
Samurai's Soul


11-03-2013, 07:27 PM

Defeat had found it's way into the smoldering mind of the young man. He had put everything he had into fighting alongside his Alphas, and then a cheating bitch would ambush him from behind. He scowled, nothing was worse then being defeated by a dishonorable snake! He would seek his revenge on her, show her that next time she would not get away with nothing less of fatal. He seethed with rage at the thought, but at the same time he felt like he had failed his Alphess. Upon coming to the pack, he had vowed to fight until his last breath...but now? After all the effort he had put into the war over a kings pride, Sephiroth had to leave the field because of a cheating opponent.

He stopped in his tracks, head lowered. He wasn't sure what to do anymore, he just felt like maybe he didn't deserve to be in Valhalla after failing. With a heavy sigh, he'd lift his head skyward to make his call for his Alpha. A long hollow sound filled the darkening sky as it filled with dark clouds that seemed to threaten rainfall. His heart pounded, what would she think? She'll probably label me a coward...throw me out for turning my back on the pack...but, I wouldn't be turning my back, I want to come back...I just...need to get be able to protect them protect Seraphine should this happen again... Indeed, he planned on returning to Valhalla. He simply wanted to go somewhere else for the time being, to work on his skills and strength in order to become better, to protect his pack and fight off the enemy when they declared war again. He had heard wind of Syrinx claiming Amenti, perhaps he would go there and see if the rumor was true. Maybe Chrysanthe would allow him to leave to go keep an eye on him...Sephiroth liked Syrinx, and though he was reckless, he was still a strong leader. Who, at times, often seemed like he needed a level headed individual with planning and tactical qualities. And Sephiroth was good at that...maybe, just maybe she would allow him this opportunity. With his call made, he would stand and wait.




11-07-2013, 03:59 PM
Even with the war over, it was a struggle that would stay with her she was sure. There were prisoners and political matters that needed to be instantly attended to - but the woman would find a moment to breathe and let she and the wounds she had gotten rest. Syrinx had left to seize an opportunity, and a part of her missed him - his presence was wild, but it was strong. He was strong and familiar and she would miss him being beside her - but Valhalla did not need him as a permanent leadership presence and he seemed to know that better than even some of the wolves here. His family of course, was allowed to go with him - his children would grow strong beneath his care, if not a bit strange. Eos was gone, but it didn't seem to affect Syrinx in the long run. Perhaps he simply trusted that she would return...

The sound of a member's call would draw her closer, and she would turn around and step over the trampled plains that were her borders. It was bloody, a mess really - and the alpha knew that the pack could not reside here for much longer. There was simply so much to do - but she would always make time for her members. "Sephiroth." She would speak the man's name, her blue eyes held a fondness, and her stance was relaxed. This male had fought for Valhalla, and although he had not won, his loyalty was prized and to Chrysanthe, more important. "How are you healing?" She would question, glancing over his figure and sizing up his wounds. His howl had been empty, but heavy - and his head was lowered, he looked defeated. If only he knew she did not consider him such at all.


11-21-2013, 03:02 AM

It did not take long for his call to be heard by his Alpha. Lowering his head to face her, his heart went out to his alpha. To him she was strong, wise, courageous, and selfless. She put everything on the line for the safety of her pack, most of the pack itself fighting for their home. Eyes narrowed at the thought of the albino prick, and he had complete and total distaste for the glaciems, especially the white rats direct kin. Nodding to his alpha, the gaze in his eyes growing somber by the minute as he mulled over about what to say to her.

"Good afternoon Miss wounds are healing fine, save for soreness and continued bruising about my ribs. But I'll be fine in due time, thank you for your concern." he would reply with a kind note in his voice, after all, he respected her to a great degree. And the fact that she had gone out of her way to answer him as well as express concern for him among others. A sigh would escape his lips for no more then a brief moment, his dual toned gaze looking her over. "And how are you faring? It was a tough fight...but at least we came out alive." he would tell her with a mix of relief with something else, though the other feeling went un-named for now. Even though they had escaped alive, they had lost regardless. Members of their own had been taken, and although his pack had taken prisoners of their own, it would only bring about more turmoil. And Sephiroth was sure that Valhalla would not be able to handle another battle like least not anytime soon. They needed more training, more experience, more heart to defend their home.

And the more he thought about it, the more he thought about his pending choice. If he left now, Valhalla would be down a strong member that possibly had the potential to help the pack fight for their freedom. Unsaid determination would enter his eyes then, the more he thought about it. If he left now, then Glaciem would claim the satisfaction of more victory. Thinking perhaps that Valhalla was weakening as wolves left. But he would stand fast and stand strong against the odds. It all depended upon Chrysanthe's mind and heart now.




11-29-2013, 12:56 AM
ooc: she's minus an eye in this thread from here on out x3
Sephiroth was slowly healing, as were she and the rest of Valhalla, but that did not tell her what was on his mind. Whatever was plaguing him, he seemed to be reluctant to speak of. Yet the alpha would not force it from his dark lips, they had all been through much, not everyone was ready to rub salt in the wound just yet. And so she would respond with a soft smile, and a nod to his thanks. He was clearly downtrodden, but she would not force him to chin up just yet. "I'm missing some important pieces, but I will heal with time as well." She had not let herself rest for long, but she couldn't get herself to kick back when there was so much to be done. "It won't ever be of use again." She struggled with the emotion of the statement, a touch bitter, a bit sad, but she would mask the bulk of it with a barbed nonchalance. "But so long as I can see, I will hold up just fine."

Did he call her for a simple chat? That would be new, but not bad - not at all. It was nice to know that her members thought of her as more than a leader, she wanted to be close to her individuals. Regardless of what their enemies may think of them, they were more than just numbers - even if the bulk of them weren't soldiers at heart. Sephiroth though, was different - he was a soldier. She could see it in his gaze - even now, despite his loss and the weariness that came with it, he had not given up. "We fought hard, but it's over. I'm just sorry I couldn't do more for you on the field." She would have fought for them all if she could - but unfortunately, Glaciem had made enemies out of the entire pack, not just her. "If you have anything you want to say, I'm always listening, Sephiroth." She would always be able to do that, and always would.