
A Fool



6 Years
11-06-2013, 05:13 PM (This post was last modified: 11-06-2013, 05:13 PM by Azalea.)

The red-headed spitfire rushed through the shadows of Glaciem. Wolves were at war, her family was bleeding without her help. She had to go, she had to do something. No one would keep her but she was welcome to them trying. Amber eyes shifted through the pines, cautious. Her hearing was not good, broken up by the sound of blood pumping through her body.

She was fueled by the adrenaline that had flooded her system the moment she had decided to act. It was foolish of her to think that she could do nothing. She was an Adravendi, capable of doing whatever she wanted to. She would help her family, even if it killed her. Her travel to the border was done in silence and when she got there she hesitated. Her eyes cast around again, fur on end.

This was the moment of truth, would she be stopped?

She was showing. Her belly. It had finally pudged out a hint. Hardly noticeable but it was clear to her. Would others notice? Would Glaciem wolves dare try to fight with her or would they worry of injuring the unborn children of their overlord? The tyrant was out at current but surely there would be hell to pay if anyone caused her lose the leeches that grew within her womb.

--Exit Azalea unless someone stops her within 24 hours--


11-16-2013, 02:20 AM

She had been wandering out of the territory, when she caught the scent of the Valhallan she-wolf, who was their prisoner and found herself drawn towards the scent. She was surprised to find that it led towards the border, was Azalea making an escape? Moving towards it, she was surprised to find that the she-wolf was gone. Raising her head stare off into the distance, she felt a smile creep on her jaws, and an approving nod left her. Turning away, she left the scene, heading away towards the howl that summoned her further away.

As she moved towards the sound, she felt the life stir in her belly and glanced over her shoulder at the spot where Azalea had vanished. The pups the Valhallan wolf would give birth too would have far better luck in Valhalla, away from Isardis, though Eris knew that because of this, the war would most likely never be over. Letting out a sigh, she moved towards Seraphim's call, stopping once more to breath out a small bit of words, a wish she whispered into the wind.

"Godspeed, Azalea. Good luck."

-exit Eris-

ooc: useless post because I can. :3 GO AZALEA RUN! Time AFTER Azalea left, white the scent was still fresh, and before the meeting with Seraphim.
