


11-10-2013, 04:11 PM

He'd been gone for far, far too long - and he knew it. He had known it the moment he left without saying anything, without so much as a goodbye to his son, his daughter. They were truly the only things he had left tying him to this world, and he had left them by the wayside to go and live out his days in solitude. But that had not lasted, nor would it ever last. Gerhardt was not a solitary man - much as he might have wanted to be.

He had missed her too, though he'd tried to keep his mind from lingering on her long. It didn't feel right to feel this way about her - not when she probably saw him as nothing more than a man - someone who used to be a friend. It was doubtful she would ever think of him as anything else, how could she? His heart soared as the scent of the range - of his prosperous son - permeated the air. Seracia still stood, with Maverick at its helm. He could not have been more proud. There were other scents though, Valhallans inhabited his once-Kingdom. Had they come for shelter? To join? Had Valhalla fallen in his absence? Surely not! Woe would be the day that Valhalla fell.

He lifted his head, knowing he had a stake here but not willing to cross into the hallowed grounds until he was greeted. Perhaps Maverick would come, or Epiphron, or even one of his grandchildren he scarcely knew. Better still would be Loccian - though in time he would be sure to see them all. No longer did his eyes have that hollow expression, no longer did he feel like a monster - though at times he was reminded of his monstrous capabilities. He would sit and wonder, tail curled regally about his hips.

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11-10-2013, 07:58 PM
She was collecting herbs when the winds shifting, bringing an old but familiar scent to her nose. She had to stop what she was doing, really take in a breath to make sure her head wasn't messing with her. The answer, it was him, Gerhardt was back. Loccian would leave the herbs she had been collecting, paws carrying her in the direction a howl had come from. In no time his form would come within sight, sitting near the border. She couldnt hold back the grin that had formed, dipping her head to the man when she was a few feet away, tail slowly wagging. "Gerhardt, it's good to see you." She'd speak in soft tones. "How are you doing?" What had he been doing that made him leave? Though she wanted to ask, the woman didnt want to be nosy evem though she had been worried while he was gone.


11-10-2013, 08:23 PM

He'd been a fool, but he was done telling himself that. He'd spent far, far too long making excuses for his life. Gerhardt knew it was just his insecure side flaring up, and he wouldn't let that happen again. He knew he was a good man, had done some good things in his life - but he'd also made some mistakes. Among the biggest mistake was leaving her. He'd promised to be there and he'd neglected that promise. He could hear someone coming, light on their paws. Epiphron? Maverick? Could it be? She would saunter into sight, her glorious form looking far more beautiful than it ever had. How could he have ever left such a creature? Head dipped in kindness and respect. She told him it was good to see him, asked him how he was. Ah, the ever kind Loccian. "I'm just fine, Loccian. How are you?" That's what he wanted to know. It looked as if she were doing well, great - even. It also appeared that she'd been busy, active and mobile. This was good. "I wonder if a runaway like me is welcome here anymore?" He would test the waters, get two answers at once. If she made a harsh comment he would know her feelings at once, if she did not he would know that at least she didn't hate him. If she turned him away he would take his cue and be gone - he'd walk away for the last time and never bother them again. Oh, he hoped that wouldn't be the case.
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11-10-2013, 08:33 PM
He would tell her that he was fine, though the woman wanted to believe it she had always felt like something was bothering him since the events related to the ex-queen. Loccian would give a small nod though to it and upon asking about her the woman would flick an ear. "I am fine, doing much better these days considering certain events." She wouldn't tell him about the war yet, wait for him to get back into his home and rest before dumping the news. With his second question Loccian couldn't help but chuckle with a shake of her head, how silly the man was to ask such a thing. "Of course Gerhardt, you would always be welcomed here. If you weren't then I'd raise a voice and give hell to those who objected." The smile would shift to a grin, a rare thing for the woman. "If you'd still like, I would like to welcome you back as Ambassador." Her head would tip slightly as she watched Gerhardt, would he want such a rank back or would he prefer something else?


11-10-2013, 08:59 PM

Perhaps he was a fool to think she would be angry, perhaps he was a fool to think she would not. Whatever the case, her tone did not seem as if she were frustrated with him at all - and that was a miracle, he was sure. She said she was doing better, considering events that he knew nothing of. How distant he felt, despite being so near. A smile creased his features, glad to know - truly - that the woman was doing well. She would chuckle, telling him he was welcome back - as Ambassador, nonetheless. It was more than he could have asked or even dreamed. "It is more than an honor, and I accept." He would do better this time, he had to. The sun was slowly setting upon the day, though he hadn't noticed it until now. The warm colors of fall and the sun setting lit the Range aglow. He would smile, standing to cross the threshold and bring his bodice daringly close to hers. A boldness would overtake him, one he'd picked up in his travels. Quickly and without hesitation he would brush his cheek against her own, murmuring a simple phrase that meant more than he could possibly convey in this moment. "I have missed you so."



11-10-2013, 09:19 PM

The man would accept her offer, taking it without hesitation. That was good, she had missed such behavior from the man while he had been gone. "Great, it would be a great honor to work beside you once again." Even though he was no longer the king, the woman would still believe him to be in her head while still having great respect for his son that now ruled. Who wouldn't feel such a way, she had been there when he brought the Kingdom together, and it would most definitely not fade.

With the smile still there and grey orbs focused on the man, Loccian would watch as he stood up, expecting him to motion for her to lead him back into his home. He wouldn't do that, and for a moment she grew confused when he had stepped towards her. Gerhardt would get really close, and because the woman was confused she wouldn't move from where she stood.

Then it came. He would suddenly lean forward and brush his cheek against hers, low voice murmuring, "I have missed you so."

Shocked was what she was at that very moment. Was he serious, the way he touched her seemed like he meant it more than just as missing a loyal member. Was he trying to tell her something? Eyes would close as she leaned into his touch, wanting to think such a thing was true. But why? She was nothing special, better yet... was he only doing this because he was lonely after the events with Adette? Loccian didn't want to feel like another substitute...

"I have missed you too." Her voice would lower, deciding she would take the chance. After all this time, she had mostly looked up to the man thinking he was a good leader, friend and father. It wasn't till the last time they had spent time together that she had felt something, a feeling she hadn't expected that was buried deep within.

Should she pull away or stay where she stood, her cheek against the mans? She would hesitantly pull back to look at Gerhardt, a warmness swirling within her eyes, her ears going back against her head. "I... have kept our den as it as when you left... made a little adjustments to make it more comfortable, if you wish to still use it." She'd say shyly, tail stopping its wagging and hanging between her legs, curling inward a bit, embarrassed at telling the man she had been keeping the den nice for when he returned.



11-10-2013, 09:27 PM

There was a confidence there he hadn't anticipated, something he couldn't have guessed would arrive until he was in the moment itself. He had thought about her almost constantly, so much so that it had drawn him back here. It had been her. Not his family, not his pride, not anything but her. A smile would crease his features as their cheeks touched, happy that she didn't pull away right away. He knew she would eventually, but to do it immediately would have been a rejection. He wasn't sure he could take that. She even returned his phrasing, though he had no way of knowing if she truly meant it or was saying it out of habit or to be kind. He watched her ears fall back against her head, pinning close. He'd made her nervous, but he knew that he'd done the right thing - for him at least. He had to stop being the kind, gentle, perfectionist soul he once was. It was time for Gerhardt Mathias to take a leap. She spoke again, glancing at him - right into his eyes. She'd kept their den as it was, only adjusted it slightly to make it comfortable. She'd had faith that he would return - she'd hoped for his return. Boldness swelled within his chest, as he would persuade her. "Show me." It wasn't so much of a command, though there was an urgency there. He wanted to see this for himself. His tail picked up a slow, smooth rhythm, making long swinging strokes between his hocks.
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11-10-2013, 09:46 PM

Ears would raise when he requested her to show him, casting a nervous glance over her shoulder in the direction of the southern forest, then looking back to him. She would give a nod of her then then motion for him to follow. Body would turn, tail slowly beginning to swing as she began to lead him back to the den they had made.

The whole way there she would remain silent, many thoughts flooding her mind about the man. While he was gone she had been growing close to Squall, his presence and words helping her cope with the depression that had plagued her for awhile. Being around him though would cause small bits of pain, wishing that it had been a different man, Gerhardt that was spending time with her. She missed seeing him, hearing his voice, and just spending some relaxing time together. She would have never expected such feelings for a man once again like she had while he was gone.

In no time they would finally find themselves in front of the vegetation that hid most of the entrance to their den, that she left just for privacy reasons. "I apologize if it displeases you..." She would say quietly, taking a step to the side so he could move forward and take a look inside. She would stand waiting nervously, not sure if he would like or dislike the small changes she had made.

Upon entering the den Gerhardt would find that the entrance was a bit bigger so they didn't have to squeeze inside, there was also more room to move about, the ground and walls carefully dug away into a smooth surface. They would be able to move around more and standing with just a few inches of clearance above them. With more space came a comfy bed to lay on, a mixture of grasses, leaves, and other soft plants too give a comfortable place to rest. There would be two though, a big one that could fit two and one a bit to the side, just as nice, as if she wasn't sure if he would want to sleep beside each other or not.

The beds had been moved to the left and back from the entrance, kind of like a little room, and opposite of the bedding was another wall pushed back a bit, a place to set down any prey they would have brought back to snack on. The place was clearly made with care, making sure it was perfect ad nothing out of pace for his return.

Awesome table by Lu <3


11-11-2013, 09:26 AM

He would follow her, his bodice lingering just a bit closer to her than it might have a few seasons ago. He was still amazed - and perhaps bemused - that she'd kept their den up. He had just assumed that she would have abandoned it and any other reminders of him in his absence, but it seemed she had hoped he would return - and she had been right. Tail continued to flicker betwixt his legs as he meandered through the familiar land at her side. The path had not changed much, and he knew it almost immediately as they arrived at their once-home. He slithered in without a word. She need not apologize, for he was very much pleased. Eyes examined the wider entrance as his bodice slipped in easily, the smoothed edges of the cavern that she'd taken time to dig out and hone to perfection, the beds she had made - two, he would note - and the area that was lightly stained with blood where he assumed a kill could be stored for safe keeping. Ah, she was quite the little homemaker, wasn't she? Pivoting once, he would emerge from the entrance of the den, the last light of day beginning to fade from the sky. "Perfect," he would murmur as he brought his girth close to her own, their noses only an inch or two apart. This felt different for him, his bold, slightly aggressive side, and yet he like it - it exhilarated him. "It seems you were hopeful - or at least confident - that I would return." It was a mere statement, though he hoped to get some new information out of it. Had she been anxiously awaiting his return? Or had she simply been keeping it up for lack of anything better to do?
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11-11-2013, 10:07 AM
Her face would light up when the man would come back out of the den, tail swaying behind her. He liked it, wasn't displeased at all. It made Loccian happy. His boldness though would still make her shy, like she couldn't believe he was acting in such a way towards someone like her. He was so close their noses were nearly touching. He would comment on the renovations, probably looking to see if she did it for his return, which she really did. "I... hoped you would return." She'd admit quietly, lowering her head andscraping at the ground with a paw embarrassed. "I wanted it to be perfect for when you came back, maybe if it was nice enough, you would stay longer..." the moment it left her mouth the woman regetted it. Did she sound clingy, wanting him to stay so she could spend time with him. She couldn't help it.


11-11-2013, 10:18 AM

She seemed genuinely happy to know that he liked it, that was a good sign. It meant, in some small way, that some of her happiness was linked to his own - and he liked the idea of that. She spoke the words, she'd hoped he would return. He breathed in a slow breath, almost as if he were absorbing the moment itself, the feeling of it. She broke their gaze, staring at the ground - fidgeting as she did so. He was making her uncomfortable, but some part of him knew it was the good kind of discomfort. "I intend to remain, if that relaxes you at all." Perhaps it would, it seemed she truly disliked it when he left and tarried elsewhere. It seemed she genuinely missed him, even cared for him on some level he had yet to determine. It seemed her nesting was in effort to keep him happy enough to stay, and that meant something - he knew it. "You should not have to work to keep me here, Loccian. You are enough of a reason for me to stay. I just failed to realize it until now." He breathed a sigh and with one, quick motion he would reach forward with his muzzle and offer a sweet kiss upon her inky lips - determined not to pull back, but not to force it upon her if she wanted to move away.
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11-11-2013, 10:42 AM
Her head would rise when he informed Loccian he intended to remain this time, it indeed relaxed her, made her a bt happier to know. The ex-king was back, and he would stay. What would he get to this time, get busy or keep things calm? Whatever it was she would be here, help him when needed, be there if he needed someone... what he said though she couldn't help but do, she HAD to work to keep somebody around, if she didn't then they would leave and never come back. Its already happened a few times, was it wrong to wanna do things to keep this one around longer that she had formed feelings for? What he'd say though bring a bit of surprise, she was enough to make him stay... he failed to realize it till now. Was... was that true? Before she knew it a kiss wouldbe planted on her lips, but this time she would return the action. Eyes would close, brushing her cheek against his and giving a small lick to it.


11-11-2013, 11:28 AM

Salmon tongue would sweep gently across her lips and send him into euphoria. A smile radiated in his features as she returned the gesture, her own tongue painting a line across his cheek. Ah, the sweet realization of acceptance - of knowing. She hadn't rejected him, but instead reciprocated. This was it. "I came back for you, the last time after Adette and this time. It was always you." One might argue that he'd come back for Seracia as a whole, but they would be wrong. Though he had long pined over Seracia, his son, and his grandchildren, it had been she that was the icing on the cake. She that had brought him back. It was her, it was always her, and it would always be her. Creme and ebony marked cheek would caress cobalt. Tail picked up a more enthusiastic rhythm as he relished in her touch, her warmth. How could he have ever departed from this? How could he have talked himself into ignoring his feelings and leaving her - leaving everyone behind? Whatever monster had cast him away before would not be allowed to do so again. Those demons were gone, he'd fought them long enough.
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11-11-2013, 11:55 AM

It felt so strange, like it wasn't even happening. For a moment Loccian would wonder if this was all a dream, her missing him causing her to imagine him coming back ad feeling such a way, telling her about it. His voice would continue, telling her that times he had come back were for her, even after the time with Adette, it was always her. The woman would feel a bit better on it, at least she now knew he had come for her, wanted to.

The gray woman would sigh in relief, reopening her eyes to look into the man pools of purple. Another bush of cheeks, oh, how wonderful it felt. Her tail would pick up its pace, a warmth spreading over her body. A good question would come out though in this nice moment, what would happen now, where would things lead to?

"Wh... what do we do now?" She would ask a bit lost. Loccian had formed feelings for another, but it had only gone that far, she had been turned down. What did one do after they admitted feelings for each other, just get closer? She really had no idea. Grey orbs would show this as she gazed at the man. Perhaps they should go speak to Maverick, let him know his father was back and would be returning to his Ambassador duties.

Awesome table by Lu <3


11-11-2013, 06:58 PM

Despite all of the things that had happened in his life to make him want to leave Seracia - he was thankful for it all, every single piece. Because each of those pieces had led him to become who he was today, and that was someone who felt truly alive, who wasn't shy or nervous, who didn't second guess. He was someone bold, exciting, new. When she said 'What do we do now?' he could only comment back with a simple phrase. "I could think of a few things." Granted, even in his bolder, more confident form he would never ever push that upon her. It was merely a suggestion that he hoped might bring them together once and for all - forever. A boyish smirk would play across the seasoned man's lips as he gazed at her fondly, knowing there was no other wolf he could imagine feeling this way about. He remembered knowing that she was fond of pups, and perhaps she would like some of her own - he certainly did, though he'd practically given up on that dream.. until now.
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11-11-2013, 07:35 PM
"A few things...?" She would repeat quietly, a hard thinking look would come upon her face as she wondered what he meant but it wasnt till he had smirked that she jumped. Ears would fold back in embarrassment at such an idea. She would look away for a moment then look back to the man, tail going out. "Do, do you mean what I think you mean?" Her voice would tremble. Loccian wasn't scared though, not mad or disgusted. She was shocked, good embarrassed. Would she able to do it? Weren't there steps to be done for such a thing, shouldn't they tell Maverick. No, he would be fine with it. If they did it wold be acceptable.


11-11-2013, 07:43 PM

He would nod slowly, giving her time to realize what he meant. Perhaps he was moving too fast, but somehow everything seemed right. He loved her, he'd just admitted that - though not in those specific words. She loved him, though she hadn't said it either. Somehow they both just knew. Her voice broke as she asked him if he meant what she thought. Another nod, followed by confirmation. "Only if it is what you want." He would never, never push it on her. That would be a mistake not worth making - and one he'd never forgive himself for. "I'm only sorry I didn't act on my feelings before. The last time we were together.. when you were in heat. It was all I could do to keep my paws off of you. Maybe If I had said something then..." A shy sort of smile would crease his maw. "I love you, you know." Perhaps that wasn't the most formal way for the once-King of Seracia to declare his feelings, but it seemed right - it felt right. Besides, it wasn't as if she were in heat now, so there was almost no chance of them having children just yet. This would merely be a sign of their love for one another, something to tie them together officially until they - together - decided to have children.
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11-11-2013, 08:02 PM
He would confirm what Loccian had thought, butterfkies in her stomach. It was such... an impkortant thing to happen to the woman. Here she thought she would remain alone till she grew old, continue helping her kingdom. Gerhardt showing up changed it, everything would be different. Before she could reply he would go on, apologizing once more then spilling the words that would further make the butterflies multiply. He loved her. With a deep breath she would close the distance between them, brushing her neck against his, slowly moving past him, tail trailing along his body. She would turn her head to him, smile upon her lips. "And I love you... always have." Yes, all this time she had feelings for him, but put it into respect towards the man, not wanting to mess with what he once had. The family she had served loyally. "I want this Gerhardt..." She'd whisper, closing her eyes, waiting for the moment to come.


11-11-2013, 09:16 PM

He should have known that the moments to pass after he said those three words would certainly be the longest he'd ever experienced in his life. He had done this before, after all - with Adette. Though, in that situation she had pursued him. She had told him she wanted him from day one, and submissively he had allowed her to have him. Granted, he had wanted her too. But she was gone now, lost from him. It was Loccian now, his new love - and surely his forever love. Some part of him would always love Adette, and he hoped that Loccian knew that, but that didn't mean that the rest of him couldn't be fully dedicated to her. He would make absolutely sure of it. She would affirm that she too loved him, she always had. A smile bemused his features as she rubbed against him - driving his emotions wild and his physical being to the breaking point. She told him she wanted this, and he would silently agree, bringing his form around to face her. Lovingly, but with some amount of haste, he would bring his bodice into contact with her own - transporting them both to bliss.

--- Fade ---

When it was finished he would recoil from her back slowly and gently, panting as he went. Quickly and decisively his frame would slither to her right side, pressing into her lightly to keep her steady. He knew some women were very weak after such events. The once-King placed kiss after kiss on her cheek, the smile never leaving his face.

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11-11-2013, 09:48 PM

Within moments he would turn to face her, the emotions running through her body was making it hard to think, but she would try to keep herself relaxed. This was, after all, her first time. And then his fur would brush against her, his weight behind lifted and draped over her in warmth. Yes, this was what she wanted.


Even bigger than her, the man took care to be gentle during and after. Her head would be low when he climbed off, legs trembling the slightest beneath her. Slowly her eyes would open, body instinctively leaning against his when he stood to her right, laying her head against his neck. He would lay kiss after kiss upon her cheek, making the woman smile, looking up to him with her own faint one, gently placing a kiss on his lower jaw. "Thank you.. for being gentle." She would whisper shyly, her tail hanging behind her, taking a deep breath.

Clearing her throat Loccian would nudge Gerhradt in the shoulder then motion towards the den, flashing him a smile. "Perhaps it would be good to rest, hm?"

Awesome table by Lu <3