


12-02-2013, 10:21 PM

Aranya's paws ached something fierce, seeming to growl and howl and moan. She had spent the better part of her day trekking up to the stop of this godsforsaken waterfall. Why? She could hardly remember, but she supposed it had something to do with the view. To her front a waterfall roared with vicious delight at the existence of gravity, to her left a stream gurgled and hiccuped. The slate cliffs that plummeted beneath her shimmed in the golden pre-sunset light, and the horizon before her was jagged with peaks and valleys of a foreign mountain range. Had she more energy they would likely fascinate her, she might even set out that very moment, but for now she was tired. She had considered finding a place to curl up for the night, but while at the moment the wind was calm, every now and then it would pick up in great gusts. She wondered if perhaps a storm was rolling in. The air carried no scent of rain, but she had learned long ago that mountains make storms all their own.

She sighed, her stomach growled, her eyes drooped. It had been a long few weeks. Not for the first time she considered heading south until the season wore itself out. As it happened, spring was not so near at hand as she had hoped. This land was harsher than she had anticipated, and it was thinning her body and fraying her emotions. She was tired, and gods help her if she was tired of tired. Where had they energy filled days gone? This was only her third winter, she should not feel as if that number were doubled. Is it time to settle down? she wondered. I wish there was someone to talk to, I hardly know where I am, much less where a pack might be. She wasn't sure what she wanted, but it was not this. It was not a cold, hungry, lonely mountain top.



12-03-2013, 03:48 PM
Oh, she liked this place, she liked it a lot, surrounded by the mountains with their snow covered peaks, and smell of death was muted because of the frost. Chill was amused, though she didn't know exactly that was the emotion she was feeling, but she knew it felt good, and that's what this life was all about, doing whatever you want, smashing whatever you want, and killing whatever you want if it made you feel good...right? Who cares she was never wrong, at least not in her eyes she wasn't.

Chill settled on the ground, his ears flicking as she finished licking her teeth cleaning the remains of a small vole she found under the snow, it would hold her off for a few hours, but it was no where near as effective as one of the elk that wandered around would have been. So she rose, her long lean legs stretching out in front of her as she opened her mouth to yawn before leaning forward, stretching out the muscles in her back as she set off through the northern mountains, her ears flicking attended to the changing sounds.

That was when the noise from someone or somethings stomach reached her ears, and she turned her head in that direction, nostrils flaring as she walked toward the other female...she could tell from the sent. Her shoulders rolled a bit as the smaller wolf approached the bigger one, an innocent smile upon her face as she listened to the mutterings of another pack less one like her. Packs? Who needs 'em when you can just hang out with me? She added a tiny chuckle to the end of her words as her smile turned into a very sure smirk.

But she paused, there was something here she was sure she could take for herself and shape into something useful. So she hunkered down into the snow, her eyes tried to meet the other females as she extended her nose to the other girls cheek. I'm Chill, and I'm hungry, want to join me on a hunting trip? She changed her voice a bit, picking up on the hunger of the other female and taking it as her own, this would be fun and exciting, too bad she couldn't just snap her paws together and make food appear.


12-03-2013, 04:08 PM

Aranya startled slightly at the intrusion, ears flicking backwards before her head turned, eyes searching for the source. She was too tired to jolt completely. A wolf, smaller than her, and lighter of coat, was slinking up towards her perch. She seemed docile enough, if a bit forward, at first glance. Her voice was apathetic to a degree, but at the mention of a hunt, Aranya's apathy and weariness disappeared. She slid languidly to her feet and turned, sitting to face the stranger. "Oh, hello there." She realized she must have voiced her previous musings out loud. "Who are you?" She asked, wavering on the border of suspicion. The wolf seemed friendly, and yet... There was something that made her hackles twitch.

Aranya looked her over more closely, observing every detail she could. She was good at that, after all. All she every did was observe. The wolf was small of stature, dainty to a degree. It was... the eyes that unsettled her. There was something amiss. You are being paranoid, she thought to herself. You're just tired and hungry, and along comes a wolf willing to lend you a paw. Will you so shun the gods good favor? And so she made up her mind that she would join the shewolf on this venture at least. If she was as hungry as Aranya, surely a bit of teamwork would overcome anything else, at least for a bit. She stood.



12-03-2013, 04:27 PM
Chill closed her eyes and turned her head away from the other female for a moment as she tilted her head down to the ground so she could think for a precious few seconds. What could she be able to do, what where the hunting options in this area, the largest herd of elk where also healthy and would be difficult to take down even with the two of them, the least they could do was try and then expend the energy, even if they did fail. The faint colored female turned her head back toward the one she just met, and held back the laugh that wanted to spill over her flips. Chill. That's my name not a command. She attached the last part with a quip of humor as she shrugged her shoulders.

She couldn't help but to wag her tail, oh this would be good, of this she was certain, the moment she held between the emotion of excitement, and destruction where so close she wasn't even able to tell them apart. There's a herd of elk not to far back that way. She said swinging her head further north and up toward the mountains. But Chill was keen on sizing up the other lady, she was a lot bigger than herself, but at the same time she knew she was probably quiet a bit faster.

What to hunt, what to hunt, elk or bigger wolves! Her mind swirled wondering what the flesh of another wolf would taste like, but no no, this could be a friend, lets not go overboard and try to eat her on the first day, that would come later. So Chill smiled again and pointed her nose in the direction of the elk and gave a tiny sniff. You're a lot bigger, lead the way, I'll watch your back. The devious female said with a kind smile, trying her best to give the other female the feeling that she was being nice and accepting, warm and fuzzy things most people liked.


12-03-2013, 04:52 PM

Aranya took in the shewolf's speech and demeanor as she spoke again. Chill, eh? Oddly fitting, she thought to herself. She chuckled at the other wolf's quip regarding her name, knowing it was fitting to offer her own. "And I'm Aranya," she said with a cordial nod. She turned her nose to the wind as the smaller female went on. She too had scented a herd of elk in the valley below them when she had started her upwards trek earlier in the day. For two of them though, and neither the biggest of wolves, it would be difficult. Winter hunting for wolves was easier than for most, though. While the elk spent their energy plowing through thick drifts of snow, wolves had an easy time traveling the trails they left behind. The herds would be weakened by a lack of food, as well, so perhaps not all hope was lost.

So Aranya took a few paces closer to the small wolf, eyes narrowing as she gave her a final once over. Something wriggled at her, and her suspicion would not entirely die out, but her gnawing stomach aided her in at least smothering it. She was to go first, then? And have this shewolf at her back on a twisty, rocky mountain path? She mulled it over. "Very well," she said, and took off padding down the path. She kept her balance centered and was careful to go slowly, and every now and then her ears would flick backwards to catch sounds. They made better time going down than she had coming up, as was the way of gravity. Finally, as they came near the bottom, Aranya stopped them along a cliff top that stood perhaps twenty lengths above the forest floor. Before them splayed a meadow blanketed in snow. A herd of elk, perhaps a dozen, milled on the far side, nudging snow aside to reach the dead vegetation beneath.

Aranya turned to the smaller fae beside her and raised her brows. I am quick, but I'd wager you're quicker. Do you have a particular way you want to go about this?" Aranya turned back to look over the cervids beneath them. It was not long before a weakling made itself apparent. It lingered on the outskirts, and had a certain gimp to it's gait. It's color was duller than the others, and though she could not see from this distance, she would wager it had ribs peeking through. It would not make much for a pack, but it would still be surplus for the two of them. She waited to see what Chill might have to say.



12-03-2013, 07:03 PM
Aranya? Awesome! Lets go get some food eh buddy? She kept the perkiness up, she felt as if this would be the emotion that would get this other female down toward those elk, and closer to where she wanted to do. Chill felt the correct response would be happiness, so that is what she would do, for a while at least. So she hummed as she started to follow Aranya down the mountain, her tiny paws fitting into the ground as her claws dug into the ground to stabilize herself on the rocky slippery ground. What would it take? A nudge of her nose? Her front paw sliding out to trip the other girl? A bite on the haunches? What would send this other girl flying over the ledge and down to her death? Was that any way to treat a potential friend? No no, she must behave.

Evil intention kept a bay, she continued to follow the larger female until they got to the bottom of the cliff. Chill's soul sighed at the boredom of not going all Scar...Lion King mode on this female, but her own hunger wouldn't allow herself to throw her meal ticket off the face of a mountain. So she scanned the herd, her eyes dancing along each member as she sized up their weaknesses, trying to figure out who would be the easiest target to take down in this winter wonderland.

The white girl rolled her shoulders as she stretched out a bit before nodding. We need one burst of speed, straight away to split that weak one away from the herd. Her voice was now cold and clipped, uncaring that life had to be taken, for they where the strong and the weak deserved to die. We can't fail or the elk will turn around and attack once they notice there's only two of us instead of ten or more. The growl in her throat was contained by the want to stay quiet until the last moment, this hunt would rely on them being able to take this thing down without getting hurt. Because lets face it, Chill hurt? The world better just fall over and die first.


12-03-2013, 07:38 PM

Aranya noted the change in her companions voice, but said nothing, now was not the time for that. The girl's plan was logical, and she was in no mood to be gored or crushed by an errant hoof. And elk was a big, powerful creature, even in the depths of winter. She rolled her neck and shoulders, loosening up before the run. Adrenaline began to move through her limbs, reinvigorating her and washing her weariness away with the crisp mountain wind. "I'll help you start the chase, for the ruse, but I'll peel off once they're separated. Try to herd it towards me, I should be able to bring it down. Stay close, just in case." If she was leading, well, then she would lead.

As she left the mountain trail, the gravel path became peat and leaf litter and pine needles. Snow still piled against tree trunks but it was a thin layer elsewhere, easy to walk through, easy to keep your breathing level. Aranya stalked through the shadows, relying on her and her companions light colored coats for camouflage. Finally, they had come to the edge of the tree line, and the meadow stretched out before them, the elk grazing perhaps two hundred lengths away on the far side. Aranya turned towards chill and whispered, "If you're the runner, we'll move on your mark. Whenever you're ready." Aranya waited for her mark.



12-03-2013, 07:50 PM

The art of taking lives was of no concern really to Chill, it was just another day, another life, and more over, something to eat. So she listened to the females plan, this would be easier than she thought, she wouldn't have to run interference and legs both at the same time, Chill nodded sharply as she lifted her haunches from the ground. Her hackles lifting at the thought of tasting blood in a few short minutes, she watched carefully as Aranya slide forward and she hunkered down and did the same, pressing her white fur into the snow as she closed the gap between the elk and them. Very well then, I'll push the sick one then. She answered quietly before slinking closer yet.

Seconds ticked into minutes as Chill waited, her body rested on the snow until she saw the herd stag turn his head towards them and then away again and back into the sheet of snow. There. Her haunches propelled her forward rapidly, front legs stretching out as her claws caught traction onto the snow as she dove forward. Her right eye turned to Aranya hoping that she would split the herd as she moved into the front of the injuries elk, her teeth snapping at its right hind leg, the one that she saw the limp in, forcing it to teeter dangerously on its hooves and leap toward the area she was opening Aranya was at.

And hope was all Chill really had, with the flurry of snow, hooves, antlers, and teeth, her own weapon for finding the other she wolf where her ears, and trying to pin her out in all this noise was quiet difficult for Chill. Not to mention since they weren't pack, they didn't have a set up established body language to clue each other in on what exactly what was going to happen an when. So a short growl was the only warning Aranya was going to get, hopefully the bigger wolf would be able to finish the job.



12-03-2013, 08:35 PM

Aranya felt more than saw Chill's body tense before she rocketed out into the field. Aranya's legs were longer, so while she was able to out stride the smaller fae, she had more body to move around, and they were as evenly matched as could be noticed in a time like that. For now they were all snapping jaws and snarls, startling the elk into a blind panic. It was working the way she'd hoped by the looks of it, they had split the herd. She broke off from Chill and pelted farther down the field, then crouched, waiting. She gulped air into her lungs, trying to regain some strenght before she tried to bring down a full grown elk on her own. She had never done something like that. There's a first time for everything, I guess! she thought to herself.

A sharp growl from Chill brought her out of her thoughts. It was time! The elk was charging her way, all flashing hooves, flying snow, and wild eyes. Fear choked her for just a moment, a blinding urge to get out of the way... But she steeled herself and forced it down. Her blue-silver eyes turned to iron, hard and dangerous. As the elk neared her a fire in her gut had her surging upwards. The elk, in it's fright, reared in an attempt to jump away. An errant hoof clipped her shoulder and she felt the skin split. Pain blinded her, so she closed her eyes and lashed out with her jaws. The dug into flesh! Her claws grappled for purchase, raking into flesh. With a savage snarl, the kind that only came out on dark, rare nights, ripped into the air. She opened her eyes to find she had latched onto the elk's neck, the side of it. Her momentum, however, was bowling the deer onto it's side.

They hit the ground with an enormous crash, the kind that rattled the teeth in Aranya's skull. To her horror, the elk did not stop as it collapsed, but it's inertia kept it moving, rolling, nearly on top of her. Another growl ripped from her as she leapt away, waiting for it's rolling to stop before she lashed out again. A chunk from it's hind leg and it was crippled, she dodged another hoof, and then claws raked along it's flank left it bleeding. The injured elk cried out for it's herd, but they were long gone. A brief flash of sympathy kindled, but she choked it down. Her vision was red with blood lust and bloody snow. She lunged for the elk's neck, clamped down, tore away. And then, as soon as it had started, it was done.



12-03-2013, 09:08 PM

Chill kept tightly on the elks hooves, not giving the option to turn around in fear of running into another wolves jaws, her head was low as she growled, muscles pushing her forward as she every now and then would surge to nip its hocks and make sure it didn't fall out of line with their plan. She kept one ear though cocked toward the rest of the herd, making sure they didn't decide that they wanted to charge the wolves instead of run. Finally though she paused as she watched the elk rear and then clip Aranya with its hooves and she found herself leaning her ears back in general dislike at the other female for getting hurt.

She watched, she waited, she wondered for a moment if Aranya was just going to lay there and allow the elk to trample her. But she was pleasantly surprised as she watched the female leap forward and pin the elk down with her weight before finishing it off. Chill padded up next to her, eyes surveying the scene before her tail swished behind her. Not bad. Nice kill. Have you figured out which pack your going to go to while you hunted? Chill asked, her voice still in that odd detected manner as she smiled down at the kill.

Smiling though mostly at the crimson that would stain the virgin snow when entrails where spilled upon her. The thought sent a shiver right up and down her spine before her graze swept back toward Aranya as she waited for an answer as she lowered herself down to nibble at the haunches before she decided to step around and tear into the elks stomach. This elk, even though sickly would feed the two of them for quiet a while if they ended up staying in the area.



12-03-2013, 09:23 PM

Aranya panted and heaved, her lungs stinging with the effort and her muscles aching fiercely. How long had it been since she hunted anything bigger than half her size? A year? More? Even when lived with her parents and brothers, a kill of this size had taken the five of them, and she had never been the center piece. The animal died at her feet, it's blood mixing with hers, stark against the white snow. Before Aranya fed she turned to lap at her shoulder, trying to ebb the blood flow. The hoof blow had not wounded her to any great degree, it had simply split the skin, but she knew she would be sore the next few days. Chill spoke, complementing her, and questioning her before the smaller wolf began to eat. Aranya considered it carefully before answering. Had she thought of it while hunting? Of course not, the killer inside her had taken over, but this was the first time Chill had directly put the question to her.

Did she still want to join a pack? Or had she simply been cold and tired and cranky. Now she was exhausted, the kind where thinking too much was more hassle than it was worth. The only thing she wanted to think about was the smell of entrails and hot blood. Finally she said, "I guess I'm not sure. She swallowed back more pants and a fair bit of saliva. She moved towards the elk's shoulder. "It's not a light decision, y'know?" With that she dug in, letting her mind go and relish instead in the feel of warm, fresh meat filling her gut. This was a kill she had taken down. With Chill's help of course, but it was still a victory of Aranya's. This meat tasted particularly sweet.



12-04-2013, 03:21 AM

Chill watched the other woman carefully, her eyes sliding along her body as she gauged her relaxation while she ate. Would this be a good time to strike, while her face was covered with gore, to catch her unaware and by surprise, to sink her teeth into her flesh. She was faster, that much she knew, but Chill also figured out that this wolf was probably stronger than her, but when did that ever make a difference to her? Not at all, but generally she was growing accustomed to having someone around that looked at the world in colors besides red and black, rage and darkness.

"Is it now? It seems very simple to me, pick a pack, they'll betray you in the end always. She mused as she stuck her head back inside of the elk, her teeth clipping roughly against the liver as she tugged it out and threw it on the snow, it was the fattiest part of the animal, and generally the part wolves fought over to get nutrients they needed. It was what allowed dominate wolves to stay dominant, getting special sources of proteins they restricted the others from.

That liver is a pack...tasty and delicious, strong and firm, and cleaning out the toxins from the main body... Chill's legs moved under her, bring her just inches away from the liver as she ripped it to shreds and left it there, bloody hunks of meat in the bloody snow. "And that is what happens to a pack over time." She reached out a paw, prodding the piece of meat as to assure that truly indeed it was dead.

Who needs a pack anyways, the life of a loner would suit them all perfectly fine, they could get along this way, loners in the woods, fighting off everything and anything, and protecting each other. Right? "Who needs them to destroy us, we can just stick together, you and I, right? And..." Her words trailed off as she looked toward the meat, her tongue swinging around heavily in her mouth as she thought about her own family.

Yes packs where no good, who needs em. Chill raised her tail and wagged it solidly behind herself as she picked up the small pieces of liver from the ground and chewed thoughtfully. She would join one, a pack, someday, and how she would rip it apart from the inside out. Who cares about them anyways.



12-04-2013, 08:58 AM

Aranya sensed the change in her companion's demeanor as she began to speak again. After several minutes of furiously tearing at the carcass her stomach was bulging pleasantly, her mind filled with a heady sort of haze. She was satisfied. Chill, however, seemed to have something wriggling at her, something she wanted to say. Aranya picked up the fervor in her words, the deep seated desire. But the words didn't make any sense. A pack, betray you? A pack was a family, brothers and sisters, whether bloodkin or not. Had Chill been betrayed at some point in her life?

That would explain her feelings, but as she desecrated the elks liver, (Aw, I wanted that...) Aranya thought perhaps it was best not to ask. But that didn't mean Chill could slander all packs, because her family had been a pack. A tiny bit of anger kindled in Aranya's gut, that Chill could speak so carelessly about it. "I suppose there are packs that could betray you, somehow," she allowed. "But don't generalize them. I was born into a pack, they were my blood family, and we all loved each other. I could no more betray one of them now then I could then. To me, a pack is a safe haven, a place where you can rest your weary paws and know no one is going to go after you. It's a sacred arrangement, Chill. Wolves live in packs."

Aranya frowned and thought more deeply about it as Chill went on. The two of them, stick together? What had started as a simple hunt was becoming a longer term arrangement than Aranya had anticipated. True, it would be nice to have some company, even get to know the smaller fae better, but Aranya wasn't entirely sure how safe that might be. What were the risks? Were there benefits? It wasn't a decision she could make lightly. So finally Aranya said, "I've never minded company, but you should know one day I will go hunting for a permanent home, that I plan on defending with my life if necessary." She hoped the double meaning would sink in. If Chill followed her there, if she kept her sinister, destructive ideals about pack life, if she acted against them... They would become enemies.



12-04-2013, 09:33 AM

Her paws swiveled around the elk's liver in the snow as she stared down in the ground in first an intent manner and then in disinterest. Her head turned toward Aranya as she tilted her head, judging the other female in a manner of personality and not on her physical structure. "Well, that's the difference between a family pack, one with the only breeding pair being the mother and father..." Her voice trailed off for a moment as her gaze slide along the upper region of the mountains, wondering what it would be like for just a second to be a bird, able to fly far away from being down below.

"And then there's these units or packs, not of family bonds and alpha breeding pairs. Since the blood doesn't tie, what stops a challenger from killing an alpha versus exiling him?" Chill paused for a moment as she leveled her gaze at the bigger female her body slowly rising from the snow as she flicked her ears forward as she tried to portray her own meaning. There was nothing that would stop a challenger from killing a past alpha, no blood ties, no family. "The things that hold them together, is a lot different than what holds a traditional pack together." Her voice transferred back to the same old cold detachment,

Packs where not worthy of their time, only a crude impersonation of the true family unit. That longing for companionship, understanding, friendship, it was all trash emotions that where and should be locked away so the strong could do what needed to be done. Instead they lived by false laws set in stone to protected the alphas, instead of by the laws of the wild and tooth and claw, that would have to change, even if that meant utterly destroying a pack from the inside out.

For something new to begin, something else must be brought to an end. Chill smiled, this loner she met, this unknown sister in the winters embrace, this one that she was now face to face with, was friend now but easily could change into an enemy later. But that didn't matter, all that mattered was that they survived this winter. "I hope you will." Then maybe I'll be able to taste your entrails...will they taste like this elks or will they bitter sweet? She finished the musing inside of her head before she looked around.

"Perhaps we can find more loners to spend the winter with, a makeshift pack maybe until we all find a place we can call home." Chill continued to look around, but now she was looking for an area to make a den in. The winter was long, and the sun did not shine, red and black, fire and death, the only light cast upon this world was the light from the shadow of the flames as many would perish in the coming days. She would make sure of it.



12-04-2013, 09:34 PM

Chill's offer surprised Aranya a fair deal. Collect other loners, stick together through the season? It was an odd thought, not one she'd considered before. Why would lone wolves want to travel together, veritable strangers? Chill must be strangely trusting or strangely confident to be able to put her faith in such a plan. It would be easier, I guess. In a way. But also quite the feat to hold a handful of unbonded wolves together. It seemed as if Chill was suggesting the very thing she so abhorred. To make a point? Or perhaps she was conflicted? Aranya couldn't tell for sure, could pick up no clues. So far though, the smaller wolf had proved useful, if still a bit unsettling. Aranya weighed it all for a long moment.

Finally she spoke in a reserved tone, "I see no reason not to travel together. At the very least we could linger in the area until this kill is picked clean. Maybe a few stragglers will wander in." Aranya could only hope they were the type she'd like to associate. Most wanderers she had seen were rougher than she typically associated with, but she didn't want to generalize. If this was what Chill wanted, then alright. "For now, I'm tired. Let's find somewhere to den for the night." Aranya stepped back from the kill and looked towards the tree line, waiting for Chill's response before she moved.



12-04-2013, 09:54 PM

There was a reason Chill suggested a pack of loners, it was actually to prove her point, because packs here where the same as a group of loners she suggested, and she would enjoy watching them eventually become close, decide to be a pack, then slash all their friendships for dominance over a group of strangers. It would be fun and exciting, something you didn't see everyday, and every once in a while she would steal a pup from a mother to test her poisons on. This would work out perfectly, Aranya would have her family unit, and Chill would have her test subjects.

Just the thought made Chill jump up into the air and twist into a circle in an unfamiliar emotion, happiness perhaps? She dug her claws into the snow, peeking left and right and she looked around. She knew another pack was close, actually two if she remembered the scents correctly, and they probably wouldn't appreciate a group of loners near their territory. But who cares, if they had an issue they could take it up with her poison coated teeth.

Poison. Poison. Poison. She could not wait, so she followed after Aranya, her eyes sliding around the air as she tried to think about the best way to grow their numbers, and then she remembered loners where all around, and some would want to bunker down for the winter. "Oh this will be so much fun!" She squealed before darting off toward the tree line.



12-05-2013, 04:21 PM

Aranya was surprised by Chill's sudden excitement, not having predicted such a strong responses after her previous misgivings. Oh yes, something was definitely off about this small shewolf, but Aranya's curiosity had been piqued, and she was in no mood to return to a solitary lifestyle just yet. But she would need to find out much more about Chill before committing to anything long term, especially if it involved more wolves. But at the same time, how exciting! It was, in some ways, quite the adventure. There were quite a few things to talk about, of course, and she meant to do just that.

Chill bolted off towards the tree line and Aranya followed a body length behind, mind still churning. She called out, "Do you really suppose other wolves will want to bed down with us for the winter? It's so uncommon, I've never heard of such a thing before. We'd have to have a certain luck just for them to stumble across us." The wind she sucked into her lungs was terribly cold, and she couldn't say much more beyond that. As they came into the trees, Aranya could smell and hear running water, and she veered off, knowing she would be able to track Chill down if she needed to. After the kill she was parched, and she dipped her muzzle towards the water, thinking still. Could it be done? Should it? She didn't know.



12-05-2013, 07:59 PM

Chill was already picturing the ways that pack would try to rip teach other apart in their vie for leadership, it would happen, it had to happen, they would after all be a pack of loners brought together for the sole purpose of doing just that. Maybe she should find the most vicious wolves out there? Or maybe the most passive? Who knows which would be more exciting to watch, who knows.

Pausing though to hear Aranya through the trees Chill turned around, her paws pressing lightly against the snow as she shook her head, tail wagging behind her. "Of course they will, who wants to try to survive by themselves?" She followed Aranya to the water her thoughts flickered like a wild flame as she sniffed the air.

I could push her in right now! It could be so much fun. Her paws broke through the snow as she walked forward, and paused behind Aranya. "I'm sure you'll come to enjoy them until you set off to find your permanent home." Chill whispered quietly as the snow settled upon her muzzle.



12-05-2013, 08:28 PM

Aranya drank her fill of the crisp, clean mountain water. It was so cold it nearly burned her throat, but it took her mind off of her throbbing shoulder. She needed to lay down, they needed to find a place to sleep. She looked over her shoulder to where Chill waited behind her with a perfectly innocent look on her gory muzzle. It was extremely unnerving. Aranya cleared her throat and bobbled her head, wavering. Finally she responded with, "We'll see, I suppose. For now, come on. We need to bed down before the sun sets." Aranya waited to see if the fae would drink before turning to walk along the creek.

She knew from experience that cold air would roll down over the mountains, so she set off looking for some sort of rock formation that would block wind or rain. Clouds and weather could move in as quickly as the sun set, and with an open wound she had no desire to invite illness. "We'd have to be selective in who we let join us," she mused as they walked. "I've no desire to have my throat ripped out while I sleep." She eyed Chill from her peripheral vision as she said that, trying to gauge some sort of reaction. As far as Aranya knew, that risk was already upon her.



12-05-2013, 08:42 PM

Suffering is magic!

At least in her book it was, what would you get when you put a psycho, an upstanding citizen, and a bunch of loners together? Chill's hackles raised as she arched her back, she was squirming all over on the inside, she felt her subconscious bouncing up and down, growling and panting, she wanted to slide her tongue across Aranya's body just because her pent up sexual tension at the thought of killing something was driving her insane. Literally.

Instead she hunkered down, butt into the air as her front paws splayed into the snow, as she assumed the playful position. Tongue kept moving across her mouth and saliva coated her teeth, jaws snapped together as she wiggled around into the snow. Bed of course they needed to find bed, she wanted a place where she could curl up with her sadistic thoughts and eye Aranya as she slept. Maybe even creep over to her in the middle of the night and lovingly lick at her throat.

That wasn't creepy or anything, just a show of affection right? Chill hasn't gone off the deep end or anything like that. Perfectly sane, perfectly sane. "You're right. We better get going then. Don't want to run into a bear in these parts." Her throat vibrated as she stretched forward, allowing the muscles in her back to flex before she shook out her hind legs and trotted behind Aranya.

Now most wolves would have seen this behavior from Chill as submissive. But Chill was no wolf in the same sense they where, she was methodically waiting for some sharp cliff or something of the like to shove her companion off of. In her dark musing though she was still listening, and her eye coldly slide over to look at Aranya as she made a quip about having her throat ripped out in the middle of the night.

"I will make sure no one touches you, friend." Chill allowed the words to slither against the ice and freeze against the ears of the other she wolf. For the only one that will be killing you is me. You are mine to kill, I found you first. She thought in a jealous fog. Killing someone was a true show of love, you adored them so much you wanted to keep them with you forever, their heart near your heart, their blood pumping through your veins.

Yes, Aranya would be her kill.
