
half past the point of no return


10-27-2013, 01:34 PM

One moment the earthen-marked fea was resting comfortably in her den and the next a jolt of pain shot across her side. Euphrosyne gasped with surprise, turning her head to look at her swollen side. Moments later another wave of discomfort passed over her and the muscles in her side rippled, the second contraction of many she was sure. She whined softly and waited for the latest wave of pain to past before she pulled herself to her paws, padding slowly to the entrance of the den to slip her head out into the cool air. She let loose a howl, calling for the healer Eris and Isardis, wanting them to know it was time for the pups to make their appearance. She called for Talon as well, knowing that he was as much her son as these pups would be her children and he deserved to know that his siblings were being born. With that task done, she stumbled to the back of the den, easing herself back to the floor.

Euph closed her eyes tight and gritted her teeth as her muscles tensed painfully yet again, every contraction more painful than the last. She struggled to find a comfortable position and finally stood again, pacing slowly back and forth across the den, her steps faltering each time a contraction came over her. It wasn't long before she couldn't stand to be on her paws any longer and laid down on her side at the back of the den a low, pained whine echoing in her chest. She hoped Eris arrived soon. These pups wouldn't wait much longer.



10-28-2013, 11:17 AM

The call of another had interrupted her brooding, not that she much minded it, and the voice was familiar. Euphrosyne, a fea she had met previously. A little sigh left her, as she moved to the front of her den, snatching a bundle of herbs on the way, she already assumed the woman was giving birth, it seemed the only reason that she was ever called these days. Her own stomache swelled with the promise of life, making her gait awkward as she moved toe towards the sound of her pack-mate, all the while her mind kept floating back to an ivory brute, the one whose green eyes she couldn't get out of her mind.

Her movements were slow, her back ached, and she cursed every footstep before she finally arrived at the mouth of a den. Poking her head inside, she spoke, her voice quiet. "Euphrosyne?" She waited there, wanting permission to enter so that she didn't get her head bitten off, as the smell told her she was waltzing in on a mother in labor. Blinking slowly, her eyes adjusted to the darkness, and she moved slowly further into the den, careful to stay close to the entrance, but enough to block the entry of others, as she waited for words from the other dame.




10-28-2013, 08:53 PM

"Euphrosyne?" Her emerald gaze blinked open and she looked up to see Eris slip carefully into the den and she felt a small sense of relief. At least she had a healer with her. She felt bad for just a split second for making the equally pregnant fea walk out here to her den, but that was quickly pushed away as the strongest contraction so far swept over her, her teeth clenching and toes curling from the pain. "Eris," she rasped as the contraction faded, leaving her panting lightly. All the glamor and glow of pregnancy didn't seem so attractive now that she was laying in pain, her pups forcing their way out into the world.

She rested her head on the ground, trying her best to let the contractions take their course. She could feel the first of her litter making its debut and she pulled herself up, making herself set aside her own pain to clean up her first pup. A little ball of white fur with russet markings like her own under the pup's eyes and on its ears. A girl. A lovely little girl. Euphrosyne breathed a sigh of relief as her daughter cried out for the first time. Quickly nudging the pup to her side, she checked on her one last time before the contractions took over again, making her gasp from the shock. She laid down once more, panting hard from the exertion.



10-29-2013, 06:56 PM
The girl would enter the world silently...but only for a moment. Soon enough others would expect her to have come out of her mother's womb screaming like a banshee. No, the girl would enter the world with as much grace as she could. Aside from that things were covering her, things she could not see for at the moment she could not see at all nor hear. But the pup could feel, being the first born of the litter the pup would have to figure out what to do. She would lay there for a moment in the anonymous substances until a warm tongue came to clean her off. As soon as she would be cleaned off would the girl finally let out a cry. She would then let out a squeak as her nose brought her crawling to her mother's teats.

Reaching the warm soft belly fur of her mother the pup would start to suckle as she would greedily latch on. The warmth of the den comforted her, along with the nice little niche her mother made that could easily fit her and her siblings. The girl would stay awake though and feed as she would surrender to sleep later; for now she would enjoy her first few moments of life outside the womb for it held many opportunities for the girl with a clean slate, soon to be covered in scratches.


10-31-2013, 06:56 PM
At the greeting of the other, the woman pushed into the den, briskly moving to her side and dropping the herb bundle on the ground. Nosing it apart, she pushed some herbs to help relieve pain and give her strength towards the dame, and began to nose her patient. It wouldn't be long now, it seemed this labor would be relatively quick. Standing over her paitent, she paitently waited.

Though it must have felt like years to Euphrosyne, it wasn't long till she pushed a small bundle into the world. Watching with a gentle, nod, the healer looked on as she cleaned her pup, waiting for it to settle before inspecting her with her nose. "A healthy one here, Euphrosyne." She commented with a smile. Watching the pup greedily nurse on it's mother. A fine addition she would be to the ranks, though she wondered where Isardis was, and why he wasn't her gloating about his new additions.

-short crap post = no muse -