
Where Do I Go From Here?


11-01-2013, 10:07 PM

Lost. Again. Well, no big surprise there. Not for her, anyway. Oh, the woes of the directionally impaired. A long, suffering sigh escaped Felicitas? narrow maw as her ebony coat brushed up against the low hanging willow branches. Their fronds swayed to and fro in an ethereal dance alongside with the breeze. The angle of the midday sun only added to the splendor, bathing some trees in light, and others in shadow. If she was truly forsaken to yet another day of aimless wandering, at least she was to be graced with an abundance of nature?s beauty. Her mother had once told her there was a silver lining to all things. Mayhaps this tranquil place was hers?

Blue eyes strained to see through the ever moving walls of green. Was that water she smelt? Murky and mixed with the earthy tang of mud; a lake, then. It was only after several more minutes of walking that her ears managed to pick up the croaking of frogs. Yes, a lake for sure. Either that or her not-so-up-to-par senses were pulling tricks on her. It certainly wouldn?t be the first time.

"Well, isn?t this nice." She mused, a faint smile gracing her face as she finally arrived near the lake?s shore. It was a moderately sized body of water, its surface teeming with lily pads and a handful of the season?s last frogs. No doubt they would be in hibernation within the next few days. Already ice was forming around the lake?s rim, still too thin and flakey to spread too far. Was the temperature beginning to drop that low already? Thank the gods for winter coats.

"Looks like another afternoon lounging about." She huffed as she reclined against the trunk of a nearby willow, head placed neatly atop her forepaws. The life of a loner was a difficult one, especially in times like these. She could still recall winters spent huddled up amongst her family, all of them chattering away as they became so entangled you couldn?t tell where one ended and the other began. Even as some passed away or left to start new lives, she had always had someone with her during the harshest season. This time, things were different. The fae didn?t like it one bit. Maybe it was finally time for her to find a new home? Start a new family? Put an end to her loneliness, at least. Yes, that did sound quite nice. But where to begin? There were so many packs, all varying in drastic ways. What was a lass to do?


5 Years
Athena I
11-01-2013, 10:28 PM

Oh it was so good to be home again. Well, not home really, but close. Being in Seracia was nice, a good place to wait all things considered, but it wasn't home. Of course her paws had been itching to move, to travel, as they always did. Meili had always had a problem with staying in one place for too long. Even though she didn't want to spend one second from Gael's side, she decided to take a day and travel back to the west, back near her home. She wouldn't dare go too close to Valhalla of course, not with the war still raging. Gael would be so angry if she wandered into battle.

Her small paws padded lightly through the long branches of willows, slipping neatly through their leaves as she moved toward the lake that she knew lied in the middle of them. She couldn't help but thinking of the first day she had met Gael, in this very forst. Such good memories... Memories were precious and so hard to hold on to at times. She sighed as she neared the water's edge, leaning down to lap up the slightly icy water.

A scent wandered over to her on the breeze and she looked up with surprise, glancing around till her teal gaze landed on an ivory form lounging near by. It seemed that the whistling willows were always so full of surprises. Curious and lonely, Meili moved toward the fea, being sure to keep her posture unthreatening. "Hello there!" she called as she got closer, a faint smile on her muzzle and her tail waving slightly behind her.


Thank you Yumpy!


11-02-2013, 01:46 AM

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It seemed that the gods hadn?t seen fit for her to spend long pondering over her latest conundrum. Her state of ease did little to alert her muddled senses to the signs of another approaching. Only when the stranger spoke out to the ivory dame did she finally take notice, body jolting and her breath catching in her throat. Twin orbs of crystal blue took in the she-wolf before them; she was as equally petite as Felicitas and seemed to carry the same calm disposition, but whereas her own pelt was a blank canvas, this female?s was decorated in various earthen hues, accented by her striking eyes. A small pang of jealousy shot through the fae?if only she were as colorful. But no, now was not the time to dwell on aesthetics. Instead she allowed her face to melt into its trademark smile, all pearly whites and glowing eyes.

"Hello to you as well," she called back in return, her voice warm and welcoming. It was as the newcomer finally stood close enough for polite conversation that she pushed herself up into a sitting position, tail placed neatly beside her paws and head tilting at the slightest of angles. "Wonderful day to enjoy the willows, isn?t it?" Striking up a conversation about the weather was surely the oldest trick in the book, but it had yet to fail Felicitas in any of her social endeavors. It got the job done, and was a neutral topic. She?d never thought of herself as an overly complex creature, anyhow. Sometimes simplicity was best.


5 Years
Athena I
11-03-2013, 12:49 PM

The huntress returned the fea's smile, happy to see a friendly face out here. She knew that Alacritis had its dark corners and its evil wolves, but she had luckily run into very few of them. She took in her new akwantence's lovely white fur and blue eyes, deciding that sometimes it was simplicity that was the most beautiful. Of course, that was the way with females, wasn't it? Judging and comparing others looks.

Meili nodded in agreement to the fea's question and her teal eyes glanced around at the draping leaves of the trees. "It is indeed. I haven't been here in quite some time so I'm glad it's a nice day to enjoy it." She settled back on her haunches comfortably and let herself enjoy the sun warming her multi-colored fur. Her gaze found the pale colored fea once more as she said, "I'm Meili, it's nice to meet you," with a smile and paused, hoping the fea would introduce herself as well. She then went on, asking, "What brings you out here this afternoon?" Meili was always genuinely curious as to what brought wolves to certain places. Whether it be fate, passing through to another destination, or perhaps even to reminisce like her, Meili was curious as ever about the wolves around her.


Thank you Yumpy!