
My White Knight


10-28-2013, 05:21 PM

Every step came with a earth shattering wave of pain. Paws dragged, dark plume sagged with exhaustion. The sable babe leaned heavily against the pale brute that walked beside her. Nothing had been said after Artemis left, leaving the pair alone. Tired limbs trembled, blood drying to her pelt from her wounds. Nostrils quivered, taking in the familiar scent of Tortuga. Home, so close, yet still so far.

Every inhale hurt, the fractures along her ribs screaming with every movement she made. Thoughts drifted back to the fight between her and pale bitch. Had Ares not shown up, she'd probably have a broken jaw as well. She shook her head gently, brushing away the unpleasant thoughts. Paws finally found the border of Tortuga. "Here we are." Words fell in a whisper, her crown turned slowly to meet the lavender gaze of Ares.

He had been silent the entire journey, which wasn't unusual, but she did just battle his sister. She still didn't know where she stood with him, or what he thought of her. She was in the dark. She searched his gaze, wanting nothing more than to understand. With trembling limbs, she slide down, resting herself against the cool earth, a sigh heaving her bodice followed by a wince.


Ares 1


10-28-2013, 06:51 PM

He could feel the conflicting emotions that bubbled up within his heart, Artemis
was his sister. He owed her all of his loyalty, she had proven herself more worthy than him before. He would do anything for her, but now that Devya was always finding her way into his head it had become increasingly more difficult to remain completely loyal to their family. It was obvious that the pale brat had nothing but ill will for the one who had shown him the most kindness, how could she ever understand what had happened between the two. He found that he did not enjoy seeing the wounds upon her frame, and something inside made him wish he had come earlier to save her from the obvious pain she was enduring. He couldn't find the words to say to her, but he leant his shoulder to her, like she had once done for him.
He hated that his own blood had caused her so much pain, each step was agony and it took all he had to remain composed and silent. He wanted to give her comfort, but all he was able to manage was being there for her to lean on as they walked. He had not much of an idea of where she had been staying, but he would follow her where ever she wished to go. "Here we are." her liquid gaze would find his own, and he would not give her any of the clues she would seek. As she slid to the ground he would watch for a moment, feeling quite exposed on the border. None the less he would join her, curling his large form around her he would feel her wince involuntarily.
Before he could think about what was happening his tongue would slide from his bleached lips and begin to groom the young girl, finding the caked blood and ridding her dark fur of it. It was the closest he had ever come to showing affection and as his brain began to process his actions he would decide it was not such a bad thing. He enjoyed the soft feel of her warmth against him, and even though the conditions in which they were placed were not ideal he was glad to be in her presence. Devya.. are you okay? He would whisper as his muzzle drew closer to her delicate crown. Being in such close proximity was beginning to make him feel so odd. He was angry about how hurt she was, but there was also something else in his belly that was not anger. A stirring of emotion that he could not describe.



10-28-2013, 08:45 PM

The sable girl lay quietly, surprised to find Ares curling around her, blanketing her in a comforting warmth. She leaned against him as she felt the gentle caress of his tongue against her pelt, washing away the drief blood and dirt. Devya, are you okay? Her name gently fell from his bleached lips. Crown dropped to rest on his paws. "A few scratches and some fractured ribs..." Mumbled words were strained, the never ending pain driving her crazy and into exhaustion.

Her crown would lift once more, issuing a wince and her breath to wheeze. Brows furrowed momentarily. He confused the hell out of her. The girl had grown up under the loving eyes of her father, both Nnoitra and Seraphim, she knew was love was, knew how it felt to be loved and cared for. But somehow the emotion that bubbled in her belly was different from that. She didn't know how to explain. And she had no one to talk to about it. She had no mother, no sisters, and how could she say it to Ares if she didn't understand it herself. Subconsciously her brows pulled together once more, her gaze dropping as a frown tugged at her lips.

For a moment worry fell heavy in her stomach. What would he think of her fighting his sister? His own flesh and blood. If he were angry then he wouldn't have helped her home, he wouldn't be curled around now. Right? A sigh slipped through her dark lips, and it was immediately regretted. Any sort of movement from her torso hurt, like fire licking her side. Ever so carefully, she pulled her legs under her, leaning into the warmth of Ares. She was desperate for an explanation from him. "Why are you here?" There was no malice or anger in her words, they were soft, tender almost. She just wanted to know why he had stayed, why he lingered in her presence. It was clear that she was despised by his sister and mother, yet here he was. Since the day on the beach he had never been far to where she couldn't find him, never had he spoken cruelly to her, it was just the opposite. She wanted to know why.


Ares 1


10-28-2013, 09:18 PM

He would internally feel a stab of pain every time he felt her wince. Why did he feel this way? Why was he pulled so forcibly to her? What had switched his loyalties so completely? Kindness... had she thought to melt his emotionless heart, this hardened creature who was taught no emotion. Ares kept to himself most days but they were not spent much farther from the last place he had seen the girl. As he continued to clean her dirtied pelt her words would slip to his audits, "A few scratches and some fractured ribs..." He knew it was true by the way she moved, what else would have caused her so much agony? If only he had been taught the art of healing instead of war he would have been able to help her.
As it was he felt relatively useless as he enjoyed the self inflicted pain that it would cause him. Why did he care so much? What was this affliction that would bind him? She would delicately reposition herself and he could feel her press closer to him, even though their actions only brought more confusion it felt right to be there with her. It felt good to be there with her, to let her share in the warmth he could give to her. "Why are you here?" Her sudden question was like a mirror of his own thoughts, they would stop him from his task as his mind drew a blank. Lavender eyes would blink slowly as his gaze drew itself away from her, thoughts jumbling around and tripping over themselves.
He had to start with a simple answer, one that he could grasp and discern more easily, To help you get home. He would say simply as his eyes travelled back to her own. He resumed the grooming that had been left unattended while he thought. Internally he knew that his answer would not be enough for her, because it was certainly not good enough for him. Why am I here, Devya? he would question as his heart leapt into his throat. Why was this so hard to say? He would draw nearer to her, as it only felt right, he would draw in her sweet scent. She was so enjoyable, how could he not be there?For you I think. He'd say softly, as his expression finally softened. I like... being with you



10-28-2013, 09:34 PM

Her question would still his actions. His first response had disappointment flooding her, it hard to keep her body from sagging with the disappointment. She looked away from him as he resumed his gentle grooming. It soothed her pain, but did nothing for the emotional stab she felt. His words brought her gaze back to his slowly. For you I think. Her crown would tilt a few centimeters to the side, trying to understand exactly what that meant. I like being with you. For a moment she was stunned into silence, uncertain of what to say. It shocked her to her core.

His expression had softened in a way she had never seen before. Her gaze dropped shyly as she gathered up her words. "I like being with you too." Softly her words would drift towards him. It was relief to finally hear something from him, for him to soften up and admit to his feelings. Slowly she would look up at him, a small smile playing on her lips.

She stretched out her neck, body tightening with pain as she did so, but pressed a nuzzle to his neck, finding comfort in his presence. She reveled in his closeness, enjoyed his presence as she always did. But this time it was different. I like being with you. His soft words echoed in her head over and over again. A question began to form on the tip of her tongue, but she bit it back. Would he join Tortuga? Would he return to the home his mother had lost? To be with her?


Ares 1


10-29-2013, 10:50 AM

He would cause her to become silent, and for that moment he was afraid he had said exactly the wrong statement. Why was it that he felt this way? What caused him to soften and to show her the emotions that had suddenly taken over him. Would she now chase him off? She lost his gaze as the thoughts wrestled with each other in his head. What would she do? Before her gaze found him her sweet lyrics would reach his audits, "I like being with you too." He could see the slight smile that held her lips as his lavender eyes fell onto her aqua gaze. He would only protest her movement as he felt it cause her pain, but he would not deny the enjoyment her nuzzle gave him. He would sink into her, his head protectively shadowing her own.
He would shut his eyes tightly and collect the moment for himself the memory being stored in the safest place within his mind. He would relive this in times to come, but for now his focus would be solely on her and the odd feelings that were now pushing out the anger he had previously been harboring. Ares just wanted her pain to subside, he wanted to enjoy their moment with Devya fully healed. He would need to stay with her, he wanted to keep himself close to make sure he could prevent further harm from coming to her. What was she going to do after this? He could hardly bear the thought of leaving her now, they were very much obviously on the edges of Tortuga. Had she and their father returned to their home? What are you going to do now Devya? I can't leave you..



10-29-2013, 11:32 AM

She relished in the feel of his embrace, the warmth that surrounded her. She s still astonished by his admittance, he actually likened being with her. Just the thought kept a smile on a her face. She rested against him, her tired body slowly relaxing, the pain still lingered but lessened slightly. His question had her looking away, looking to the expanse of her home, Tortuga. She was back in the place she was born, the place her father had once ruled before vanishing. She couldn't bring herself to leave his embrace, to part ways with him.

"This is home." She spoke softly, mostly to herself, trying to put her thoughts together. Would he join her? Would he live in the home his mother had lost to stay by her side?here gaze swept back to him, brief hesitation holding back her words. " like to stay?" Her question was phrased all wrong and she hoped he would understand. She hoped that he would join the pack, stay with her. Wide eyees flashed briefly with worry that he would reject the offer.

She wanted him to stay close, to enjoy more of his company, to get to see more of his softer side, to understand him better. She wanted him in her her life, and she wanted him to stay. Shyly, her tongue was caress the underside of his jaw, encouraging an answer, an honest answer while her eyes quietly pleaded with him to stay, not leave her alone.


Ares 1


10-29-2013, 06:18 PM

The warmth of their bodies pressed together would cause the boy to feel arousals in his stomach that he had not yet before encountered. They were not wholly bad, but they were not very encouraging. What was this dark she wolf doing to him? He was so caught up in her that he could not even pull himself away emotionally. He was attached, and in such a different way than he was to any of his family. He did not wish to leave her there on the borders of Tortuga alone, she was much too vulnerable and exposed. He worried about her, he could feel the want to protect her.
He would take in the gentle lyrics she would present to him, "This is home." It turned out that she had found her place back in Tortuga, and as her gaze found his once more, " like to stay?" He could see the worry that flashed quickly in her eyes, could she not see that he could not leave her? He wouldn't be able to abandon her side if he wanted to, not if all of Tortuga and his mother and sister tried to pull him from her. Te gentle caress of her tongue on his jaw made him melt, he closed his eyes savoring the bliss that she would cause him. Devya, I couldn't leave if I tried. He'd whisper as he pushed his face closer to her own. Lets make it our home. He didn't know why he felt the way he did, he just knew he didn't want it to stop.



10-29-2013, 07:07 PM

I couldn't leave if I tried. She felt her heart swell with a sense of joy. She never expected that he would feel the same, that he would long for her company the way she longed for his. Lets make it our home. A smile lit up her face. It was something she thought she would never hear. To be able to share her home with someone she cared for. She pressed closer against him, their warmth fusing together. It was then that she realized just how close they were. She became acutely aware of his body pressed against her own. It caused her belly to twist, not with pain, but something far more enjoyable. She didn't know what to make of the feeling that flicked inside her, it was something she had never experienced before.

"Our home." She let the words play on her tongue, speaking them for herself. Never in her wildess dreams did she think that the boy who had been so cruel to her the first day they met would now be the one stealing her heart. She didn't want this moment to end, but she longed the comfort of her den. But if he were to join then he would need to speak to Taurig. Night had fallen with their long journey here, would the King still be awake? She wasn't sure, and she didn't want to wake her mentor.

"You'll have to meet Taurig, but I think hes asleep." A thought frown pulled down her features. She hadn't spent much time with the King since he had taken her as an apprentice. There was no use in waking him, he had already agreed to letting Ares join, but she would still introduce them. Slowly and painfully she would push herself to her feet, feeling the icy slap of night as she pried herself from Ares embrace. "I'll show you where our den is." A tight smile tugged at her lips, her movement had caused a wave of pain to wash over her, locking down some of her emotions, though she trie to smile in earnest.


Ares 1


10-30-2013, 09:10 PM

The way they laid there together brought him more pleasure than any event in his life thus far. He didn't want their bodies to ever stop touching, it was an amazing moment that he would realize he enjoyed anther being more than the bloodlust his mother had taught him. Her words would once again flow from petite lips as they fell upon his bleached ears a stirring int his gut would distract him. How wonderful she made him feel! How had he survived so long while being mostly alone. "Our Home..." The words held such tantalizing prospects. "You'll have to meet Taurig, but I think he's asleep." His pale colored crown would tilt slightly, he had no knowledge of Taurig, but he would assume he had taken the pack.
He would once again be claimed by the land of the mountain where he had been birthed and grown. Where his mother had fallen and his spiral had began. Had his mother not failed them so horribly maybe he wouldn't even had been there with Devya. Maybe he would have helped Artemis in tearing her to pieces. The thought was an awful one, but it would be pushed out of him mind as Devya's frame disturbed them. Internally his heart would fall, but he realized they could not stay in the open forever. "I'll show you where our den is." He didn't want her to move but he knew that once they were safely in the den they would both feel much better. He would be able to clean her up, and hopefully find a healer. She needed rest more than anything, so as she painfully rose from the earth he would swiftly follow. Ares's shoulder would be there for her to lean on the rest of the way.
The pain she was experiencing was incredibly obvious, and as she pushed through his heart would ache. How he wished to cure her then and there, to rid her of the torment his sister had caused. Oh Devya.. He would start quietly, she would try to hide it from him but it was obvious how much she hurt, his nose would bury itself into her neck as he tried to comfort her,I wish I knew how to fix you up. More of his quiet words would trickle from his mouth as a concerned expression remained upon his face. He would smile back for her, but it could not conceal his worry for her. Yes, lets get to the den so you don't have to move anymore.



10-31-2013, 11:13 AM

She noticed the tilt of his skull when she mentioned Taurig, it had slipped her mind that he had no idea who had taken over the pack after his mother and Newt. She would explain later. He rose beside her, pressing against her so she could lean on him. There was no hiding the pain from, his own distress for her well being evident. She felt his nose bury itself in her neck, hushed words would reach her dark ears, bring a small smile to her face. Slowly she began to walk, trekking deeper into the territory.

"I'll be okay." She placed a light kiss on his cheek, trying to soothe his own worry as fire licked her side. His concern for her comfort overwhelmed her. How did she get so lucky to find herself in the presence of someone who cared so deeply for her? Long limbs took carefully steps, her movements stiff, not at all graceful.
She pressed herself down the length of his larger frame, leaning into him.

It seemed to take forever to reach the den. It felt like she had been walking for hours. Finally the entrance came into view, just beneath the shade of an old tree. For a moment she quickened her steps, wanting nothing more than to lay down, but immediate pain kicked her side, causing her to suck in a breath between clenched teeth. "This is going to hurt." She mumbled quietly more to herself than Ares. Carefully the sable babe would lower herself to the ground, inch by inch she would crawl down into the den. It was a painful, slow process. When she finally did find herself within the confines of her den, she lay on her uninsured side, exhausted. Crown would lift to wait for Ares to follow her in. Then den had given rear plenty of space, but she wasn't sure how it would hold the two of them.

Blue and green gems would watch the darkened outline of his figue. Never did she think she would find herself in his embrace. She still didn't fully understand the way he made her heart skip a beat, or the feeling of butterflies in her belly. She found herself craving his touch in its absence, wanting to feel the warmth of his body against her own. It all caused a foreign stirring in the pit of her stomach. The babe was finally beginning to see that he would always be beside her, he wouldn't leave her alone anymore.


Ares 1


11-08-2013, 11:50 PM
user posted image


11-10-2013, 08:59 PM

Ares and Devya

Two toned pools looked up as he slid into the den, noting his whine, carefully placing himself at her side. His soft words slide in her ears, causing her ears to flip in his direction. She would place a gentle kiss against his jaw, a small smile tugging at her lips. "I'll be better in no time, tomorrow we'll find a Healer." She spoke gently, wanting to soothe his worries. She pressed herself into a touch, reveling in the feel of his warmth that wrapped around her.

She rested her head against his chest, her chin pressing against his legs. A soft sight pulled from her lips. She enjoyed this. More than enjoyed. She loved it. Her thoughts caught her by surprise, but there was no denying it. Despite her pain, he brought her happiness, just simply by being in his presence, being wrapped up in his touch. She didn't want him to be upset, especially at this, her wounds would heal, none would leave permanent damage. All she wanted was to enjoy their time together.

Now that Artemis knew, she wasn't sure what would be in store for them in the future. Would Morphine track them down? It terrified her to think of any harm coming to the pale form that was curled protectively around her. Her gaze turned upward, searching for his.

Ares 1


11-19-2013, 03:14 PM
user posted image


11-19-2013, 09:53 PM

Ares and Devya

As she rested her crown on his long limbs, it didn't take long for her to feel his tongue against her flesh, gently grooming her. Eyes drifted close, quietly pleasure filling her. Soon his licks became nuzzles, but it didn't matter, so long as he was beside her. This was true happiness. His words brought a sleepy smile to her dark face. "I agree." A yawn would briefly part her jaws. A gentle kiss would be given to the pallid brute before she allowed tired muscles to relax and for sleep to claim her. Tomorrow they would meet with Taurig, and make Ares an official member of Tortuga.

-exit via sleep-