
You left me on the corner cryin'


11-05-2013, 09:09 PM

Her family. Nothing was left of it, they were torn apart by the death of her mother causing her father to abandon them. She had slipped quietly away from the lands of Tortuga, looking for a little solitude. She had long reached her maturity, and not once seen her father since her first birthday, or maybe even longer. Ebony paws kissed the earth, her crown held low, even with her spine. Her stoic expression was frozen over her face, hiding even the demons in her eyes. Today was bad. They tormented her, crying out for blood. A sigh slipped from her lips. Ignored was the sound of rushing water, the only thing she heard was the pounding of blood in her ears, and the screams of her demons.

The kiss of frigid water against her toes stopped her in her tracks, snapping her from her chance. It was a place she had never been before. And one she really didn't care about. Emerald gaze dropped, looking at her reflection in the water. For a moment she saw herself, so similar to her mother. But for a brief moment, emerald gems faded away to reveal sapphire ones, her features contouring ever so slightly to reveal her mother. Startled, the woman gasped, jerking back away from the water, shaking her head.

How could her world so easily fall apart? When it had been going so good after joining Tortuga. But now she found herself slipping into her old ways. Seeking out solitude, feeling the painful claws of demons scratching at her mind, desperate to escape. Ebony dropped, hanging down by her paws, a single tear slide from her eyes. Lids fluttered shut, hiding haunted pools of verdant. Her mother shouldn't have died the way she did. None of them got a chance to say goodbye.
