
The Fury Inside Me



8 Years
Chrono I
10-14-2014, 07:02 PM

Chione would slip quietly away from the rest of her family, still avoiding sleep like the plaque. Even though it was dark and may not have been the safest time or place to go out, Chione could really care less what kind of dangers were ahead of her.

She would stay a safe distance from her family, actually holding a bond between them now that they had nothing. She had grown very found of her mother, but was still as cold and harsh as she always was. She still held a hatred toward both her parents for choosing Gaia over her, she would rather have had one of her other siblings take the rank, even Apollo if it wasn't reserved for a princess.

The voice of Charon would trail after her, making her come to a stand still. "You should have just run away a long time ago like I told you. I'm always right." She hadn't seen her best, but imaginary, friend since the night she left Olympus to see her father fall. He had vanished completely, well at least his actual being. The only thing left was his voice tormenting her every step she took. She had grown accustomed to ignoring him and doing what she wanted to do rather than what he wanted.

Autumn had brought a chill to her, even though she hated the den she was growing up in she missed the warm feel of home. But a slight breeze wouldn't send her running back to mommy. She liked to see the moon rushing in and out of the clouds, Autumn may have became her favorite season.




3 Years
10-18-2014, 12:08 PM (This post was last modified: 10-18-2014, 12:24 PM by Ixionn.)

"Call me a sinner, call me a saint," Lately, the boy had found singing to be a great way to relieve stress. Of course he was no pro with the vocals, considering he had just began practicing and learning high and low notes. But he still sang when he wanted to. Especially when he was alone and bored like he was now. "Tell me it's over, I'll still love you the same." Drago wasn't here to comment his singing, thank the stars. Of course he was a good friend...but he was way too honest sometimes. And he always humiliated him. So today...Ixionn would sing his heart out for as long as he needed to.
"Call me your favorite, call me the worst. Tell me it's over, I don't want you to hurt." The masked boy had also found that taking a small break away from his family would be good for him. Lately, there has been so much stress. All the events, the meetings. It was stressful...and in the process of healing from partially infected wounds, too! Arian had helped him, too. But he still needed a break. Everyone needed breaks once and awhile.
So here he was. Strolling along Mount Volkan with a care free attitude. He's heard this place was a volcano...but he's never really feared the fact that it could suddenly go off and ruin Alacritia at any moment., that'd be too unlikely. --Ixionn grinned cheerfully and continued to sing out, while caring not that it practically echoed throughout the mountain. "I've said it so many times. I would change my ways, no, nevermind!" Suddenly, just as he ended the verse, he felt himself tripping over something.
A pup that was obviously younger than him. Huh. He's bumped and tripped over a lot of strangers lately. Ixionn tumbled to the ground and faceplanted into the dirt. Although, even though it did hurt a bit, his twisted paw was not effected. The masked boy released a soft groan, before turning and resting his eyes upon the young girl. She didn't look familiar...maybe she was lost? Ixionn turned his head back around and sighed. "Sorry! I didn't see you there."



8 Years
Chrono I
10-30-2014, 07:21 PM

Chione would pull her ear to her skull, only thinking the voice was another joining Charon. Maybe it was just her own thinking. But either way, she hated it. Not that the voice was bad or anything, just the melody was bristling to her ear drums.

Just as she was about to open her eyes and start screaming at those voices in her head, she was hit by some unknown force and rolled around until she was able to raise her head and eye the stranger that had stumbled over top of her. She remained laying, but turned her gaze away to start yelling, "It's Over!" Hissed through her teeth, obviously pissed, but in response to his previous singing. Tell me it's over.

She hadn't had much interaction with others even when she was living in Olympus. The most she had was in meetings or when the pack was taken underneath their paws. But in any situation, it was usually hateful or agitated. In the time she had grown up, all she needed was Charon. She despised being with her family, with packmates, and when she wanted Charon to go away she would force him. his voice still lingered but he wasn't part of her figure anymore.

"Talk" Think