
my misery



11-02-2013, 04:29 PM

Mistakes seemed to be his forte lately. What had happened to ruin him so? Alessa. The girl had come into his life by way of sheer chance, happening upon him in a time of weakness. His heart had caved immediately, craving her closeness, needing it almost. He had promised to carry on his life with her, letting his goals slip away, but ultimately had left her behind. Without a word he had gone to join a pack, hoping she wouldn't find him there and that he would let her go.

His home fell apart as soon as he found it and immediately he sought her out, like a moth to a flame. But he never found her. It had been a mistake to seek her out, a mistake to choose a home without her... It had been a mistake to let her in in the first place. It had derailed him from his true purpose, and it never would've been fair to her anyway. He never would've told the girl what he dreamed of.

Revenge had come to steer him once again in the wake of the mess he had buried himself in. Smee had remained at his side, still seldom speaking and never judging. The marten was loyal, which was something Killian cherished more than words could say. They had migrated to this island, secluded from the world, a place where Killian could regain his strength without watchful eyes. He had made a home for his companion and himself in the deteriorating structures that littered one side. He had been hunting frequently, more for practice using his damaged paw than for need of food.

When he finally did return to his original home to claim revenge against his family for what they had done to him, he would be more than prepared. He only needed for his trials in Alacritia to be complete and for his former strength to return.

thank you wolfie!


11-23-2013, 12:36 PM

This island was an ideal place to live, an ideal place to hold lives in such a cradle where they'd be the safest they could be. The souls could no longer scream inside her head, tell her how much pain they were in. Even if these nightmare's were to stop haunting her, the undeniable pain in her chest was as large as ever. The faces of the devils, the faces of the angels. All coming to collect an aching soul that was far from done living. There was no escaping it, just hiding, accepting it, in all its odd familiarity. Her tail curling around the side of her body, listening to every source of noise, the rustling, the speaking. For most of the part, she only met with the alpha's, and with Tidus and family. As for her friend Killian, she had not seen the revenge stricken male since she returned to Alacritis. As her red eyes made their entry into the light, she could feel herself breathing heavily. The Shaman calmed herself, as she stretched, bones and ligaments popping pleasurably as she rose to her paws. Her tail curled around her rump and then straightened itself out. As the husky like girl black on top white on bottom exited the small grove of tree's she had claimed as her home for the time being. It was best to enjoy life while she could, since everyone knew she was going to be marching to her death. And heads would roll regardless of what happened. If she lost, she could be killed, taken as a prisoner, if she won, she would have a pack, but there would be the followers coming after her again. For such an idiotic egoist like Isardis, she knew he would be selfish as to not defend his pride an honor. Though she considered that the lowest of the low. She pushed those thoughts aside, it was best to bury them until she confronted the icy king of the north.
The woman walked around for a small bit, until she scented something. It was Killian, and there seemed to be a small animal following behind him. The blue mane on her head made her stand out like a sore thumb that was for sure. Her eyes darted to both sides of hers. He was alone, it had been a year since they spoke, she wondered if their deal still stood. As with Tidus it was no longer Valid with his mate in Tortuga. She approached with silent steps, making herself known as she stood out in front of him. Her highly leader like skills kicking in of an alphess. "Well, it's nice to see a face like yours after a year." The sentence rolled off her tongue easily. Who could possibly forget a wolf with a electric blue mane on her head? Honestly, so as it stood, she didn't see any reason for him to feel alarm or attack her. If he did, he would get a rude awakening. She was no longer a slave, while uncomfortable around men, she could still easily take control and protect herself.




11-24-2013, 02:56 PM

ooc;; sorry this is gonna be mad short and lame!

A sudden noise brought him out of his thoughts. Killian and Smee both snapped their heads up and turned to face the source. As usual, Smee sat back to observe his master's interaction with a woman he had apparently met before. Killian's ruby orbs looked over her, taking quick note of the blue mane running down her neck. A smirk formed on his maw as he sat back on his haunches.

"Hello, Vahva. I didn't expect I'd be seeing you again. What brings you to this island?"

thank you wolfie!