he spat it out like it was a wretched thing. Burning cyan gems would travel down the length of her body, noticing how her pathetic tail was trying to cover up her little sweet spot. A bloody smirk would twist his gruesome features as his left foreleg reached out, talons sinking into the flesh of her tail as he dragged it out of the way, pinning it against the dirt. There was no getting out of it. He would fuck her and he would kill her. It was that simple.

With her tail pinned, the beast would bring his right forepaw to rest against her right shoulder, allowing some of his weight to fall onto the limb, adding pressure as he brought his jaws to close around her windpipe. Should've never fucked with me bitch. He snarled as his weapons pressed in against the delicate flesh while his hips lowered against her thighs, searching for the sweet spot. He was going to enjoy this kill.

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11-13-2013, 07:32 PM


Her attempt to tear into his limb failed. Instead that man issued a crushing blow with paw to her muzzle, claws tearing into her flesh, drawing blood. She couldn't help but release a cry of pain as his paw connected with the bones in her face. His jaws tightened with a snarl before she left blinding pain as her flesh was torn from her nape, issuing a blood curling cry from bleeding pale jaws. She thrashed below him wildly, legs striking out, claws looking to dig into his tender underbelly, tongue rolled against the roof of her mouth as her snarls mixed with sounds of pain. Before she could register, her tail was pinned to the earth beneath his paw. Panic began to spread as she felt his hips drop.

She fought back with renewed vigor. She would maybe on her death bed but she wouldn't be raped! His paw on her shoulder kept her upper body stationary but her hind legs flew wildly, more to keep him away from her rather than inflict damage, but she wouldn't be sorry if her claws happened to connect with the most precious part of his body. Never should have fucked with me bitch. Fury shot through her. "Go to hell!" Words dripped poison, muffled only slightly by his paw on her muzzle. In an attempt to free her fangs, the pale woman would jerk her head/muzzle up, hoping to have his paw slide off her muzzle and possibly throw of his balance.

Legs continued their wild, disorganized assault as much as they could. He had strategically pinned her but she would not submit to this monster. Eyes searched for his gaze, shooting daggers of raw hatred in this direction. He wouldn't get away with this. Valhalla may be rebuilding from the war, but they would not let the murder of one of their Lead Healers go unpunished. Especially Erani. Her sweet mentor, yet the porcelain had a nasty temper when angered. Her death would be avenged. Fangs had found a grip at her throat, tightening uncomfortably. She sucked in air desperately, eyes wide with panic.


11-18-2013, 01:50 AM

His paw would connect solidly against her face, talons ripping easily through her pale flesh, crimson oozing from the wounds. Satisfaction would spread through the behemoth as a smug smirk would twist his pallid jaws, relishing in the sound of her pain. Her screams were music to his ears. How he had missed the helpless screams of his victims. She would thrash wildly beneath him, lower limbs pushing at his underbelly, her talons managing to nick him in a few places, but pathetic scratches wouldn't deter the man from his ultimate goal. She was going to die today. There was no way around that. No one would hear her. No one would rescue her this time.

When she realized that he intended to fuck her before he killed her, she began to panic beneath him, thrashing with renewed vigor, trying in vain to get him away from him. Amused rumbles would vibrate in the murders chest, ignoring her attempts to push him away, grimacing only slightly when her claws hit just shy of his jewels. With a snarl Demyan would push himself down completely over the white bitch, his member ripping through her soft opening as he roughly pushed himself inside of her. His hips began to pound hard against her frame as he fucked her, enjoying the feeling of her wriggling beneath him, trying desperately to get away. But there was no going anywhere for her. She would wiggle her front half, trying to loosen his paw from atop her shoulder and she would succeed, but only for a moment. Talons would dig into her tender flesh, stopping him from loosing his grip on top of her. She began to suck in air as his jaws touched against her throat, causing the the monster to press his fangs harder against her throat, wanting to slowly suffocate her as he fucked her. This is what happened when people fucked with him.

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11-18-2013, 11:41 PM


A snarl vibrated in the monsters chest as his weight fell on her, pinning her to the earth. Her body thrashed wildly but his weight up was far to much for her. It crushed her lungs, making it even harder to breath, his fangs continued to pierce her throat, seeming to tighten, forcing her to wheeze in order to breath. Her heart threatened to explode. And then it all stopped. Searing pain lit a fire within her as she felt him force himself inside her, claiming her. For a moment it felt as though her heart stopped, the world froze.

And it all came crashing down on her. The thrust of his hips against her brought a strangled cry from her throat, causing her to flail wildly beneath him. But it was useless, she was trapped. Trapped beneath a beast. She had lost. Her world began to disappear as black spots disturbed her vision. There was not nearly enough air getting to her body as she needed. Her heart hammered away, desperately trying to keep blood flowing and getting oxygen to vital organs. It was a useless battle.

Slowly her muscles weakened, before finally going limp. He was suffocating her, the only thing that kept her from succumbing to the numbness of being unconscious was the violent thrust of his hips tearing into her. A pitiful whine would slip from pale jaws, blood oozing down her face. Could she possibly be so lucky as to survive a fairly painless death? She let herself go numb, trying to forget the fact that on her death bed she was being raped by a monster. One who had spared her her life only once and had finally come to reclaim it.

OOC- probably kill her in the next post or two? Its up to you