
Love Makes Me


10-28-2013, 10:48 PM

He was alive. He was technically still in one piece, unless you counted the fact that he was missing some skin and muscle, but other than that, he was for the most part completely in tact. He had managed to best the crazy skull wearing bitch that had decided to try and claim him for her own. He had definitely showed her that he just because he was young didn't mean that he couldn't kick some serious ass if need be. So far, Valhalla was doing good, but he had been injured pretty badly. He could feel the blood pulsing beneath his torn muscles, oozing slowly down his right leg as he walked, trying his best to keep as much as he could from that. More blood trickled from the second bite to the middle of his chest and the gashes across his forehead and muzzle. His left shoulder throbbed lightly, but the pain wasn't that excruciating. He could still walk and orient himself, so he wasn't terribly hurt. He had to return to get his sister back if his Uncle Syrinx didn't succeed in whatever he did. Part of him hoped the russet man would so he didn't have to fight again, as long as Aza came home, whether he brought her back himself, or his uncle did, as long as she was home, it didn't matter how she came back.

As he moved away, there was one prevalent name in his thoughts; Meili. His little woman. He had told her he would be safe and that he would be coming back to her. And that's what he was doing. He wasn't necessarily in the best of conditions, but he was still alive and mostly whole, so he had made good with his word. Nostrils quivered, trailing her scent from Valhalla all the way to Seracia. He was glad that she had managed to get out before Glaciem would take the rest of the pack hostage, but it was putting a strain on the young Heir as he made the trek to Seracia. He probably should've gotten treated first, but he needed to see Meili first. That was more important than getting himself patched up. It would take him a good while to reach the Seracian border, his body screaming at him to stop. And he did. Involuntarily. His legs gave out beneath him and the young Adravendi would collapse in a heap at the border, ceruleans dancing across the somewhat familiar territory. Lips would part as a weak call would erupt from his jaws, trying to call out to Meili. Would she hear him? He desperately hoped so. He needed to see her. Lids would fall closed over his eyes, chest heaving as he tried to regain his strength, audits raised to attention as he tried to catch the sound of pawsteps approaching.

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5 Years
Athena I
10-28-2013, 11:34 PM

Worry twisted her gut constantly as she waited anxiously in the Seracian territory for some sign that her man was okay. Meili hated being away from him on a normal basis, but to know that he was fighting in a war was like torture. Her stomach felt sick from the stress it caused her and she could barely eat. Meili forced herself to lay down in the shade of a tree and make herself rest as best as she could. She closed her eyes and got as comfortable as she could, but it did her no good. She was just as worried and restless as before.

Suddenly the precious, unmistakable voice she loved echoed through the air, jolting her out of her attempted rest and onto her paws in an instant. She felt breathless with disbelief. "Gael...?" she whispered, a slow grin stretching across her muzzle. She lifted her muzzle toward the sky to return his call joyfully before racing off in the direction of his voice. Her paws flew across the ground, that familiar burn in her muscles setting in as she crossed the territory. Within moments she breathed in his scent and a short distance later she spotted him laying on the ground just outside of the pack borders.

Her joy quickly plummeted back into worry when she saw him, collapsed and bleeding. It felt like her heart dropped into her stomach the moment her teal gaze found him. She raced up to him, skidding to a halt and dropping to her stomach in front of him in one desperate moment. He was here! He was here and alive, but he was hurt. "Gael, oh Gael..." she said softly as she pressed her face into the fur on his neck, making herself believe that he was really there. She pulled back after several moments, looking him over with worry. She gently licked his muzzle and asked with worry on her gentle voice, "Are you okay? What happened? Where are the others?"


Thank you Yumpy!


10-28-2013, 11:51 PM

The moments after his call for her left his lips seemed to be an eternity. He could clearly feel each individual beat of his heart, each aching pulse of his blood as it circulated through his system and oozed from his wounds. Had she even heard his call? What if she never did and he ended up lying here in a pool of his own blood until someone happened upon him? The young Heir would try to quiet his thoughts, instead trying to focus his attention on keeping his breathing even and ignoring the painful throbbing of his open wound. He wasn't going to die. He'd fought too hard against that crazy bitch to end up bleeding out and dying. Meili would help him. He was sure of it.

The faint sound of paw steps would reach the young man's ears, lids peeling back as ceruleans would search the foliage for her familiar timber hued figure. The thundering of paws would get louder and suddenly her figure would burst from the vegetation as she would come thundering towards him, happy until she noticed that he was hurt. Plume would raise behind him, wagging gently behind him. She would bury her face into his neck and the Adravendi would grunt with pain at her touch, waiting until she had pulled away to slowly raise his head, a smile decorating his features at her kiss. I'm fine Meili, they're just little scratches. Some crazy bitch tried claiming me as her own and I had to fight my way through her. Everyone is doing pretty well, but we lost someone at the beginning. I might have to back soon, if my uncle doesn't succeed in whatever he has planned.... He would trail off, pressing his nose to her own as his salmon tongue would slip out to place a tiny kiss on her lips. I'm glad your safe my little woman. I love you so much His voice would be a throaty whisper, pain an underlying tone as he gazed lovingly at her.

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5 Years
Athena I
10-29-2013, 12:12 AM

The huntress didn't believe a word her man said about him being alright. She saw all of the bite marks and blood that stained his coat, she wasn't blind. She was happy to hear that Valhalla was holding their own, but she immediately dismissed the thought of him going back into the fight. He must be crazy if he thought she was going to let him go back like this and get himself killed. She was about to tell him just that when he pressed his nose to hers and kissed her lips, gracing her ears with his loving words.

Her teal gaze softened and the corners of her lips curled in a smile as she reminded herself that just to have him here with her was precious enough. This whole ordeal made her treasure her time with him even more. I love you too, my big man... More than you'll ever know."

She turned her attention back to his wounds and her ears flicked back against her skull with worry. She wanted to help him, but she was no healer. What he needed was one of the healers that came to Seracia with the refugees, or even one of the Seracian healers. They would do him more good than she could. She raised her muzzle to howl for Cael or Imena or perhaps even one of the resident healers, anyone that could help her man. She gently licked his nose with a reassuring smile. "Surely one of them will be near by, right?" She tilted up her head and began to clean the scratches on his muzzle and forehead with as gentle of licks as she could give. She didn't want to hurt him and tried her best not to, but she was sure it would at least sting. But, the sooner the wounds were cleaned and cared for the sooner they would begin to heal.


Thank you Yumpy!


10-29-2013, 12:31 AM

He knew she'd been worrying. How could she not when he had marched off into battle and there was a very high risk of him not coming home? That's probably all she'd been doing since she'd arrived here in Seracia, and now actually being able to see him in the flesh probably made all her worries become her worst nightmare. He wasn't too bad off at least, but he still didn't want to let on that his injuries were probably worse than he was letting on. He needed to put on a brave face for his little woman. She couldn't see him hurting because then she would hurt and he didn't want that. He needed to be a man and suck up the pain, and he was doing his hardest.

She didn't specify who exactly could be around, but he knew that she was talking about the healers. He said nothing, just nodded quietly as she called for any nearby healers. He didn't think he needed to be seen by a healer, but in order to just have scars and not an infection, it was probably better a healer check him out. Ceruleans would squeeze together, frame tensing as Meili began to gently lick at the gashes across his face. She was being as gentle as could be, but that didn't minimize the pain. No sound came from the man as his little woman attended to him. He was more than glad that she was here with him; he didn't know what he would've done without her.

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5 Years
Athena I
11-01-2013, 11:45 AM

She was no healer, that was clearly apparent. He was a good patient, sitting quietly as she lapped gently at the scratches on his muzzle and face. She could tell from the tense posture of his body that it hurt so as soon as she had cleaned the scratches the best she could she stopped, not wanting to hurt her man any more. She would simply have to be satisfied with waiting on one of the healers to arrive.

Meili gave the tip of his nose a small, tender lick and her teal eyes shone with affection. He was here. Really truly here. She wanted nothing more in the world than to be with him and now that he had returned she felt complete once more. She shifted closer to him, her forepaws resting gently over his. Meili leaned in and gently nuzzled the side of his neck, careful to avoid any of his scratches and wounds with her affections.

It was all a waiting game now. Waiting on a healer for her man, waiting for this war to end, waiting to be able to go home. Their lives were hanging in suspended animation and she was waiting patently for it all to come crashing down around them. This war was awful for all sides and if she hadn't had her man here with her to keep her calm Meili would have tried to rip Isardis's throat out herself. How dare he rip all of their lives apart?

"I'm glad I crashed into a willow that day now," she said softly with a grin. She thought back to the day they met to distract herself from their situation and hopefully he from his pains. It had been the day her whole life had changed. She looked into his cerulean gaze and he had her heart from that moment on. She was still broken, but he made her realize that none of that mattered. With him she felt perfect.


Thank you Yumpy!



11-02-2013, 08:43 PM

She had been treating those wounded from the Valhallan group when she heard the howl, summoning. Since the wolves seemed to be okay now she would quickly apologize for leaving already then would set off in the direction it had come from. Just in case, on the way there she would snap at plants, quickly pulling what needed off of them and trying to carry them carefully in her jaws. What if it was somebody trying to catch up with the first group and had been attacked along the way? She had to be ready just in case.

It wouldn't take long though before two figures would make their way into her view, slowing her pace down and stopping just a few feet from them, setting the herbs down. "I'm Loccian, Ambassador and lead healer here in Seracia. Is it okay if I take a look?" She would motion towards the man's wounds, her grey gaze going form the woman then back to the guy.


Awesome table by Andy <3


11-15-2013, 02:43 PM

Despite the fact that her touch was bringing him more pain than anything, he wouldn't ask her to stop. He loved her touch, craved it, and even if at the moment it hurt him, he wouldn't trade it for anything else in the world. She give the tip of nose a tender lick, gaining a weak smile from the Adravendi. Her forepaws would drape over his own as she gently nuzzled him, a gentle rumble vibrating through his chest at her touch. I'm glad I crashed into a willow that day now. Unable to help himself, Gael chuckled, though a pained look twisted his features as he did so. I'm glad I went to go help you... He grinned weakly, cerulean gaze twinkling.

A foreign scent would register with the man, gaze moving away from his little woman to rest on the figure of an approaching woman; Loccian, a seracian healer. Gael would look at her for several moments before nodding in agreement, lifting himself up onto his haunches as best he could, features twisted into a painful grimace.

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5 Years
Athena I
11-15-2013, 07:57 PM

Every time she saw Gael grimace or show any sign of pain it broke Meili's hart. It worried her to no end and she wished there had been something she could have said or done to keep him from going to that damn war. She leaned back from him as a new scent reached her nose and she felt his head turn to look at the newcomer. Thank goodness, finally a healer had come! Just when she was about to call for one again too.

Meili watched Gael nod in agreement and she smiled. She stood and stepped back a few steps to give Loccian plenty of space to do her work and waited patiently for her to take care of her man. She would wait as long as it took without complaint as long as Gael was getting help. She hoped the wounds weren't too serious... Meili made a mental note to get some sort of training from one of the healers back home when this was all over. If Gael was going to insist on putting himself in danger like this then Meili was going to make sure that she could at least help him next time he got hurt.


Thank you Yumpy!



11-26-2013, 12:28 PM

With the man's approval Loccian would get to work, grey orbs would trail over his body, missing the obvious ones on purpose, just looking for ones that might be hidden beneath his fur. She would gently prod his body with her nose, checking for any bruising or other hidden fractures which she didn't find. "So, you may have bruising on your left shoulder, and I didn't see any other visible wounds besides the scratches on her head, and torn right leg and a wound on your chest. I will try cleaning you up then apply some herbs, it may sting but is there any pains on the inside, injured ribs, or other bones?" It was quite a bit of talking but she spoke slow enough for them to both catch what she was saying. Loccian would quickly begin to lap at the oozing wounds, running her tongue over them gently to clear away the blood and any dirt that may have gotten in there. Once that was done she would bring her herbs over, spreading them out before grabbing one and folding it up, then another and mixed them together. Gently she would pick them up in her jaws then place on his right leg, being gentle while spreading the oils over the wound.


Awesome table by Andy <3