
Come On, Make My Day


11-06-2013, 05:21 AM
Beauty had always been something that Kyda felt was there for the femmes of the world. To him he saw not beauty, but a world for the taking. There were countless creatures over which he could, quite possibly, one day come to rule. Ahh, but everything in good time. The three year old black wolf was in no hurry to claim what he believed was his... no... there needed to be time to scope out the packs, learn the lay of the lands, and get information on all the alphas before he could complete his task. It would take some time, yes, but Kyda had all the time in the world.

Soft blue eyes scanned the gentle terrain before him. Over the hills, cascading down into shallow pools before falling lower, was some of the cleanest water he had ever seen. Kyda's snowy paws lead him to the bank of the water, lowering his head so that his tongue could lap up the cool, clear liquid. It definitely tasted better than much of the water he drank in his homeland. The brute flicked his ears forward before lifting his head.

This new land, Alacritia, was the one he had been searching for. Oh yes, he was quite sure of it. The dark brute trailed back over to a large tree, scenting the air for prey. There was the scent of small birds and some rodents... but a different, more intriguing scent was what Kyda caught onto. The scent of a wolf.

A dark grin played over the male's muzzle. Now this was what he needed most of all. A good scrap to get the adrenaline going and give him the motivation to start hunting down the different packs. The brute strolled back away from the trees, so that when the other came to drink he would be in clear view.

'Come on then. Lets see who makes today their day.' Kyda's head and tail were raised high, and his eyes flashed in challenge. He was ready.


11-08-2013, 02:23 AM

Paws pressed heavily against the hard earth as eyes glinting dangerously in the dim light that managed to filter through the trees. The massive beast moved at a lumber, all legs seeming to work stiffly as though he hadn?t used them in a long time. Head hung low to the point where black maw almost seemed to trail listlessly along the ground. There was an animation about him, something fake and off about his movements. He lifted each paw slowly, only high enough to draw his toes along the ground then once more place it before him in a strange way. It was almost as though he was moving in a manor as though he was constantly tripping and falling and kept catching himself. He was moving downhill now, though even he didn't know if he had a destination in mind or if he was simply following gravity's pull away from his new home. He couldn't shake the numb feeling that had spread through him, the heaviness that now threatened to drag him down and hold him there. The once youthful male no longer felt anything. Even at the most recent pack meeting he had simply wandered in the background but had said nothing. He had nothing to say...

Sickly green eyes slid over the landscape, only barely registering what was going on around him and where exactly he had ended up. But in the end, even as the realization of his current placement in Alacrita dawned upon him he did nothing about it. Listlessly he continued on, even the fauna seeming to take notice of his lacklustre attitude and simply moved from his direct path but did not bother fleeing. Ears would flitter slightly at the cool breeze that slithered through the trees, a minuscule acknowledgement that things were in fact continuing on around him. That life was continuing on despite his lack of interest in it. He couldn't remember how long it had been... How long it have been since... All he could remember was red, hatred and red even as he had dug her grave and then kicked her into it with one final word as parting. 'Bitch..." He hadn't slept in what felt like forever because of that single word. He feared that word and its repercussions though he did not regret it for one second. She had deserved the disgraceful burial she had received.

A scent was what drew him back to the presence and the massive beast came to a lurching halt, turning dead eyes towards the source of it. It was in the distance still but it was also directly in Kylar's path. That thought only halted him for a moment before he continued his motion of almost falling and catching himself, stumbling his way along the slight down grade of the land. So maybe he was simply following the pull of gravity. Was that what his life had come to? Was that the only thing that pulled at him anymore? He couldn't begin to comprehend the mechanics of what was actually going on in his mind, the psychological damage that had been done to him after what he had seen and done. A long time ago he had been the unpredictable one, the fight first and ask questions later guy. After his children had been born that had changed, he had become more reasonable and open. But after everything she had done the reason and sense had slithered away from him leaving nothing but an empty husk. Feeling of rage, betrayal, hurt, and loss slithered beneath the surface just waiting for a moment to lash out like a serpent and strike. To push those feelings onto another. He wanted someone else to hurt as much as he did...

And those were his feelings as silver ringed legs came to another lurching halt a short distance from the sneering male. He looked arrogant, cocky even but Kylar couldn't even summon up those old feelings he had once possessed that would have made him want to wipe that look off the males face. All he could do was stand there, swaying slightly as the breeze toyed with his figured, features slack and completely devoid of expression. He said nothing for a long time, he hadn't spoken really since he had seen Jupiter when he had first joined Ludicael, simply staring at the male who looked like he wanted nothing more then a fight. Kylar wanted to fight... He wanted nothing more then to release all those pent up emotions, to carve them into the flesh of another. He wanted to feel his own pain and sorrow escape with his blood when another bit into his flesh. So even if this male did not want to fight the massive brute began walking towards him, defences falling easily into place as he moved. Stance widened and joints loosened to lower his centre of gravity. At the same time his abdomen flexed and back arched to gather his core strength. Ears would flatten to his skull and eyes would narrow though they remained devoid of any true emotion. Lower jaw unhinged easily at the same time as his chin tipped down to give no clear target at his throat. Massive shoulders would roll forward as his neck scrunched and finally his tail would curl slightly beneath him. He had learned long ago that if his centre of gravity was good he didn't need his tail for balance. It was better to have it tucked so your opponent didn't try and pull your intestines out through your ass...

Kylar v Kyda for DOMINANCE

Round 0 of ??

Attacks: None, you can have the first attack. He's just walking towards Kyda currently

Defences: Stance widened and joints loosened to lower his centre of gravity. At the same time his abdomen flexed and back arched to gather his core strength. Ears flattened to his skull and eyes narrowed. Lower jaw unhinged easily at the same time as his chin tipped down to give no clear target at his throat. Massive shoulders would roll forward as his neck scrunched and finally his tail would curl slightly beneath him.

Injuries: None, first post

OOC;; Sooo.... Ky's basically crazy, you can have first move and just in your post choose how many rounds you want to do, anything is fine by me <3
