


11-03-2013, 11:40 PM

OOC Name: Mithril
How did you get here?: Friend?s Referral

Character's Name:Flynn
Age:1.5 years
b]Season of birth:[/b]Summer
Size: 33 in
Duty: Saboteur

Appearance description: A medium wolf with 33 in height and 92 lbs weight. He?s not the most stunning wolf in any pack, his pelt is colored with a dark gray that runs from the tip of his tail to the tip of his nose at the top layer. A creamy white covers his chest, belly and inner side of his rear legs, that includes paws. The rest is a mixture of brown and reddish ochre, somehow that area seem like it was rust instead of fur.

His eyes are the most characteristic part of his body as it is said, those are the windows for his soul, and having gray-bluish eyes just confirm the fact his soul is as gray as you see.

In solitude and calmed this guy is nice and friendly, even coherent in his behavior but not the greatest talker in the realm, and thanks to his highly distrust on other intentions, easily tends to change.

He dislikes being questioned, about anything, that piss him off really fast; still the typical ones used to say hi or introductions are out of his list of problems. He does not want to be labeled as maniac or crazy.

He has the habit to talk to alone, but only when he?s thinking. So when he?s in a passionate discussion with no one else you can easily know he?s pondering over something, developing new tricks or manners to mess with the ones he dislike.

Even if he?s a vengeful fella to be added to his blacklist is not as easy as many could imagine, only the really nosy ones ends there. There are other ways to be added but he never let others know how, more since those ways died with his birth pack.

Finally in matters of love this wolfy is quite strange, this is where his erratic demeanor shows more as he can feel love, but believing in it is not in his program. Some females were happy with him around but as fast as they thought he was theirs the same way he moved away without other explanation than he never knew they were in love.

Being the only pup of the first litter of a low ranked female who ignored who the father was became the bedrock for the personality of this fella.
As everyone can imagine his life didn?t started as the perfect one, but at his beginning that wasn?t a problem as he was a na?ve little pup who only wanted the love of his mother and he got all the love he wanted from her, but his real identity started forging when his puppyish na?ve stayed in past and his conscience about the world surrounding him got a new light.

As soon he was allowed to leave the den the nature of everyone surrounding him didn?t wait to introduce and with each passing day, it got hammered without rest or mercy.

?He was the son of the easiest female of the pack, the most unworthy creature in the group, he didn?t even deserved being called wolf ??, the words always were many and so different, but to his actual day the male learned to ignore and forget the words that carried the message, especially since he knew it quite well and still all those attempts never succeeded.

Against the wishes of everyone in the pack he grew and shined, showing himself as a really smart and deceiving wolf, something that made him earn the name of ?Foxy? as well a new rumor for his mother; a thing that also ignited a twisted flame in him, but that remain hidden for his own convenience.

With a second layer in his mind already created and the coming sickness of his mother and the negative of someone wishing to help, the final ingredient for the selfish and chaotic wolf he will be just got given by his ?beloved? pack.

When the day his mother finally passed he gave a small goodbye gift to his birth pack, one for their bad luck was the result of all the moons he worked restlessly in the nearby enemy settlement. As he left behind the grave of his mom he wondered if everyone will be happy with it, especially since he was sure everyone will remember it, well ? that if someone survived to remember.

Now and with a huge twisted foxy smile Flynn walked away, into unknown, towards a destiny that would tickle out the good puppy his mom raised in him? Or to a life that will exploit the demon he had inside?



11 Years
Athena I
11-04-2013, 04:23 PM

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