
Legion of One



Extra small
11-02-2013, 07:29 PM
ooc:given the war still in occurrence i'll be leaving it pretty vague; though i will be leaving Syrinx's thoughts as they would be regardless of the valhallan outcome due to what he's already seen.

OOC: [ ]

silence. it ebbed at his mind and devoured the countenance of the behemoth. he had decided as to the course of action he was birthed to take; and that was the role of leadership. Valhalla could not handle him as their leader--his people were a strong one. Valhalla was not a emblem of power (in his mind) and so he sought to strengthen it. Though, it would not be from the inside that he would do such a thing. No, no--it would be from the outside as an 'ally' but also as an expectant one. his sister needed to raise her kingdom into the power it deserved and lord knows the others would be far happier with her leadership bereft of his sway. it was time.

The man would finally have his kingdom. something he had been promised since birth--and he would be breeding the finest warriors in Alacritia. Not because he wanted to, simply put, because he could. Inhaling the chilled fall air sharply the Arkhos would relinquish a summons--a calling and a demand that those ready for a change come and they make due with preparations for a brighter purpose.




11-02-2013, 07:44 PM

So another would arrive to claim the pack finally it would seem with the absents of Canttina it was instantly noticeable singling a beacon to others that the leader was dead and gone and a place for the vultures to pick clean. Maybe this one would actually be worthy and hold that strength the other clearly lacked of that crazed bitch should of never came into a position of power for she had no been right of mind much less she had freely killed her self by throwing her self over a cliff. snorting at the thought, desperate at best. Tracing hat tongue over her lips the dame appeared out of the shadows allowing those icy orbs to settled upon the man with a bottom jaw lacking skin much less any meat. Strange but it oddly added to his appeal.

choosing to sit aside Morgana would watch, still bidding her time as she had been with Canttina the women would make no move to challenge him nor was she offering her support. Simply she'd be there and watch and see if they would be forced to stay o allowed to leave perhaps on the events hat happened the once rogue would decide what to do from there. But she did want to know of something; "How do you know Canttina is dead?" A simple enough question for the man to answer surely, how could he have known so soon?


11-02-2013, 07:47 PM

Ah, the call had gone out, and Vyvienne was not the sort to ignore it. Feet carried her towards her patriarch, acidic gaze searching for his russet form, settling upon the man almost boredly. Predictable. He was so very predictable, going for a pack. She knew he?d go for one eventually, too fed up with the inferiority of their aunt (or, what Vyvienne perceived as inferiority. Then again, she viewed all who weren?t her immediate family as inferior), and desiring a kingdom of some sort. ?Don?t mess it up,? she told her father boldly.
She was growing, after all, and with each inch that she grew she grew more bold. The chocolate-drizzled Amazonian would sit off to the side, content to observe. Would any challenge her father? It would be interesting to see, both to determine if her father would prove a failure, and to determine who would become an enemy. Her expression looked bored nonetheless, but she supposed that would change soon. There would be blood; that was almost certain.
Alas, a woman approached, inquiring how he knew Canttina was dead. Vyvienne snorted. "Because he's not an idiot like you. This place smells like death, and it doesn't smell claimed," she retorted, ever the smart ass.



11 Years
Athena I
11-02-2013, 08:10 PM

So the bitch with the skull mask was dead, huh? She wanted to feel bad for her death, at least sympathise for those that might miss her for whatever reason, but she lacked even the slightest bit of apologetic emotion. Cantinna had taken her pack and torn apart the life she had worked so hard to build. Between Cantinna and Bane her life and her pup's lives were in shambles. But no longer. No, she would do all she could to improve things for her pups. Her first step was to find them a new home, one with a pack that could protect them and train them. Perhaps it was time that she took on the Amenti pack name once more. She wouldn't be alphess like before, of course, but she could content herself with being a mere member. For now.

She had heard the echos of the new alpha's call as she approached the Amenti borders, confirming her suspicions that it had in fact been claimed. Too bad, really. If she had only come a little earlier she could be the one giving that call. Oh well. She crossed the border with swift, sure strides, her shoulder no longer giving her any trouble walking. A thick scar ran from the middle of her scruff down her left shoulder blade, a constant reminder of the challenge that she had lost, but she had regained her strength. Her thick ivory fur was ruffled by the wind as she gracefully moved toward the summoning alpha, slowing to a halt a few feet away with the others that had gathered so far.

She had come just in time to hear the snarky comment the youngest of the group made, bringing a smirk to her muzzle. This was certainly going to be interesting. Alena dipped her head to the russet brute in a respectful greeting. She remained silent for now, simply sinking to her haunches and draping her tail over her forepaws to wait for this meeting of sorts to begin. She had left her family back at the Red Forest with Dempsey on purpose, wanting to get a feel for this new leader before bring her pups in front of him.



11-02-2013, 08:36 PM
So Canttina was dead. Well that really screwed up her plans of worming her way up the ranks. But oh well, there were more people to lie to. Hopefully, the new alpha. That was when she heard the summoning call, it was that of a male, that of the new alpha. She could tell. Great, she would not stay here to be a servant of a male. She wandered up to the gathering, not bothering to push herself. She was is no hurry to see this new leader.

There were four others there when she arrived. By the conversation she could tell that he was the alpha. Disgusted, she turned away, she would leave this place. Before anyone saw her, she turned and ran, far from amenti, and all that was with it. She would find somewhere else to stay, lie to more people, seduce them to get her way, oh how full of possibilities life was. She to steady breaths as she ran, she was not too fazed by the recent turn of events, after all, everyone has to die right? Even her, eventually, her life would be snuffed out like a candle.


3 Years
11-03-2013, 09:18 AM
The male had not seen hide nor hair of this brute in quite some time. The first time that he had seen him, he had been in Glaciem and called himself its King. Aeron did not remember much about the russet man, but he had been there, been there around the same time of his mother that had vanished soon after they had agreed to live in the snow beast's lair... and then she left, and he left alongside his family, and Aeron of course, followed suit. So why was this male here? Where was his family? Vaguely he remembered the smell of hormones - his woman had been pregnant hadn't she?

The little spawn of the red beast must have been the girl that spoke up earlier. She was bold, wasn't she? To call another lupine that was clearly older than she was an idiot. Although - she may have just been young? The yearling couldn't be sure, although he did know that she was nothing like he or his own quiet sibling. Silana, Aeron could never forget. She was embedded into his memory, a part of him despite her muteness. If anything it made her a more omnipresent force in his mind - she could be a thousand miles away, or she could be right beside him, the silence meant nothing. Vaguely he knew that he missed her, but the ebbing curiosity as to why the red man was claiming a new land, and what he wanted of his subjects would lead him here momentarily.

He would wait near the edges of this gathering, his dual toned eyes fixed on the lupine that were slowly filing in.



Extra small
11-03-2013, 09:23 AM (This post was last modified: 11-03-2013, 09:24 AM by Syrinx.)

OOC: [ ]

He cared little for those that arrived (not including his children) and was quick to etch into his mind the memory of all those that were here. Those that arrived would soon push to present his enemies and his allies--both of which he would treat more or less the same. Allies merely had the upper hand of being less likely murdered at his hand for insubordinance. Something he would teach the new Amenti Minions. Something Valhalla did not understand. The whisp and carry of each of them was thrown out as a purpe eyed woman dare question him and his eldest daughter dared to speak against her--ah, what a sweet!

"I do not know she's dead. I just don't care. She clearly hasn't come to pull the throne from my hands; has she? It's no battles of the sexes, my love. It's survival of the fittest," he had not agreed with the way Amenti was lead before; their was no primordial strength in a man that was not in a woman--merely the individual and she or he decided how well they harnessed their gifts. Some where a waste and threw away what was most beautiful.

"Vyvienne...ever the lovely, my girl," and yet in every right he knew that it was she who owned her father; and yet it was not the typical father daughter was so much more powerful than that. Alena (though her name was unbeknowest to him) arrived and seemed to merely take a glance at him. she must have been an older member--for it seemed as though she saw no reason to turn from what could be her home--though Syrinx spoke none for that was not his decision.

Eyes fell lastly upon a boy-Aeron. he had been the prodigal son that Syrinx had named and had taken when Luce had decided that she would allow her children to meander onto his property. Though, the boy was not merely a child anymore. Was he? Still--no words given was no words received and Syrinx commemorated him with merely a daring glower--and yet it was inviting.




2 Years
11-03-2013, 11:09 AM

Meinx, youthful divinity at its peak; the pearl slunk to delve in the warmth of the surrounding bodies. When the war broke out the youth had been sent to seracia for her own protection. Under the circumstances it wasn't all to bad. After all she did meet a few wolves. A sigh would depart the pretty little maw before travelling towards her father and sister, a smile curving onto the edges of the ebony lips.

" father, congratulations" she'd murmur ever so softly, looking at him with her eyes flooded with pride. As usual Vyv would be blunt,but never has it stopped amusing Meinx in her own little way. Afterall In the future her hopes is to become closer to all the siblings- even the ones who seem to be harder to get along with. Only a moment was taken to observe the wolves gathered, not particually taking an interest to those who seeked shelter. Though, perhaps if Meinx was to one day rule she should put her own thoughts and desires aside, and start thinking of the others wellbeing.

Meinx has no nose and heavy scarring on the top of the muzzle. Some tables may not show this.



11-03-2013, 03:17 PM

She had heard her fathers call ring out as he staked his claim over a pack. It came as no surprise, she didn't image that he would stay under their aunts pathetic rule. Russet paws carried her to the unfamiliar land. it was a strange place but nonetheless this would be her home from now on. The familiar forms of her sisters and father brought her closer until she stood beside them. "Congratulations father. Now what?" Haunches slide to the ground, tail curling around her, blue and silver gaze tilted up towards their father.

Perhaps mother would return now? It was doubtful though. But what did this mean for them? No longer would they be bound by the rules of Valhalla or surrounded by the pathetic wolves that called the dreadful place home. They had freedom now, freedom to follow their fathers every wish. Briefly her gaze would survey the other wolves who had gathered, none particularly interesting. She noted that Cynder was missing, but the girl was always the last to show up to any sort of gather, if she even showed up at all.

Quietly she would wait for her fathers next words, for his next command. He now ruled a pack once more, as he should. Excitement bubbled in her chest. She had seated herself beside Meinx, the less aggressive of her siblings. She said nothing, offering only a lightly bump against her shoulder in greeting.




11-03-2013, 06:39 PM

She would walk with a stiffness in her delicate stride, shuddering as her voice grumbled meekly about the chill and bite to the air; it coiled the tendons of her limbs and ceased elasticity, her breaths dramatically short as the feminine beauty would loiter at the back of her travelling siblings with a furrowed brow. Cynder had long since given up on their mother, who rarely did anymore than flit about the shadows with a short temper. And so it was only natural to bounce between the soaring paw-prints of her father, however reluctant the tiny maiden was to stake such a drab and chilling atmosphere as her home. Vyvienne of course was trying ever so hard to pronounce herself as the centre of attentions, her bratty vocals no less than the usual as Cynder glanced to Vyv?s chosen prey with a mischievous smirk. Carefully she would attempt to carry her frosted frame past the bristled coats of the earthy girl, only to quickly draw herself away and ensure there was plenty of chilling distance between them; purely for the sake of trying to press Vyvienne?s buttons in a brittle attempt at denying her the ownership of at least one of her siblings.



11-04-2013, 12:48 PM

Ebony silk slid over coiled muscles effortlessly as the man slithered toward Amenti. So, the skull faced queen was gone and good as dead? What a shame, and to think he had actually considered sealing an alliance with her. She was far too weak for his taste. One battle in the war and she was done with herself? Pathetic. Lips creased into a smirk as ghostly eyes rolled within their sockets. He could only wonder what worthless mutt would try to claim this pathetic ship now. either way would need to find out, because Kusugra rarely did any business without a back up plan. The cards had folded for the brown queen, but they had fallen in his favor. Now he could claim what the queen had so foolishly lost- her brood.

As he came closer to the crowd his gaze instantly fell upon the large naked jawed man who was staking his claim. His smirk widened as he lifted himself onto his back legs, placing his front paws as high up as they would go against the base of the metal boat. "SCCRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK" Razor sharp claws slid effortlessly along the metal base of the decaying ship as the man made his presence apparent to all. (I assume this will sound like long nails on a chalk board, and I assume the boat is metal?) It echoed throughout the hollow boat, and of course, throughout the forest around them. Unless any of these mutts were deaf they would all hear the noise, and it would more than likely cause them all to cringe. As he slid all the way back down his paws silently kissed the earth again.

"Y creo que me dio la puta calavera que mi nombre." (and to think I gave the skulled faced bitch my name) Venomous lyrics dripped like sin from the mans lips. he spoke loud enough for all to hear, especially the man who was claiming Canttinas land. He continued to slither toward the man, defenses already falling into place. (will add in fight post if this upgrades to a fight) He wasn't sure what this man would say to him after he explained himself, but if it ended in battle Kusugra would be more than ready. This was something worth dying for.

"Ah, el mutt ya se ha cobrado su tierra. No podr?a haber el funeral antes de que usted lo escupi? en la corona?" ( Ah, the mutt has already claimed her land. Couldn't have the funeral first before you spat on her crown?) His words would end with an eery yet amused chuckle as his gaze fell directly on the man. He would draw closer until he was about eleven feet away from Syrinx. Excessively long tail would move the earth below him as it twitched slightly. he had gotten their attention, presented himself, and had said a few taunts, though he doubted anyone understood him. now it was time for business.

"You." He would say to the man as he directly spoke to him and him only. Though he knew he had not claimed any of these women, he needed to know that they were already claimed before he tried to do so. "I don't know who you are, and frankly i don't care. i didn't come to rain on your parade, and i didn't come to try and take your claim. the skull faced bitch was a sorry excuse for a queen." he would say, then pause for a moment so that the man had time to soak in every single word. though, before her fall i did see something in her. she had something i so greatly desired, and we both knew that i would be willing to trade her something for it. you see, with the qualifications that i have, it was an offer that she could not refuse." Again his words would end in that eerie yet delighted chuckle. it was all a big game really, and he was an expert at manipulating the pieces. let me make this simple for you. all the former Amenti women now belong to me. This was the deal the queen made with me, and i do not handle bailing out of business affairs easily. with her death came the realization that she would not be able to slowly send me her women anymore. so instead of taking each one separately at different times, i will take them all with me at once. any defiance will result in a challenge, i assure you that." Lips would curl into a delighted smirk as the mans eyes narrowed. "after all, they are all my property. perhaps they shouldn't have sold their souls to a women who so effortlessly traded them for an upgraded power." The entire thing was spoken loud enough for all to hear, because as he had made his way up here he had already seen a few former Amenti women. "so, if you don't mind, i will be taking my prizes now."


OOC: Alright, all former women in Amenti need to read this. They are all being claimed by Kusugra due to the deal that he had made with Canttina. He will aim to exit with them all in his next post unless someone objects. This is all a result of the alliance, and kus simply wants the rest of his part- which is all the women of amenti. Elysia, his slave, will post next (if she can) and she will assist Kusugra in battle if needed.

Elysia I


11-04-2013, 02:07 PM

Silent as the chilled breeze she would follow her King. The essence of power, royality, of the night and all its shadows; she followed him like a day shadow. Where he was velvet black she spoke of earthen tones kissed by the sun. She stayes no farther back than her shoulder meeting his hip. Consently brushing against him, stealing his warmth and power for just a moment. It waa as if she could drink it, so thick it came rolling off of him. She was dwarfed next to him but easily kept pace with her slender legs. He prowled with a dangerous vibe, like death come to life, a black fathom. Where she glided with perscision and swiftness like that of a deer or a falcon. Together they were an odd pair but she could care less.

Together they orbited Alacritis to the north where a ship laid trapped forever in ice. The scents of gathered wolves made her ears pin back. With a dramatic entrance, Kus claws against steel could not go ignore not even by the male's summoning howl. Head lowered to be even with her spine, throat protected no matter how much she longed to flash the scars Kus gave her. Shoulders rolled forwards and tail was stuck out stiffly behind her. She moved to walk at her Kings shoulder, respectful enough to stand behind him yet close enough to protect. She listened to his words a snarling chuckle lightly vibrating through her. Oh she knew everything that was happening, ecen heard some old Amenti females had run to glaciem. Non the less Kus would have them. Maybe even take a few of these young ones here. It mattered not to her. She loved Kus, adored him. So long as he knew that and the other females knew she was his number one, nothing else mattered. Sea foam green eyes zones in on the male with skin missing from his jaw. If things went bad she knew it would start with him.



11 Years
Athena I
11-04-2013, 02:47 PM

More wolves would gather, the most of them being young wolves who were supposedly the claiming alpha's children. One other brute would show and she thought she heard a whisper of paw steps somewhere behind her but when she glanced over her shoulder whoever it was had already left. Not a bad size gathering for the russet brute's first calling she thought. At least his family had shown up and perhaps more still would come.

Oh, but what was this? Her violet gaze flickered over to a large, black form that slinked into view with a smaller brown-hued fea at his side. Her memory flashed back to when she had met Silverback, a snow leopard, and recognized the same feline characteristics, though with a few differences. Her ears flicked back at the sharp sound he created with his claws, but she refused to show many more of a reaction. She didn't want to give whoever this was the smallest bit of satisfaction.

She raised a brow in a look of bored disbelief as he spoke in another language, no doubt making some sort of remarks about the new alpha and this pack before he finally spoke in a language they could all understand. He dared to make the claim that he owned all the former women of Amenti because of a deal he had made with the masked bitch. With a glance around at the crowd she couldn't help but smirk. So he made a fuss for what... one fea?

Alena rose to her paws, the breeze tugging at her thick, ivory fur and her bright, violet gaze settled on the disrupting pair. She thought perhaps she was overstepping her boundaries by speaking to the pair first, but their audacity just amused her to no end. "Well, I really hate to break this to you, but the only fea here that even possibly belonged to Canttina is that fea over there," she stated, motioning to Morgana though she did not know her name. "This is an awful lot of fuss for one of your 'prizes', don't you think?" She watched him curiously, her gaze only briefly flickering over to the brute that could be her new alpha before settling on the cat once more.




11-04-2013, 03:50 PM
Just clarification that as first of all, Kusugra is a creature, and also holds no rank his words are not official.


11-05-2013, 12:27 PM (This post was last modified: 11-05-2013, 12:28 PM by Karmen.)
the golden female had approached the familiar territory with disdain and disappointment on her delicate doll-like face. Canttina had abandoned their kingdom, threw to waste what should have been the most profitable and feared empire in the nation of Alacritis. But alas, what ever selfish desires over took her sense of pride and sensibility had left the lot of them homeless and rather tempered. Karmen sauntered towards the group of wolves who now wished to claim this land - whatever their plans for the ruins did jot concern her, and she doubted the the king who would now be in charge could ever convince her to stay. She didn't even spare them a glance. Instead, her willow eyes sought the salt and pepper female who had earned her respect, morgana.

Karmen knew that business was just that, business. And she was the one sent to seal the deal with the devil. Their one night of passion play had been the signing of a contract. She had already accepted her fate, maybe it assuaged her, but she wasn't yet certain. "what the feline says is true. Either we leave with him and regain former glory at a later date, or you can choose to rot in what little pride you have left. I don't care." and like the pretty prize she was, she curled herself in a pirouette and seated herself near the feline, flattened her ears, and narrowed her eyes at the horizon in silent rebellion.

Ooc:I don't really know what's going on I'm just here cause aislyn asked me to.



Extra small
11-05-2013, 05:02 PM

"And I have asked none of you to stay," he simply stated as his gaze rolled over those that stared at him as though he were a terrorist, "I have merely taken a land without a ruler," and i have given it one. the serpent king rose--ready to turn and ready to leave as the vehement hiss of a feline fell over his ears. Syrinx--though most would have--did not shudder. Instead a smirk overtook his features and he turned back around to glare at the kitty. "You hold no authority over me silly boy," he purred as though moving him, "And don't make yourself so self-righteous," the timbre of his voice did not stray to anger or annoyance. Instead it was neutral and calm and velvety. "I don't want those that can't swear fealty to me. Have I claimed any of your 'women'? No, I have not--now leave, pussy-bitch," the look that befell him was one of a joker and his grin transpired into something akin to a cheshire smile. The little carmel petite spoke and Syrinx rolled his shoulder, "Did I ever claim you, m'lady? no...I didn't--so pray tell why you've bothered coming here? Unless you're interested I see no reason," she was a delicate blume. Flowery and elegant and toxic. she was likely a catalyst for anarchy. He already enjoyed her. "Go--I hold no reason to hold man or woman against their will. Both are equally capable. And I won't compromise with the unwilling," he was an all or nothing kind of man and would do his best to remain as such. "Those that choose my path--please come," and then he would move--skulking and low. Inviting thse that wished to follow him to the new Amenti. Ah yes, a Location change would be the beginning of their journey--and all would accept it as it were.


11-05-2013, 06:18 PM

>>Listen to my lullaby<<

Awwww.Text here, her little pretty had fallen. Thrown herself to her death, it had been a sad, and exciting sight for the beast. Now someone else had come to claim the amenti pack under its name. One from a former enemy at that. As a smile widened on her face, the female bearing a new scar on her snout was riddled with murderous excitement. Though if it was one thing that pissed her off, was Canttina thought she could just give them away. So her attention turned soley towards the feline. What an idiot, while Ryu wasn't exactly excited about being ruled by a male she didn't mind. She just wouldn't do good, if she didn't have much power.
The beast turned her head towards the new alpha. "I will stay under the amenti name since it is the only family who accepted me in the first place. Cantti threw herself away, because she deemed herself worthless, as such I will see her as so. I'd rather serve under a wolf, then some narcissistic pussy brat." She giggled, paws following in suit of the man known as Syrinx. "Though I have hurt plenty of valhallans, and tortugans. I do hope you do not hold it against me. I simply just am, someone who loves to murder. But if anything I know how to follow another who has taken control. I am Ryouta Kigu, I do not look forward to being lower in rank, but in time I hope to raise myself. So I give my services to you Syrinx" She actually sounded like she was intelligent. It was surprising, since she really hadn't acted this way around her pack mates. Well, she was insane by choice, so it was only natural for the killer to still have a sense of herself. Though now she stood by syrinx, she was probably hated, that was okay. She couldn't care even if she wanted.



11-05-2013, 07:34 PM

A pup would show up and dare to speak to her in such a way a lip lifting in a silent snarl as the dame stood only yo train those frosted orbs on the child. "Hold your tongue child; before I remove it for your idiotic speaking." he tones were harsh and that of a cold nature before the pup was seemingly brushed aside from her thoughts. Those gaze switched to he claiming male and a brow rose. So he didn't know until she spoke a word of Canttina's death shaking that head briefly shortly after; Morgana couldn't readily blame the man for claiming the lands bu perhaps he'd have more sense to claim a different land then this place. It wasn't home, far from it.

It didn't take log before a feline showed up one she had smelled on Cantttina briefly..what the hell was she doing with this cat anyway? He spoke some nonsense or another the french women did no understand thus she would wait and boredly so. Once he began speaking a language they all understood a bow simply rose and Morgana scoffed at the feline. Before a snowed women would speak up a brow rose at this and she spoke; "The dead bitch never owned me." A simple statement before her gaze moved to the feline. "Deal or not pussy-cat; we did not agree to this 'agreement' between you and Canttina. You hold no sway over us, for all we know you could be readily lying to our faces." The chaotic women did nothing more but state a simple truth as she offered a brief smile to the willow women a with a small nod following afterwords but she was by no means going to follow this feline.


11-06-2013, 12:27 AM
She moved like a leaf on the wind, floating effortlessly along a path she had long ago chosen. It had been some time since she had seen her brother last and yet she had not given up hope on him, had not halted her search. She continued to follow his scent though hunger continued to gnaw at her stomach and twist at her ribs like some demon. The only reason she had survived this long was due to the help of the occasional stranger and the direction form a few who had taught her the art of hunting. She was still a long ways from good at it but not at least she could catch small game on her own. She had grown into herself more now, though she was still a gangly youth there was more of a form to her. Her ribs now only visible through her coat when she moved. Lean muscles packed in along her bones but not an inch of fat dared show itself on her. Her body had long ago eaten away at all of it. Even her expression had changed, from the frightened little girl most had known her as to simply nothing. Once curious blue eyes now held a certain darkness, an uninterest in everything around her. Expression was slack and devoid of emotion even as her brothers scent grew ever stronger and the sight of the metal beast grew before her.

She had heard the claiming howl, somewhere in the back of her mind she had registered it but she paid it no mind. Her goal was to find her brother and if there was anything in the way of that she would deal with it as it came to.

Voices floated out further then the scents, magnified by the ship's archaic walls. Ears would tip forward and her head would lift as she tipped her head and slowed to an easy trot. She could smell a cat... Not the one she had met but another one. How many were there here? The young girl hunched down and began to skirt around the voices, slithering through the shadows with practiced ease as she circled around the wolves. She had lived here for a short time before the skull faced queen had taken over, she knew it well enough. The north had become her home since the first time she had been reunited with her brother here. She had shared meals on occasion but normally their visits were brief. Though she hadn't seem him in quite some time now and worry had begun to eat away at her. What would she do if she couldn't find him? What would she do if this scent was just another dead end? What if he wasn't here? Despite the panic slowly rising inside of her it didn't show on delicate features.

And then suddenly he appeared, sitting within the gathering like a stone angel. He was as stoic and regal as the last day she had seen him and for the first time in a long time a hint of a smile slid onto her features. No mind was given to the others, to the giant cat trying to lay claim on the former Amenti women, or to the jaw boned male who had claimed these lands. She didn't care. Blue eyes were focused on her brother as she approached with a determined stride. Whether he saw her approach or if he was completely unaware it didn't matter, she didn't slow her pace until her head collided with his shoulder in her usual greeting, rubbing her forehead into the bone. There were no words there, no I miss you and no joyful kisses slathered onto his face just a simple heavy exhale of breath as he eyes closed contently. She had found him and now she never wanted to leave him again. She didn't care what he was doing, where he was going or who he was going with as long as she could follow him.



11 Years
Athena I
11-06-2013, 10:27 PM

The ivory assassin quickly lost interest in the feline that had chosen to interrupt their meeting. She merely waited calmly for those that wished to speak to say their piece and for another of the cat's 'pets' to show. Her ears flicked toward her new king as he spoke, his words bringing a smirk to her muzzle. She could definitely see herself getting along fine with him.

Without her pups here with her she could almost feel herself falling back into that cool, calm, uncaring state of being that she used to live in. She felt comfortable in this skin, thrived in it really. This emotion that she used to carry around with her during her days as an assassin. The russet brute brought it out in her and she was more than happy to let him. But she couldn't abandon her family. She loved them dearly. It was a battle she would have to tackle at some point, but today was not that day.

She followed her king with a silent flick of her tail, deciding her destiny with sure pawsteps.
