
And an angel has returned


10-26-2013, 07:58 PM

Vahva stretched her muscles where she stood at the bay. Her tongue rolling over her mouth, showing glistening white teeth. It was far about time that she had returned to the lands of Alacritis. After a year of a fairly interesting adventure, the lady was far more proper than one would have assumed her to be a while ago. Though after her short spell as a leader, she had even gained the experience she had wanted to create a pack in the first place. Now it was about time to meet those she had been scattered about, specially since she would be telling Valhalla she was back, but not returning to be within their ranks.
Vahva shook her head, bright mane throwing off flecks of water as she looked at her reflection. She wondered if her mother would be proud of her, if all her family would. After all the sadness, and being a slave for a small portion of her life. It nearly seemed like she was apathetic to the world. Though her mentality was only slightly derived from the bastards who had caused it. And in the end she had healed those men, had made them respectable. She had gained a friend, and story fit for herself. A shaman, a queen, a leader, as it all was. She had returned to Alacritis and was ready to fight.



10-26-2013, 11:33 PM
ooc//I'm gonna go ahead and make this so it's after the war. Idk what'll happen though should something happen to him in the war though XD No idea what injuries he's sustained so i'm just gonna wing it for now XD

War was fresh upon his mind, and the young man was glad that it was finally over. He had done what he could, though he wanted to push the memories as far back as possible. Seeing the dead body of the former Valhallan sent a shudder down his spine, thankful that he at least got out alive. His face was bruised, and he had several other marks across his body as a result of the war. However, he was always full of spunk and an air of flare about him. No matter what, happened, Tidus would always be his natural kid at heart. Mismatched dark legs would carry the warrior across his Eastern territories. Wanting to get away and take a breather from the quietness and the tensities. Taurig had taken with him, a woman from Glaciem...though he knew not what the relation was yet. But for her to come willingly, was strange to Tidus and it put him on edge. He wasn't sure if he could trust her, as much as his trusting personality was, he just couldn't help but feel a gut suspicion.

He made his way towards the waters of Fontamo Bay, stepping into the cool waters and allowed it to wash over his paws. It seemed to wash the weariness and soreness in his pads, the soreness from moving so quickly in battle. He stood there for a moment, thinking about how in such a short time he had come to play such a role within the lands of Alacritis. He gazed off into the distance, remembering to when he first the North, he had met an interesting character, her elctrified blue mane an interesting feature. Sighing, he wondered where she had disappeared to. He hadn't seen her since then, but he never forgot about her. With a swish of his tail, he turned to start his walk back to his pack, and then he would see a figure in the nar distance. Ears perked and his eyes narrowed to try and see better, and the glint of the sun would shine upon her glorious blue mane. His eyes widened in amazement and realization then, and instantly his tail would wag and from a standstill to a full charge he rushed towards her.

A huge smile printed itself onto his face, spreading practically from ear to ear as he recognized who he had just seen. Tail wagged madly, and his spring went unstopped as he called out the closer he got. "VAHVA!!!" his voice cried out with uncontained excitement, tongue hanging out as he came upon her in a full glomping tackle. The pair would fall to the ground, and Tidus excitedly began to cover her in friendly licks. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!?" he cried, his tail thumping the ground and waving madly in the air.



10-27-2013, 12:09 PM

Vahva could notice the man coming before he hit her, back up she couldn't stop him from pulling them too the ground. Though sudden anger filled the woman up, as she by instinct locked her paws on his shoulders and gave a heavy growl, despite his licks. After wiggling herself from underneath him, she glared at him with red eyes, not giving him a friendly one at that. Even as she began to recognize who it was, a small sigh escaped her lips shaking the small fear that entered her body for those moments. She mustn't show weakness, it was something she had ejected from herself when she was a leader. It was the one thing she was afraid of though, those moments in a tiny cave, kept from ever seeing the sunlight with her little companion of a girl. Vahva's blue mane now covered in the sand that had been splayed onto it made a small flick of her tail. "Someone of more knowledge wouldn't approach like that." She said with a hint of venom within her tones. The lady straightened herself as she faced the boy, he was littered with wounds. Tilting her head to one side she gave a small sigh.
"It's a long story.....who are you again?" Vahva didn't mean to seem so mean, she simply just didn't remember the names of those she had met here. Because, of all the events that had transpired, it took her a moment but she realized who she was talking to. "Tidus? Well, it's a face I haven't seen in some time." She gave a scoff, the way she stood, it was like she was totally different. Vahva wasn't used to being below others now, it made her feel odd, and in a position where she could not protect what was dear to her.



10-30-2013, 02:51 AM

The pale boy would disentangle himself when a released growl told him she disliked the sudden attention he had placed upon her. He moved away, standing as she did and stared at her now with a guarded look. This was the Vahva he had met upon arriving in Alacritis, though something about her seemed completely different. His ears flicked back as she made her first comment, his eyes looking hurt as the venom in her words stung him. He probably shouldn't have greeted her the way he did, but truth was that's how he was. Though he had matured, he would never get rid of his playful childish side. And though at times people would find it annoying, it was also something that people loved about him. Ozz sure did. It was then that he stared at the ground, wondering if he should just leave this woman be and return home. But it had been so long since he had seen the blue maned beauty, and though her eyes showed much change he couldn't bring himself to just leave and pretend like they didn't know each other.

His head would pick up as she spoke again, asking who he was. With a slight frown, he took a breath and would make to answer...but she had beat him to it. "Tidus? Well, it's a face I haven't seen in some time." he would incline his head in a more formal greeting. His eyes showing slight hope and the smallest of smiles appearing on his face. He had a look that hid the hurt of her initial reaction to him, but he would not delve further into it and instead replied. "'s me, Tidus." His tail wagged very slightly, almost unnoticeably in fact. He looked her over for a brief minute, noting that she had indeed changed...unless he had just forgotten entirely who she was before. It had been a whole year since he had last seen her, and wondered if there was anything at all the same with her. She was just as serious now, as she had been back then...questioning why he was playing in the frigid waters. Did she forget who he was? "It has been a while. Uh...sorry for greeting you like's just, been a long time since I've seen you and I guess I got overly excited. I forgot how serious you were before, guess it didn't change huh?" he'd look at her after saying what he did, an apologetic look in his eyes as he tried to smile. He felt that maybe she did forget, and maybe she wanted nothing much to do with him since he still had that immaturity within him. But to him, it wasn't a bad thing to have fun every now and escape for a moment, the problems of the world.



10-30-2013, 03:24 AM

Vahva hadn't entirely lost herself within the confines of the cold north, but the queen was far less used to this situation. She hadn't been on good terms with men, not as of late anyway. Not until she made them into fine young men who protected and wished nothing more then to seek forgiveness for the things they had done. Vahva had been locked in a dark place, and rose up on top. But, it wouldn't be the same here, she knew that. She had confidence though that as enough for her. If there was one thing that did change about her through the year though, it was that the naive part of her had left. She was far less irritated, and far less likely to question the acts of another unless it somehow effected her. Which led to the memory of meeting Tidus. The boy had swam in freezing cold waters, only to led to her speaking to him about her plans to create a pack. Her plans to be in Valhalla until the time came when she had gained the experience she needed. Well, she had been a queen, then and now as she felt like it. More or less nearly no one knew about her here. With the exception of Killian and Tidus of course. And for those within Valhalla, she could hardly remember their names, if they knew her at all.
She couldn't help but to pull a small smile on her face, it wasn't much of one, but it was one all the same. As she raised her head to her usual stance, the one she was used to standing over others. Her ears flicked, did he smell of Tortuga? "And what has become of my furry friend. Tortuga didn't seem like the kind of pack you would join, or have you change your alliance somehow?" Vahva asked curiously. As she refused to sit on her haunches, standing full height across from him. Now that they were both fully grown, they were nearly the same size as each other. Tidus being a bit taller, due to the fact that both of Vahva's parents had evened her out. Her mother had only been twenty four inches, while her father of the larger size. Either way the bastard didn't regret her life one bit now, unlike she had then. "I wouldn't really describe it as serious, just realistic to the situation I was in when the time called for it." No she didn't know him very well. She would not share her strife's with him, not now at least. She just wanted to know what had happened with the packs. And why he was littered with the wounds like he was.
"At least you aren't trying to freeze yourself in a pool of ice cold water this time." Vahva chuckled, finally relaxing slightly as she sat down on her haunches. Honestly what was on her mind right now was her little companion. And if the men were treating her well, from when they were first together she was not in good shape. Itu had been terrified, and Vahva had turned into her moon shining over her. The midnight dame with white underneath her had her red eyes flick over Tidus. Dearly how had she missed something so important. It seemed more changed in a year than one could ever know. After all, it was a long time for a wolf.



10-30-2013, 04:03 AM

The male watched curiously as to how the woman he had met before would react to his apologies. Or to how she would react at all to him. He had come to the conclusion that she changed in the time he hadn't seen her, that much was evident in the way she held herself as she stood at her full height. He lightened up a little, as seemingly she would begin to smile a little. His own black tipped tail wagged a little more, and ears perked forward then as she spoke. He blinked a few times, head tilting at an angle as she asked him a strange question. Had he changed his alliance? He was slightly confused by the question until it dawned on him that Tortuga had once been under the rule of another before Taurig. More darker aligned, a pack that would not have suited him before..."Do I look like a bad guy? Honestly, what would I do in a pack of dark hearted wolves?" he looked in her eyes, and it was clear to him that she had no idea of the goings on in Alacritis. Just how long exactly had she disappeared to? With a slightly more serious tone, he would answer her unsaid questions. "Tortuga had disbanded, more then once I think before I showed up. It's now under the rule of Taurig, one of the best leaders the lands has to offer. He abandoned his former Glaciem pack, ruled by his cold hearted father, don't want to go near them. It's a harem pack, any women going near the area are forced into it. That pack has caused a lot of trouble since he came into power. Because of his pride, a war broke out over something stupid with Valhalla. And it's affected all the packs. Amenti has grown very hostile as well, full of power hungry women just as bad as Isardis. They allied, and declared war on Valhalla. Then Valhalla sought the help of Tortuga, and's not something I'd ever want to experience again. At least not in a war over nothing, needless bloodshed and wolves risking their lives to protect their home, and for what? He won't stop until he gets what he wants...or until he's dead." Tidus' voice would begin to grow more serious, his eyes casting with a darker shadow that was never seen in his vibrant joyful gaze. "The lands are in turmoil, the Glaciem pack and his Armada family are power hungry fiends, most of them anyway, and they won't stop until their pride is satisfied. Amenti and Glaciem also hold prisoners, taking the lives of those who refuse to obey or those who try to leave. Taurig, is one of the rare ones from the dark aligned family that has a good heart. He didn't even fight back against his father who sought to maim him, his own son. If there's any advice I can give, I'd say watch your back and stay away from both of them...Canttina and Isardis, and most everyone from their packs will trick you."

After answering her questions, he would gaze at her as she spoke again, though he'd merely shake his head in response, telling her it was okay. He would relax more as she did, his guard fading as he too sat upon his haunches and curling his aching tail around his black socked legs. His body felt so sore still, and at the mention of the icy water he would chuckle in response. "In all honesty, I do want nothing more then to be in cold water. Just so I could numb the pain and aches. That war took a lot out of me, out of all of us...especially Valhalla. Many of their own got taken during the war, and are now prisoners in Glaciem. One Valhallan was killed before anyone could help him...ambushed by Isardis and his mate. I assume that was his calling card to start the bloodshed." Tidus would shake his head slightly, as if trying to clear his head from the images of blood and the terrified cries of wolves fearing for their lives. The after effects had left him feeling shaken up, and nightmares would begin their ravaging attacks on a regular basis now...waking him in the dead of night. He took a breath to clear his mind, blue gaze seemingly troubled, but he would make an attempt to hide it as he returned his attention to her. "You've missed a lot more then what I can tell you...but I can tell you more later. Tell me, where did you disappear to?" he was curious as to what had happened to the woman. Obviously she had been gone for a long time considering she didn't know what had been going on recently. He wondered too, if it had anything to do with the changes he saw in her...



10-30-2013, 04:43 AM

The girl was very keen on listening, in taking in everything. Her birth pack had an enemy, what had happened to the old Glaciem that she knew of? Glaciem, and Amenti, sounded like the world she was forced to live in for a few months before taking power. The thought of blood through war came to mind, she had been lucky enough to avoid getting into fights with other packs in the northern area. Besides, half of them were set on surviving, since it was a place where it never stopped snowing. So even in the cool fall weather, Vahva felt as if it was a large break from the harsh cold of her former home. One where she would never let the experience leave her. Nothing could thwart that from her, even if they tried to force it off of her. With the information he had shared, perhaps it was best if she did share her story. Her heart went out to those being held prisoner in the pack. If anything, she had half the mind to take charge once more. But it was far too soon for that, she needed to get the lay of the land. She needed to speak with the leaders, and make sure no news of her plans caught the others. There was always a chance of a crown being taken, as well as given, Vahva could have been so lucky, but at the same time the queen had other thoughts.
She dipped her head in silence for the one of Valhalla whom had lost his life within this war. Her tail curled around her haunches as she promptly watched the boy, many considered it uncomfortable. But when she spoke, or listened to someone, she kept total eye contact with them. Perhaps the intimidating part was on the behalf of the blood that had pooled around her paws. She listened to the story of his alpha though, he really was an interesting man. Vahva had heard stories like this before, but all before had struck their parents down promptly. Perhaps he was one not to step below those who he considered in the wrong. After all, the main thing about the world was perspective, she had seen it herself. After living with men of the kind for ages, ones who seemed to just not give a fuck about the world. Well she had given them a reason, she had made them want to live for something. After Itu took over, everything had settled, and there were more members then just the brothers in the pack. Thank god the king had died, the bastard had it coming to him. Though Vahva couldn't be caught dead saying that about a former leader. Even if he was horrible, she condemned him, for protecting her and Itu when one of the men nearly chewed their heads off of their spines.
"My heart goes out to those who are prisoners in this farce. I have been placed in the same position for a few months. A man by the name of Oddity came to take my life, it seemed like he was on a hunt considering the amount of bodies he had killed before. Though I was able to escape, and with that I fled to the north, the far north. Where it never stopped snowing, it took nearly all my energy to swim there." She paused, getting up she inched closer to him and sat down again. She was rather far away from him since she jumped out after all. "I was kidnapped, me and another female by the name of Itu. There was a pack there who was ruled by a king who didn't really care about his sons. He had many of them, and they all had their own problems to share considering their hate for the fact they had different mothers. I was held in a small cave of ice, where they would take constant rounds in beating me and Itu. I was the only one the girl had, and she was dearly frightened. It was a dark place for some time." Vahva gave a sigh, she was a queen now, she could feel it in her veins. If she could not lead those who were broken, she would stay a rogue, for the thought of serving another scared her slightly. "After some time though, the men started to open up to us. After the king stopped them from beheading me and Itu they shared their pains and all their memories. I can say for myself they were simply the result of a sad mistake that their father had made in the thirst for power. Soon the king took ill, and I seized the opportunity and gained leadership of the pack. Itu as my right hand woman. I was a queen under the title of Shaman, since I could not only fight, but my knowledge of herbs is on par with even the most best of healers. So I took to shaping the new pack, I gave the men a reason to live, a reason to serve and once enemies soon became quick allies. After some time I felt restless, leaving the pack in the hands of my friend Itu. I came back here." And that was a sum up of what happened throughout her hectic year.
Vahva gave a smile the queen lowering her head towards the man. "I will not be joining any of the packs this time. Not unless I am taking power of them, and I will not cause trouble for Tortuga or Valhalla and their allies. Considering all that they have been through. I may either challenge for one of the ice packs you speak of or start my own. It all depends on how time sets in." She told him. Her tail flicked back and forth, wondering if he was dearly loyal to Tortuga. She wouldn't hold it against him or be surprised. After all she had been a bit foolish back then. But her ambitions were still the same now, just she could not handle being in a pack unless she was the one to be organizing it. Otherwise it would not turn out well for her.



11-07-2013, 06:49 PM
ooc//Sorry for crappy post T^T

The boy listened intently, not missing a heartbeat of a word as his old friend spoke. He sat in silence the entire time, a train of thoughts running through his mind at the mention of her becoming a slave with someone else and being beaten on a constant basis. He shuddered at the thought, though on a glance at her she didn't seem to be affected by it. From what he could see anyway. If anything, she seemed to have just gotten stronger from the experiences. He was intrigued by the journey she had been through. And at the mention of the name Oddity, he gazed at her sharply with his left eye. The whole time he had been talking to her, he had kept his head at an angle, hiding his damaged and scarred right eye from her sights. He himself was still unused to it...and he cursed the glaciem bitch who had done this to him. He risked himself for his own king, and that was good enough since Taurig was able to walk away unharmed with the ice demons sister. It's what that bastard gets. he thought bitterly.

He gave her a respected nod then when she finished speaking. As he sat upon his haunches he would keep his eye upon her, noting the drastic change that she had undergone since her departure. He wondered if she knew that Oddity was a part of Glaciem...he had seen him in battle against his Alphas, and ended up meeting the same fate as Tidus. "Well, it sounds like you've been through alot...that's quite a story, but i'm glad you're free and that you've managed to change an entire pack in the process. As for me? I have a mate now, her name is Ozz. A former pack member of the Amenti under Canttina's rule. And of course I told you about the war already...not many got out unscathed if at all."



11-08-2013, 09:34 PM

Thoughts filled the girls head as she lowered it, pulling her tongue over her muzzle. She noticed the wound on his eye though, the one that wasn't there anymore. And the Shaman made a frown, she stood up and approached giving a gentle lick to it. "At least your alive aren't you? Ozz certainly should be happy. Even if you are missing an eye." She was not stupid. Having to deal with around seven men who would constantly get hurt, the shaman knew what she was doing. Though, all his wounds seemed well taken care of. She was curious about this Ozz character. She used to belong to that ice queen didn't she? So what made the lass change her mind?
"Tell me about Ozz, she came from Amenti didn't she?" She asked politely. It was obvious Vahva was feeling far more comfortable. Though her leader like qualities were already showing. Affectionate towards Tidus, some could take it the wrong way, but it was just part of her kindness all together. Standing back a bit, she splayed herself out on her stomach. She could guess he wouldn't count to her followers anymore. Unless somehow Ozz wanted to go with him. They had a deal, but hearts changed.
