
Dance Across My Vision


11-05-2013, 11:18 PM

The days of fall were slowly giving way to cold, as well as loneliness. Kar shuffled down along the bank of the river of the Rio Grande. Zanire was in her deep winter's sleep -- hibernating she called it. Since she had fallen into the slumber Kar had felt increasingly lonely. The beautiful bear had become a fast companion, and more than anything Kar appreciated her company. He would leave her for periods of times... though he would always eventually come wandering back to the den to lay with Zanire. He felt comforted by her large, warm body, even if he couldn't hold a conversation with her. Just being by Zanire's side warmed the brute's heart, and because of that he could sleep easily at night.

Hearing a splash in the river off to his side Kar paused, lifting his head and gazing off in the direction of the water. 'The fish seem surprisingly active... maybe the cold hasn't yet bothered them.' The gray wolf let his snowy white paws carry him to the river bank. Sure enough the fish were swimming underneath the clear liquid, speeding away as soon as they saw Kar's shadows.

The male twitched his ears, padding off in the direction of a nearby tree. Fallen leaves, brown and brittle, crunched underneath his paws. The sound was a sound of loneliness to the young male. He thought of Zanire curled up in the den, her deep breathing almost like a lullaby as the grown wolf slept. He looked back in the direction where his den with Zanire lay, his heart aching for a moment. He wouldn't stay around the river for long, he promised himself. He would be back with Zanire before the sun set.

Speech, Thought


11-08-2013, 06:36 AM

She had wandered far from her pack, small bodice moving quietly and stealthily across the lands. She had met many a wolf who sought to harm her, and right now she didn't want to get stolen or hurt. She had been hurt enough in her life, her past a secret from anyone and everyone...except for the ones that hurt her. She flicked her tail, it's flowing tendrils barely tracing across the ground as her ears shot forward with a sound in the distance. Her heart beat quickened, wondering what it could have been. With a slight tilt of her head, she remained still to see if it would sound again, and sure enough it did. Moments later another splash was heard, and curiosity would pull her forward. She crept silently under bushes and past trees, coming to the slight openness of a large river. Swallowing and hesitant, she carefully moved into the open, paws carefully traversing over the stones and pebbles that coated the ground.

She made her way to the waters edge, sitting there the way a cat would with her limbs tucked under her, her tail wrapped neatly around her small frame. Wintry blue eyes gazed over the waters surface, and a surprise would unfold as a fish leaped out in front of her, splashing her with droplets of water as it returned to it's watery home. She gasped in surprise, shaking her head free of the water drops that managed to collect on her. She was intrigued by the phenomenon before her eyes, she had never seen anything like this before. "How interesting..." She breathed lightly in amusement. She had failed to notice the boy sitting nearby, for her curiosity had been focused on figuring out the noise.

"Speech", "Thoughts", "You"


12-10-2013, 12:28 PM

A few more moments passed before was able to sucessfully get his fish. He held the prize tightly in his jaws, waiting for the creature to cease movement. Once it had he turned. stopping the moment his green eyes fell upon the wolfess on the shore. She was pretty to look at, though he was curious about the strange bandages around her front legs. Slipping carefully through the water Kar came to the bank a little further up from her. She was watching the water with what seemed to be interest. Had she never seen a river before? Kar paused for a moment, deciding what he wanted to do. A big part of him wanted to speak to the she wolf, while another part simply wanted to go back to the den he shared with Zanire.

Giving in to first option he padded toward the gray and black female, dropping the fish a foot away from her and then backing up. "Hello there, miss. Are you hungry perhaps? The fish is freshly caught." Kar sat down, ears perked forward and body completely relaxed as he waited for the she wolf to look his way. No matter who Kar met he tried to keep a friendly atmosphere around himself. A warm smile crossed over his muzzle as he waited.

Speech, Thought