
Run For Your Money


11-03-2013, 02:59 AM

War had approached, and the soldier was on edge. He had wanted to go and fight, to show what happened when Seracia and their family pack was messed with. But he had missed his opportunity it seemed. Frustration bit and gnawed at his insides, and he wanted a release. Angrily, he swiped with outstretched claws at a young pine, the bark tearing and flying away in all directiong as his claws left a prominent mark upon it's skin. A growl rose in his chest, and he wondered what he could possibly do to settle the rising restlessness in his body. He wanted to just run to the war and charge whatever enemy stood in his way, but as it was, he didn't want to risk losing his rank. He hadn't yet gotten to know any members from his pack asides from Loccian, and wondered if maybe he should start to socialize...but as it was, he was too much of an introvert. It would be unnatural for him to simply walk up to someone and talk civilly, no. He had an attitude, had a sharp tongue and was often sarcastic and simply didn't care much. At least, that's what he showed on the outside. Inside, he would be able to become softer, more caring. Loccian was the only one to see it, however, and everyone else he would hide it away. He did have a soft spot for puppies, but as to whether or not that was still there was beyond him. He had spent his life as a longer up until the past season when he joined Seracia. And he figured in due time, it might or might now show what he was able to tolerate.

He would begin pacing back and forth once more, finally releasing an impatient sigh before heading towards an old piece of machinery. He slipped under the fence, heavy steps taking him to a rusted old tractor. His slim bodied figure would leap atop the mass object with ease, and he would come to rest on the roof of metal and drop down onto his stomach. His cold blue eyes surveying the land for signs of...well, anything to do. This place is so boring...I need something to do... Squall hoped that something exciting would happen soon. Or at the very least, something interesting.




6 Years
11-03-2013, 01:19 PM

Curious green eyes stared up at the huge, cold form of some really old equipment of some sort, her head tipped all the way back to look up at the top of it. If I could just get up there, she thought, I'd be able to see eeeeeverything!" She looked down around the bottom of the thing, getting back to her small gray paws and padding around the outside of it as she looked for some sort of foothold for her to hop up onto to begin her climb up, but even the shortest stair was above her head. The pup frowned, her brow pulling together with thought. Maybe if she got a running start...

Jendai backed up several feet before darting forward toward the step, leaping up as high as she could as she got to it. The momentum got the front half of her body up onto the stair, but even though her forepaws scrambled to pull herself up she still slid off back onto the ground. She landed on her back with a soft thump, knocking the breath out of her for several moments. She gasped and pulled air back into her lungs and she rolled back onto her paws with a frustrated grumble. Why did she have to be so short!

Suddenly she heard paw steps and she looked from under the big metal thing and saw a brute padding toward it. He had black legs and a brown tail and head with white inbetween. He looked so much more interesting than her boring gray coat! She watched him with interest, her jaw dropping as he leaped up easily up the thing till he was up at the very top. She scrambled back out from under the thing, tilting back her head again to look at him. "Hey!" she called, hoping to get his attention. "How'd you get up there like that?!"



11-04-2013, 02:24 AM
ooc// lol Squall and Jendai have similar personalities, I see them getting along XD

Minutes ticked by. Squall's boredom growin more as his gaze rested up to the clouds. They drifted lazily across the sky, lulling his senses to drift towards nothing. Sighing, he'd roll onto his side, head leaning over the side of the tractors roof. He hadn't scented nor heard the pup that had seen him clamber onto the old device, but her voice certainly caught her attention. He jumped slightly at the sound, surprised more then anything. He rolled halfway onto his back, his head hanging over the roof as his gaze sought out the figure of a pup. Brows furrowed, and he would swiftly roll over onto his stomach as he looked at her. She stared up at him with curiosity, and he would stare back with the same interest.

"I flew." He responded with sarcasm in his voice. How else would he have gotten up here? He would bite his tongue now, remembering that this was just a kid, not a full grown wolf. Perhaps he should be more polite, but honestly, he wasn't so used to being around kids...He would move his paws forward, letting them dangle slightly over the edge as he placed his head on them, his tail smacking away the farm flies that attempted to land upon him. Returning his attention to her, he wondered who she was. He had never seen her around here before, then again, he still didn't know anyone in Seracia besides Loccian and her brother. "Who are you anyway? Where's your mom?" His voice would come out with slight annoyance, though he didn't mean to. It just always seemed to come out that way, always sounding like he was irritated. He didn't know how to sound nice right off the bat, it was just who he was. In time though, he would learn...Loccian was slowly helping him. It also probably didn't help that he wasn't very social...and for that, he would blame his orphaned childhood.




6 Years
11-04-2013, 09:11 PM

The gray pup's curious, admiring look instantly fell into irritation at his sarcastic comment about flying to the top of the thing. "Ha ha," she replied with equal sarcasm, her little muzzle scrunching up in annoyance at the tri-toned brute. Clearly she knew he jumped, but she wanted to know how could he jump so high and how could she jump like that too?

To top it off he asked who she was and where her mom was, and not in a nice way either. Jendai huffed, not even wanting to talk to him any more, but she did anyway. "I'm Jendai, Bronze and Silent's daughter. My mom's doing other stuff." She paused, looking down at her forepaws. Her expression still held annoyance for the guy, but her green eyes showed a touch of worry as well. "She's been really distracted since dad went to fight in that war and stuff. And I don't know if he's gonna get to come back cause he's some kind of prisoner or something so..." She shrugged, trying to not show how much it bothered her.



11-19-2013, 06:21 PM

Chocolate ears perked in the direction of the child's sarcastic laughter. Rolling his eyes, he stared at her with half annoyance and half amusement. What was this kid doing bothering him anyway? He smirked slightly when he heard her huff, glancing at her with slight satisfaction. Perhaps she would leave him alone now. However, when she spoke her name and whose child she was, Squalls' features immediately dropped. He stared at her with surprise, but he quickly hid it away as she continued.

His heart sunk when she mentioned about her dad being taken by Glaciem, and of course Squall had heard from Loccian about that. But he didn't know that the man had children. At these thoughts, he knew now that he had to get more involved in the pack, and perhaps help those within that were affected by the war. Like this child...her father was taken by Glaciem... A growl rose in his vocals, and though he tried to suppress it he couldn't. What right do they have to take away a child's father!? The poor kid...

Closing his eyes for a moment to try and calm his raging emotions, he looked towards her again. Perhaps there was a way he could try and ease her thoughts, maybe try and take her mind off of it, if even for a little bit. "Jendai huh? That's a nice unique name. Your parents did well in naming you." Standing, he turned and dropped his front half onto a lower part of the tractors cabin, making his way down towards the girl. Once his paws touched down on the grass after a moment or two, he stood facing her with kindness in his eyes. He could understand how she felt, he had been there at her age. "So, do you wanna go see what's it like up there? I can show you how to get up, it's pretty easy. And the view is good, you can see a lot up there. How 'bout it?"




6 Years
11-30-2013, 04:45 AM

Since she had been staring resolutely at her forepaws, the gray pup missed the turmoil of emotions that crossed the brute's face. In fact she didn't move her gaze from her paws until his voice caught her attention again, this time complimenting her name. Her ears twitched with embarrassment, but it brought a little smile to her muzzle. The last compliment she had gotten had been from her father during their little practice spar so long ago so she wasn't used to hearing that kind of stuff. She glanced up at him, not replying to his compliment, but giving him a small smile instead.

She watched him work his way toward the ground and once he was standing in front of her she tipped her head back so her green gaze could meet his. Her ears perked up at his question and her spirits were instantly lifted by the idea. She grinned wide and nodded excitedly, hopping up and bounding over to the first step of the machine, practically bouncing in place with excitement. She would get to see everything! She couldn't wait! "How do I get up there? How how how?"
