
Hunker Down



11-03-2013, 10:23 AM

One side effect of staying in the North had been her newfound ability to tell when the weather was about to change. It was the simplest things that clued her in: A sudden gust tickling her whiskers, the smell of ice on the air, Grey clouds gathering on the horizon, heavy with snow. To her delight, her body seemed to have adapted, her winter coat coming in thicker than any past year. Hunting alone was still difficult, and more often than not she went hungry, but she liked to think she was doing rather well for a loner.

At least until this particular storm had rolled in. It reminded her of the one that had driven her to seek shelter in that abandoned ship, where she had been quickly chased out by the crazed she-wolf Cattina. Only this time, there was no hulk of rusted metal to provide a windbreak. Peering through frost-covered lashes, she searched the roiling whiteout for any sort of feature she could navigate with. If she could just get back to her nice warm cave...

It was by chance that she stumbled upon the wall, and while it was no cave, it was a perfect windblock. She was already on the leeward side, and so lay down against it, curling her tail around her nose and letting the snow blanket her. Her eyes flickered shut as she listened to the wind moaning. Just a little nap..."Speech"