
walk the line


11-05-2013, 10:22 AM
just because I want to screw with Seracia a little, xD

Despite the overwhelming scent of dog in the area, she found herself attracted to the Range. She could see a lake in the far distance, but it was uncertain whether or not it would be worth the journey, and so for the time being she would linger just barely on the outside of the territory. She moved toward where the land appeared dry and dead, though - in fact - it was very much alive. Strange plants grew here, plants that were six feet tall or more, and bore cylindrical yellow products (corn). She would step across the border, caring little for its aroma, before weaving through the stalks and rubbing against them in characteristic catlike way. She purred as they scratched and clawed gently against her fur, releasing endorphins into her system. Oh, this was a glorious place. She bowed her front half forward, extending her claws and digging them into the soft earth as she stretched.




11-05-2013, 11:58 AM

The girl had taken to exploring Seracia quite regularly, it wasn't as if there was anything better to do. The Range had once been so fascinating, but now she missed home. She'd explored every inch of this place, and there was nothing really new or exciting - nothing like home, anyway. Solaine Adravendi slipped through the cornstalks, loving the tickly feeling of their dried up leaves caressing her coat. A very unusual scent drifted toward her and instinctively she would follow it - nose low and snuffling the ground with interest. She would almost not notice when she came across the cat - and that was saying something given the sheer size of the creature. When she finally looked up she noted the feline was not facing her, but rather going in the opposite direction, into Seracia. Fear would strike a nerve somewhere deep in her bodice, but another nerve was soon plucked tenacity. She would recoil from the creature - hopefully without being seen - and scamper down the border of Seracia to safety. When she exited the croplands she would lift her head high, letting out a powerful howl that sounded something like her father's might have in this same situation. She needed help, and quick.



11-06-2013, 07:25 PM

A small squeal pierced the air for no more then two seconds before his victim fell dead. Satisfied at his quick work, Squall carried his dead prey towards the main pack land. He trotted swiftly, taking some time to himself. He knew of the Valhallans within the lands, and so this kill would go straight to them. As he weaved his way through the trees towards the barn, he would stop in his tracks when a loud howl reached his ears. Turning the opposite direction, he pinpointed the sound and dropped his catch. I'll come back for it later. His final thoughts towards his prey before he sped off in the direction of the call. Though he wasn't familiar with who it was, he would answer anyway and approach with caution. It didn't sound like a Seracian, but either way he would appear before her.

It didn't take him long to approach, bursting through the foliage and stopping on a dime as he caught sight of her. Indeed she was unknown to him, but he knew she was one of the Valhallans that had come to seek refuge within Seracian soil. Brows creased as he stared at her, icy blue gaze asking the question that tipped his tongue. "What's the matter?" He asked not unkindly, but more in an urgent and concerned kind of tone. It was then soon after asking, that he smelled something strange on the wind...and it was within the territory. A low growl rumbled in his chest as he slowly moved towards the girl, passing close and stopping just a few feet past her. "Something is in our territory..." He breathed to himself as hackles rose along his spine and shoulders.



11-07-2013, 08:27 PM

With bravado she would continue on, paws taking great sweeping strides, shoulders rolling smoothly in their sockets. Little did she know what trouble she would cause, what havoc she would wreak upon Seracia. Had she knowns he might have already started, but alas - this was just a simple exploration. A howl would go up, letting her know that another one of those dogs was nearby. She snorted, lower jaw hanging loosely. So, someone was sounding the alarm. It seemed this land indeed was inhabited - too bad she didn't give a rip. Dior broke free of the croplands, her tail curling around a cornstalk and bending it down until it snapped audibly behind her. Cool air filtered over her thickening coat as she entered into the open - glancing around and seeing no wolves yet. She knew they would come, though. Despite curiosity often being attributed to felines, wolves tended to be curious creatures too - and they often got into more trouble with their curiosities than cats. A tree would rise up in front of her, away from the main forested area, but large and thick nevertheless. Front half would lift upward as her claws snared into the bark. With force only a feline could exert, she would immediately drag hard and fast in a downward motion, leaving behind deep crevices in the bark. Fondly she would stare at this for a moment before unhooking her claws and returning to all four paws.




11-07-2013, 08:31 PM

Someone had to come, they just had to. If they didn't, they'd sure be sorry - she was sure of that. Her heart was still beating fast as he arrived, seemingly unaware of what was going on. 'What's the matter?' he would ask. She began to speak, but almost immediately he would notice the cat's scent and deduce what the problem was. ?It's a big ass cat with stripes! It was over in the croplands, I saw it and ran this way to call someone.? She glanced him over, and though he looked strong enough - she was sure he wouldn't be enough to even frighten the cat. ?We're going to need help.? Here she was, telling a grown man she didn't even know what to do. Ah, the Adravendi blood truly did run deep. ?I'm Solaine, but that doesn't matter,? she would huff out quickly for greetings' sake. It was imperative that they take action.. but what? She lifted her head once more, letting out another long melodic howl - this one perhaps more urgent than the first. Seracia wasn't that great at responding to cries of help.. were they?




11-09-2013, 03:02 AM

Loccian had just finished the wounded who had come with the Valhallans, and some of their own who had gone to fight when she heard the howl. Ears would perk up, lifting her head to listen carefully. It wasn't the howl of somebody in their kingdom, perhaps one of the Valhallans needing help with something? Thinking Dragon had his paws full with the Valhallans accommodations the woman would apologize to those in the barn before leaving to find out what was going on. On the way there though she would hear another call, belonging to the one who had called the first. Brows would come together as she grew closer, a small figure and Squall. Just a few feet away and she would scent something odd in the air, nothing she had even scented before. Worry was in the air, and was that fear? "Squall!" The Ambassador would bark, quickly approaching the two, her head turning away from them to sniff at the air once again. "Just got done with the injured when I heard the howl, what's going on?" She'd question, her grey gaze moving from the child and up to the man.


Awesome table by Lu <3



6 Years
11-11-2013, 11:01 AM

Iorwerth felt as settled as the visiting Vahallans if he was entirely honest. With everything that was going on he hadn't really had the time to fully adjust to his new life within the pack, and certainly didn't know much at all about the other wolves in Seracia. Even a rather sociable wolf probably wouldn't feel quite at home and relaxed here until everything calmed, though Iorwerth was hardly the most open of personalities and had probably only spoken a few words beyond giving reports and receiving orders to his packmates.

He had spent today patrolling the borders, keeping an eye out for any injured coming to seek refuge though also in case of any threats finding their way towards Seracia. It had been quiet so far, on the other side of the range he had no idea about the tiger that had found her way into the lands until he heard the first howl. That of course was hardly a good explanation to the situation, though someone needed help it seemed. Despite being unsure if he'd get there on time or even how much aid was actually needed, Iorwerth left his current position heading towards the cry for help.

There were three wolves present when he got there, the air was tense, thick with fear, though no one seemed to be in any trouble at the moment and a strange scent was carried towards them on the wind. He slowed as he neared them, coming to a stop just in time to hear Loccian question what was happening. Remaining silent, his olive gaze fell to the other two wolves, silently awaiting the explanation.


11-14-2013, 08:30 PM

Now upon all four paws, she would saunter further into the territory - aligning her path with the scents of dog that wavered on the winds. It seemed there was a gathering of them, three.. maybe four. Were they rallying against her presence? Oh, that would be amusing. Perhaps she had overstepped the bounds, though it wasn't likely she'd give a rip if she had. The howls had ceased, though in the moderate distance she could hear them conversing - though what they were saying was lost by the expanse of ground between them. A low growl would bubble from her chest, emitting into the air in attempt to express her interest in their gathering - and perhaps rile them up further if indeed they were irritated with her presence. However, that seemed like it wasn't enough, and so the feline would turn her curvaceous bodice toward them and proceed forth. When she was naught but twenty yards away, cerulean eyes would spot them - they were indeed gathered. Four in number, though three and a half if you didn't count the little one as a whole - and she didn't. She would cease her pacing, rising to her full and impressive height and swiping her tongue across her lips. ?Ah look how they flock together, just like birds.." she would chide out loud for them all to hear - if they were listening over their own bantering. Nothing was particularly antagonistic about her stance, and yet it was likely she would be seen as such given her location within marked territory and her sheer size and wit.




7 Years
11-18-2013, 08:53 PM
Perhaps today, the good of her heart would finally get her into trouble.

Amalia Jayne Adravendi-Matthias heard the calls most certainly, but she wasn't sure what all the fuss was about. It seemed urgent, and an unfamiliar smell was wafting up her nose, but she had never come across a situation like this one before. The princess approached with caution, supposing that she wasn't really supposed to be there considering the danger, but wanting to help anyways. She didn't like thinking of her pride mates getting injured without her at least trying to protect them. The girl halted when her eyes settled upon a large feline, unlike any she had seen before.

Caution was unknown to the babe, and thus she approached, throwing fear to the wind as she did so and arriving in front of the tigress. She gave the woman pletny of room, an easy grin sporting itself upon her lips. At this point she would be by the others as well, and perhaps they would find her strange, but she saw no need for violence. "Hello, miss! Your fur is super pretty!" she complimented, as true in her words as she was in her smile.

"Can we help you with something?" she asked, ever the polite host. She didn't quite realize the danger of the situation, and she didn't know why they couldn't simply make friends with the big cat.


11-19-2013, 08:03 PM

Head turned to the Valhallan girl. Listening to her explanation of what she had seen with concern. He had smelled this creature before on his travels from his old home, and when she described it he knew exactly what it was. "Squall." he would reply briefly as courtesy to her own greeting. After telling his name, he moved in the direction of the scent, sure of the direction it had gone when a familiar voice stopped him. Sighing, he reluctantly turned to meet her gaze. He wasn't sure really how to react anymore with her, considering what happened in their previous meeting. For now, he would suppress those thoughts and feelings, bringing out his rather cold and emotionless self. Perhaps it was another lessons learned.

"There's a large cat on our territory, I know what it is too...I've encountered something like it before on my travels." He would reply briefly before scenting another wolf approach, and before he could acknowledge her the scent of the Tiger grew strong. ?Ah look how they flock together, just like birds.." His head would whip around towards the voice, hackles bristling slightly when wintry eyes fell upon the striped form of his suspect. "A Tiger." He murmured under his breath. With stiffened steps, he walked towards her, keeping his guard up until a young pup approached the big cat. Sporting a low growl, he glanced at Loccian. "Get that foolish kid out of harms way! We don't know what the cat wants. The king won't be pleased to hear that his kid became the lunch of a tiger..." He told her as he kept his eyes on the creature.

Approaching a little closer, he shooed the kid towards Loccian, giving her a stern look before returning his gaze at the Tiger though keeping some distance between them. He knew how far they were able to jump, and though he was within leaping distance he would react as such should she decide to attack him. "You're in claimed grounds, cat. What's your business here?"
